DIRECTORY.] LINl) JLN;::;H lHt<~. 'VEST H.ALTO\'. Fussey William, farmer, landowner & : Moyer Isaiah, Black Bull P.H Smith Waiter, castrator maohinist 1 Northen Thomas, farmer Stamp George, boot & shoe maker & Gray John, farmer Norton Matthew, jobbing gardener 1 pig dealer Grimoldby Edwd. farmer,The Grange Oddfellows' Hall (William Chappell, Turner Alfred, wheelwright Harvey Frederick, grocer sec. & caretaker) , Turner Thomas, miller (wind) Haven Brick & Tile Co. (The) Oglesby John, farmer !Turner William Marshall, farmer, Hohnes Thomas, farmer Parritt William, farmer 1 Basgarth Kemp Titus, farmer Rhodes Joseph, farmer 1 Warren John Thomas, farmer Kirman George, grocer & draper, & Sharpe John Dannatt, farmer & thrash- Warren vVilliam, farmer & carrier post office ing machine owner "rarwick Charles William, farmer Labourn George, parish clerk Shaw William Eno, farmer Westoby Rebecca (Miss), shopkeeper Lee Harry, miller (wind) Smith James, joiner, wheelwright & Williamson Henry, butcher Leeman Job, grocer undertaker; estimates furnished & Winter George, farmer Mawer George, farmer orders for jobbing work attended to Winter ·william, farmer Monday John William, cowkeeper HALTON HOLEGATE is a parish and village, on 1 R.A. and M:r. James Fowler, of Louth, at a total cost of th~ road from Spilsby to Wain~eet, with a stat_ion on the £r,r44: the church was again restored in 1894, at a cost Spilsby branch of the East Lmcolnsh1re sectwn of the of £r,ooo, when a vestry and organ chamber were built, Great Northern railway, 2! miles north-west from Firsby a new organ provided, the bells rehung and the church junction I south-east from Spilsby and 125 from London, redecorated: there are 250 sittings. The register dates m the South Lindsey division of the county, parts of from the year r567. The living is a rectory, n€t yeal'ly I.indsey, ~olingbr_o~e. sake (East division), S:pils?y union, V'alue £r78, including 202 acres of glebe and residence, petty sesswnal diVISlOn and county court dustnct, rural in the gift of Lord Willoughby de Eresby, and held since deanery of Candleshoe No. r, and archdeaconry and 1900 by the Rev. Charles Penrose Disbrowe M.A. of diocese of Lincoln. The church of St. Andrew is a fine Queen's College, Oxford. There is a Wesleyan chapel. structure of ~he Perpendicular period, ~onsisting of chan- The charities amount to about £5 15s. 5d. yearly, and eel, clerestoned nave of four bays, aisles, south porch, are now rontrolled bv the Parish Council. Halt.on Rouse and an embattled western tower, with pinnacles, containing is the residence of -Major-Gen. John Booth Richardson ~ clock and 6 bells: ~he east window and :arious others R.A., and Halton Holegate Manor House that of John m the church are. stamed: the t?wer _arch IS enclosed by Henry Vessey esq. The Rev. George Bass Vessey M.A. au oak screen: m the north aisle hes the figure of a vicar of Lenton or Lavington, is lord of t'he manor and ~ight in armour, fo'?ld buried under the floor, _but still the trustees of the late John Henry Vessey esq. J.P. m excellent pre~ervatwn; t~~ head rests on cushions and (d. r887) are the chief landowners. The soil is partly the feet of. a hon; t~e sh1eid, suspended over the left sand, and the subsoil, clay. The crops are on the four­ shoulder, d1splay~ a hon r~mpant, and the sword han~s course system. The area is 2,106 acres; rateable value, from a belt; this effigy 1s _supposed to r~present S~r £2,g68; population in 1 gor, 4o6. Henry de Bolton, whose fam1ly held possesswns here m Parish Clerk and Sexton Rvbert William Haw. the 14th century: there is also a coffin-shaped slab of ' Purbeck marble, with this legend in Lombardic capitals FENSIDE is a hamlet near the Catchwater drain, r! around the edge, "Sire Walter Bee Gist Ici De Ki Almc miles south from the church. Diev Ait Merci :" another sepulchral slab apparently once Post Office.