WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia final Report nnd Minutes Fortieth Session, Pyongyang, DPR Korea 15-21 Sep~ember1987 WORLD HEALTH 0RG.t-NEZATION Regional Offic; for South-East Asia New Delhi, No ember 1985 -. WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia Final Report and Minutes Fortieth Session, Pyongyang, DPR Korea 15-21 September 1987 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION Regional Office for South-East Asia New Delhi, November 1987 CONTENTS Page SECTION I - REPORT OF THE REGIONAL COMMITTEE INTRODUCTION PART I - RESOLUTIONS SEA/RC~O/RL Prevention and Control of AIDS in the South-East Asia Region SEA/RC~O/R~ Management of WHO'S Resources SEA/RC~O/R~ Information and Education for Health in Support of Health for All by the Year 2000 SEA/RC~~/R~Targeting for Reorientation of Medical Education for Health Manpower Development in the Context of Achieving Health for All by the Year 2000 sEA/Rc~O/R~ Intensification of PHC Through District Health Systems Towards Achieving Health for All by the Year 2000 SEA/RC~O/R~Method of Appointment of the Regional Director sEA/Rc~O/R~Thirty-ninth Annual Report of the Regional Director sEA/Rc~O/RB Selection of a Topic for Technical Discussions a. SEA/RCLO/R~ Resolution of Thanks sEA/R~40/R10 Time and Place of Forty-first and Forty-second Sessions s~A/RC40/Rll Detailed Programme Budget for 1988-1989 and Report of the Sub-Committee on Programme Budget Page v PART I1 - DISCUSSION ON THE THIRTY-NINTH AlRmAL REPORT OF THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR PART I11 - EXAMINATION OF THE DETAILED PROGR4KME BUDGET FOR 1988-1989 PART IV - DISCUSSION ON OTHER MATTERS Item 1. Review of the Draft Provisional Agenda of the Eighty-first Session of the Executive Board and of the Forty-first World Health Assembly 2. Method of Appointment of the Regional Director 3. Technical Discussions 4. Review of the Director-General's Introduction to the Proposed Programme Budget for 1988-1989 and the Comments of the World Health Assembly Thereon 24 5. WHO'S Public Image 24 6. AIDS 7. Drug Abuse 8. Intensification of the District Primary Health Care Action Plan 26 9. Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases: Report on the Joint Coordinating Board 10. Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction - Membership of the Policy and Coordination Advisory Committee 26 11. Consideration of Resolutions of Regional Interest Adopted by the World Health Assembly and i the Executive Board 27 12. Time and Place of Forthcoming Sessions of the Regional Committee 13. Selection of a Subject for the Technical Discussions to be held during the Forty-first Session 2 8 1. List of Participants 2. Agenda 3. Report of the Sub-Committee on Programme Budget 4. Recommendations Arising out of the Technical Discussions on Information and Education for Health in Support of Health for All by the Year 2000 5. Report of the Twelfth Meeting of the Consultative Committee for Programme Development and Management 6. List of Official Documents of the Fortieth Session SECTION I1 - MINUTES OF THE SESSION 1. First Meeting, 15 September 1987, 9.00 a.m. 2. Second Meeting, 15 September 1987, 2.30 p.m. 3. Third Meeting, 16 September 1987, 9.00 a.m. 4. Fourth Meeting, 16 September 1987, 2.30 p.m. 5. Fifth Meeting, 18 September 1987, 9.00 a.m. 6. Sixth Meeting, 18 September 1987, 2.30 p.m. 7. Seventh Meeting, 21 September 1987, 9.00 a.m. SECTION I REPORT OF THE REGIONAL COMMITTEE' 'originally issued as "Draft Final Report of the Fortieth Session of the WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia", document SEA/RC40/23, on 20 September 1987. INTRODUCTION The Fortieth Session of the Regional Committee for South-East Asia was held in Pyongyang, Democratic People-s Republic of Korea, from 15 to 21 September 1987. The inaugural session, which was attended by representatives from ten Member States of :he Region, the United Nations Development Programme and UNICEF, as well as three nongovernmental organizations having official relations with WHO, was held at the People-s Cultural Palace. The subsequent plenary sessions were held at the Koryo Hotel. The session was declared open by Dr Uthai Sudsukh, Chairman of the Thirty-ninth Session, and was then addressed by Mr Li Jong Ryul, Minister of Public Health, DPR Korea; Dr H. Mahler, Director-General of WHO; and Dr U KO KO, Regional Director for South-East Asia Region, WHO. Mr Chong Jun Gi, Vice-Premier of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, inaugurated the meeting. A Sub-committee on Credentials, consisting of representatives from Bangladesh, Mongolia and Nepal was appointed. The representative from Mongolia, Dr Sh. Jigjidsuren, was elected Chairman of the Sub- committee, whlch held two meetings and presented its reports (SEA/RC40/20 and Add. I), based on which the Regional Committee recognized the validity of the credentials presented by all the representatives. The Regional Committee elected the following office-bearers: Chairman ... Dr Kim Yong Ik (DPR Korea) Vice-chairman .. Or R. Hapsara (Indonesia) The Committee reviewed the draft provisional agenda of the Eighty- first Session of the Executive Board and of the Forty-first World Health Assembly (SEA/RC40/6), and then adopted its own provisional agenda and supplementary agenda (SEA/RC40/1 Rev.1). It established a Sub-committee on Programme Budget consisting of representatives from all Member States present, and adopted its terms of reference (SEA/RC40/4). Under the chairmanship of Dr Joe Fernando (Sri Lanka), the Sub-committee held three meetings and submitted a report (SEA/RC40/21), which was endorsed by the Regional Committee (resolution SEA/RC40/RIl). 