m* ^tmmmimim ^^mmmmmmmmm lomeTDwn COMMUNICATIONS. NETWORK Volume 35 Number 61 Wegtiand. Michigan C20OO Hometown Communications NetwofK'1" THE WEEK Mayor's vision tor city changes Westland Mayor Robert Thomas, in a surprise residents "the best service possible at free up $1 million a year in combined move, has announced his desire to cancel a the lowest cost,** has proposed the fol­ general operating and sanitation rev­ May 9 incinerator tax election and put long- lowing; enues, helping to compensate for $1.2 • Canceling a special May 9 election million in losses from the incinerator sought city projects on the back burner. for a 1-mill incinerator tax renewal. tax. MONDAY The tax would expire in June 2001, II Shelving plans for a new recre­ BY DAREEU CLEM one," he said Friday, "but I decided it returning $60 a year to the owner of an ation center and City Hall, leaving Council: The Westland STAFF WWTEB was time to shift gears." average $120,000 horned those projects to "the great thinkers of dcletn49oe.homecomtti.aet City Council will have a Thomas, in a three-page letter to • Reducing water-sewer rates - cur­ tomorrow," Mayor Robert Thomas, in a major Westland City Council members, rently $4.46 per 1,000 gallons - by an • Placing more emphasis on road 6:30 p.m. study session on policy shift, has unveiled plana to elim­ announced a startling departure from estimated 5 cents up to 20 cents. The improvements, including this summer's voting equipment. It will inate a local incinerator tax, reduce his earlier vision for Westland. city would swallow any rate hike from resurfacing of Wayne Road from Glen* be in the council cham­ water-eewer rates and abandon propos­ "This is just a sea of change," Coun­ Detroit this year, rather than passing wood to just north of Nankin Boule­ als for a new recreation complex and cilman Glenn Anderson, a Thomas crit­ it to residents. vard. Thomas also touted the recon­ bers, City Hall, Ford near City Hall. ic, said. • Ending a special taxing district, or struction of Donna Street between Ann Carlson. "I had some sleepless nights over this Thomas, renewing his pledge to give Tax Increment Finance Authority, north of Ford Road. This move would Please SCO CITY, A4 School board: The Wayne- Westland Board of Edu­ cation will meet at 7p.m. at the school board office, on Marquette east of New- burgh. language TUESDAY denied Chamber: The Westland BY DARRELL CLEM Chamber of Commerce STAFF WRITER 'Will host a Business Lun­ dclenrftoe.homectitnm.net cheon 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 Recall organizers suffered a second defeat Friday as the Wayne County p.m. at Joy Manor, on Joy Elections Commission rejected seven east of Middlebelt in petition proposals aimed at ousting Westland. The speaker Westland City Council member Sharon Scott. will be Ron Howard of The latest setback came 2.} d;iys VR Metro Malls, dis - after the commission quashed the cussing the Internet. Price recall group's first petition, saying it contained unclear language. is $15. For reservations, "I've won two rounds." Scott said Fri­ call the chamber at (734) day, although she conceded that her 326-7222 by noon Mon­ foes will strike a third time. It didn't take long. day. Immediately following Friday's meet- ing'in Detroit, recall organizers filed five more petition proposals aimed at SATURDAY ousting Scott for her role in the Contro­ versial firing of city Clerk Patricia Gib­ bons. St. Pat's: The Eighth One proposal simply states: "On Jan, Annual St Patrick's Din­ Ifl, 2000, Sharon P' Scott voted not to reappoint the Westland city clerk," ner Dance & Auction The elections commission rejected 6:30 p.m. March 18 will identical petition wording Friday, but only because the county failed to give benefit Community Hos­ Scott proper notice, it had been filed STAW PHOTO BY T()M HAWlJTk pice & Home Care Ser­ 1 against her. vices. It will be held at the Man's best friend: Penny, a I ^year-old Brittany spaniel, looks for a treat as owner Mike NailorTh e commission scrapped *ix other of Westland gives a command to lay down. petition proposals as unclear, St. Mary Cultural Center, "I was disappointed that the recall 18100 Merrimanin Livo* (language) didn't go through," recall nia. Former Detroit Tiger leader Marian Greenfield said. "[ don't Dave Rozema will appear. understand it, because Sharon did S eve wrong, and it is costing the taxpayers." For ticket information on A decision by Scott and three of her the event, call (734) 522- colleagues to fire Gibbons and replace BY DUNE GALE ANDREASSl will understand that when friends her with a higher-paid interim succes­ 4244. SPECIAL WRITER ANIMALS come to call, it's