CANCER ACTION WEEK SOCIAL MEDIA SUGGESTIONS Social media is a powerful tool to help amplify our advocacy messages. We encourage you to post on social media prior to our Cancer Action Month and throughout the month when you take action. Please use our campaign hashtag in all your posts and use the templates below to share on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. First Step: Cancer Action Week Hashtags #MICancerActionWeek – please use in all posts #MICancerStoryMatters – please use when sharing your personal cancer story this month #MIAccesstoCare – Add this hashtag when posting about Oral Chemotherapy Fairness #MILeg – Add this hashtag if you are tagging a lawmaker in your post Second Step: Pre-Event Sample Posts (April 19th – April 26th) • Next week, I will be advocating for cancer fighting policies from home for Michigan’s virtual Cancer Action Week! Check out my posts and click on the hashtags to see how me and my fellow cancer advocates are making a difference. #MICancerActionWeek • I am a volunteer with >TAG<@ACSCANMichigan, and this week I will be advocating for cancer fighting policies with advocates from across the state for Michigan’s Cancer Action Week. We may not be at the capitol in Lansing this year, but we will still make an impact and tell our lawmakers to make fighting cancer a top priority! #MICancerActionWeek • The current pandemic puts increased stress on so many cancer patients. That’s why I am advocating with >TAG<@ACSCANMichigan next week for Michigan’s Virtual Cancer Action Week. I will be advocating for cancer fighting policies to support cancer patients, survivors and caregivers. Cancer hasn’t stopped so neither have we. #MICancerActionWeek General Posts to Kick Off the Week • Today I begin Michigan’s Cancer Action Week! As a volunteer with >TAG<@ACSCANMichigan I will be joining advocates across the state to advocate for cancer fighting policies, to share our personal stories and to virtually meet with our lawmakers. I may not be able to meet with (tag state representative & state senator) today in Lansing, but I will still be encouraging them to make fighting cancer a top priority! #MICancerActionWeek #MILeg • As a volunteer with >TAG<@ACSCANMichigan I am calling on ((TAG state senator) to support Oral Chemotherapy Fairness legislation (H.B. 4354) and Tobacco Quit Line funding to bring Michiganders better access to care and protection for kids from Big Tobacco. #MICancerActionWeek #MIAccesstoCare #MILeg • Join me this week by following along with >TAG<@ACSCANMichigan and take action! Will you help me call on Michigan lawmakers to make cancer fighting policies a top priority. Cancer hasn’t stopped so neither have we. #MICancerActionWeek CANCER ACTION WEEK SOCIAL MEDIA SUGGESTIONS #MICancerStoryMatters Sample Post – One time throughout the week Ways to post: ✓ Post a picture of who you advocate for and why. ✓ Post a video of who you advocate for and why. ✓ Do both! Sample prompts: • I continue to fight for better cancer policies because…<<Share Your Story>> Example: I continue to fight for better cancer policies because of my friend’s mom, who lost her fight to breast cancer way too young. I am advocating today because cancer is something that everyone I know has been impacted by in some way. I think enough people have been impacted. It’s time to do my part in stopping the devastating impact of cancer. #MICancerActionWeek • Did you know <<Share your story>>. It is for this reason I volunteer with >TAG<@ACSCANMichigan and am participating in the virtual Cancer Action Week. #MICancerStoryMatter #MICancerActionWeek Follow/Like and Tag us! • American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network o Facebook: @ACSCANMichigan o Instagram: @ACSCANMichigan o Twitter: @ACSCANMichigan Tag Your Lawmakers Caucus Twitter Facebook House @MI_Republicans @MichiganHouseRepublicans Republicans House Democrats @MIHouseDems @MIHouseDems District Legislator's Name Twitter Handle SENATE 1 Chang, Stephanie @stephanielily 2 Hollier, Adam @Adamant4Detroit 3 Santana, Sylvia @SenatorSantana 4 Bullock, Marshall @BullockSenator 5 Alexander, Betty Jean @BettyJeanAlex 6 Geiss, Erika @SenErikaGeiss 7 