27/01/2021 HSK 1 Vocabulary List 150 words - burningvocabulary.com - Chinese Pinyin English Level 1 爱 ài to love 1 2 ⼋ bā 8 1 3 爸爸 bà ba dad 1 4 北京 Běi jīng Beijing 1 5 杯⼦ bēi zi cup, glass 1 6 本 běn root, basis, foundation, origin, capital Measure, for books, files, etc. 1 7 不 bù no, not 1 8 不客⽓ bú kè qi you are welcome 1 9 菜 cài dish, vegetable 1 10 茶 chá tea 1 11 吃 chī to eat 1 12 出租车 chū zū chē taxi 1 13 ⼤ dà big, great 1 14 打电话 dǎ diàn huà to make a phone call 1 15 的 de to form an attribute 1 16 点 diǎn point, dot, to nod, to click Measure, a little, a bit 1 17 电脑 diàn nǎo computer 1 18 电视 diàn shì TV(-set) 1 19 电影 diàn yǐng movie, film 1 20 东西 dōng xi thing 1 21 都 dōu all, both, all, both 1 22 读 dú to read aloud 1 23 对不起 duì bu qǐ sorry, I'm sorry 1 24 多 duō much, many 1 25 多少 duō shao how many, how much 1 26 ⼆ èr 2 1 27 ⼉⼦ ér zi son 1 https://burningvocabulary.com/blog/hsk-1-vocabulary-list/ 1/7 27/01/2021 HSK 1 Vocabulary List 150 words - burningvocabulary.com - Chinese Pinyin English Level 28 饭馆 fàn guǎn restaurant 1 29 飞机 fēi jī airplane 1 30 分钟 fēn zhōng minute 1 31 ⾼兴 gāo xìng happy, glad, cheerful 1 32 个 gè Measure, for almost everything 1 33 ⼯作 gōng zuò job, to work 1 34 狗 gǒu dog 1 35 汉语 hàn yǔ Chinese language 1 36 好 hǎo good, nice 1 37 和 hé with, and 1 38 喝 hē to drink 1 39 很 hěn very, quite 1 40 后⾯ hòu miàn rear, back, behind 1 41 回 huí to return, to answer, to reply Measure, for events of action 1 42 会 huì meeting, conference Auxiliary, can, to be able to 1 43 ⽕车站 huǒ chē zhàn train station 1 44 ⼏ jǐ how many, several 1 45 家 jiā family, home, houshold Measure, for businesses, families 1 46 叫 jiào to be called, to call, to shout 1 47 今天 jīn tiān today 1 48 九 jiǔ 9 1 49 开 kāi to open, to start, to drive (car, etc.) 1 50 看 kàn to see, to watch, to look at 1 51 看见 kàn jiàn to see, to catch sight of 1 52 块 kuài Measure, for a piece 1 53 来 lái to come, to arrive, ever since 1 54 ⽼师 lǎo shī teacher 1 https://burningvocabulary.com/blog/hsk-1-vocabulary-list/ 2/7 27/01/2021 HSK 1 Vocabulary List 150 words - burningvocabulary.com - Chinese Pinyin English Level 55 了 le indicating past or change 1 56 冷 lěng cold 1 57 ⾥ lǐ in, inside Measure, for 0.5 km 1 58 零 líng 0 1 59 六 liù 6 1 60 吗 ma to form a question 1 61 妈妈 mā ma mother 1 62 买 mǎi to buy 1 63 猫 māo cat 1 64 没 méi not 1 65 没关系 méi guān xi it doesn't matter 1 66 ⽶饭 mǐ fàn (cooked) rice 1 67 明天 míng tiān tomorrow 1 68 名字 míng zi name 1 69 那 nà that 1 70 哪 nǎ which 1 71 呢 ne to build a question based on already mentioned subjects 1 72 能 néng Auxiliary, to be able to 1 73 你 nǐ you (singular) 1 74 年 nián year 1 75 ⼥⼉ nǚ ér daughter 1 76 朋友 péng you friend 1 77 漂亮 piào liang pretty, beautiful 1 78 苹果 píng guǒ apple 1 79 七 qī 7 1 80 钱 qián money 1 81 前⾯ qián miàn ahead, in front 1 