NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL LIBRARY ARCHIVED FILE Archived files are provided for reference purposes only. This file was current when produced, but is no longer maintained and may now be outdated. Content may not appear in full or in its original format. All links external to the document have been deactivated. For additional information, see http://pubs.nal.usda.gov. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center of the National Agricultural Library Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Agriculture: Environmental Applications Selected Books, Papers, and Journal Articles 1999 Citations from the AGRICOLA and CAB ABSTRACTS Databases Compiled By: Mary V. Gold Alternative Farming Systems Information Center National Agricultural Library Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture 10301 Baltimore Ave., Room 123 Beltsville MD 20705-2351 phone 301-504-6559; fax 301-504-6409 afsic.nal.usda.gov April 2000 Go to: Keywords and Phrases List Author Index Citation no.: 1, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Agriculture: Environmental Applications Selected Books, Papers, and Journal Articles 1999 Citations from the AGRICOLA and CAB ABSTRACTS databases* *See Author Index and Keywords and Phrases List at the end of this document. 1. "Accuracy of Wet Snow Mapping Using Simulated Radarsat Backscattering Coefficients From Observed Snow Cover Characteristics," by N Baghdadi, JP Fortin, and M Bernier. International Journal of Remote Sensing (1999) 20(10): pp.2049-2068 [NAL Call No.: G70.4 I5] 2. "Adaptation of Spray Volume As Well As Dosage of Pesticides to the Tree Row Volume for Pome and Stone Fruit/ Pflanzenschutz Im Obstbau: Anpassung Der Menge Des Pflanzenschutzmittels an Das Baumvolumen Der Kern- Und Steinobstbaume," by J Ruegg, W Siegfried, E Holliger, O Viret, and U Raisigl. Obst Und Weinbau (1999) 135(12): pp.1-12 (In German) [NAL Call No.: SB354.6 S9O37] 3. "Advanced Information Technologies for Assessing Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Vadose Zone: Conference Overview," by DL Corwin, K Loague, TR Ellsworth, and WR Roy. Journal of Environmental Quality (1999) 28(2): pp.357-365 (Joint AGU Chapman SSSA Outreach Conference on Applications of Gis, Remote Sensing, Geostatistics, and Solute Transport Modeling to the Assessment of Nonpoint Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone, Riverside, CA, USA, 19 24 October 1997) [NAL Call No.: QH540 J6] 4. "Agricultural Land Use Changes and Water Quality: A Case Study in the Watershed of the Lagoon of Venice," by C Giupponi, P Rosato, and G Bendoricchio. Water Science and Technology (1999) 39(3): pp.135-148 (Integrated Management Of Water Quality: The Role of Agricultural Diffuse Pollution Sources: Selected Proceedings of the International Workshop held at CSIM (Centro Sperimentale di Idiologia e Metrologia delle Regione Veneto) Teolo, Padua, Italy, 11-16 May 1997) [NAL Call No.: TD420 A1P7] 5. "An Agroecological Modeling Approach to Explain ERS SAR Radar Backscatter of Agricultural Crops," by BAM Bouman, DWG van Kraalingen, W Stol, and HJC van Leeuwen. Remote Sensing of Environment (1999) 67(2): pp.137-146 [NAL Call No.: Q184 R4] 6. "An Analysis of the Potential of Precision Farming in Northern Europe," by BR Sylvester, E Lord, DL Sparkes, RK Scott, JJJ Wiltshire, and J Orson. Soil Use and Management (1999) 15(1): pp.1-8 [NAL Call No.: S590 S68] 7. "Application of AVHRR to Monitoring a Climatically Sensitive Playa. Case Study: Chott El Djerid, Southern Tunisia," by RG Bryant. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (1999) 24(4): pp.283-302 8. "Application of Geographic Information Systems on Schistosomiasis Surveillance. II. Predicting Transmission Intensity," by M Fuentes, JB Malone, XN Zhou, XS Hu, NS Sun, QB Hong, LP Sun, and GN Lu. Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control (1999) 11(2): pp.66-70 (In Chinese) 9. "Application of Regionalized Remote-Sensing Monitoring to Growth of Wheat Seedlings Under GIS," by XF Zhang, HL Chen, CH Zou, and D Chen. Journal of Nanjing Institute of Meteorology (1999) 22(1): pp.116-120 (In Chinese) 10. "Assessing Groundwater Vulnerability to Agrichemical Contamination in the Midwest US," by MR Burkart, DW Kolpin, DE James, and G Bendoricchio. Water Science and Technology (1999) 39(3): pp.103-112 (Integrated Management of Water Quality: the Role of Agricultural Diffuse Pollution Sources: Selected Proceedings of the International Workshop held at CSIM (Centro Sperimentale di Idiologia e Metrologia delle Regione Veneto) Teolo, Padua, Italy, 11-16 May 1997) [NAL Call No.: TD420 A1P7] 11. "Assessment Crop Damages Using Space Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS)," N Silleos, N Dalezios, A Trikatsoula, G Petsanis, N Sigrimis, and P Groumpos, pp. 75-79 in Control Applications and Ergonomics in Agriculture (CAEA '98): A Proceedings Volume From the IFAC Workshop (Athens, Greece, Jun 1998), 1999 12. "An Assessment of the Accuracy of Land Surface Temperature Determination From the GMS-5 VISSR," by AJ Prata and RP Cechet. Remote Sensing of Environment (1999) 