Missouri University of Science and Technology Scholars' Mine The Missouri Miner Newspaper Special Collections 30 Mar 1951 The Missouri Miner, March 30, 1951 Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/missouri_miner These newspapers reflect the attitudes, perspectives, and beliefs of different times. Neither the library nor the university endorses the views expressed in these collections, some of which contain images and language which may be offensive to some readers. Recommended Citation "The Missouri Miner, March 30, 1951" (1951). The Missouri Miner Newspaper. 1384. https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/missouri_miner/1384 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Missouri Miner Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact [email protected]. St. Louis Miners Place Engineqs Club THE MISS MINfR Fifth At -OURI Indoor In cr eases Membershlp ~efehot of .1lli,,ae.~ Track Meet VOLUME 37 ROLLA , MO. , FR IDAY , MARCH 30, 19 51 NUMBER 2 1 .. OJledlhat ,.,hl~on Wil! ~ MSM 1 INTERNATIONALMENU Doubles Membership in ISTUDENT HONORSTO BE ar!h : po~;~;i~;t: ;;~ e in nature i:::: ATTHE INTERNATIONALI ll~eetinglhe~ [WARDED AT ASSEMBLYshow at the Uptown The- Annual Meeting of ASEE .. Onst:itutionot Engineer•s Club of St. Lo uis I . ' . otr e Wedne sday even ing, FELLOWSHIPBANQUET Th e A ssemb h es Comm itt ee JS ti. 'PProl'e<Ibi April 4, 1951. Th e admi s- 1-------- e ts. Thesemen Club To Hold Joint ---- compilin g th e mate ri al fo r th e sion w ill be the usual 10c Food a nd da nces o f many na - At Columbia April 7 ,~• G. L.Aud. 1 4 Meeting April 17 1 A.SME Banquet Will pr~ g::::; s for ct!; v!:;~:~ ~~rul : i~: = ~ i=:::~e ' R.F. Cobb ~r~~~:~ ,~~t r:: !:~;tI~~ = r~:t~:n~~~ ~;~:~ :! ::: Big Contingent From I h, J. W. Fink: Feature Excellent w hich i s to b e pr ese n te d in April " W!lkC lsl!lnd " starring yea r. Th e Int ern a tional F ell ow - Black Forest Scene Th ere are 105 MSM students Faculty Expected !enwaJt, N, R S k f JU h All honors , s cholarships , awards, William Bendix an d Rob- ship w ill pres ent this gals e vent aa d gr aduat es listed as members ler, l!. L p· pea er rom • Tee pri zes, etc . which h ave be en e rt Preston . Ticke ts !lre a t 6:30 p .m. , Sunda y April 8 , in Of Triangle Party For Education Talks i.n th e 1950 year book of .the ~n- . Frid 'hmid~ ·J. "~ ay e venin g, April 13 , 19~1 , grant ed durin g th e period April !lvailable fr om any of the the bas ement of th e Edwin Lon g 1 :ineers ' Club of St. LoUis. With 1s the dat e se t for th e comm g 1, 1950 to Apri l 1, 1951 are to Schler,R. L. be Dames. Hot el. The Rock Hou se has see n con- The Mi ssouri s ec tion of the applications still coming in 1 ASME banqu et. Although this included in this pro gram. '5, R. D. Zani The foods of many nations to siderab le festiviti es and such, American Soc iety for En gine<;r- Sleadily we have this week ar- may b e a da r k , unlucky day for The committ ee desires to make ~ Thesene, b e pre sented include: but the last week end in St . Louis ing Educ ation wi ll hold its ~D.- rived at the tota l of 105 new many, those attendin g th e ASME this program as compl ete as lo attend lht pos- Big Blow at Ca] Tech Turkish Pilav seems to have b ee n an unusual nual meeting on the University members from MSM st ud ent s banquet will be well prepared sib le. If any group, organization, eeting Whid Indian Puris and Suk.hi on e, to say the lea st. Bewilder- of Missour i campus at Colum- aad gradua tes. for any unforeseen ev ents. or individua l h as material which ~ 4. Applicatlo~ Air Speeds in Excess Bhaj i ment on the part of those not bia on April 7, in sess ion s joint- Of t~ e 105 MSM members list- The