Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Fakultät für Chemie und Pharmazie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Molecular basis of RNA polymerase III transcription repression by Maf1 & Structure of human mitochondrial RNA polymerase Eva Rieke Ringel aus Essen 2011 Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Fakultät für Chemie und Pharmazie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Molecular basis of RNA polymerase III transcription repression by Maf1 & Structure of human mitochondrial RNA polymerase Eva Rieke Ringel aus Essen 2011 Erklärung Diese Dissertation wurde im Sinne von § 13 Abs. 3 bzw. 4 der Promotionsordnung vom 29. Januar 1998 (in der Fassung der sechsten Änderungssatzung vom 16. August 2010) von Herrn Prof. Dr. Patrick Cramer betreut. Ehrenwörtliche Versicherung Diese Dissertation wurde selbständig, ohne unerlaubte Hilfe erarbeitet. München, ..................................... .................................................................... Eva Rieke Ringel Dissertation eingereicht am 26.05.2011 1. Gutachter Prof. Dr. Patrick Cramer 2. Gutachter Prof. Dr. Dietmar Martin Mündliche Prüfung am 26.07.2011 Acknowledgements Life-science is like teamsports. If you want to play in a high league, you need to have good players and, even more importantly, a strong and diehard team effort. Without good passes from your teammates you would never score a goal and without the right tactics, training input and motivation from your coach, there would be nothing to win. I am very grateful that I was part of such a successful and inspiring squad, the Cramer lab team. I want to thank Patrick, the coach, not only for letting me be part of this team but also for his leadership. You gave me at the right time a lot of freedom to decide over my daily labwork and provided helpful feedback and project plans, when it was required. You trusted in me and my capabilities, like representing the Pol III team on a conference in the US. You also motivated me to start the risky, challenging but also extremely exciting “mito Pol” project, and in the end it worked out and was worse it! Special thanks go to Dmitry, who initiated the mitoRNAP match! I learned so much about single subunit polymerases from you! Only your enthusiasm about these tiny initial crystals, and your staying power, enabled the success of this project. Thanks for sharing many ideas for experiments with me and explaining in long emails good biochemistry. And yes, the next time you visit the Genecenter, there will be a cold Bavarian beer in the fridge again. I would also like to thank my teammates in the Maf1/Pol III match, Anselm Kusser and Alessandro Vannini! Your passes with plenty of Pol III purifications and cryo EM reconstructions were wonderful and “this time it worked”. I am very glad that our Pol III team succeeded not only in science but also beyond (and that I got your famous tiramisu recipe, Ale and your delicious restaurant tip, Anselm). Many teammates in the lab did not only help with advices, supports and discussions, but also contributed to the fruitful atmosphere at work. Thank you: Alan, for so much help at the synchrotron, with data processing, and discussions about crystallography. You are a famous teacher! Christian, for discussions about life beyond science and for teaching me, a convinced child of the Ruhrpott, the beauty of your home. Claudia (Blattner), for mastering our PhD times side by side, for sharing uncountable lunch times and for always barely listening and speaking about all these enjoyments, doubts and thoughts in this time. Claudia (Buchen), for keeping the lab running and being always a great help for finding everything. Dirk, for providing a lot of expertise in crystallography and ideas to process the data and build the models even a bit better. Elisabeth, for helping me with the RNA-extension assays and sharing the great experience in the lab. Elmar, for many useful ideas in the daily lab work, for your contagious enthusiasm at the bench, and for spending many hours in the lab speaking about everything under the sun. Jasmin, for sharing her expertise with the bead-based transcription assays and of course for your “krass” famous Persian meals. Jenne, for discussing with me about soccer and all the other important things in life and of course for sharing your exceptional theories about the Pol I architecture. Laurent, for his open-minded interest and challenging questions. Martin, for his advices and help to establish his transcription assay in the Pol III system. Stefan (Benkert) for fermenting hugh amounts of Pol III. Tobias, for helping with Äkta-systems also late in the evening, for listening to the latest successes and failures of experiments, and of course for sharing many delicious coffees. Also I would like to thank my students Lukas and Alexander.You were more than only substitutes of the team, but really offered great help in the lab. I learned a lot from teaching you and appreciate your interest in my projects. Additionally, many thanks go to Hans-Joerg and Maxi from the IMPRS of the MPI Martinsried. I will profit from your continuous