https://burningvocabulary.com/blog/hsk-1-vocabulary-list/ 3/7 27/01/2021 HSK 1 Vocabulary List 150 words - burningvocabulary.com - Chinese Pinyin English Level 82 请 qǐng to ask, to invite, please 1 83 去 qù to go 1 84 热 rè hot, warm 1 85 ⼈ rén person, people 1 86 认识 rèn shi understanding, knowledge, awareness, to know, to recognize, to understand, to be familiar with 1 87 ⽇ rì day, sun 1 88 三 sān 3 1 89 上 shàng to go up, to attend, to climb, on, upon, previous, upper 1 90 商店 shāng diàn shop, store 1 91 上午 shàng wǔ morning 1 92 少 shǎo few, little 1 93 谁 shéi who 1 94 什么 shén me what 1 95 ⼗ shí 10 1 96 是 shì is, to be 1 97 时候 shí hou time, moment, period 1 98 书 shū book 1 99 ⽔ shuǐ Water 1 100 ⽔果 shuǐ guǒ fruit 1 101 睡觉 shuì jiào to sleep, to go to bed 1 102 说话 shuō huà to speak, to talk, to gossip 1 103 四 sì 4 1 104 岁 suì Measure, "years old" 1 105 他 tā he 1 106 她 tā she 1 107 太 tài too, extremely 1 108 天⽓ tiān qì weather 1 https://burningvocabulary.com/blog/hsk-1-vocabulary-list/ 4/7 27/01/2021 HSK 1 Vocabulary List 150 words - burningvocabulary.com - Chinese Pinyin English Level 109 听 tīng to listen, to hear, to obey Measure, for canned beverages 1 110 同学 tóng xué classmate 1 111 喂 wèi to feed, to breed, hello 1 112 我 wǒ I 1 113 我们 wǒ men we 1 114 五 wǔ 5 1 115 喜欢 xǐ huan to like 1 116 下 xià descend, fall Measure, for times of action, below, down, under 1 117 下午 xià wǔ afternoon 1 118 下⾬ xià yǔ to rain 1 119 先⽣ xiān sheng Mister (Mr.), teacher 1 120 现在 xiàn zài now 1 121 想 xiǎng to think, to miss Auxiliary, to want 1 122 ⼩ xiǎo small 1 123 ⼩姐 xiǎo jiě Miss, young lady 1 124 写 xiě to write 1 125 些 xiē Measure, some, few, several 1 126 谢谢 xiè xie thanks! 1 127 星期 xīng qī week 1 128 学⽣ xué sheng student, pupil 1 129 学习 xué xí to study, to learn 1 130 学校 xué xiào school 1 131 ⼀ yī 1 1 132 ⾐服 yī fu clothes 1 133 医⽣ yī shēng doctor 1 134 医院 yī yuàn hospital 1 135 椅⼦ yǐ zi chair 1 https://burningvocabulary.com/blog/hsk-1-vocabulary-list/ 5/7 27/01/2021 HSK 1 Vocabulary List 150 words - burningvocabulary.com - Chinese Pinyin English Level 136 有 yǒu to have, to exist, to be 1 137 ⽉ yuè month, moon 1 138 在 zài at, on, in, for action in progress 1 139 再见 zài jiàn goodbye, see you 1 140 怎么 zěn me how 1 141 怎么样 zěn me yàng how is/are, how about that? 1 142 这 zhè this 1 143 中国 Zhōng guó China 1 144 中午 zhōng wǔ noon, midday 1 145 住 zhù to live, to stay, to reside 1 146 桌⼦ zhuō zi table 1 147 字 zì word, character 1 148 做 zuò to do, to make 1 149 坐 zuò to sit, to take (bus, train, etc.) 1 150 昨天 zuó tiān yesterday 1 https://burningvocabulary.com/blog/hsk-1-vocabulary-list/ 6/7 27/01/2021 HSK 1 Vocabulary List 150 words - burningvocabulary.com https://burningvocabulary.com/blog/hsk-1-vocabulary-list/ 7/7.
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