not polite to jump all sor, former Clerk Diane Fritz, has cost on't expect Henry, Chelsey and over the visitors, Biting is definitely the city, Greenfield said. their classmates taking a man­ out of the question. And going for Recall organizers also are planning a But they'll likely learn skills the peo­ walks doesn't mean dragging the recalJ campaign against council mem INDEX Dners course at the Bailey Cen­ ple they live with will appreciate ter to say "pleaae" and "thank you" at two-legged person on. the other end of hers David Cox, Charles. Trav" Griffin much more. and David James, but the trio started Apartments/E8 Malls/Ce the end of their seven-week course. These "students" are canines who Arts/Cl Movies/C4 " ~~~ Please see 000ft, A3 Automotive/Hd New Homes/El Pleas* se-e WECAU, A4 Classified/ E,H Obituaries/ A2 Classified Real E$tate/£3 lndex/E3 Service Guide/H5 Crossword Spofts/Bl Technicolor moving operations from Westland site PuZ2le/E5 Taste/Dl . Trayel/C8 Jobs/01 BY MATT JACHMAN Livonia Corporate Center in April, said dltfbelt and Schoolcraft Road The -move tii Livonia Corporate Cen. STAFF WRITER Michael Wang, vice president for distri­ The company already has-a manufac­ ter is a consolidation .of warehousing vjachmtm6oc.homecoinni.net bution. turing facility, Technicolor Video Ser­ and distribution operations now locat­ A major manufacturer of videotaped Called Technicolor Distribution Ser­ vices, on Seven Mile in Livonia. About ed at Newburgh and Piilmer in West- feature films is expanding its opera vices, thq operation will take most'of 200 million uiprx title:; s'uch AS "Sav ijirm and i»t the (.I'S'i-'tViiy l!iU>istri>ii tiona in Livonia. the 752,000-square-foot Building .lat ing Private Ryan" and the latest Center., near i-96 and the Southfield Technicolor Packaged Media Group LiVonia Corporate Center, the industri­ "Austin Powers" movie -• are. produced Freeway, in Detroit A packaging plans to move its area warehouaing al side of Millennium Park, which is there each year. Wang said Ry volume. assembly line wilt remain in Detroit and distribution arm - and between being built at the site of the former it is the largest video duplication plant No jobs will be lost because of the 600 and 700 employees - to the new Ladbroke Detroit Race Course at Mid- in the world, he said Pleat* sw TICHfiiCOiOR, A4 Junior Miss ! Dress will be casually elegant/black tie optional Dinner/dance -ticket* are $75 per person, with raf­ two Wayne-Weatland high school seniors are com­ fle'ticket* $25 pfr ticket. The prize will he a Hawai peting in Alpena, Mich., for the title of Michigan's PLACES & FACES Looking for a new job? Junior Miss I ian trip for two ! For reservations or information, call •. 7:M Mt.V Brooke Robertson from John Glenn High School, Alpena dignitaries and community groups. Find a great one that's just • 7727. Wayne-Westland* Junior Miss, and Melissa Jen Michigan's Junior Miss Courtney Crtgnon cap­ right for you in the ning* from Glenn, first runner-up, are representing tured the honors last year and will be on hand in Employment Section of the community They 1eav<? soon to begin interviews Alpena to pass on the title Golf fun and rehearsals, with the main event March 25 Those who would like tickets should call Pat Her ! The Westland Rotary Chanties GulfOutinji will today's The winner of the Michigan Junior Mi** title com mat*. (734' 721-5220 Information on nt'Xi year's I be held Thursday. Ma\ 18. at Golden Fox, west (>f Homelbwn Classified* petes in America's Junior Miss National Finals in Wayne-Westland Junior,Miss program is available Plymouth Participants will play l* holes' ol ^olf, Mobile, AJa., in June The program include* compe in school offices with registration -H ;t<M<) M) a.m. and an M n m tition in talent, acholaatic achievement, physical fit­ shotgun start Then1 will be a continental breakfast ness, interview skills and overall presence, Twenty lunch and beverages n* the turn, and a filrt iio^onn one high uchool seniors from around the state arf Spring Ball vying for more than $10,000 in cash scholarships The Wt'Ht.land Community Fi.urwLit ion wdl pre­ diuper'banqiief Resistrat ton tonus 'w ill t>e maih-d in and more than $200,000 in coll«ge scholarship*. sent its fourth annua) Spring Hail 'Friday. March ;M. OiivU April For injhrnuilmn. call Kim Shunkwiler Rtibertaon will perform a ch«*r monologue for lw*r Hi the Helleni* Colim'al Center. .tfi..77i .lov, West­ -. 1M i 72» 5:>;L1. "loin Nort.li,- 1734 • 4iM -LlOU. John talent presentation, Jennings a tap routine land Love, ::14 7'v*9- D >YF..Ken Kelanger 7:< t • 7 ,?) Throughout the we**k.
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