FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I' TATISTICAL HAND-BOOK OF T SIANG DISTRICT ARVNACHAL PRADESH DISTRICT STATISTICAL OFFICE PASIG HAT S'';':-" f-V.-. p 0 S ' 'V- r':-’y:-rV"^;::'':,. FOREWORD Statistics are numerical statements of facts capable of anal:j£sis and interpretation . lEhe Science of statistics helps ix> assessing the results of past achiev­ ements of human activities and it is also useful for maki­ ng forecast about the future course of events. To make ajj assessment of the achievements of various develppment dep^<*^ents and to help the authority to take decisions about the future course of action, the various statistical on all subjects of interest are generally collected for every financial year and published in the form of a Booklet, entitled “Statistical Handbook*'* Ihe 1979-80 issue of statistical Handbook of Pasi^at Sub-J)ivis ion (East Slang District) endeavours to portray a crystal clear picture, at a giance, of the acti­ v itie s of varicus dei5artm8nts of the D is t r ic t . I am sure that the Handbook x^ill be ©f considerable value and assi­ stance to the Officials of the District. x t - (Rakosh I'ehta ) Deputy Cornmissioncr, Best Siang District,^ Pasiqhat. NIEPA DC D00959II J z : t.r National Syst€a‘^.-44it-^- - National Institute of Education^ Planning and Aministratlon Date........ INTRODUCTION Tlie Statistical Hand look of Pasighat ^ub- Div­ ision (Present -East Siang District) 1980 is the seventh issue in series of regular annual nublication .Since the establishmoet of Statistical office at Pssighat it has been a practiTie to publish new addition of Statistical Hand Book every year to present in su­ mmary form the imDortant Statistical informantions focussing the Development5*^nd other activities of the District.Oue to late recei-^ pt of data from sourcae Offices and some other anavoidable reasons the publication of this issue has been delayed •However,with the active co-or>eraticn of District Heals of Deptts,an attempt x-^ill ■’le made to publish the subsequent issues intime. The Handbook is pr^^oared as per guideline of til the Directorate of Economics & Statistics , Govt, of Arunachal Pradesh and ef-^orts are made to cover the activities of all the sectors .The data r^resented in this Publication ralate to the year en^ling 31str^drch 1930 unless otherwise ms^nticnei and the sources of data are also indicated at the foot of each table. The Co-ooeration extended by various '-govern­ ment departments of the Districts in bringing out this oublication is acknowledged with rrra-titude .Any sugcjestion for improvement of the quality and covera^ie in res-^ct of su'osequent issues willbcf gladly accepted. Dated ,Pasighat ( S.B. Biswas the 23rd June 1982. InsDector Of Statistics, Pasighat. C 13 N V? E T S ■Eabla I j| NOo 5 ? P.. ‘ I C U L A HR 3 i PAGE NO. C^:.c Notion^ Map of : 3ghal: S:;^£j2‘niast Sisng District, 1 Oo2° F :r;, rj.r nj Distr? . sat a gj,<j-ice. 2-4 V*minis“;:':a..ive set uo) of Ease Siang District, 5 i. irr.in-5.^trr-^ive Qfl:lce rs in East Siang D is t r ic t , 6 11^..^ F.pu jn details cP. -^asi Siang District. 7 V IttD.vat. Population r’rn. Sa-. Siang D is t r ic t . 3 CIc3. Scheduled T'ibe populcstior of East Siang District. 9 CIc4. Distribution of Town amd v.lllages vrith residential Houses and Households,. 10 Io5. Reiigionwise poprl^tio>n x' ast Siang District. 11 fE.6p c:i of ropulatl.L i oy workers and non-workers 12 __TT i. __o c.*' ol. Agricult jrr.l farru/Hotll-.'^ILaral gardens in Jlast 3iangl3 Lend devv^?oped fo.; permiauiop.c cultivation in East Siangi413 c ). Area brc'ight under Perctil-i.LOi; s and plant protection in East Sisr^rj Distrir:':. 1514 Area br( 3c?it und'^.j Impr oved 'ieeds and high yielding varitie'^ seedi'. .n Sl'^.ng Dist..since 1970-71. 15 P r o d u c t i of ma. croD>s ir’ r.ast Siang Dist^bince 1« 5B-.69 “ 16 F- 'r oc Gramse :{VTMl}Si Gramsevdkns trainei/under ' :x the ^ isevfak Training Cantre,Pasighat. 17 I Xi- J^'tiy i pf Rural uateir supply scheme in East Siang lii^trict ' on 3l< 3.30c 13 □o ristribut: n of intprove<a Agri.Implements/l^chines in r, ‘ Distr > ... c J on 31.3.80. 19 /cotii 1 of Mint)/. ■Igta't.lon Projects in East Siang D:i3trici' as on 3- ^3ooJ . 20 J.V ^ EN(G-:;;jK Length of Roads in East ;Sle'ig Dist.as on 31.3.00. 21 Expenditure on annual comstruetion of building by the C si? c^KDc. Ln East ?"