Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1997-09-03 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1997). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2774. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2774 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Third Wish caps off Spirit Celebration Lady kickers beat with free . concert in the ..•. : ' ,. - ,. .Ohio·:u.~ with .. I . ··mmif! 3899lS999 s8M.w.Mw.-.g:wo}1e:.:::xisi:1:s: .. 9;a:.::::::::::~::sammm.:g::gm®AAW.f«®.~P..m:::.::::a~::::m Grµber duo Village Sunday Violence· gets personal. New computers in labs Poge5 ·Poge4 Poge/3 Convo,plans anger Norwood · iBv KARA BENKEN rector ofNorwood, agrees that rede­ NEWS EDITOR velopment of the area in question is necessary. Norwood residents expressed "That area needs a shot in the concerns regardjng the construction arm, and between Xavier and of Xavier's Convocation Center last Norwood, it could be done," said Saturday; where Norwood. Mayor Garry. Joseph Hoc~bein attempted to quell Although specific possibili- rumors. and explain processes tci ties for. development could not be cautious citizens.' · ' <' . released, I:Iochbein andGarry men­ . Approximately 40 residents . tioried a: new 60,ooo square foot came t0 the gathering at a :Norwood ·Kroger store, citing the difference home iifter receiving flyers at their in Hyde Park s~nce the construction homes advertising'the need'to "pro­ of the new Kroger Superstore. · tect'.' theirneighborhood~ : · · "Idori'tknowtooinanypeople · CoyFugett,theNorwoodresi­ who are happy with ·the Norwood dent WQO delivered over 900 flyers . .. Kroger store. Even Kroger isn't .to promote'the meeting, introduced happy with that store;" said ···the mayor so he'could discuss this Hochbein. ·· · .. /'big:c"oncem. wit~in:,tlie Norwqdci , With the attraction of andm:. "'commu·nity/' ·· .. · .· · · · . · · proved grocery store, the possibili- -- .· . .· .. ·. • H6Chbei.n began by inform­ ti~s· of. devel~pinelit 0 don't.'.have 'to. ing the J)eople of the updated infor­ · involve more 'retail. mation concerning the Convocation "It is possible that heatth care Center, stating that because Xavier ·· The inside.of Xavi~~·s. C'f:mvocatlon Ce~iet. Norwood residents are concerned about/he trafficevents organization offices in the area entered the Atlantic 10 conference, will bring in.· One option discussed.in Saturday's meeting was blocking traffic entering from the city. would bring more money to the city, . ' . ~ . ' . ' . : : . , : the university was apparently com- · involve less parking because of of­ rnitted to building a new arena on "Norwood is not interested in being Xavier's·traffic fice hours and be more aesthetipfor campus. the area," said Hocbbein. "I have seen tll,e plans; and it manager. We wilt take whate.ver action necessary to ThecityofNorwoodhashired looks to be a world-class facility. Michael Schuster and Associates to The outside seems to be very aes­ ··protect the neighborhood." - Mayor Joseph aid in the planning and revitaliia­ thetically pleasing," Hochbein said. Hochbein tion of the area. Although residents were con­ "With an institutioµal cerned primarily \Vi.th the effect of that could hoµse acad~mic depart- gin clearing the area for the parking and well-beingofNorwoodcitizens. committment from Xavier, it would the expansion of Xavier's. commu- ments or support services, but. not lot at Cohen and to run the qverhead Mentor A venue is a streetrun­ be more appealing to the. devefoi>er Ility into Norwood, Hochbein strived· any kindofhousfog," saidHochbein. powerlities; however, Norwood has ning behind the Cohen Center which to come here. Because medical of- to assure red~velopmef!t .of .the · Secondly; the redevelopment been slow to comply. is currently closed, al.though some fices could be a mixed use, Xavier Norwood Square area (Kroger and ·must ''make sense" 'for people in ~·we have issu.ed a. permit for plans for the new parking lot show it has to be a player he~e/' said · Captain D's) and positive ,changes Norwood, perhaps in theform of the parking lo(only... we have not as being open. Hochbein. for the citizens of No~ood. good i:eirul opportunities such as issued a. permit to clear the general The mayor emphasized hav- "We are trying to see what on­ "Wben Xavier announced its new restaurants. Hochbein is look~ area to begin construction and we ing no