Planning Appeal by: A and R Wilson and Jeffrey Site: Land at Hollington Lane, Woolton Hill, Hampshire, RG20 9XU Proposal: Application for Permission in Principle for up to 4 no. residential units Appeal Reference: APP/H1705/W/20/3247113 Local Planning Authority Reference: 19/02660/PIP Appeal Statement Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council May 2020 Contents Page Council’s main Statement of Case Appendix A – Officers Report for application Appendix B – Decision Notice for application Appendix C – Plans and Decision Notice for application 15/03617/FUL Appendix D – Authority Monitoring Report and Housing Delivery Test Planning Appeal by A and R Wilson and Jeffrey Land at Hollington Lane, Woolton Hill, Hampshire, RG20 9XU Application for Permission in Principle for up to 4 no. residential units Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/H1705/W/20/3247113 Local Planning Authority Reference: 19/02660/PIP APPEAL STATEMENT OF BASINGSTOKE AND DEANE BOROUGH COUNCIL 1 Introduction Site Description 1.1 The appeal site is situated at the south western end of Woolton Hill, along Hollington Lane. The site is a broadly rectangular shaped plot of land extending to approximately 0.45ha in size. Immediately to the south there is arable farmland, with woodland beyond. To the west and northeast, are the residential properties of The Holt, Scribblers and Hollington Corner, woodland, agricultural land and the village of Woolton Hill lay beyond. On the opposite side of Hollington Lane to the southeast are the extensive residential grounds to both Hollington House and the Garden House - the former being Grade II listed. The site benefits from a gated field access in its north eastern corner, providing direct access out onto Hollington lane. A small red brick outbuilding ('bothy) exists to the western corner of the site. The site is well contained by mature trees and hedgerow belts to the perimeter and the site itself contains grass and a number of trees and shrubs. 2 Background 2.1 The Appeal matter was validated as a planning application on the 01.10.2019. The application was determined under delegated powers and the decision notice (attached at Appendix B) was issued on the 13.12.2019. The Officer’s report forwarded with the appeal questionnaire and attached at Appendix A sets out the recommendation of the Planning Officer to refuse planning permission. This covering statement will elaborate on any policy changes which are relevant to the appeal matter and any material considerations raised by the Appellant within their Statement of Case. The two reasons for refusal are set out below for ease of reference. Reason for Refusal 1 2.2 The application would result in the erection of up to four dwellings outside of a Settlement Policy Boundary, distanced from facilities and services, within the countryside and is not considered to represent a sustainable form of development. The proposal is therefore contrary to Sections 2 and 5 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2019) (NPPF) and Policies SD1, SS1 and SS6 of the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan 2011-2029. There is no justification for departing from the NPPF or the Development Plan nor are there any other material considerations such to establish the principle of development which would be of sufficient weight to accept the creation of up to four additional dwellings at this site. Reason for Refusal 2 2.3 The proposed development would, through the introduction of domestic built form and residential paraphernalia within open and undeveloped countryside, be harmful to the character and appearance of the landscape in this location. The development of up to four dwellings would fail to reflect the predominate character of the area and the loss of trees would be to the detriment of the local distinctiveness of this part of the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The proposed development is therefore contrary to Sections 12 and 15 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2019) and Polices EM1 and EM10 of the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan 2011-2029. Relevant Planning History 2.4 The relevant planning history for this site is as set out within the Officer’s Report attached at Appendix A. 2.5 The Plans and Decision Notice for application 15/03617/FUL at this site are attached at Appendix C for reference. 3 Planning Policy 3.1 The adopted Local Plan is the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan 2011-2029 and forms part of the statutory development plan for the Borough, which sets out the Council’s vision and strategy for the area until 2029 and provides the basis for decisions on planning applications. 