Volume 68 Number 2 COLLEGE Alumni of the News OZARKS® Standard Postage Paid, Point Lookout, MO Fall 2002 Homecoming 2002 is November 2 Limited Edition Prints Now Available Limited edition prints of Charles Summey’s paint- In this Issue ing of Williams Memorial Chapel are now available from the Alumni Association for $100. The unframed 2002 Meritorious Awards. 4 prints (size approximately 20 x 28 inches) are hand- signed and numbered. For an additional $20, the Alumni in the News . 10 artist will add an original extra marking to your print Class Notes. 12 that will make it unique from other prints. Image size is approximately 16 x 24 inches.To order your print, HOMECOMING INFORMATION . 20 please complete the form on page 18 of this issue, General Gary Hughey ’65. 24 or you may order on-line at www.cofo.edu/alumni/. All proceeds from the sale of prints are applied to the current Alumni Association project, the restoration of Williams Memorial Chapel. Page 2 Alumni News • Fall 2002 Presidents’ Messages Dear Alumnus, ginnings, it is important As you may be aware, the Alum- The campus once that we stay grounded ni Association has dedicated itself again is revived with in our beliefs and faith. to the mission of restoring new and returning stu- It is the mission we stay Williams Memorial Chapel, and it is dents settling in for the on that guides our path. indeed a “mission possible” with fall semester. The Col- The theme for home- all of us making it our personal lege welcomed nearly coming is, Mission: Past, goal to see the project through to 280 new freshmen dur- Present, Possible! It is completion. The restoration is visi- ing this year’s Charac- both pleasant and bly underway, as you will witness ter Camp themed, painful when one remi- when you visit. Though tasks are “Character for Life.” nisces on the past, but being completed, we have many The purpose of Charac- Larry Cockrum staying in the past too more left to fund. As you read in ter Camp is to provide not only an long is dangerous. One must learn the last issue of the Alumni News, orientation to the College, but a from the past, work in the present, a limited number of Williams total educational experience and a and look to the possible. Memorial Chapel paintings and realistic look into life at College of The undying strength of College Dobyns Hall painting prints are the Ozarks. of the Ozarks has been the ability available for purchase now and In reflecting back on life, we to stay focused on its mission. during Homecoming. Funds from have many new beginnings includ- While College of the Ozarks has the sale of these prints will benefit ing our first steps, turning sixteen, evolved through secondary and ju- the chapel restoration fund. obtaining a driver’s license, the nior college stages to the present I ask for your continued support wave good bye from mom and dad four-year liberal arts institution, and prayers as we strive to make as we departed for school, mar- the fundamental aims and objec- College of the Ozarks a better riage, and the start of our own tives have remained the same: aca- place every day. families. demic, vocational, spiritual, We hope to see you at Home- Throughout all these new begin- patriotic and cultural growth. This coming November 2. nings there is always a past, a pre- guiding mission serves as the con- Sincerely, sent, and a possible. nector from the past, to the pre- Larry L. Cockrum As we move through the new be- sent and the possible. Association President Dear Alumnus, meet new friends and get reacquainted with old ones. Students are back in classes, and summer 2002 is Now Senate is eagerly preparing for Homecoming now just a memory. For many, the fall semester ar- 2002! Activities will begin with the queen coronation rived all too quickly. At any rate, it Friday night, November 1. The festivities will contin- is time to move forward and work to ue on Saturday with the parade, club/organization make this semester a great one here booths, entertainment, the Bobcat basketball game, at C of O. The Class of 2006 arrived the alumni banquet, and the homecoming dance. on campus and has completed Char- This year’s theme, “Mission: Past, Present, Possible!” acter Camp. Many other students challenges us not only as C of O alumni and stu- spent their week prior to the begin- dents, but also as Americans, to look back to where ning of classes working a 40-hour we have been, where we are now, and where we are workweek here on campus. Student Jennifer Howerton going in life. It calls us to pull together our inner Senate planned for months for Welcome Week, which strength that can only come from God, and work to was the first activity that Senate organized for the in- move forward from the dark times that have shad- coming and returning students. Unfortunately, I owed us over the past year. We will emerge stronger missed Welcome Week this semester, as I was attend- and better people because of our challenges. ing the U.S. Army Airborne School at Ft. Benning, I know that I speak on behalf of all the Student Georgia. The Student Body Vice President, Kara Warn- Senate when I say we look forward to having you all er, did an excellent job of managing the Welcome back on campus in November. We hope to see you on Week activities in my absence. It is a great week, as it campus for Homecoming 2002! helps ease students into college life after having been Sincerely, away all summer. It is also a time for students to Jennifer Howerton, Student Body President Alumni News • Fall 2002 Page 3 Dear Alumnus, munity. roof and guttering. It September on a college campus Budding athletes gleams both day and is always a busy time, as things get also have the opportu- night, standing as a back into full swing. Point Lookout nity to spend a week symbol of the beliefs is full of hard-working students, at C of O’s basketball and ideas around faculty and staffers right now, and and volleyball camps which College of the we’re also busy welcoming the and hone their skills Ozarks is centered. many visitors who make a stop at for their teams back In early October, C of O part of their Branson vaca- home. former Prime Minister tion. Hard Work U. is of Israel Benjamin Ne- During summer vacation, things busy with the sounds tanyahu is scheduled at the College were more relaxed of construction as to visit our campus, but still busy. Several hundred stu- well. Work continues Jerry C. Davis for what promises to dents elect each year to participate to progress on The be one of the best in the summer work program, Keeter Center for Character Educa- speakers we’ve had. We are excited which allows them to work off tion, and if you haven’t visited that this dynamic man will be their room and board for the fol- Point Lookout lately, you’ll be spending an evening with us. lowing year. They clean and refur- pleasantly surprised when you see Then Homecoming will be here bish buildings, maintain the how much progress has been before we know it, and we’re all grounds, greet tourists and per- made. looking forward to seeing as many form a variety of other tasks. Down the hill, in the heart of of you as possible. I hope you’re In addition, we have Camp Look- campus, the two Gittinger build- making your plans already to be out, which allows children who ings for music and campus min- here the first weekend in Novem- might not otherwise get to go to istries are being renovated and ber. camp to experience a week of liv- rebuilt, and other structures are re- Best wishes from all of us, and ing in cabins, making new friends, ceiving routine maintenance and God bless you. playing, and learning, all in a Chris- repairs. I think the chapel looks es- Sincerely, tian setting. We’re very proud of pecially beautiful right now; it has Jerry C. Davis what Camp Lookout has become been acid washed and has a new President and of what it means to this com- Email your class notes or address update to the Alumni Office at [email protected] or [email protected]. Articles and class notes must be submitted by January 20, 2003 to appear in the winter issue. We reserve the right to edit information submitted for publication. We appreciate the inclusion of photos with articles and class notes; however, space sometimes prohibits their use. Dear Alumnus, ter always brings a re- mixer. With such a great start to It seems as though newed enthusiasm with the school year, we can only imag- summer has come and our club. Our first fall ine what lies ahead! gone like a whirlwind. event is our traditional Fall is such a beautiful and ex- Over the summer, our Catwalk/Newcomer Bash citing time of the year at C of O! group hosted two ice to welcome the incoming The leaves are beginning to change, cream socials for the stu- students to C of O. The classes have commenced with the dents who worked during Catwalk is symbolic of a campus lively once again, and soon the summer work pro- new student’s entrance to Homecoming will be here! Have gram.
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