1922. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2871 Also, a bill (H. n. 10551) granting a pension to Margaret T. 4211. By Mr. LINTHICUM: Petition of the Edwin Bennett Rouchard; to the Committee on Pensions. Pottery Co., of Baltimore~ Md., f.avoTing adequate protection to Also, a bill (H. R. 10552) granting a pension to Charles R. our industry against Japan and Germany; to the Co.mmlttee on Taylor ; to the Committee on Pensions. , Ways and Means. Also, a bill (H. R. 10553) granting.a pension to Mary F. Deau; 4212. Also, petition o.f John J. Greer & Oo.., of Baltimore, to the Committee on Pensions. Md., opposing tax on letter mail as means of raising boons; Br Mr. RAKEH: A bill (H. R. 10554) authorizing the .secre­ also petition of H. C. Bm-gan, of Baltimore, 1\!d., registering tary of the Interior to issue patent to Lassen Count:r,. Calif., for opposition to bonus bill; also petitions of R. & V. Motor Co., certain lands, and for other ·purposes; to the Comnnttee on the Chevrolet Motor Co., Walter Scott (Inc.), Manuel Motor Co., Public Lands. and the Automobile Club of Maryland, opposing tax on auto­ By 1\Ir. REAVIS: A bill (H. R. 10555) for the relief of Rus· mobiles; also petition of 0. 0. Ellis, 1\lrs. William A. Stewart, sell Wilmer Johnson; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Mrs. Claude H. Hall, and others, of Baltimore, 1\ld., opposing Bv Mr. RODfu'\"BERG: A bill (H. R. ~0556) granting a pen­ the bonus; to the Committee on Ways and Means. sion' to William 0. vVallace; to the Committee on Pensions. 4213. By 1\!r. ROGERS: Resolutions adopted at a meeting of AI ·o, a bill (H. R. 10557) . granting a pension to .Minnie Mc­ Reno Post, No. 9, Department of Massachusetts, Grand Army Mullen· to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. of the Republic, urging the passage of the Morgan bill or a By l\lr. WURZBACH: A bill (H. R. 10558) grant~ an in­ similar bill; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. crease of pension to Joseph Hermann ; to tile Comm1ttee on 4214. By 1\fr. ROSE: Petition of the United Mine Workers of Pensions. America, District No. 2, of Hopewell, Bedford County, Pa., ap- · pealing to Congress to take action and extend aid in some PETITIONS, ETC. form to save fr<Y.:!l starvation during these times of distress this district, No.2, United Mine Workers of America, Hopewell, Under clanse 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid Bedford County, Pa.; ti> the Committee on Interstate and For­ on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows : eign Commerce. 4196. By the SPEAKER (by request): Petition of the Mer­ 4215. By Mi.·. ROSSDALE: Resolution adopted by the resi­ chants and Manufacturers' Association of Baltimore, protesting dents and voters of Difrerside on the Hudson to permit sale of against the enactment of the proposeti soldiers' bonus bill; to ligLt wines and beer ; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the Committee ou \Vays and Means. 4216. By Mr. Til\ffiERLAKE: Petition of E. L. Rountrel and 4197. By Mr. CONNOLLY of Pennsylvania: Papers in sup­ others, of Colorado, urging the revival of th-e United States port of House bill 8849 for the relief of Domruick Taheny and Grain Corporation; to the Committee on Agriculture. John ·w. Mortimer; to the Connnittee on Claims. 4217. Also, petitio-n of A. W. Beisel and several hundred 4198. Also, papers in support of Hou e bil~ 8848, for the relief others, of Colorado, opposing the enactment of House bill 4388 ; of 1\Iorris Dietrich · to the Committee on Claims. to the Committee on the District of Columbia. 4199. By Mr. DA,LLINGER: Resolution of the Corporal Harry 4218. By Mr. YOUNG: Petition in the form of a resolution E. Nelson Post, No. 63, of the American Legion, of Wakefield, of the North Dakota Wheat G1'0wers' Association, of Grand favoring the plan for adjusted compensation; to the Committee Forks, N'. Dak., urging their Members in Congress to use an on Ways and Means. honorable means to have a definite price fixed on wheat to 4..'>00. By 1\lr. FULLER: Petition of James P. Gallagher and cover the cost of production for the year 1922 ; to the Commit­ 98 other citizens of Rockford, ill., favoring early passage of the tee on Agriculture. Fordney protective tariff bill, based on American valuation, and 4219. Also, petition of Mrs. Arnt Thueson, of New Rockford, with adequate protective rates based on American living costs N. Dak., and 38 others, urging the revival of tbe United States and American living standards; to the Committee on Ways and Grain Corporation, together with the fixing of a guaranteed ~eans. ' price for wheat sufficient to cover the cost of production plus a 4201. Also, petition of the Bassick Manufacturing Co., of reasonable profit; to the Committee on Agriculture. Chicago, Ill., opposing all proposals for additional tax­ 4220. Also, petition of Robert