REGENERATION SCRUTINY PANEL Venue: FUSION BUSINESS Date: Wednesday, 6th Octo ber, CENTRE, Magna Way, 2010 ROTHERHAM. S60 1FS Time: 1.30 p.m. A G E N D A PLEASE NOTE: This meeting to be held at FUSION BUSINESS CENTRE, Magna Way, ROTHERHAM. S60 1FE 12.30 p.m. - Member Tour of Centre - Simon Spode. 1.00 p.m. - Tea/Coffee. Meeting to commence at 1.30 p.m. 1. To determine if the following matters are to be considered under the categories suggested, in accordance with Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended March 2006) to the Local Government Act 1972. 2. To determine any item which the Chairman is of the opinion should be considered later in the agenda as a matter of urgency. 3. Apologies for absence. 4. Declarations of Interest. 5. Questions from members of the public and the press. 6. Communications. (i) Library Strategy - verbal progress report – Paul Woodcock, Director of Regeneration and Planning/Bernard Murphy, Manager Library Services. (ii) Cultural Accommodation and Community Stadium – verbal update – Paul Woodcock, Director of Regeneration and Planning. 7. Minutes of the previous meeting of the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel held on 8th September, 2010. (copy attached) (Pages 1 - 12) Items for consideration: - 8. Rotherham's Local Economic Assessment. (report attached) (Pages 13 - 148) Simeon Leach, Economic Strategy Manager, to report. (Please note: 2 copies of the Appendix to this report are available in the Members’ Room, Eric Manns Building. The Appendix will also be included in the Supplementary reports pack which will be sent to you by email.) 9. Advanced Manufacturing & Materials Sector, The Advanced Manufacturing Park and the opportunity for the region in the emerging civil nuclear industry. (report attached) (Pages 149 - 153) Tim O'Connell, Business, Retail and Investment Team Manager/Anthony Cundall, Advanced Manufacturing and Material Sector Specialist. RiDO, to report. 10. Skills Requirements for Growing the Economy. (report attached) (Pages 154 - 160) Nicola Nicholson, HR Business Consultant, to report. 11. Rotherham Enterprising Neighbourhoods Project-RiDO Business Community Coaches. (report attached) (Pages 161 - 168) Geoff Link, Enterprise Manager, to report. Minutes/Reports for information: - 12. Minutes of the Performance and Scrutiny Overview Committee held on 10th September, 2010. (Pages 169 - 175) 13. Minutes of a meeting of the Cabinet Member for Town Centres held on 6th September, 2010. (Pages 176 - 177) 14. Minutes of meetings of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Environment held on 6th September, 2010. (Pages 178 - 187) 15. Minutes of meetings of the Cabinet Member for Culture, Lifestyle, Sport and Tourism held on 7th September, 2010. (Pages 188 - 189) 16. Minutes of the Recycling Group held on 21st September, 2010. (Pages 190 - 192) 17. Minutes of a meeting of the Members' Sustainable Development Advisory Group held on 3rd September, 2010. (Pages 193 - 197) Date of Next Meeting:- Wednesday, 20th October 2010 Membership:- Chairman – Councillor Whysall Vice-Chairman – Councillor Swift Councillors:-Ellis, Foden, Gamble, Gilding, Gosling, N. Hamilton, Slade, Thirlwall, Turner and S. Wright Page 1 Agenda Item 7 111EEE REGENERATION SCRUTINSCRUTINYY PANEL --- 08/0 8 / 09/0 9 / 101 0 REGENERATION SCRUTINSCRUTINYY PANEL WWednesday, ednesday, 8th September, 2010 Present: - Councillor W hysall (in the Chair); Councillors Ellis, Gilding, Gosling, Slade, Swift, Thirlwall, Turner and W right: Councillors Akhtar (Cabinet Member for Safe and Attractive Neighbourhoods); Smith (Cabinet Member, Regeneration and Development Services) and St. John (Cabinet Member for Cultural, Lifestyle, Tourism and Sport) at the invitation of the Chair; together with Co-opted Members:- Sarah Allen, Councillor C. Jepson and Mr. B. W alker. Mr. R. Goodwin (from the co-optee bank). Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Foden, N. Hamilton and R. S. Russell 3 1 . DECLARATI ONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting. 3 2 . QUESTIONS FROM MEMBE RS OF THE PUBLIC AND THE PRESS There were no questions from members of the public or the press. 3 3 . M INUTES OF THE PREVI OUS M EETING OF THE R EGENERATION SCRUTINY PANEL HELD ON 7TH7 TH JULY, 201020 1 0 Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting held on 7th July, 2010. Resolved:- That the minutes be confirmed as a correct record. 