work to offer students good trainings, suitable workshops, and interesting talk schedules – a real trainingscamp, so to say. Auch meinen Eltern, meinem Bruder und meinen Großeltern möchte ich danken. Danke, dass ihr mir die Freiheit geschaffen habt, zu tun, was ich möchte und mir die Unterstützung gegeben habt, die ich dafür brauche! Danke Robin, für Dein Verständnis und Deine Hilfe und dass Du mich immer daran erinnerst, was wirklich wichtig ist! I Summary Topic I Molecular basis of RNA polymerase III transcription repression by Maf1 RNA polymerase III (RNAP III) is a conserved 17-subunit enzyme that transcribes genes encoding short untranslated RNAs such as transfer RNAs (tRNAs) and 5S ribosomal RNA (rRNA). These genes are essential and involved in fundamental processes like protein biogenesis; hence RNAP III activity needs to be tightly regulated. RNAP III is repressed upon stress and this is regulated by Maf1, a protein conserved from yeast to humans. Many stress pathways were shown to converge on Maf1 and result in its phosphorylation, followed by its nuclear import and eventual repression of RNAP III activity. However, the molecular mechanisms of this repression activity were not known at the beginning of these studies. This work establishes the mechanism of RNAP III specific transcription repression by Maf1. The crystal structure of Maf1 was solved. It has a globular fold with surface accessible NLS sequences, which sheds new light on already published results and explains how stress-induced phopshorylation leads to import of Maf1 into the nucleus. Additionally, cryo EM studies and competition assays show that Maf1 binds RNAP III at its clamp domain and thereby induces structural rearrangements of RNAP III, which inhibits the interaction with Brf1, a subunit of the transcription initiation factor TFIIIB. This specifically impairs recruitment of RNAP III to its promoters and implies that Maf1 is a repressor of transcription initiation. Competition and transcription assays show that Maf1 also binds RNAP III that is engaged in transcription, leaving RNAP III activity intact but preventing re-initiation. Topic II Structure of human mitochondrial RNA polymerase The nuclear-encoded human mitochondrial RNAP (mitoRNAP) transcribes the mitochondrial genome, which encodes rRNA, tRNAs and mRNAs. MitoRNAP is a single subunit (ss) polymerase, related to T7 bacteriophage and chloroplast polymerases. All share a conserved C-terminal core, whereas the N-terminal parts of mitoRNAP do not show any homology to other ss RNAPs. Unlike phage RNAPs, which are self-sufficient, human mitoRNAP needs two essential transcription factors for initiation, TFAM and TFB2M. Both of these factors are likely to control the major steps of transcription initiation, promoter binding and melting. Thus human mitoRNAP has evolved a different mechanism for transcription initiation and exhibits a unique transcription system. Structural studies thus far concentrated on the nuclear enzymes or phage RNAPs, whereas the structure of mitochondrial RNA polymerase remained unknown. The structural organization of human mitoRNAP and the molecular mechanisms of promoter recognition, binding and melting were subject of interest in these studies. In this work the crystal structure of human mitoRNAP was solved at 2.4 Å resolution and reveals a T7-like C-terminal catalytic domain, a N-terminal domain that remotely resembles the T7 promoter-binding domain (PBD), a novel pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) domain, and a flexible N-terminal extension. MitoRNAP specific adaptions in the N-terminus include the sequestering of one of the key promoter binding elements in T7 RNAP, the AT-rich recognition loop, by the PPR domain. This sequestration and repositioning of the N-terminal domain explain the need for the additional initiation factor TFAM. The highly conserved active site within the C-terminal core was observed to bind a sulphate ion, a well known phosphate mimic, and thereby suggests conserved substrate binding and selection mechanisms between ss RNAPs. However, conformational changes of the active site were observed due to a movement of the adjacent fingers subdomain. The structure reveals a clenching of the active site by a repositioned fingers subdomain and an alternative position of the intercalating -hairpin. This explains why the conserved transcription factor TFB2M is required for promoter melting and initiation. A model of the mitochondrial initiation complex was build to further explore the initiation mechanism, and to rationalize the available biochemical and genetic data. The structure of mitoRNAP shows how this enzyme uses mechanisms for transcription initiation that differ from those used by phage and cellular RNAPs, and which may have enabled regulation of mitochondrial gene transcription and adaptation of mitochondrial function to changes in the environment. II Publications Part of this work has been published or is in the process of being published. Vannini,A.*, Ringel,R.*, Kusser,A.G.*, Berninghausen,O., Kassavetis,G.A., and Cramer,P.
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