2 REPORT OF THE REGIONAL COMMITTEE The Committee elected Dr J. Norbhu (Bhutan) as Chairman of the technical discussions on Information and Education for Health in Support of Nealth For All by the Year 2000, and adopted the agenda for these discussions (SEA/RC40/5 and Add.1). The conclusions and recommendations arising out of these discussions (SEA/RC40/22), which were held on 17 September, were later presented to the Regional Committee, which endorsed the recommendations and adopted a resolution (SEAIRCLOIR3). The Committee decided to hold technical discussions on the subject of development of district health systems during its Forty-first Session. A sub-committee consisting of representatives from Bangladesh, DPR Korea, India, Maldives, Nepal and Thailand was formed to draft resolutions. In the course of seven plenary meetings, the Regional Committee adopted eleven resolutions, which have been issued separately in Pert I of this report. The Committee nominated Sri Lanka to the Policy and Coordinstion Advisory Committee of the Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction. The Committee decided to hoId its Forty-first Session at the Regional Office in New Delhi, India, and noted with appreciation the invitation of the Government of Indonesia to host the Forty-second Session in 1989. Parts 11, I11 and IV of this report are devoted to summaries of the Committeess discussions on important matters. REPORT OF THE REGIONAL COMMITTEE 3 PART I The following eleven resolutions were adopted by the Regional Committee (the references to the 'Handbook' are to the Handbook of Resolutions and Decisions of the WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia, seventeenth edition, 1948-1975, and its supplements): SEA/RCIU)/RI PPgWrrION AND UMTROL OF AIDS IN TBg SOUIREAST ASIA =ION The Regional Committee, Considering the global problem of AIDS, which has assumed pandemic proportions, and taking note of World Health Assembly resolution WHA40.26, Realizing that AIDS is no respecter of political or geographical boundaries, Recognizing that the low prevalence of AIDS in the countries of the South-East Asia Region is a favourable condition for containing the spread of the infection, Emphasizing that information and education on the prevention of AIDS and epidemiological surveillance of the population at risk are the most important activities to be undertaken by the countries of this region, Understanding the potential risk of transmission of AIDS through the use of non-sterile syringes and needles, blood and blood products, and Noting that mandatory screening of international travellers, migrant labourers and emigrants can only marginally help prevent the spread of the infection, 1. APPROVES the Regional Plan of Action for Prevention and Control of AIDS, which is in conformity with the WHO global strategy for the prevention and control of AIDS; 2. RECORDS its appreciation of the efforts made by the Regional Director since 1985 for active collaboration with Member States in the prevention and control of AIDS despite financial constraints; 4 REPORT OF THE REGIONAL COMMITTEE 3. URGES Member States: (a) to formulate and/or implement national plans of action for facilitating the implementation of the Regional Plan of Action in the context of WHO global strategy for the prevention and control of AIDS; and (b) to share information on AIDS with the Organization as well as with Member States; and 4. REQUESTS the Regional Director: (a) to extend technical cooperation in the formulation and implementation of national plans for the prevention and control of AIDS; (b) to continue to liaise with other agencies for obtaining extrabudgetary resources for intensifying the activities of national programmes on AIDS, within the frame of the WHO Global Programme on AIDS; and (c) to promote and support research studies on the risk behaviour of populations, laboratory technology, counselling on AIDS, information and education for health (IEH) and social awareness and action. Handbook 5.1.6 Seventh Meeting, 21 September 1987 Page 35 SEA/RC40/Min.7 The Regional Commit tee, Reaffirming its commitment to the Health for All goal and strategies, and the value system implicit therein, Noting the progress made and obstacles to be overcome in attaining the goal of Health for All, Reviewing the issues and options presented in the Regional Committee document on 'Management of WHO'S Resources' and the practical implications thereof, and Taking into account the deliberations of this Committee on this subject, 1.
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