-ang Di?.,r>^j ct since 1970-71. 22 Annval construct- :i of Rco. Tiracksp^paths in East D i ict s.inco 22 /'■niiUal cc rtructif-i/lmpr.cD-’^ciiient/Maintenance of Roads /paths/Tracks in Z}. r.c district since 1?70-71. 23 Fignrs Dhcx'ing G; pendit ^ ”i construction o2 buildings by C ep ."7< I-, Pas iglici'i: o "i" f ^___ - r _ „ z _______________ 2 “ __ ^ .-3__ ^n: -.DL\:CATIOK VI.ie Educoticiial jiiscifjtions in Pasiqhat Sub-Division. 25 V I. 2 . Type of l:a^-*,:ltaA-icp v/ise mumber of teachers and , Ste'^entt/ in Pa^3i^gha•^ Sub-ID i vis ion as on 3 1 .3 .8 0 . 27 VI. 3o Classwise onroJ-raent in^^i:€^ferent category of schools of Pcsiatiat ouV^DivislbR ;as on 31.3*80. 23 VX."4, Results of E-^ra mi nations o.f the Hiaher secondar’^^chools in Pri^siqhot Since 1977-78, ' ^ 29 VI, 5. ClaGSi;ise enroln'ent in J.]N.College,Pasighat since 1975~76« .. ^ 30 \rCe6a TS^ching ?tr:ff of ^oN„Coll(ege,Pasirrhat as on 31.3.30. 31 V I.7. Results of college examin<ations,since* 1976-77 in respect of ocf'.Ci^llege ^Pasighat„ 32^ VI.8« f;:on Pa'^'ighat ct^udying in schools outside A,P. on. Govt., -Stipandc^ 33 vri„ rgpT.C7tL & PUPLTC HEALTHo VII ,l,Discr ib iticn cf HosT~ital/Hea 1th units in pa-sighat f^uo-Dl'v icica 0G on 31.3,8 0, 34 V II o;_ ii'jthor Iced loeds in Hospital /H ealth Units yf Pai^i^lier Sub-D^.vicion'i s on 3 1 .3 .8 0 . 35 V I I . 3 icr.lv '.ii...-:.-:: . '.i Medical s t a ff 6n Pa si ghat Sub-Divn. u- ':.n rl 3. OC. 35 V II«4 NTrab-^L of •?rir.ierrLc^ treatefd ‘in the general hospital c.nJ hc^cilrl' u"i' of Paslgihat Sub-Divn,during 1979-80. 3^ VII,5rAiii’'j^l a'-n.. 3 -C’i;;v^nt3 cf NSjEP in Pasighat Sub-Division sincS j 9 ' ' , - 3'^ VII. 6,Achiever^:nc cf I,D.Prograimine in Pasighat Sub-Division. VII.7^.Anuu.:\?t ^.c“^i-jvcraciit of. N,®:p in pasirhat Sub^J^ivisior. s ince 19 ‘71 2 o ^9 V II,8 .H e a l t h Tr.'ii:iing lasparted to non-Serving personnel under HTRC Pa^^igh-t during 1979---80. 40 VII , 9oAchieveraGnt of Family Pl?:nning in Pasiahat Sub-Division*^ since 1976.-77c V III HUSBANDARY & VTigERIMARYo VHl.4iCirclewise nuiti^^ of vet(erinary Dispensary/Veterinary aid centersV.ev village <centers in Pasighat Sub-Divnoas on 3 ;i^ .8 0 ., . 42 VIIl,2.Livestoclc and poultry Pa:rns in Pasighat Sub-Divisionas 31.3ca0. 42 V III.3.Animal/Bird3 treated , Vaccinated and casteredsince 1975-^6. t 43 (C o n td .. =Ij.I) ,1 X 1 .o IX.IRAIS^PORT & IX®1, Vehicles registered at Pasiahat since 1970-71« i:C2. Post 0tffds3s with and without telegraphic facilities in Pasiqh^t Sub-Division a^ on 31 •3^00. Xo FORES OS X.i. Number of reserved/range Offices/leat Offices under ^-3as ighat. Sub-D ivi s io n , X^2. Reserve Forest area under pasighat Forest Division X , 3* Sup ly of s-leepers to Railways from Panighcit ForQt:t Division since' 1972-73, X.4o Jirea .broucrht under plantation /?i.f forestption under Pasighat Forest Division since 1971-72,. Xo5a E>:penditi3re on Development works under F^j-sin-^at Forest Division since 1971-72^ Xe6« Forest Revenue from Pasighat Forest Pivision 1971-72. X*7* Graph showing Forest Rerrenue under Pasighnt Forco'-. D iv is io n . XI.— FISHERKES —— ^— XI. 1. Fish Farms and fish Pc®ds in Pasighat Sub~uivi£ic:. as on 31»3^0D, , i xr .l . IMDTB1RIES. X H ,1. Distribution of craft centSres in ?ar>ii5h‘r:!^^::if: D iv is io n . X I I . 2 . Number of trainees trained in differen t cr^ift' Pasighat and Yingkiong craft centere:* sii:j XII.3. Zinnual outcurnof pasighat yingiviong - : XIII4. Sale proceeds of sales Emnorium and showroom ccn sale counter of Pasighat Craft'Centre XII.5. Statement shov/ing the progress of sericulture i'. Pa-siqhat Sub-Division. - X I I I . gir-^NCH/*Y?\TRAJ & COm i.^TTaY DEVii:T-.0'^I>^rTT‘ XIII. 1, Panchayat Raj in Pasighat Sub-Divifc: ca 3,1 : X lil.2. Community Development-Blocks in Pasighat sub -DivV. as on 31.3*GO, r XlV.Co-Oteration. XIV.l.Co-Oprative Societies in Pa-^ighat Sub Livisioa as o' 31 .3 .0 0 , & PUBLIC RE7-7i.T 'C^.. XVol, CumiPunity lifotening sets distribi:^te'1 in Po^lg^icrc S^ab-J)ivi3ioii -as on 31.3..G0* XV.2o Location of film projection units and nuiTibsr Oj: film shows ;^;rojGCted durinq 1979-00,^ XV.3„ mirnV:r of Bock-’ in tha District Libarcri^ ,, :^Bsighrit as or 31,3c003 X V .4o Numioer of B o''kj d i,3 t r ib u t e d cinmialy fr o n -cho ict Library Pcisir-hat as on 31.3.,80., X V .5.
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