PRIVATE CORRECTIONS INDUSTRY NEWS BULLETIN Vol. 1 - No.7 Reportil1g 011 PriSOI1 Privatizatiol1 and Related Issues December 1998 Cover-Up Uncovered at CCA Prison Last July the Wisconsin cor­ had used inappropriate force. "Our Despite the abuse and cover­ rections department began sending folks uncovered the cover-up," said up, Sullivan stated he still intends state prisoners to a CCA facility in DOC spokesman Bill Clausius. to send more Wisconsin inmates Whiteville, Tennessee. On August 5 On Nov. 10 Sullivan acknow­ to the Whiteville facility and to a a rookie officer at the privately-run ledged that inmates at the Whiteville CCA prison in Oklahoma. Wisconsin prison, Jerry Reeves, was attacked facility had been abused. He said his has been transferring prisoners out and seriously injured by Wisconsin previous denial was based on the of state for the past several years inmates (see PCINB, Sept. 1998, "apparent forthrightness" of CCA due to overcrowding in its corrections pg.7). Four prisoners subsequently staff, and accused the company of system; 2,400 inmates are presently claimed that they had been beaten, withholding information. According housed in other jurisdictions. maced and shocked with stun guns to Sullivan 15 to 20 inmates were The Wisconsin corrections de­ by CCA staff members who inter­ mistreated by CCA officers - the partment is in the process of hiring rogated them about the attack. prisoners were slammed against a four full-time monitors for out-of­ Two days after the allegations wall, one was struck in the groin and state contract prisons. "Certainly be­ of abuse were made public, the at least two were shocked with stun cause of this activity [at Whiteville] warden at the Whiteville prison guns or stun shields. we will have a large presence there traveled to Wisconsin to assure state Sullivan announced that his in both announced and unannounced officials that the complaints were staff had submitted their fmdings to visits," said Sullivan. groundless. At that time, in October, law enforcement authorities, whom A delegation of five Wisconsin Wisconsin Corrections Secretary he expects will "fully investigate the legislators visited the CCA facility Michael Sullivan denied that in­ cover-up of these incidents" at the after the abuse and cover-up were mates at the privately-run facility CCA facility. The FBI has launched disclosed. Although it was supposed had been abused. an investigation which is expected to to be a surprise inspection CCA had However, Sullivan sent a team conclude in December. The prison's learned they were coming, and the of corrections officials to Tennessee security chief and seven other em­ lawmakers were greeted by prison to conduct their own investigation. ployees were frred; according to CCA and corporate officials. Following After questioning more than fifty spokeswoman Susan Hart the com­ the visit four of the five delegation inmates and prison staff members pany has a "zero tolerance policy" for members, all Republicans, said they they concluded that CCA employees inappropriate use of force. saw no reason to [continued¢] co 1998 - P.C.I. News Bulletin, 3 I 93-A Parthenon Avenue, Nashville, TN 37203 p.e.I. News Bulletin 2 December 1998 stop sending inmates to the private Georgia Inmates Praise ADMI NISTRI VIA prison. Rep. Spencer Coggs, a Dem­ Private Prison ocrat, argued the transfers should be The P.C.I. News Blllletin (PCINB) is discontinued until state and federal At least some Georgia pri­ a monthly publication that reports on investigations are complete. soners are pleased with the state's prison privatization and related issues. On December 2 a Wisconsin first privately-operated prison, a $38 primarily within the United States. legislative committee authorized al­ million 750-bed facility in Charlton most $2 million to send 477 more County. Inmates at the D. Ray James Copyright prisoners to out-of-state facilities; State Prison, run by Houston-based PCINB is copyright © 1998. Non-profit according to Corrections SecretaI)' Cornell Corrections, laud conditions organizations and individuals acting on Michael Sullivan the transfers are at the facility in comparison with the their behalf arc granted permission to likely to continue for at least a dec­ state corrections system They cite reprint or copy any materials included ade. Sen. Brian Burke objected to amenities such as salt and pepper in PCINB provided that source credit is doing further business with CCA. "If shakers and napkins on the tables in given and that such copies are for non­ the world of privatized prisons were the cafeteria. commercial pwposes only - all other truly free market, we would not be Cornell officials say privileges persons are required to obtain written have made inmates happier, which permission from PCINB before any re­ rewarding the Corrections Corp. of prints or copies legally can be made. America for bad behavior," he said. reduces security problems and thus Wisconsin Governor Tommy cuts costs. "In most state prisons PCINB will happily and enthusiastically Thompson reportedly viewed the the