February/2006 Volume XXXVII, No. 2 $14.00 per year;2 years $24.00 FOR THOSE WHO LOVE THE TRUTH AND HATE ERROR APOSTASY AND RESTORATION Ian McPherson Christ established His church in the New Testament 50-117) thought that it would be more advantageous to call era through the power of the Holy Spirit on the Jewish Day the chairman of the board of elders a “bishop”. “Elder” of Pentecost just fifty days from his death. When people meant an older distinguished person, and “bishop” meant were baptized for the remission of their sins the Lord added “overseer”. These both refer to the same office. (II Timo- those who were saved from their sins to His church (Acts thy 3:1-8, Titus 1:5-9) The Greek words which describe 2:38, 41, 47). The Apostle’s doctrine formed the basis of them are used interchangeably (Acts 20:28). After the its teaching (Acts 2:42). The church continued to grow in trend introduced by Ignatius, the church gradually became Jerusalem, and when persecution came it scattered. The centralized. gospel spread from Jerusalem to Judea and then Samaria First, Bishops from local congregations began meeting and to the uttermost parts of the earth (Acts 1:8). Ulti- together and making decisions on behalf of their allotted mately, within the first century the gospel was preached to areas known as a diocese. every person under heaven (Colossians 1:23). Second, people began trying to trace a fictitious line The church that was established was not a denomina- of bishops back to the apostolic era, and power hungry tion but it was planned in the eternal, omniscient, and bishops began pointing to Peter as the Chief Apostle and omnipotent mind of God (Ephesians 3:10), purchased by to Rome as the seat of religious power in the Church. For the blood of Jesus Christ (Acts 20:28) and brought into over 500 years many other innovations characterized the force through his resurrection from the dead and exalta- apostasy. Finally out of that apostasy full-fledged Roman tion in heaven on the first Pentecost day following Christ’s Catholicism came to be. resurrection and ascension to His Heavenly Father and ours In A.D. 606, Boniface III was the first to successfully (Acts 1:9-11; 2; Ephesians 1:19-23). claim to be Universal Bishop of the church. The pope even- Denominations came into existence many hundreds tually took on the title of “Most Holy Father”, which is a of years later as a result of preachers and others losing title that only belongs to God. The Bible forbids men using their love for the truth, and the courage to preach sound religious titles (Matthew 23:5-11). Christ is the only head doctrine. Over centuries the church of the Bible fell away of the church (Ephesians 1:20-23; Colossians 1:18). from its original form which resulted in hundreds of sects, The trend towards papal power and the apostasy of the or denominations, being formed. (This falling away is de- church was originally generated by Emperor Constantine. scribed in detail in I Timothy 4:1-5 and II Thessalonians He was sympathetic with Christianity and did good things 2:1-12). Apostasy happened gradually, but came about of which we, as a church, reap the benefit today. For ex- because people lost their love for the truth and preferred to ample he stopped persecution of the church by issuing the have their ears tickled (II Timothy 4:4). This short lesson Edict of Milan in A.D. 313. He also made Sunday a holiday, is a description of how the church fell away from the truth thus enabling Christians more liberty to meet for worship how denominations came into existence and how diligent through the day instead of in the night after work (Acts Bible scholars found their way back to the truth and, thus, 20:7). However, over all, Constantine had a disastrous af- to the Lord’s church. fect on the apostate church. DEVELOPMENT OF CATHOLICISM His influence caused it to become a political institution The first area of apostasy was in organization. Local instead of a religious one. Also it became materialistic in- congregations of the New Testament church were fully stead of evangelistic. Constantine gave much state money organized when they had “elders in every church” (Acts to build beautiful buildings, thus putting the emphasis on 14:23). This system went unchanged until an elder from the meeting place of the church instead of the assembly the church at Antioch by the name of Ignatius (circa A.D. itself. He said: (Continued on Page 5) Editorial... WHAT NEXT? David P. Brown, Editor and Publisher The following announcement appeared in the bul- [email protected] letin of the Forest Hill Church of Christ, “The Forest Hill News,” Page 3, November 15, 2005. COMMUNICATIONS received by CONTENDING FOR IN THE AREA THE FAITH