FOLLOW US twitter.com/kaleoOhawaii Newly used THE VOICE GameStop A check-out policy K LEEOO Opinions 4 Serving the students of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa since 1922 MONDAY to TUESDAY, APRIL 13 to 14, 2009 www.kaleo.org Volume 103 Issue 91 Mānoa Minute Athletics fee gains ground Compiled by Glendalyn Junio Associate News Editor Kris DeRego News Editor “SEASCAPE EPISTEMOLOGY: DECOLONIZATION WITHIN As part of their proposal to HAWAIʻIʼS NEOCOLONIAL implement a new athletics fee, SURF TOURISM INDUSTRY” officials from the University of ASUH Senators Leonard Monday, 9 to 11 a.m., Saunders 624 Hawai‘i athletics department are Transfiguracion, left, Info: (808) 956-8500 offering free tickets to students. David Dillard, center, Under a plan presented and Brian Kron, right, “HA KAM WI TAWK to the Associated Students of discuss a proposed PIDGIN YET?”: A FILM the University of Hawai‘i and mandatory athletics Graduate Student Organization, Monday, 4 to 6:30 p.m., Archi- students would be eligible to fee by the UH Mānoa tecture Auditorium receive free tickets to home games athletics department Admission: Free played at all sporting facilities at Campus Center. Info: Christina Higgins, (808) affiliated with the university, Under the proposed 956-2785, [email protected] including Aloha Stadium, after fees, students would paying a mandatory $50 fee dur- be eligible for free tick- “LAND OF LINCOLN”: ing registration. ets to home games. SCREENPLAY READING “We want to build something Monday, 7 to 9:15 p.m., Art for students that will deliver that KENT NISHIMURA Building 132 KA LEO O HAWAIʻI value they’re giving to the athlet- Presenter: Associate professor ics department, but provide even more value to them,” said Carl committee to partner for pre- an additional $3 million.” ment to implement the fee with- Marc Moody Clapp, associate athletics director game events. We’re hoping to Currently, UH Mānoa is out producing a formal proposal Info: Marc Moody, (808) 291- for administrative services. get more students at games,” the only school in the Western or polling students. Athletics 9121, [email protected], said John McNamara, associate Athletic Conference without a department officials, however, Available student accommo- tenuretrackproductions.com dations would also be increased, athletics director for external student athletics fee. Similarly, claimed that the resolution was according to the proposal, by 1,500 affairs. “Our goal is, and always the UH Warriors are the confer- premature and the result of mis- BONE MARROW DRIVE seats at Aloha Stadium, 124 seats has been, to provide an athletics ence’s only football team that communication with student Tuesday, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Stan Sheriff Center and 201 program that the university and pays for use of a stadium, but senators, who had canceled two Campus Center 220 seats at Les Murakami Stadium, the state can be proud of.” does not share in proceeds from previous hearings on the issue. Already facing a $5.4 mil- parking or concessions. After receiving a draft pro- Info: (808) 547-6154, team- bringing the size of the student krissy.com sections at each venue to 5,000, lion net deficit accumulated over “The median difference posal at their March 31 general 500 and 225 seats, respectively. five years, athletics department between revenue and expenses meeting that included a 30-to-45- SPOʼS THIRD ANNUAL administrators expect a further for NCCA division I schools was day deadline for submission to “If tickets are free, more “CAREERS IN AGING” seats are offered, free bus trans- shortfall of $3 million for the $7.1 million in 2006, so we’re the Chancellor’s Office, some sen- 2009 fiscal year, said Clapp, who doing a better job with revenue ators felt an immediate response Tuesday, 6 to 7:30 p.m., Cam- portation is promoted and money pus Center 307 and 308 can be carved out for a student added that imposing a fee is nec- generation and management was necessary. essary to prevent further finan- than your average school,” Clapp “I think we owe it to our- Presenter: Dr. Bill Thomas, a cial problems. said. “But we still need to raise selves, our guests and the stu- Harvard-educated physician, SCATTERED SHOWERS “We project the new fee revenue and cut expenses, so dents to have a resolution ready board-certifi ed geriatrician, would take in approximately $2 we’re looking at locating addi- for the next general ASUH meet- and founder of the Eden H: 79° L: 67° million, but it will all be spent tional revenue sources, including ing,” said Matthew Prelberg, to serve students in the athlet- corporate sponsorships and revis- chairman of external affairs for Alternative NORTH 2–4+ WEST 1–3 ics program and there won’t be ing concession contracts, on top the student Senate. Info: Colette Browne, (808) 956- SOUTH 1–2+ EAST 1–3 anything leftover,” he