Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.33.5.612 on 1 October 1978. Downloaded from Thorax, 1978, 33, 612-615 Aortic valve replacement in rheumatoid aortic incompetence A B DEVLIN, P GOLDSTRAW, AND P K CAVES From the University Department of Cardiac Surgery, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow G4 OSF, UK Devlin, A B, Goldstraw, P, and Caves, P K (1978). Thorax, 33, 612-615. Aortic valve replacement in rheumatoid aortic incompetence. Rheumatoid aortic valve disease is uncommon, and there are few reports of valve replacement in this condition. Aortic valve replacement and partial pericardiectomy was performed in a patient with acute rheumatoid aortitis and aortic incompetence. Previous reports suggest that any patient with rheumatoid arthritis who develops cardiac symptoms should be carefully assessed for surgically treatable involvement of the pericardium or heart valves. The commonest symptomatic cardiac valvar were collapsing in character, and his blood pres- lesion in patients with rheumatoid arthritis is sure was 170/35 mmHg. Auscultation showed aortic incompetence, but aortic stenosis (Lassiter loud aortic systolic and diastolic murmurs. He had copyright. and Tassy, 1965) and mitral regurgitation (Car- "pistol-shot" femoral pulses. There was rheuma- penter et al, 1967) have been reported. Rupture toid arthritis of his elbow, wrist, knee, and ankle of the sinus of Valsalva with complete heart joints. block has also been described (Howell et al, 1972). His plain chest radiograph showed cardiomegaly This clinical experience contrasts with post- with pulmonary oedema. His electrocardiogram http://thorax.bmj.com/ mortem studies that show the similarity of rheu- showed left ventricular hypertrophy with strain, matoid and rheumatic cardiac disease with mitral, the cardiac rhythm varying between sinus tachy- aortic, tricuspid, and pulmonary valvar involve- cardia and atrial fibrillation. He was apyrexial. ment occurring in descending order of frequency. The results of full blood count and routine Aortic valve replacement (Roberts et al, 1968) for biochemical investigations were normal. His ESR aortic incompetence is the only recorded cardiac was 87 mm in the first hour, and he had persistent operation for valvar disease in such patients. Six microscopic haematuria. Blood cultures were re- cases have been reported (Barker, 1971; Iveson et peatedly sterile. al, 1975; Yates and Scott, 1975), although Iveson Acute aortic incompetence with an aortic sys- on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected knows of two others (personal communication tolic flow murmur was diagnosed, but the aetiology from M W J Boyd, 1974). We report in detail of the valve lesion was not certain. Subacute bac- a seventh successful case. terial endocarditis was thought to be the probable diagnosis. Case report Although the patient improved rapidly on bed rest, digoxin, and diuretics, he later suffered two A 56-year-old man had suffered from classical further episodes of acute left ventricular failure. rheumatoid arthritis for eight years. There was He was transferred to Glasgow Royal Infirmary no history of rheumatic fever. The disease was for further cardiological assessment. Results of widespread, nodular, erosive, and seropositive tests for syphilis, Q fever, and systemic lupus (rheumatoid factor present in titre of 1/128). His erythematosus were all negative. He remained drug treatment consisted of indomethacin and afebrile, and blood cultures were again sterile. chloroquine. No previous symptoms or signs had Echocardiography showed normal mitral valve been attributed to the cardiovascular system. movement. Cardiac catheterisation showed gross In November 1976 he was admitted to hospital aortic regurgitation with a left ventricular end- with left ventricular failure. The peripheral pulses diastolic pressure of 25 cm of water. Coronary 612 Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.33.5.612 on 1 October 1978. Downloaded from Aortic valve replacement in rheumatoid aortic incompetence 613 arteriography was normal. An intravenous pyelo- The anterior pericardium was removed before gram showed a left-sided hydronephrosis with a closing the chest. calculus at the pelviureteric junction. No organisms were grown from the excised valve leaflets. Histological sections showed that the normal structure of the valve was replaced by Operation an inflammatory process, including foci of fibrinoid necrosis, which were surrounded by On 6 January 1977, two months after the first palisaded fibroblasts. Most of the inflammatory cardiac symptoms, operation was performed cells were of plasma cell type with only a few through a median sternotomy. No evidence of polymorphs. The appearances were considered pericarditis was seen. The aortic valve and aorfic diagnostic of rheumatoid nodules (see figure). wall at