Planned Parentliood Hails Abortion Rule SEE STORY PAGE 3 The Weather Clear today and tonight, FINAL high in mid 40s. Tomorrow THE DAILY VTPfiJQTW'Q sunny, high around 50. EDITION 32 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.95 NO. 144 RED BANK, N.J. THURSDAY, JANUARY 25,1973 TEN CENTS aniiniimiiiiiiiiiiiini iiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiunuiiUNiiiiiiimiiimiuiiuiiiiiniuuiniiiiuuimiinuwinmiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiii i in i HIUIIIIII HIIIIMIIIIIIIIII iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini tinnim iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiuumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiimimimmiiiiiiimiiiiiitii Viet Pact Participants Gird for Tasks Ahead WASHINGTON(AP)- nationally supervised cease- P. Rogers plans to leave for nger pledged a major U.S. ef- South Vietnam are brought With a Vietnam cease-fire fast fire that will go into effect at the French capital tomorrow. fort for a permanently peace- home. approaching, major partici- 7 p.m. EST Saturday. The fast-moving diplomatic ful Indochina but cautioned —infiltration of fresh troops pants are hurrying to gird for In Ottawa, Foreign Secre- and military moves fit into that the success of the agree- and military supplies into a complicated peace settle- tary Mitchell Sharp of Ca- the intricate scenario set forth ment rests also "on the spirit South Vietnam is banned. ment and the uncertain days nada, one of four countries yesterday in a 12-page peace in which it is implemented." —All foreign troops in Laos that lie ahead. slated to help police the agreement, plus four side ac- Families Joyful and Cambodia, now heavily In Washington, the Penta- cease-fire, said the first con- cords, made public by Wash- Joy soared among the fami- infested with North Vietnam- gon issued a stop order late tingent of Canada's observer ington and Hanoi. lies of U.S. prisoners of war. ese soldiers, are to be with- yesterday on virtually all force will be heading for the Exuberance over the pros- The first batch of American drawn. pending movements of Gls to scene right after the signing. pective windup of the long prisoners is due to be airlifted —South Vietnam's political Vietnam. Only some personnel En Route war was mixed with caution out of Hanoi within 15 days of with special skills will be ship- From Hanoi came word that over whether the settlement future is to be determined by the peace signing. the South Vietnamese, with ped over to help in U.S. with- Nguyen Duy Trinh, North will stick in a land where the Under the far-ranging peace drawal, Defense Secretary Vietnam's foreign minister, is fighting has been going on for President Nguyen Van agreement: Thieu's government remain- Melvin R. Laird announced. en route to Paris to join his a generation. —All Americans held »f WIrapMf* Washington, Saigon and Viet ing intact at least until after Under the war-ending pact President Nixon spoke to throughout Indochina — 587 an election. JUBILANT,— South Vietnamese infantrymen grin and applaud aboard to be signed In Paris Satur- Cong counterparts in Satur- congressional leaders of "a servicemen and 51 civilians by their armored personnel carrier a.fter It was announced over the radio day, all U.S. forces are to be day's formal conclusion of the peace, however fragile, which U.S. count — are to be set —Any reunification of Viet- that a cease-fire will begin this weekend. The soldiers are near Blnh pulled out of South Vietnam agreement. we have hopes will endure." free within 60 days of the nam is to comet about only Duong, South Vietnam, north of Saigon, where they have been fighting re- within (iO days of the inter- Secretary of State William Negotiator Henry VA. Kissi- cease-fire as the 23,000 Gls in See Troops, page 2 cently. Nation'sGreat Gather For Last LB J Tribute WASHINGTON (AP) - patiently into the great Ro- march route five and ten deep America." * Thousands of ordinary Ameri- tunda of the Capitol to spend as Johnson was borne in state- "He gave me one guiding cans shuffled past the coffin a brief, silent moment of their ly military splendor up Con- principle," said J. J. Pickle, of Lyndon B. Johnson to say a own with the man who had stitution Ave. yesterday. Even Johnson's home congressman. simple goodbye as the na- dreamed of the Great Society greater numbers, perhaps an "He said, 'When you vote, tion's powerful assembled but lived with the nightmare eventual :iu,000, filed somberly vote for the people.' " today for one last tribute that of war. At times the lines out- past his bier following a brief, Dean Rusk, Johnson's sec- would send him on his way to side the Capitol were four solemn ceremony