Yes, You Should Advertise Now For That Fall and Winter Trade You. Need To Boost Your Business Home Folks As Weil As Ail OtherB Interested In Ocean Grove; Should Read The Times Regularly Vol. XXXII—No. 42 OCEAN GROVE, N. J., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1924 F O U R C E N T S PUSHING OPERATIONS ON A NEW HOSPITAL FOR MANASQUAN RIVER BRIDGE IN POLITICS GAS INDUSTRY ADVISES JOHNSON TO PERSISTENT ADVERTISING A large gang of men is now at work , COUNTY Y.i. C. on the Manasquan river bridge be- ! Keeping everlastingly at it is the DISABLED VETERANS tween Point Pleasant and Brielle. j AS A SERMON THEME 0 Forms are in place for the concrete i .LEAVE .CPJJ GROVE TELLS ACTIVITIES span on the south side of tho river, ! ...0 — — uv»».iirollb iiiuulj .ncu- LOCATION TO BE SELECTED kept open to allow a secondary chan- j FAIR SEX ARE TO BE TOLD nesday before the American Gas As­ n et flow near the PointPninf Pleasant 'net WILL SEVER RELATIONS AT sociation convention a t' Atlantic. City BY COMMITTEE shore. Piledriving is started at the WHERE THEY BELONG by James' M. Bennett, of the United AT A CONVENTION .DINNER main channel for1 the big draw span NEXT CONFERENCE Gas Improvement Company of Phila­ which is to go there. Railings have delphia, • IN.ASBURY PARK Will Investigate Any Site Off#- been built on the edges of the fill, “Publicity and advertising are tools ? , which was made more than half way Members Of Ocean Grove Wom­ Says the Unsurpassed Kindness of ed, But Favor Tracts Of Land across the river by carting in trucks the sand taken from the canal two an ’s Club Will Be Guests, of a Great and Good People Will industry and. its policies and nroh-!prob-, 0ceaIl I s Named a Mem­ Comprising Not Less Than 600 winters ago. lems to the public,” Mr. Bennett said, j The old bridge is now so rickety th at Honor At/ Grove Church This Go Wit/h Him As One of the "You can’t measure their effectiveness j Acres/Within Some 60 miles Of cars are warned not to try to pass with a slide rule or submit the results I ber of Commitl’ee For the Tbree- another car going the same direction Sunday Evening—Pastor John­ Most Pleasant Memories Of His to a formula or expect something.! New York—Propose To Build and to keep down to ten miles an definite to be accomplished in a cer-1 Year Period—Boys Have Part hour. This bridge was pushed out of son Preached Last Lord’s Day Public life—Desire To Move tain period of time. Best N, P. Hospital In Country. shape by slides of dirt from the new “Only by keeping everlastingly at In the Program and Detail bridge fill alonside it. Morning On “Jesus Only.” Expressed Last Summer. it and hammering away with facts Their Share of the Work. Disabled veterans suffering from will the goal he reached. The same 1 mental disorders residing in District CLUB WOMEN INVITED TO “Woman’s place in politics.” At the quarterly conference of St. thing is true of sales stimulation or This is the subject on which Rev. Paul’s M. E. Church last Friday even­ any other activity where publicity and i , EAvard M. Willis, of Ocean Grove No. 2, of the United States Veterans’ VISIT DECORATIVE EXHIBIT Bureau, will have a modem one- G. S. Johnson will preach the coming ing, District Superintendent Wagg pre­ advertising are concerned.” I “las appointed .»a membertnviiiuci ofui theluc Sundny. evening from his pulpit in St. AfterA lter explainingexnlninififr thatHin'f thet-Vi« gas in­ I three-yearthl'iie-vear committeeffimmiHno of the Mon? thousand-bed hospital ;at their dispos­ Mrs. Howard Green, the State chair­ siding, Rev. George S. Johnson, the al, as a committee, composed of Gen­ man of art of the New Jersey State Paul’s church. In view of the ap­ pastor, said in his written report that dustry was recruiting many newspa­ mouth County Y. M. C. A., the an­ eral George Albert Wingate, Dr. proaching election the place of women he desired his pastorate to terminate per men for interpreting that industry nual convention, of which body was Federation of Women's Clubs, has ex­ to the public, Mr. Bennett emphasized Henry A. Cotton and Dr. Thomas W. tended to all club women of the State in politics is a seasonable and reason­ with the present conference year. held last Friday evening in the Met­ Salmon, is busy investigating sites of­ able topic. Not to say anything of the In his letter to th a t end, and which the fact that there is just as definite ropolitan hotel. Asbury Park. Paul C. an invitation to visit the annual exhi­ interest therein. a technique in publicity and advertis­ fered. bition of the arts-in-Trades Club a t the