3.2 The relevant Local Plan policies for this Appeal comprise: Policy SD1 (Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development) Policy SS1 (Scale and Distribution of New Housing) Policy SS6 (New Housing in the Countryside) Policy CN1 (Affordable Housing) Policy CN3 (Housing Mix for Market Housing) Policy CN6 (Infrastructure) Policy CN9 (Transport) Policy EM1 (Landscape) Policy EM4 (Biodiversity, Geodiversity and Nature Conservation) Policy EM6 (Water Quality) Policy EM7 (Managing Flood Risk) Policy EM9 (Sustainable Water Use) Policy EM10 (Delivering High Quality Development) Policy EM11 (The Historic Environment) Policy EM12 (Pollution) 3.3 The Local Plan policies listed within the reasons for refusal include Policies SD1, SS1, SS6, EM1 and EM10 and are set out in full below for ease of reference: Policy SD1 – Presumption in favour of sustainable development When considering development proposals the council will take a positive approach that reflects the presumption in favour of sustainable development contained in the National Planning Policy Framework. It will always work proactively with applicants jointly to find solutions which mean that proposals can be approved wherever possible, and to secure development that improves the economic, social and environmental conditions in the area. Planning applications that accord with the policies in this Local Plan (and, where relevant, with polices in neighbourhood plans) will be approved without delay, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Where there are no policies relevant to the application or relevant policies are out of date at the time of making the decision then the council will grant permission unless material considerations indicate otherwise – taking into account whether: Any adverse impacts of granting permission would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in the National Planning Policy Framework taken as a whole; or Specific policies in that Framework indicate that development should be restricted. Policy SS1 - Scale and Distribution of New Housing Within the period 2011 – 2029, the Local Plan will make provision to meet 15,300 dwellings and associated infrastructure. This will be provided by: a) Permitting development and redevelopment within the defined Settlement Policy Boundaries, which contribute to social, economic and environmental well-being; Sites outside of defined Settlement Policy Boundaries will be considered to lie in the countryside; b) Supporting regeneration in line with Policy SS2; c) Resisting developments that involve a net loss of housing, unless it can be demonstrated that the benefits outweigh the harm; d) Allocating the Greenfield sites set out in Policy SS3 to provide approximately 7705 dwellings over the plan period; e) Supporting the delivery of new homes through Neighbourhood Planning, in line with Policy SS5; and f) Permitting exception sites located outside of defined Settlement Policy Boundaries where it meets criteria set out in the other policies in the plan or it is essential for the proposal to be located in the countryside. Settlement Policy Boundaries will be reviewed through a future Development Plan Document. Policy SS6 – New Housing in the Countryside Development proposals for new housing outside of Settlement Policy Boundaries will only be permitted where they are: a) On ‘previously developed land’, provided that: i) They do not result in an isolated form of development; and ii) The site is not of high environmental value; and iii) The proposed use and scale of development is appropriate to the site’s context; or b) For a rural exception site for affordable housing; or c) For the re-use of a redundant or disused permanent building provided that the proposal: iv) Does not require substantial rebuilding, extension or alteration; and v) Does not result in the requirement for another building to fulfil the function of the building being converted; and vi) Leads to an enhancement to the immediate setting; or d) For a replacement dwelling that is not temporary in nature, or an extension to an existing dwelling provided that: vii) The size of the proposal would be appropriate to the plot; and viii) It would not be significantly visually intrusive in the landscape; or e) Small scale8 residential proposals of a scale and type that meet a locally agreed need provided that: ix) It is well related to the existing settlement and would not result in an isolated form of development; and x) The development will respect the qualities of the local landscape and be sympathetic to its character and visual quality; and xi) The development will respect and relate to the character, form and appearance of surrounding development, and respect the amenities of the residents of neighbouring properties; or f) For a new dwelling linked to an existing and viable agricultural, forestry, horse breeding and training, livery or equivalent rural business, where it can be shown that: xii) There is an essential need for the occupant to be on site at any time during any 24 hour period; and xiii) No alternative suitable accommodation is available in the locality; and xiv) The rural business linked to the proposed new building must have been viable for the previous three years; or g) Allocated for development in a Neighbourhood Plan which has been ‘made’ by Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council.
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