wardens do not talk to the in­ pursue legal action against copyright abuse of prisoners at the Whiteville mates," said Cornell warden Lovell violators, and will provide a reward to facility as a serious but isolated in­ Hudson, who walks unaccompanied persons who report copyright violations cident. Chief of staff John Matthews about the facility and engages in that result in successful litigation or said the governor "recognizes that conversations with prisoners. "But if settlements, as determincd by PCINB. these things can happen anywhere in you don't want to talk to them, you any institution, public or private. ,. don't know what's going on." Address Gov. Thompson received a $2,500 "I'd much rather stay here," remarked inmate Arthaniel Johnson, P.C.I. News Bulletin. 3193-A Parthenon campaign contribution from CCA noting that there are fewer rules and Avenue, Nashville, Tenncssee 37203. C.E.O. Doctor R. Crants on Sept. 2, regulations at the private prison. after the abuse at Whiteville had There may be another reason why Legal Stuff occurred and before the cover-up was prisoners prefer conditions at the The information presented in this pub­ revealed and reported. Cornell facility: less brutality. lication is not intended to supplant the Jerry Reeves, the correctional In April 1998 the Georgia services I advice of legal or corrections­ officer whose beating led to the Dept. of Corrections agreed to pay related professionals. The editors of and interrogation and abuse of inmates $283,500 to settle a lawsuit stem­ contributors to PCINB disclaim any lia­ by CCA staff members, remains in bility.loss or risk, personal or otherwise. ming from widespread shakedowns critical but stable condition. Nine conducted by tactical squads at state incurred as a direct or indirect consequ­ Wisconsin prisoners are expected ence of the use and application of any of prisons in which inmates were beat­ the contents of this newsletter. So there. to be indicted on felony charges by en and injured. T ennessec authorities in connection State officials have conducted with the attack that left Reeves hos­ two audits of the Cornell facility pitalized. 0 since it opened in October, citing WANTED lax security procedures among other Sources: The Tennessean, Nov. II, Articles, clippings and news reports problems. 0 1998; Milwaukee Journal Senttnel. regarding the private corrections in­ Nov. 11, 12, Dec. 3, 1998; Knoxville Sources: U.S.A. Today, December 31, dustry - please include the source News-Sentinel, November 12, 1998; 1998; The Jackson Sun, Nov. 22, and date of all materials submitted. US.A. Today, Nov. II, Dec. 3,1998. 1998; Prison Legal News, Oct. 1998. p.e.!. News Bulletin 3 December 1998 Department of Justice Sues Louisiana Other Private Corrections Industry Resources On Nov. 5 the U.S. Dept. of company on behalf of up to fifty Justice filed suit against Louisiana juveniles at Tallulah, secking dam­ Corrections and Criminal Justice due to conditions in the state's faci­ ages for injuries caused by guards. Coalition (CCJC), Route 2, Box lities for juvenile offenders, citing According to federal officials 1 144, Harpers Feny, WV 25425 excessive levels of violence and in­ the Dept. of Justice sued Louisiana (888) 315-8784; www.ccjc.com. adequate medical and mental health following unsuccessful negotiations A consortiwn of anti-privatization care. The civil rights lawsuit further in which the state failed or refused correctional employees' unions. alleges that youths are held in isola­ to take corrective action. Points of tion cells and are not provided with contention include lowering guard­ Corrections USA (CUSA), P.O. sufficient educational services. to-inmate ratios, addressing use-of­ Box 394, Newton, NH 03858 The suit follows two damning force concerns, and hiring more (603) 382-9707; www.cusa.org. reports by federal investigators who special education teachers. State A non-profit association affiliated found deficiencies in Louisiana's officials claim that problems at the with correctional officers' unions; four juvenile prisons. "At the mom­ juvenile facilities have been ex­ opposes prison privatization. ent it is clear that federal court action aggerated. TransAmeriean Develop­ is the only way to protect juveniles ment has complained that the cost Prison Refonn Trust, 15 North­ in Louisiana's secure correctional of complying with improvements burgh Street, 2nd Floor, London, facilities from unlawful conditions," demanded by the Justice Depart­ EC I V OJR England; phone: 011- said Bill Lann Lee, acting Assistant ment would put the company out of 44-171-251-5070; e-mail: prt@ Attorney General for Civil Rights in business. prisonrefonn.demon.co.uk. Publishes Baton Rouge. The state of Louisiana also the Prison Privatisation Report Int '/ Singled out for criticism in the faces a lawsuit filed by the Juvenile (PPRl), which covers news about investigative reports and subsequent Justice Project, which represents 12 the private corrections industry in juveniles at Tallulah who seek im­ the U.S.
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