he road, Rev. Johnson said: Taylor, of Belmar, presided at the Several weeks ago General Frank j Waldorf-Astoria^hotel, Monday, Octo- Members of the Ocena Grove Wom­ “In addition to my report,- I beg ing work as there is chemistry or the dinner. The committees announced engineering profession, a technique are: T. Hines, Director of the United her 20th, and Friday, October 31st. an’s Club will be honor guests at this leave to submit the following: 1 States Veterans' Burealu, appointed service. A double quartette will ren­ , “I desire that my pastorate in St that must be learned in the newspaper One Year—Harry R. Cooper, Belmar; Presentation of the club membership office. this committee, with the request, that card will admit any club woman these der appropriate selections. All women Paul’s terminate with the present Campion Dangler, Spring Lake; Ell- it look into available sites within , a days. of the community are invited to this conference year. This is no hasty con­ wood Douglass, Freehold; W. D, service. Fields, Colts Neck; William A. Gas- radius of some sixty miles of New A t this exhibition will be seen clusion, but my deliberate judgment. I MILK BOTTLE WiELDED BY York. Many sites have been offered, Last Sunday morning Rev. Johnson so expressed my wish to Bishop Berry sin,. Belmar; E. H. Geran, Matawan; brought together under the direction DOMESTIC PEACE DISTURBER Samuel Hanson, Theodora B. Lewis, and they are being carefully consid­ of leading professional decorators the preached on “Jesus Only.” He em­ last June. The service I have render­ ered by the committee. ployed as his text the passage from ed is far from. portect, for which io William C. Patterson, Freehold. work of the country’s most talented When an argument over some do­ ■ Two .Years—J. F. Talcott, Sea “The committee will investigate any artists, craftsmen and designers en­ Matthew’s gospel, seventeenth chap­ one has greater regrets than myself. ter and eighth verse, “And when they I' have only the deepest good-will for mestic matter arose dt the St. El- Bright; E. A. S. Clarke, Sea Bright; site offered,” said General Wingate gaged in making the art of interior ,, , .- , v. ------- —? j nio hotel last Saturday and Louise yesterday, but it must be remembered had lilted up their eyes, they saw no the church, and predict a groat future. BHWon one of tho L.0,^rcd H. R. Dwight, Rumson; John Hall, decoration a vital factor in our homes. colored servants!' Freehold; J. N. Hillyer, Middletown; that the committee is interested in Members of the Art-in-Trades Club man, save Jesus only.” The preacher Tor nearly four years I have had | becaniu’ ( el.ous . tracts of land comprising not less than said in part: . tne opportunity of ministering to a ■- ■ Officer William i H- w - Buck, Marlboro; William M. will be present at all times to answer ' Catlev was ca'lled from police head-1 Smith, Freehold; Howard Woodward, 500 acres, situated rather close to New questions. “Tlie message of the text is that great and good people, and have never York City with proper transportation nothing must come between us and ceased to wonder at your patience : quarters to silence the disturber. »e ‘T-ewwont; t Osborne, Keyport. did! But, while the silencing was go­ facilities. FOREIGN MISSIONARY BOARD, Jesus. Whatever helps Us the better and 'loyalty. Your unsurpassed kind­ Three ■ Years- “We have had many sites suggest­ to visualize and understand Him we ness during my six months of illness ing on—zam'.—Louise . whacked the ed, and are investigating them all. Wo WILL MEET AT PITTSBURGH may employ, but whatever tends to will ever go with me as one of the officer over the jiead with a milk bot­ desire to recommend to General Hines push Him into, tho background and it­ most pleasant memories of my public tle and saturated his nice new uni­ , —. „. McMurtie,. The annual meeting of the Board self dominate our worshipful gaze life. ■ form with a kettle of boiling water. Freehold;. C. V. Shropshire, Sea the use of a plot of ground which will Hot stuff! > give the veterans of New York, New of Foreign Missions of the Methodist and thought is a distortion of true , “If you will accept this request in Bright; S. C. Stillwell, Freehold; Paul Jersey and Connecticut the best N. P. Episcopal Church will take place in worship. The reason of that is plain your characteristic spirit of forbear­ When tired from her exertions C. Taylor. Belmar, and E. M. Willis, hospital in the country, and,will take Emory Church, Pittsburgh, Mondny, to bo seen.
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