marked by retary of state, told the as-, a hillside grave in Texas. abreast, seven blocks long. the presence of his old col- semblage beneath the Capitol President Nixon and other Johnson's silvery, flag-drap- leagues in the Senate and doz- dome that while his former national and international ed casket had been lain upon ens of other dignitaries. boss was tough on his col- leaders were to gather at mid- the Lincoln catafalque at the President Nixon, who only leagues and his staff "he was morning beneath the spires of Capitol after a Wednesday af- hours before had proclaimed most demanding on himself." the National City Christian ternoon procession that began the Vietnam peace which had "There was so much to do Church to pay their final re- near the other landmark of eluded Johnson so long, rode and there was so little time in .spects with song and prayer. his power, the White House. in the state procession behind which to get it done." Then an Air Force jet would Along with scores of U.S. the horse-drawn caisson. In- Throughout, Mrs. Johnson AP wlrWroto carry the 36th president and leaders, the slate funeral in side the Capitol, he took Mrs. remained impressively com- RUSK EULOGIZES LBJ - Dean Rusk, the secre- left. Vice President Spiro Agnew, Lynda Bird his family back to his beloved downtown Washington was ex- Johnson's arm as she heard posed, staying to greet per- tary of state during the Johnson administration, Robb, her husband Chuck, Luci Nugent, Lady Texas for an afternoon burial pected to draw high-level de- her husband eulogized as a sonally all the official guests delivers a eulogy In the Capitol Rotunda after the Bird Johnson, President Nixon, Mrs. Nixon. Oth- at the family cemetery. legations from at least a doz- man "whose ambition for and frequently managing a flag-draped casket of President Lyndon Johnson ers are not Identified. Throughout the night, citi- en other nations. himself was nothing com- warm smile. Only when that was placed on a catafalque. Behind Rusk, from zens of all walks of life edged Mourners had lined the pared to his ambition for See Thousands, Page 2 Local Reaction to News of War's End: Pure Relief RED BANK — There was river said they were glad it of paper mean it's all over?" nothing but a stalemate all no open rejoicing, or bell ring- was over, but at the same he asked. "A, lot can happen along." ing, in Red Bank over the end time wondered why it had not still between now and Satur- Many of those interviewed of the Vietnam war. But there come to an end sooner. day. I think it is a shame this were in full support of Presi- was pure relief, it was over. "I Sincerely hope this does could not have been stopped a dent Nixon and his adminis- The town, in fact, was not turn into another Korean long time ago. tration and the way they han- "slow," as one Broad St. mer- situation," said James Kas- "I cannot see what we have dled the situation. chant put it. zuba of Middletown, a senior really gained either by the "1 am certainly in favor of Shoppers were scant in the at Monmouth College, Long delay in ending it, or by the the way the government han- afternoon. Some of the few Branch. war itself. Look what it has dled it all so far." said Frank Who braved the wind off the "Does an initial on a piece cost this country. It has been Friscia of Rumson. Then he asked. "Why could they not have done it earlier? What is it they can do now in 61) days or so, that they could not have Plan Loyalty Parade done six months ago?" Then Mr. Friscia came with By ED WALSH of Union Beach Arnerican Le- "We have the two sites lined gion Post 321, said yesterday up because a spokesman at a suggestion to the author- ities. The news of peace in Viet- a loyalty parade will step off Ft. Monmouth said the Army nam was welcomed by sev- at 2 p.m. Saturday from in may send tanks to the parade "Why don't they take all eral area residents who are front of borough police head- as well as a color guard and those guys in Canada," he directly or indirectly involved quarters at Florence Ave. and marching troops," the com- said, "the ones who refused to in the conflict. Broadway or at Morningside mander said. fight. Take them to Vietnam Frank Friscia Frans Veling Mrs. Alice Krim Mrs. Jenl Hughes Armondo Silva, commander and Poole Aves. He said the latter starting now. They refused to fight peace. See if they meant it." "Speaking personally." he view, but we are glad it is all ly from Estonia and now of llinillllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllMlillllllllllllllllllllHlllllllllllll point would be used if tanks there because they were for Parents of sons eligible for said.
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