Rimmerend, of Hamar, N. Dak.., ation to pay a soldiers' bonus; to the Committee on 'Vays and and 1 other, urging the revival of the United States Grain Cor­ ~eans. poration, together with the fixing of a guaranteed price for 4202. Also, petition of the New York Produce ~~ange, ~avor­ wheat sufficient to cover the cost of production plus a reasonable ing the utmost consideration of those who were lDJUred m the profit; to the Committee on Agriculture. ·world War and their dependents, but opposing a general bonus 4221. Also, petition of Fred W. Doering,. of Tower City, an<l all special taxation to pay the cost of such bonus; to the N. Dak., and 20 others, urging the rev.ival of the United States Committee on Ways and Means. Grain Corporation, together with the fixing of a guaranteed 4203. Also, petition of the Western Casket Co., of Chicago, Ill., price for wheat sufficient to cover the cost of production .plus a favoring amendments to the transportation act; to the Com­ reasonable profit; to the Co-mmittee on Agriculture. mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. 4222 . .Also, petition of Elroy F. Hill, of Oakes, N. Dak., 4204. By ~fr. GALLIYAN: Petition of the National Associa­ and 4 others, urging the revival of the United' States Grain Cor­ tion of Cotton Manufacturers and thB New England Bedding poration, together with the fixing of a guaranteed price for Co., of Boston, Mass., urging favorable action on appropriation wheat sufficient to cover the cost of production plus a reasonable requested for the tabulating and publishing of results of the profit; to the Committee on Agri£ulture. 1921 census of manufacturers; to the Committee on Appropria­ 4223. Also, petition of L. L. Jewell, of Bergen, N. Dak., and tions. 1 other, urging the revival of the United States Grain Cor­ 4205. Also, petition of the Gillette Safety Razor Co., of poration, together with the fixing of a guaranteed price for BostoB, l\Iass., recommending favorable action on request for wheat sufficient to cover the cost of production plus a reasonable appropriation for Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce; profit; to the Committee on Agriculture. to the Committee on ApP'J.'Opriations. 4206. Also, petitions of Anthony Nevilis, of 128 Bowen Street, South Boston, Mass., and other constituents of the twelfth Massachusetts district, urging early and favorable action on the SENATE. Tinkham bill (H. R. 9805) ; to the Committee on the Post Office I and Post Roads. WEDJ\TESDAY, February 22, 1922. 4207. By Mr. HOCH: Petition of 70 citizens of Ramona, Kans., and vicinity, urging the revival of the United States Tne Chaplain, Rev. ;I. J. Muir, D. D., offered the following Grain Corporation, together with the fixing of a guaranteed prayer; price for wheat sufficient to cover the cost of producing plus a Our Father and our God, the God of our fatllers, we bless reasonable profit; to tbe Committee on Agriculture. · Thee to-day for such a noble heiitage. We think of the men 4208. By Mr. KISSEL: Petition of Edwin P. Maynard, Esq., who had to do with the formation of our country, giving to it of Brooklyn, N. Y., opposing any bonus bill; to the Committee on character at its very beginning and bringing to us so much of Way and Means. the Iichness of thought. of high an<l holy incentive in lines of 4209. Also, petition of Richa:r:d D. Wyckoff, of New York City, duty and of responsibility. N. Y., urging legislation eliminating bucket shops; to the Com­ We thank Thee for him who in our thought we love to call the mittee on the Judiciary. Father of our Country. We thank Thee for his devotion 4210. Also, petition of Miss Ida L.undberg and Miss Edythe to high ideals, for the splendor of his pah·iotism, and for the Fromme, of Brooklyn, N. Y., opposing a tax on the transfer o.f genius that gave cha1·acter to bis statesmanship. 'Ve do ask securities; to tbe Committee on Ways and Means. that we may never be faulty in connection with our devotion to -2872 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. FEBRUARY 22, him, and that our !'egard for the principles that were dear to instructiYe example in our annals, that under circumstances in him may be handed down to the latest ages. which the passions, agitated in every direction, were liable to The Lord, our God, keep us from all the follies that have .mislead amidst appearances sometimes dubious, vicissitudes of saddened the lives and the histories of other lands. God grant fortune often discouraging-in situations in which not unfre­ to us conF;tantly the evidence of Thy presence, and give unto us, quently, want of success has countenanced the spirit of criti­ we ask, always and under every circumstance the assurance that cism,-tbe constnncy of your support was the essential prop of Thou art our God and shall be our guide even unto the end.
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