-Edward Darwin Baker, sub-postmaster. bore the effigy of a civilian beneath a canopy, with a Letters arrive from Spilsby at 6.15 & n a.m. & are Jnar!!inal inscription: during the restoration several dispatched at 9·45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ~o delivery on coffins were discovered under these slabs, in one of which, ~unday. Postal Orders are issued & paid here. The made of lead, were the remains of a female, whose black nearest money order & telegraph office is at Spilsby, 2 hair was perfectly preserved: there is a small inscribed mile-s distant brass to Bridget (Thorey), wife of John Rugeley, ob. Wall Lt>tter Box, Ralton Fenside, cleared at 6.5 p.m.; 1658: some of the bench ends have singular carvings, no cDllcction on sunday one having the figures of seven monkeys, and another has on a lozenge the quartered arms of Bee and Ufford: in r846 Public Elementary School (mixed), with master's resi- the church was thoroughly repaired at 8 cost of £r,g6o, dence a tta.ched, for roo children, with an average and in 1866-7 the tower was partially taken down and at-tendance of 54; Albert Roulston, master restored, under the direction of the late Mr. J. E. Street Railway Station, William Espin, station master Dickens Capt. John R.A. The Cottage Borrill John, baker & miller (wind) Raithby Thoma,s, farmer Disbrowe Rev. Charles Penrose M.A. Clough James, farmer, Beverley ho Robinson John, cowkeeper Rectory Cougreve Thomas, farmer Rought<m Abraham, farmer, Fen Ellis Capt. Gerald Arth.Northorpe rd, Cussons " 7m.Marsar,frmr.& insur.agt Shaw John Albert, cowkeeper Gunnis George, Righfield r uad Ept<1n Samuel, farmer Shaw Thomas, grazier Richardson Maj.-Gen.John Booth R.A. Espin William, station master, Raii Shaw Anthony,Bell inn&brewer & frmr Halton bou15 e way st Shaw William (:-.'lrs.), butcher Turnor Douglas M. Villa Grant ham William, grazier Simpsun John, farmer, Fen Vessey John Henry, Manor house Gray Thos. (:\'lrs.), farmer & grazier Simpson SP.rah .Ann(Miss),farmer,Fen Johmon Rebecca (:-,Irs.), blacksmith Smith Sarah Ann (Mrs.), farmer, The J ohnson Samuel Peter, farmer,Catch- Grange CO:MMERCIAL. water bank Spencer George, grazier, Fenside Atkinson Andrew,grocer & baker, over­ Kidd George, beer retailer, Fen Stones William (Mrs.), farmer seer & assessor & collector of taxes, Moore Eli, grazier 1 Stubbs Fenwick, faxmer, Fen Fen Side Mot<;on John, farmer Tasker Thomas, farmer, Fen Baker Edward Darwin, grocer & joiner, Pape William, farmer Wells Frederick William,miller (wind) Post office Parsons John William, grazier & baker Balderson John Henry, farmer . Raithby John Lidyard, farmer Woodthorpe John, coal merchant & Bonnett William, grazier I Raithby Moses (Mrs.), farmer grazier, Railway Startion yard WEST HALTON is a parish, township and small James Green, of Goleby, late churchwarden: the font, of village, 2 miles south from the river Humber, 2! north­ Caen stone, and a new pulpit have b-een erected at the west from Winterton, on the road to Whitton, about 7 cost of the Rev. James Murray M. A. rector 1874-89: t'he north-west from the A.ppleby and Frodingham stations church was partially restored in r837, and more fully in on the South Yorkshire branch of the Great Central (late 1876-7, when the chancel was rebuih a't a cost of £576, M. S. and L.) railway, and about n north-west from and the nave at a cost of £4g6, both chancel and nave Brigg, in the North Lindsey division of the county, parts being reseated and the windows glazed afresh: four of Lindsey, north division of Manley wapentake, Seun­ carved bench ends of oak in the chancel, a COIIIlmunion thorpe petty sessional division, Brigg union, Barton-upon­ table cloth and other embroiderv• were executed and Hnmber county court district, rural deanery of Manlake, presented by Mrs. Murray, wife of the Rev. J. Murray, and another cloth has been presented by Mrs. Hackblock, archdeaconrv• of Stow and diocese of Lincoln. The church of St. Etheldreda, erected in r6g5, after the destruction of of Coltishal~, near Norwich: there are 250 sittings. The the earlier church by fire in r682, is an edifice in the register date's from the year 1538. The living is a Gothic style, consisting of chancel with vestry, nave, rectory, net ye-arly value £250, including 335 acres of south porch and an embattled western tower with pin­ gl~be, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Nor­ nacles and containing 3 bells : on the south is a memorial wich, and held since Igor by the Rev. Samuel Cox. window. erecte-d by the la1te Mary Sharp, of West Halton, There is a. Primitive Methodist chapel here, built in to her father; another window has been restored by Mr. 1877· Steamers from Goole and Gainsborou!ih run daily .
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