said. “Our of the fee increase.” Despite the condensed time 6126, [email protected] SOURCE: NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE travel costs alone amount to $4.5 Members of ASUH passed a million each year, while equip- resolution, in February, opposing Send submissions for Mānoa Min- No signifi cant swells are expected. ment, supplies and uniforms cost attempts by the athletics depart- See Athletics, page 2 ute to [email protected] 2 Monday, April 13, 2009 [email protected] News Brief Athletics: ASUH to survey students from page 1 frame, ASUH plans to obtain to pay an additional expense.” said. “Even KTUH is hurting. student feedback before making Questioning the logic of insti- Should we be looking to increase a final decision on whether or not tuting a new charge at a time of fees, too?” NURSING SCHOOL the first three years, expand to support the measure. economic turmoil, Yee called on ath- Fee increases will be discussed PARTNERS WITH educational opportunities, boost “We’re planning to survey letics officials to recognize the plight further at ASUH’s next general VETERANS AFFAIRS professional development and students to gauge their feel- of other departments on campus. meeting, scheduled for April 14 at increase the pool of registered ings about the fee,” said ASUH “Everyone’s hurting,” Yee 6 p.m. in Campus Center 220. Ka Leo News Desk nurse applicants available for President Jaime Sohn. “We won’t the Veterans Affairs Pacific support any fees that the stu- Sens. Daniel K. Akaka and Islands Health Care System. dents don’t want or feel they Daniel K. Inouye announced, on “The School of Nursing and can’t afford.” BIRD’S-EYE VIEW April 9, that the University of Dental Hygiene is very excited Only one student spoke at Hawai‘i School of Nursing and about being selected as a nurse ASUH’s meeting, testifying in SOARING ABOVE THE SHORE Dental Hygiene was selected academy site with the Veterans opposition to the fee. by the Department of Veterans Affairs Pacific Islands Health “I spend well over $50 on Affairs to host the Enhancing Care System,” said Mary Boland, athletics events each year, but I Academic Partnerships Program. dean of the School of Nursing don’t think this is something that “This partnership will ben- and Dental Hygiene. “This aca- should be forced upon students,” efit the nursing students at UH demic-practice partnership sup- said Nick Yee, music director and veterans across the Pacific by ports both our agencies’ mis- for KTUH, the Mānoa campus’ improving training, encouraging sions, while developing capacity student-run radio station. “What innovation and developing new to address the nursing faculty if students don’t want to partici- ways nurses can furnish care in shortage, recruitment and reten- pate in athletics?” the community,” Akaka and Inouye tion of professional nurses, and Yee suggested that the ath- said in a joint statement. “The advancement of evidence-based letics department investigate Department of Veterans Affairs research and practice in Hawai‘i alternative ways of encouraging health system is the largest in and the Pacific Rim.” students to attend events. the country, charged with meeting In addition to UH Mānoa, “If there’s low student turnout, the health care needs of veterans, Western Carolina University, try looking at other reasons stu- young and old, and developing the University of Alabama at dents don’t go to games, like high new approaches to care.” Birmingham, Pace University ticket prices and transportation UH’s proposal noted that and Waynesburg University problems,” Yee said. “I would pay the partnership would admit were selected to participate in more to go to games, but leave it up an additional 40 students over the program. to students to decide if they want A THE VOICE EDITORIAL K LEEOO Editor in Chief Taylor Hall Opinions Editor Chris Mikesell Managing Editor Vanessa Sim Sports Editor Ashley Nonaka Ka Leo O Hawai‘i Chief Copy Editor Kyle Mahoney Associate Sports Editor Russell Tolentino University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Associate Copy Editor Nichole Catlett Comics Editor Will Caron 1755 Pope Road, 31-D News Editor Kris DeRego Design Editor Nicole Gilmore Honolulu, HI 96822 Associate News Editor Mark Brislin Photo Editor Kent Nishimura Associate News Editor Glendalyn Junio Associate Photo Editor Austin Larson Newsroom (808) 956-7043 Features Editor Yasmin Dar Web Editor Alexis E. Jamison Advertising (808) 956-3210 Associate Features Editor Carly Yonamine Associate Web Editor Michael Oshita Facsimile (808) 956-9962 ADVERTISING E-mail [email protected] Web site www.kaleo.org Advertising Manager Erica Hwang Business Office parallel to the bottom entrance of the Bookstore. Ka Leo O Hawai‘i is the campus newspaper of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.
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