3 4 . COMMUNICATION SSS Updates were given in respect of the following:- (i) Cultural Accommodation Ian Smith, Director of Asset Management, reported that work was now moving towards specialist design for a potential new library and as much of the cultural activity as practicable to go into the ground floor of Riverside House. The relevant Cabinet Member would be briefed, and it was anticipated that a report would be presented to the Cabinet on the design details together with costings. The timeline for completion had to be the same as for the office accommodation. Resolved: (1) That the Director of Asset Management continues to provide the Scrutiny Panel with monthly updates. Page 2 REGENERATION SCRUTINSCRUTINYY PANEL --- 08/0 8 / 09/0 9 / 101 0 222EEE (ii) Proposals for a new Community Stadium Karl Battersby, Strategic Director, Environment and Development Services, reported that the lease of land to the club still remained despite LAA cuts. Details of the impact of the cuts on the funding of this proposal were outlined, including the Council’s contribution towards the purchase price. It was reported that details of the final agreement were close to being agreed with the site owners, and details of the lease agreement were close to being agreed with the football club. Reference was made to the club’s responsibilities and requirement to commence construction within a 4 year period. It was reported that the planning application had already been submitted. A report would be submitted to the Cabinet in respect of the final terms of the Agreement. Resolved:- (2) That the Strategic Director, Environment and Development Services, continues to provide regular updates. 3 5 . BRIEFINGS --- CABINET M EMBERS' NEW PORTFOLIOS Following the confirmation of the new portfolios at Council on 28 th July, 2010, each Cabinet Member presented the Panel with a briefing in respect of their new responsibilities. (i) Councillor Akhtar, Cabinet Member for Safe and Attractive Neighbourhoods, highlighted the following:- - Responsible for grounds maintenance (to operate from the new Hellaby depot) - Waste management (waste collection) - Neighbourhoods and Adult Services (anti-social behaviour; building 127 new council houses; sheltered housing; Decent Homes; crime and disorder etc - Community delivery (grounds maintenance and street cleansing; trees and woodlands; integration with Leisure and Green Spaces) Members present raised the following issues:- - problems with the waste collection vehicles - cost of bins - bin replacement policy Resolved: (1) That a report be submitted to a future meeting in respect of the waste collection vehicles. Page 3 333EEE REGENERATION SCRUTINSCRUTINYY PANEL --- 08/0 8 / 09/0 9 / 101 0 (ii) Councillor St. John, Cabinet Member for Culture, Lifestyle, Tourism and Sport, highlighted the following:- - Retirement of the Director of Culture and Leisure Services - Opening of Ulley Country Park Members present raised the following issues:- - Queen’s 60 th Jubilee celebrations - Budget cuts and affect on the 2012 Olympics - Re-development of the Civic Theatre - Consultation on the draft Allotment Strategy; land share; VAR event “Rotherham in Root” Resolved:- (2) That the Scrutiny Adviser obtain details of the VAR event “Rotherham in Root” from the Education Co-ordinator for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Schools. (iii) Councillor Smith, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Environment: highlighted the following:- - Waste Management Strategy:- noting that waste related services were now covered by 3 Cabinet Member portfolios (PFI; household waste collection) - Major highways schemes: noting signalisation of Mushroom roundabout. - Transport; working with the Intergrated Transport Authority on the South Yorkshire Transport strategy under either Sheffield City Region (or the Local Economic Partnership) - Design Consultancy: noting the recent refurbishment of the Town Hall - Development Team; noting sale of land; YES project; continuation of building of new schools - Re-structuring of Asset Management Those present raised and discussed the following:- - The YES project - Impact of the withdrawal of funding on the RIDO team, and the reduced amount of funding available for schemes - Winter maintenance and road repairs Resolved:- (3) That at the themed meeting to be held on the 20 th October, 2010 the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel receive a report on winter maintenance and road repairs. (iv) The Cabinet Member for Town Centres:- Members present commented on:- Page 4 REGENERATION SCRUTINSCRUTINYY PANEL --- 08/0 8 / 09/0 9 / 101 0 444EEE - Parking services - Funding of parking initiatives e.g. Free after 3 p.m.; Free on Saturdays. - Parking enforcement 3 6 . REGENERATION IN TIM E S OF AUSTERITY Consideration was give to a report, presented by the Strategic Director, Environment and Development, relating to the new Coalition Government’s imposition of significant reductions in public sector funding including the direct funding of regeneration. The report briefly reviewed Rotherham’s regeneration activity over the past 20 years or so and identified the current position and considered the impact for the Council’s
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