21. Floridsdorf 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 19. 13 14 15 16 25 42 22. 40 Döbling 38 Donaustadt 20. 17. Hernals 18. Brigittenau Währing 9. Alsergrund 23 30 32 24 16. 27 227 8. 39 18 14. Ottakring Josefstadt 2. 28 33 34 30 Schottenring 31 Leopoldstadt Penzing 7. 35 371.36 41 Neubau Innere Stadt Neutorgasse 19 17 15. 29 3. Kolingasse 21 20 Landstraße 32 Rudolfsheim- 6. Votivkirche Mariahilf 4. Schottenring International Fünfhaus Wieden 5. Schottentor 24 Margarethen 227 Taborstraße Universität Wien 39 13. 11. Freyung organisations 18 Hietzing 12. Simmering 34 Schwedenplatz Meidling Burgtheater 37 1. Innere Stadt Wiener St. Peter Minoritenkirche Universitätsring Kirche Bäckerstraße Herrengasse Stubenring and institutions Wollzeile St. Michael Volksgarten Kirche 10. Stubentor 23. Hofburg Wien Stephansplatz 33 Singerstraße Favoriten Schatzkammer Wien 31 based in Vienna Weihburggasse Liesing Heldenplatz Österreichische Himmelpfortgasse Naturhistorisches Nationalbibliothek Museum Burgring Volkstheater Parkring Albertina and surroundings Kunsthistorisches Museum Haus der Musik Stadtpark 28 Opernring 36 Stadtpark Museumsquartier Kärntner Ring 22 Schubertring 26 Laxenburg Karlsplatz ORGANISATIONS AND ENTITIES OTHER INTERNATIONAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS ORGANISATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS 01. UNOV 07. UNOIOS 12. UNPA 17. COE 24. ICMPD 31. OFID United Nations Office at Vienna (United Nations) Office of Internal United Nations Postal Administration Council of Europe Liaison Office International Centre for Migration OPEC Fund for International Development Oversight Services Policy Development Vienna International Centre Wagramerstraße 5 Marokkanergasse 21/6 Parkring 8 Wagramerstraße 5 Vienna International Centre Postfach 900 1030 Wien Gonzagagasse 1/5. Stock Postfach 995 Postfach 500 Wagramerstraße 5 1400 Wien 01/7104127 1010 Wien 1010 Wien 1400 Wien Postfach 500 01/26060-4028, -4032, -4025 http://www.coe.int/t/der/whoswho_en.asp 01/50446770 01/515 64-0 01/26060-0 1400 Wien https://unstamps.org/ http://www.icmpd.org/ http://www.ofid.org/ www.unvienna.org/unov 01/26060-0 UNPA-Europe@unvienna.org icmpd@icmpd.org info@ofid.org unodc@unodc.org https://oios.un.org/ oios@unoios.org 18. ECS Secretariat of the Energy Community 25. ICPDR International Commission for the 32. OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting 02. UNODA Am Hof 4/6 Protection of the Danube River, Countries United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs 1010 Wien Permanent Secretariat 01/535 2222 Helferstorferstraße 17 Vienna International Centre 13. INCB www.energy-community.org Vienna International Centre International Narcotics Control Board 1010 Wien Wagramerstraße 5 08. UNOOSA contact@energy-community.org Wagramerstraße 5 Room E-1174 Raum D-0412 01/211 12-0 United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs Vienna International Centre Postfach 500 Postfach 500 http://www.opec.org/opec_web/en/ Wagramerstraße 5 1400 Wien 1400 Wien OPECAdministration@opec.org Vienna International Centre Raum E-1339 01/26060-4180, -4097 01/26060-5738 Wagramerstraße 5 Postfach 500 www.un.org/disarmament/vienna/ 19. EIB https://www.icpdr.org/main/ Postfach 500 1400 Wien unodaviennaoffice@unvienna.org European Investment Bank, Vienna Office icpdr@unvienna.org 1400 Wien 01/26060-4163, -0 33. OSZE 01/26060-4950 www.incb.org/ Mattiellistraße 2-4 Conference Services www.unoosa.org/ secretariat@incb.org 1040 Wien oosa.mailbox@unvienna.org 26. IIASA 01/505 36 76 0 International Institute for Applied Heldenplatz 1 03. UNIDO www.eib.org/ 1010 Wien United Nations Industrial Development Systems Analysis vienna@eib.org 01/51436-6000, -0 Organization Schlossplatz 1 http://www.osce.org/ pm@osce.org Vienna International Centre 2361 Laxenburg Wagramerstraße 5 02236/807-0 Postfach 300 14. UNRoD 20. EPO http://www.iiasa.ac.at/ 1400 Wien 09. UNCITRAL United Nations Register of Damage European Patent Office inf@iiasa.ac.at The United Nations Commission on 01/26026-0 34. OSZE International Trade Law Secretariat www.unido.org Vienna International Centre Rennweg 12 unido@unido.org Wagramerstraße 5 Postfach 90 27. IOM Vienna International Centre Wallnerstraße 6 Postfach 500 1030 Wien International Organization for Migration Wagramerstraße 5 1010 Wien 1400 Wien 01/521260 Postfach 500 01/51436-6000, -0 01/26060-5134 www.epo.org Regionalbüro Wien 1400 Wien http://www.osce.org/ www.unrod.org support@epo.org