and/or its Editors are viewed as intended FOR PUBLICATION unless otherwise stated. Whereas we respect South Germantown Road church of Christ, confidential information, so described, everything else sent family and Friends Day, to us we feel free to publish without further permission being Sunday, November 20, 2:30 p.m. necessary. Anything sent to us NOT for publication, please indicate this clearly when you write. Please address such Speaker: Jerry Taylor of Abilene, Texas. letters directly to the Editor-in-Chief David P. Brown, P.O. Box At this writing it has been a few days over two 2357, Spring, Texas 77383. Telephone: (281) 350-5516. months since the preceding announcement appeared in SUBSCRIPTIONS RATES the Forest Hill church bulletin. We have waited this long Single Subscriptions: One Year, $14.00; Two Years, to write about this announcement to see if any explana- $24.00. Club Rate: Three One-Year Subscriptions, $36; Five tion of why it appeared in The Forest Hill News would One-Year Subscriptions, $58.00. Whole Congregation Rate: Any congregation entering each family of its entire member- be forthcoming. To date we have seen nothing from the ship with single copies being mailed directly to each home powers that be at the Forest Hill congregation to explain receives a $3.00 discount off the Single Subscription Rate, why the announcement appeared in The Forest Hill i.e., such whole congregation subscriptions are payable in News. Why would any faithful congregation advertise advance at the rate of $11.00 per year per family address. Foreign Rate: One Year, $30. any church or gathering having Jerry Taylor of Abilene, Texas as the speaker? The preceding question will take ADVERTISING POLICY & RATES CONTENDING FOR THE FAITH was begun and continues on much more significance after you read the following to exist to defend the gospel (Philippians 1:7,17) and refute information about Jerry Taylor of Abilene, Texas. error (Jude 3). Therefore, we are interested in advertising WHO IS JERRY TAYLOR? only those things that are in harmony with what the Bible Jerry Taylor is Assistant Professor of Bible at Abilene authorizes (Colossians 3:17). We will not knowingly advertise anything to the contrary. Hence, we reserve the right to refuse Christian University. He came to ACU after… any offer to advertise in this paper. being involved in congregational ministry in Georgia, North Carolina and Texas. He teaches general educa- All setups and layouts of advertisements will be done by CONTENDING FOR THE FAITH. A one-time setup and layout tion Bible classes. He graduated from Southwestern fee for each advertisement will be charged if such setup or Christian College with a bachelor’s degree in Bible layout is needful. Setup and layout fees are in addition to in 1984. He received his Master of Divinity degree the cost of the space purchased for advertisement. No major changes will be made without customer approval. in 1988 as well as his Doctor of Ministry degree in 1995 from Southern Methodist University. He is All advertisements must be in our hands no later than one of the organizers of the annual New Wineskins two (2) months preceding the publishing of the issue of the Ministers Retreat.1 journal in which you desire your advertisement to appear. To avoid being charged for the following month, ads must be Taylor “was recently presented the Outstanding canceled by the first of the month. We appreciate your under- Leadership Award at the NAACP National Conven- standing of and cooperation with our advertising policy. tion. A frequent speaker at college and church con- MAIL ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISEMENTS AND ferences around the country, Jerry is known for his LETTERS TO THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, P. O. Box 2357, Spring, engaging and challenging oratory. He is a remarkable Texas 77383-2357. COST OF SPACE FOR ADS: Back page, preacher in the spirit of the prophets and the Sermon $300.00; full page, $300.00; half page, $175.00; quarter page, 2 $90.00; less than quarter page, $18.00 per column-inch. on the Mount.” CLASSIFIED ADS: $2.00 per line per month. CHURCH DIREC- Taylor is scheduled to speak at the Rochester Col- TORY ADS: $30.00 per line per year. SETUP AND LAYOUT lege 9th Annual Sermon Seminar, May 22 – 24, 2006. FEES: Full page, $50.00; half page, $35.00; anything under a half page, $20.00. The speakers scheduled to be with Taylor in this seminar are: Stanley Hauerwas, the Gilbert T. Rowe Professor CONTENDING FOR THE FAITH is published monthly. of Theological Ethics at the Divinity School of Duke P. O. Box 2357, Spring, Texas 77383-2357 Telephone: (281) 350-5516.
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