the attachment of the leaflets appeared The patient recovered rapidly, and one year acutely inflamed. All three aortic leaflets were after his operation remains well. He has no cardiac shortened and greatly thickened, especially at the symptoms and no signs of aortic incompetence. annular attachment. That part of the mitral valve He remains in atrial fibrillation controlled by that could be seen appeared completely normal. daily digoxin with a blood pressure of 120/70 mm The aortic valve leaflets were excised, their sub- Hg. His serial chest radiographs have shown con- stance being almost fluid in places. A porcine siderable diminution in the size of the cardiac xenograft (Hancock Laboratories) was sutured in silhouette. His rheumatoid arthritis is easily place using interrupted horizontal mattress sutures. managed with indomethacin. copyright. http://thorax.bmj.com/ on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected Figure Normal structure of valve is replaced by an inflammatory process including foci of fibrinoid necrosis of collagen, which are surrounded by palisaded fibroblasts. Most inflammatory cells are plasma cells with only a few polymorphs. Culture of valve did not result in growth of any pathogenic bacteria. Appearances are considered diagnostic for rheumatoid nodules (Haematoxylin and eosin X75). Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.33.5.612 on 1 October 1978. Downloaded from 614 A B Devlin, P Goldstraw, and P K Caves Discussion disease is not related in any reliable way to the severity of rheumatoid arthritis, although it tends Rheumatoid heart disease has been a well-recog- to be commoner in patients with subcutaneous nised pathological entity and is now much more nodules. Thus any patient with rheumatoid often diagnosed clinically. The commonest lesion arthritis who develops cardiac symptoms should seen is pericarditis with an incidence varying from be carefully assessed since surgery may be needed 11-50% in different post-mortem studies (Finger- for persistent pericardial effusion or progressive man and Andrus, 1943; Young and Schwedel, valvar dysfunction. 1944). Careful clinical examination will detect the presence of pericardial effusion in 10% of patients We wish to thank Dr Ian Hutton, consultant car- with rheumatoid arthritis (Kirk and Cosh, 1969), diologist, for his referral of this patient and Dr but with ultrasound this figure rises to 34% with H W Simpson, consultant pathologist, both of an even higher figure of 50% in the subgroup of Glasgow Royal Infirmary, for the histological re- patients with subcutaneous nodules (Bacon and port on the valve and the illustration. Gibson, 1974). The vast majority of these peri- cardial lesions are clinically silent, but several References case reports show that sudden death may occur from constrictive pericarditis or cardiac tampo- Bacon, P A, and Gibson, D G (1974). Cardiac involve- nade even in young patients with mild rheumatoid ment in rheumatoid arthritis-an echocardiographic arthritis (Bevans et al, 1954; Stern and Sobel, study. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 33, 20-24. 1961; Partridge and Duthie, 1963; Smyth, 1965; Baggenstoss, A H, and Rosenberg, E F (1941). Car- Latham, 1966). diac lesions associated with chronic infectious Rheumatoid granulomata affecting the heart arthritis. Archives of Internal Medicine, 67, 241- 258. itself are much less common; an overall incidence Barker, A (1971). Rheumatoid arthritis and rheuma- of between 1 and 3% has been recorded in post- toid heart disease. New Zealand Medical Journal,copyright. mortem studies of patients with rheumatoid 73, 14-17. arthritis (Baggenstross and Rosenberg, 1941; Bon- Bevans, M, Nadell, J, Demartini, F, and Ragan, C figlio and Atwater, 1969). (1954). The systemic lesions of malignant rheuma- Reports of valvar heart disease due to rheuma- toid arthritis. American Journal of Medicine, 16, toid arthritis diagnosed during life are rare. We 197-211. have found six reports of aortic valve replacement Bonfiglio, T, and Atwater, E C (1969). Heart disease http://thorax.bmj.com/ for rheumatoid aortic incompetence (Barker, 1971; in patients with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis. Archives of Internal Medicine, 124, 714-719. Iveson et al, 1975; Yates and Scott, 1975), although Carpenter, D F, Golden, A, and Roberts, W C (1967). the certainty of the diagnosis in one of Iveson's Quadrivalvular rheumatoid heart disease associated cases appears doubtful. Aortic valve replacement with left bundle branch block. American Journal of was successful in five patients, the sixth patient Medicine, 43, 922-929. dying after operation from generalised vasculitis. Fingerman, D L, and Andrus, F C (1943). Visceral A notable clinical feature in our patient was the lesions associated with rheumatoid
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