Dampfschiffstrasse 4, 6. Stock 04. IAEA 01/26060-4060, -4061 pm@osce.org International Atomic Energy Agency daouizerate@epo.org 1030 Vienna www.uncitral.org/uncitral 01/ 581 22 22 uncitral@uncitral.org Vienna International Centre http://www.iom.int/south-eastern-europe- Wagramerstraße 5 eastern-europe-and-central-asia 35. OSZE Postfach 100 21. GRA rovienna@iom.int Organization for Security and Co-operation 1400 Wien European Union Agency for in Europe (OSCE) - Parliamentary Assembly 01/2600-0 Fundamental Rights Vienna Liaison Office www.iaea.org 15. UNEP Vienna - ISCC 28. IOM United Nations Environment Programme official.mail@IAEA.org Schwarzenbergplatz 11 International Organization for Migration Neustiftgasse 3/8 Vienna - Interim Secretariat of the 10. UNHCR 1040 Wien 1070 Wien Carpathian Convention United Nations High Commissioner for 01/58030-60, 0 IOM Country Office for Austria 01/523 3002 Refugees, Vienna Office http://fra.europa.eu/en Nibelungengasse 13/4 www.oscepa.org Vienna International Centre information@fra.europa.eu 1010 Wien 05. CTBTO Wagramerstraße 5 01/ 585 33 22 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Vienna International Centre Postfach 500 http://www.iomvienna.at/ Treaty Organization Wagramerstraße 5 Postfach 550 1400 Vienna iom-vienna@iom.int 01 26060-83038, -4545 36. WA Vienna International Centre 1400 Wien Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls www.unep.org/roe/ViennaOffice/ 22. IACA Wagramerstraße 5 01/26060-4048, - 4051 for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods tabid/54075/Default.aspx#horizontalTab1 International Anti-Corruption Academy Postfach 1200 www.unhcr.at 29. JVI and Technologies ausvi@unhcr.org info@carpathianconvention.org Joint Vienna Institute 1400 Wien Münchendorfer Straße 2 Mahlerstraße 12/6 01/26030-6200, - 6113, -0 2361 Laxenburg Mariahilferstraße 97 1010 Wien www.ctbto.org 02236/710 718 – 100, 101 1060 Wien 01/960 03 info@ctbto.org http://www.iaca.int/ 01/798-9495 http://www.wassenaar.org/ mail@iaca.int http://www.jvi.org/ secretariat@wassenaar.org jvi@jvi.org 06. UNODC 11. UNIS 16. UNSCEAR United Nations Office on Drugs United Nations Information Service Vienna United Nations Scientific Committee and Crime on the Effects of Atomic Radiation 23. The World Bank 30. KAICIID 37. HCOC-ICC King Abdullah International Centre for Vienna International Centre Group Vienna Office Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue Executive Secretariat Vienna International Centre Wagramerstraße 5 Vienna International Centre IBRD, IFC, MIGA Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Wagramerstraße 5 Postfach 500 P.O. Box 500 Missile Proliferation Immediate Central Palais Sturany Postfach 500 1400 Wien 1400 Vienna Praterstraße 31 Contact Schottenring 21 1400 Wien 01/26060-4666, -3325 +43 1 26060 4360 21st Floor 1010 Wien 01/26060-0 www.unis.unvienna.org/unis www.unscear.org/unscear/en/index.html 1020 Wien Minoritenplatz 8 01/ 313 22-0 www.unodc.org/unodc unis@unvienna.org unscear@unscear.org 01/2170-797 1014 Wien http://www.kaiciid.org/de info@unodc.org www.worldbank.org/eca/vienna 0501150/3611-3761 hnejedla@worldbank.org office@kaiciid.org www.hcoc.at hcoc@bmeia.gv.at 38. SE4All 39. IPI Wien 40. VCDNP 41. IUFRO 42. REEEP QUASI-INTERNATIONAL Sustainable Energy for All International Peace Institute Vienna Center for Disarmament and International Union of Forest Research Renewable Energy and Energy Non-Proliferation Organizations Efficiency Partnership Donau-City-Straße 6 Freyung 3 Andromeda Tower, 15. Stock 1010 Wien Donau-City Strasse 6 Marxergasse 2 Wagramer Strasse 5 ORGANISATIONS 1220 Wien 017 533-8881 Andromeda Tower, Floor 13/1 1030 Wien 1400 Wien 01/26060-83403 http://www.ipinst.org/about/vienna-office 1220 Wien (01)8770151 260 26-3425 www.se4all.org/ ipi.vienna@ipinst.org +43 (1) 236-9482 www.iufro.org info@reeep.org info@se4all.org info@vcdnp.org 43. PSAC 44. ECML 45. eu-LISA INTERNATIONAL Permanent Secretariat of ECML European Centre for Modern eu-LISA European Agency for the the Alpine Convention Languages of the Council of Europe operational management of large-scale Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 15 Nikolaiplatz 4 IT systems in the area of freedom, ORGANISATIONS 6020 Innsbruck 8020 Graz security and justice 0512 588589-0 0316 323554 www.eulisa.europa.eu/Pages/default.aspx www.alpconv.org www.ecml.at OUTSIDE VIENNA info@alpconv.org information@ecml.at.
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