Polehanki, Dayna @SenPolehanki 8 9 Wojno, Paul @PaulWojno 10 MacDonald, Michael @SenMacDonald10 CANCER ACTION WEEK SOCIAL MEDIA SUGGESTIONS SENATE (cont.) 11 Moss, Jeremy @JeremyAllenMoss 12 Bayer, Rosemary @rosemarybayer 13 McMorrow, Mallory @MalloryMcMorrow 14 Johnson, Ruth @SenRuthJohnson 15 Runestad, Jim @SenJimRunestad 16 Mike Shirkey @SenMikeShirkey 17 Zorn, Dale @DaleZornSenate 18 Irwin, Jeff @JeffMIrwin 19 Bizon, John Dr. 20 McCann, Sean @SeanAMcCann 21 LaSata, Kim @SenKimLaSata 22 Theis, Lana @SenLTheis 23 Hertel Jr., Curtis @CurtisHertelJr 24 Barrett, Tom @SenTomBarrett 25 Lauwers, Dan @DanLauwers 26 Nesbitt, Aric @SenAricNesbitt 27 Ananich, Jim @jimananich 28 29 Brinks, Winnie @WinnieBrinks 30 Victory, Roger @SenRogerVictory 31 Daley, Kevin @SenKevinDaley 32 Horn, Ken @senatorkenhorn 33 Outman, Rick @SenRickOutman 34 Bumstead, Jon @SenJonBumstead 35 VanderWall, Curt @SenVanderWall 36 Stamas, Jim 37 Schmidt, Wayne A @wayneschmidt 38 McBroom, Ed @SenEdMcBroom CANCER ACTION WEEK SOCIAL MEDIA SUGGESTIONS HOUSE 1 Tenisha Yancey @repyancey 2 Joe Tate @JoeTate02 3 Shri Thanedar @shrithanedar 4 Abraham Aiyash @AbrahamAiyash 5 Cynthia A. Johnson @RepCAJohnson 6 Tyrone Carter @StateRepTCarter 7 Helena Scott 8 Stephanie Young @StateRepSteph 9 Karen Whitsett @KayLyme 10 Mary Cavanagh @RepCavanagh10 11 Jewell Jones @JewellJ26056707 12 Alex Garza @Alex4Michigan 13 Tullio Liberati @RepLiberati 14 Cara Clemente 15 Abdullah Hammoud @AHammoudMI 16 Kevin Coleman @RepKevinColeman 17 Joseph Bellino @jbellinojr 18 Kevin Hertel @RepHertel 19 Laurie Pohutsky @lpohutsky19 20 Matt Koleszar @koleszar_matt 21 Ranjeev Puri @kristypagan 22 Richard Steenland @richsteenland 23 Darrin Camilleri @darrincamilleri 24 Steve Marino @RepMarino 25 Nate Shannon @RepNateShannon 26 Jim Ellison @jim4MI 27 Regina Weiss @ReginaforRep 28 Lori Stone 29 Brenda Carter @RepBrendaCarter 30 Diana Farrington 31 William Sowerby @SowerbyState 32 Pamela Hornberger @plhornberger 33 Jeff Yaroch @WeTrustYaroch 34 Cynthia Neeley 35 Kyra Bolden @KyraHBolden 36 Douglas Wozniak @dougwozniak1 37 Samantha Steckloff @SSteckloff 38 Kelly Breen @KellyBreenMI CANCER ACTION WEEK SOCIAL MEDIA SUGGESTIONS HOUSE (cont.) 39 Ryan Berman @ElectRyanBerman 40 Mari Manoogian @MariManoogian 41 Padma Kuppa @PadmaKuppaMI41 42 Ann Bollin 43 Andrea Schroeder 44 Matt Maddock @matthewmaddock 45 Mark Tisdel @mark_tisdel 46 John Reilly @RepJohnReilly 47 Robert Bezotte @sheba3737 48 David Martin @martin4Michigan 49 John Cherry @JCherry4MI 50 Tim Sneller 51 Mike Mueller 52 Donna Lasinski @DonnaLasinski 53 Yousef Rabhi @RepRabhi 54 Ronnie Peterson 55 Felicia Brabec @feliciabrabec 56 TC Clements @TCforMI 57 Bronna Kahle @bronnakahle 58 Andrew Fink @andrewfinkmi 59 Steve Carra 60 Julie Rogers @vote4rogers 61 Christine Morse @vote4morse 62 Jim Haadsma @JimHaadsma 63 Matt Hall @RepMattHall 64 Julie Alexander @jlalexander14 65 Sarah Lightner @RepLightner65 66 Beth Griffin 67 Kara Hope @KaraHope67 68 Sarah Anthony @sarahanthony517 69 Julie Brixie @juliebrixie 70 Pat Outman @patoutman 71 Angela Witwer @AngelaMIHouse 72 Steven Johnson @johnson4rep 73 Bryan Posthumus @bryan_posthumus 74 Mark Huizenga @MarkEHuizenga 75 David LaGrand @davidlagrand CANCER ACTION WEEK SOCIAL MEDIA SUGGESTIONS HOUSE (cont.) 76 Rachel Hood @RachelHood76 77 Tommy Brann @tommy_brann 78 Brad Paquette @PaquetteBrad18 79 Pauline Wendzel 80 Mary Whiteford @MaryWhiteford 81 Gary Eisen 82 Gary Howell 83 Andrew Beeler @andrewwbeeler 84 Phil Green 85 Ben Frederick @votefrederick 86 Thomas Albert 87 Julie Calley @JulieCalley 88 Luke Meerman 89 Jim Lilly @RepJimLillyMI 90 Bradley Slagh 91 Greg VanWoerkom @gregvanwoerkom 92 Terry Sabo @RepSabo92 93 Graham Filler @grahamfiller 94 Rodney Wakeman @umphotorod 95 Amos O'Neal @repamosoneal 96 Timothy Beson 97 Jason Wentworth 98 Annette Glenn @annetteglennmi 99 Roger Hauck @RogerWHauck 100 Scott VanSingel 101 Jack O'Malley @tcmorningman 102 Michele Hoitenga @MicheleHoitenga 103 Daire Rendon 104 John Roth 105 Ken Borton @kenborton 106 Sue Allor 107 John Damoose 108 Beau LaFave @BeauMattLaFave 109 Sara Cambensy @RepCambensy109 110 Gregory Markkanen @RepMarkkanen .
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