intention of opening Mentor campus facilities we could move up plans to build the.Convocation Cen- illg to increase the property values do not have a legal obligation to do Avenue, recognizing that Norwood there,'; said Kucia. · ter a year ?go, we engaged in con~ . in the area. so both communities so until all of the issues involving residents have a lot at stake and Fugett seemed content \fith versations with Xavier to make this benefit from the changes. the permits are settled," said stressing ·that discussions with the results of the meeting. awin::winsituation,"saidHochbein. · ·Lastly, thedevelopment"can- Hochbein. "Parking lots don't ex- Xavier officials are going well. "I think the people are satis­ John Kucia, Administrative not adversely affect ttie residential cite me." Vice President of Financial fied with the direction the city's Vice President, recognized the situ- neighborhood" surrounding Xavier. Mentioning issues. such as Administration, Dr. Richard Hirte, going to take. :They are worrying ation. ·."We are very interested in · "Le(me beglear," Hochbein preferring un.derground lines as op- mentioned similar setbacks. about.terrible things, and rumor8 are seeing that revitalization becomes a reiterated, "Norwood is not inter- pos~d to the large overhead "With the 44 million dollar starting, and it's better for them to ·reality," he said. ested fo being Xavier's traffic man- powerlines and. conc,erns, about wa- budget constraint, we are undergo- hear an explanation from spmeone From ·the early stages, ager. We will take whatever action ter run-off and access in and out of irig some value engineering to re­ who knows," said Fugett. '.~We are Hocbbein's .officials had three re- necessary to protect the neighbor- the lot, Hochbein assured Norwood fine our budget," he said. here, Xavier is here, we iteed to be quirements regarding Norwood's hood." residentsthathehadtheirbestinter- Norwood.refused to build a peaceful about this." slipp9rt of this project. First, any . As plans now stand, the Con- ests .at hand. , , . new road from the Con vocation Hochbein predicted con.struc­ redevelopment ofthe area must be vocation Center itself. will not. be ·''.We have the tight to have all Center emptying into the city. How­ tion to begin as early as the next few first-class, \Vhich .means "up to builfdirectly .on any of Norwood's .·of our· questions answered before ever, because the city of Cincinnati months if not sooner. Xavier's architectural standards." property, although parts of the park- they get the permit," said Hochbein. has less restrictive parking codes, it ''The fact is, this Convocation · ......... ,_~. It is believed that if such rede- ing lot and some of the. overhead "If we lose our neighborhood, what is plausible that a street from Webster Center is going to be built. .. Xavier velo~~~~t.~cui.S ;~ ~~~se proxim- powerlines will stretch into do we have left?" to Hopkins leading into Reading is movirig according to their time­ ity to the university, itwill benefit ~~!W09<l. _ · , . Hochbein also spoke of the Road may be in question. PJans for table now. But there may be a Xavier and therefore demand some . ·'.The pJan-cru;~ f~ro,y~!_ 1,200 ordinance the Norwood City Coun- new roads have not been made. ~.o.!lfron~tion in the next few weeks, additional attention from the uni- new parking spaces on crurtp~s;·--:~!:r~~~~!~ passed specifying ~~e _ _ .... "Fr~!l.!cJy;!~~!l~t..tJJ}_n~?'~Yl~! th~~itymaysayno,"saidHochbein. versity, both structurally and finan- .. which is up to code," said Kuda~ : safety director·';-;: ir_~t.tp_ Ql~~~~er- has gotten real about. their traffic," "If this doesn ~t.g~ !}le right way• ciatly. · ... · ·:Xavier bas recently appiied tain streets and n~t reopen .the~~- sa;~~~~hb_eJ!!:. · . don't underestimate the J>eopie .. oi ., ."We'relookingforabuilding for two permits in Norwood to be- streetS in the interest'of the safety Tim Garry~·j£;; ~~~:~w_l)i~ "-~~rwood." . · . : THE'XAVIER.NEWSWIRE•WEEKOFSEPTEMBER3,1997-PAGE2 _: . · .. ' ........... ,,.......... ~ ... ""~..... , .. :::-;•"';-'-" :-.~ .... :-.~.... ~""'"V::-'"-"':V~~~........ ~~~'>"''''v~.-.~':'"''~=-- ................................... !; ......... ~.!;'>;''''"' ..... ~=--»'~~::--:->•' ~.-. ..1 ·'~~:-................... :-:- ..... :-:.-. '\ :-::' .......... ......... ·,J~JI':>""''~. vw .. 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