banquet is to b e he ld in should be included in this pro- . still opentc Of March 10 Obtained Spanish Salad a ttending was certain ly justifi- ly w ith th e Pr ogram for Im- ~ in th e 1950 yea rb ook 99 are the Edwin Long Ho tel. The tim e gram, but have not interested and already been A1;nerican Pie ab le : when German polk as and provem ent of Instruction in Mis- #['aduat es and 6 are stud en ts. Of will be announced at a later date contacted, it sho uld be r e ements. The, ported International Cof fee "Ach Du Lieber Augustein" take souri Co lleges and Universities. ilte 105 new members coming but will no doubt be 6:30 or 7:00 ! to Mr . W. J . Jensen, Room 100 Ther the Ii~ Po,ttj e's mor e than a tempe st in Here is the chance for yo u to charge of the second floor land- It is expected that a lar ge gro up a 61 are g raduat es and 44 ar e p.m . P lea se consult future pub- Norwood Hall (Assemblies com- I NorwOOdHal a teapot of th e Cal Tec h campus enjoy the son gs and dances of ing it's not only hard on the of the Mis souri Schoo l of Mines stud en ts . Th is mak es a current licity, the bullet in boards etc. , mitt ee ), as soon as po ssibl e. evenson,Cha ir these days. I n a hyp er sonic wind other countries while you eat. wils, but the plaster, too . The faculty will attend this meeting. iota! of 160 ,graduates and 50 to find out th e correct time . - - - --- - tunne tJliP.Committet l there , sp eeds of mor e than Some "surprises" w ill also be explanation was a simple one, Th e one-day meeting wi ll ope n :,tudents , making a grand tota l w_e are extr eme ly fortunate ~n rsoc1.aJmeeUn, A(CffETO HAVE ATOMICten times the vel oc ity of sound present ed during the evening. h owever . Some of the boys and with r egi o{ 210. havmg an excellent sp eaker m stration in the Engi- t wasPlanned, a re obt a ined . Tick ets for thi s ev ent m ay be th e ir d at es s pent Saturda y night n eering Building beginning at ·e as the SJ>eak. K.olla Now Has 64 Club Members Dr. J oh n T. R ettaliata. Dr. Ret- ENGINEERFORJC~ Pow ered principall y by Gener- r::e:~:~~:~! ; o;:1~:::i;:o~fo!~; ~: i:tli:~k o:~;~s:in:: 8:30 a.m ., and will close with an 1. Amon g the 64 club m emb ers taliat a is curr entl y a ~~~:~~:s!~~ profe ssor a.I Elec tric mot ors , th e new tun - . cen ts . Th e nu mber of ticke ts South Sid e G erm 85 an b ee r hall , informa l dinner at 6 o' clo ck that :~f~; : :fnYe :i: :!~: ) ~~?~ iOto t:it;::~i~~~1r:i~:::: :;: e:i :~ i~\f~:~i:¥f~~:o!t:~~ :~~~~ sl:ti. ::·tf E:{~::~r.~:i~;: i~i: ~te:o~; ::s::v~:i::in ob- ~t ~i~~~~:~ : d o:i~~ ~· i::1~/p;~ w~~ sional en g inee r, nam ely, Mr . too k a por tlon of h~s grad.uate Oak Ridg e , Tenn. , will addr ess excess ~::~1::~~~~:::i~:~~~ - of March 10 , a Mac h n um- pa rt y w as four -pi tcher-M as on , m or nin g, an d a se ri es of divi sion- Fr ank J . Bates . New mem ber s wo rk at J ohn Ho pk ins U mve r -1 .. t t· f th M S M ber of one r ep r ese n hng a speed IRED CROSS FlJRN(SHES close ly fo ll owe d by t hr ee -and- a- meet in gs is a rr ange d for th e af- fro m Roll a_ amon g t he 12 M SM I sity whe r e hea ls~ served as head : t; t~~: t :i : p~:; if th ee A~ erica~ equ a Rolla l to that of so un d at sea lev- ha lf-pi tc her-S chmi tt. te rnoon sess ion. S epara te pro - ri g raduates in clu de Har r y Bolon , of th e Mat h ma tl cs dcp~ rtm ~nt, I nstit ute of Ch emical En gin ee rs, el _ I approxima tel y 760-mph . HUGEPLASMA SUPPLY A ver y definit e vote of t hank s g r ams ar e a rran ge d for women Distr ict Eng ineer, )Ya ter Re- and instr ~cto r in engm:ermg. Alp ha Chi S ig ma, a nd Sigma Xi , The test se cti on of the tun nel goes to o ur S t.
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