67(1): pp.1-14 [NAL Call No.: Q184 R4] 13. "Assessment of Vine Development According to Available Water Resources by Using Remote Sensing in La Mancha, Spain," by FJ Montero, J Melia, A Brasa, D Segarra, A Cuesta, S Lanjeri, FMS deOlalla- Manas, and C Fabeiro. Agricultural Water Management (1999) 40(2-3): pp.s363-375 (Special Issue: The use of water in sustainable agriculture: Selected papers presented at a workshop in AlbaceteSpain, 2-4 June 1997) 14. "Biophysical Stratification of the Amazon Basin," by SD Prince and MK Steininger. Global Change Biology (1999) 5(1): pp.1-22 [NAL Call No.: QC981.8 C5G6323] 15. "Can Remotely Sensed Meteorological Data Significantly Contribute to Reduce Costs of Tsetse Surveys?" by G Hendrickx, A Napala, D Rogers, P Bastiaensen, and J Slingenbergh. Memorias Do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (1999) 94(2): pp.273-276 (Second Internet Conference on Salivarian Trypanosomes, 9-19 March) 16. "Causes of Small-Scale Yield Variation in the Bavarian Tertiary Hill Land and Conclusions for Site Specific Fertilizing/ Ursachen Kleinraumiger Ertragsschwankungen Im Bayerischen Tertiarhugelland Und Folgerungen Fur Eine Teilschlagbezogene Dungung. " by FX Maidl, R Brunner, E Sticksel, and G Fischbeck. Zeitschrift Fur Pflanzenernahrung Und Bodenkunde (1999) 162(3): pp.337-342 (In German) [NAL Call No.: 384 Z343A] 17. "Change Analysis in the United Arab Emirates: An Investigation of Techniques," by TL Sohl. PE and RS, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (1999) 65(4): pp.475-484 [NAL Call No.: 325.28 P56] 18. "Characterization of the Physical Environment in the Quatro Bocas Watershed in Angelim, PE [Pernambuco, Brazil], and Its Quantification by a Geographic Information System/ Caracterizacao Do Meio Fisico Da Microbacia Quatro Bocas, Em Angelim, Pe, e Sua Quantificacao Por Sistema De Informacao Geografica. " by AB da Silva, RS Brites, and AR de Sousa. Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira (1999) 34(1): pp.109-117 (In Portuguese) [NAL Call No.: S15 P452] 19. "Characterization of the Reflectance Anisotropy of Three Boreal Forest Canopies in Spring-Summer," by DW Deering, TF Eck, and B Banerjee. Remote Sensing of Environment (1999) 67(2): pp.205-229 [NAL Call No.: Q184 R4] 20. "Combining Satellite Data With a Simulation Model to Describe Spatial Variability in Pasture Growth at a Farm Scale," by M Hill, GE Donald, PJ Vickery, AD Moore, and JR Donnelly. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture (1999) 39(3): pp.285-300 [NAL Call No.: 23 Au792] 21. "Combining Tree Growth, Fish and Wildlife Habitat, Mass Wasting, Sedimentation, and Hydrologic Models in Decision Analysis and Long-Term Forest Land Planning," by CM Olson, B Orr, and BP Oswald. Forest Ecology and Management (1999) 114(2-3): pp.339-348 (Understanding Change in Managed and Unmanaged Forests: First Biennial North American Forest Ecology Workshop, Raleigh NC, 24-26 June 1997) [NAL Call No.: SD1.F73] 22. "The Conservation of Arboreal Marsupials in the Montane Ash Forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria, South-Eastern Australia. VIII. Landscape Analysis of the Occurrence of Arboreal Marsupials," by DB Lindenmayer, RB Cunningham, and MA McCarthy. Biological Conservation (1999) 89(1): pp.83- 92 [NAL Call No.: 23 Au792] 23. "A Consistent Rainfall Parameterization Based on the Exponential Raindrop Size Distribution," by R Uijlenhoet and JNM Stricker. Journal of Hydrology Amsterdam (1999) 218(3-4): pp.101-127 [NAL Call No.: 292.8 J82] 24. Control of Trypanosomiasis "a La Carte": An Integrated Approach Based on a Geographical Information System/ Le Controle De La Trypanosomose "a La Carte": Une Approche Integree Basee Sur Un Systeme D'Information Geographique, by G Hendrickx and A Napala. Brussels: Academie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer, 1999 (In French) 25. "Controlling Spatial Structure of Forested Landscapes: A Case Study Towards Landscape Management," by EZ Baskent. Landscape Ecology (1999) 14(1): pp.83-97 [NAL Call No.: QH541.15 L35L36] 26. "Coupling of Water and Land Resources and Its Application in Regionalization," by JY Chen and CM Liu. Journal of Environmental Sciences (1999) 11(1): pp.13-17 [NAL Call No.: TD187.5 C6J68] 27. "Deforestation in Amazonia and Its Environmental Impact/ La Deforestation En Amazonie Bresilienne Et Son Impact Sur L'Environnement," by R Pasquis. Bois Et Forets Des Tropiques (1999) 260 pp.53-64 (In French with extended English abstract) [NAL Call No.: 99.8 B632] 28. "Deriving Meteorological Variables Across Africa for the Study and Control of Vector-Borne Disease: A Comparison of Remote Sensing and Spatial Interpolation of Climate," by SI Hay and JJ Lennon. Tropical Medicine and International Health (1999) 4(1): pp.58-71 29. "Detecting Process From Snapshot Pattern: Lessons From Tree Spacing in the Southern Kalahari," by F Jeltsch, K Moloney, and SJ Milton. Oikos (1999) 85(3): pp.451-466 [NAL Call No.: 410 OI4] 30. "Detection and Use of Three Signatures of Soil-Limited Evaporation," by E Amano and GD Salvucci.
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