Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei 292. Siphonaptera II. By F. G. A. M. SMIT, London Notes on the Siphonaptera collected by Dr. Z. KASZAB during his first three expeditions to Mongolia (1903-1905) were published under number 76 of this series of contributions (SMIT. 1966). The data for the 148 specimens collected during the following three expeditions (1966-1968) are given in the present paper. Of the 10 species or subspecies found, the following five had not been collected during the first three expeditions : Ceralophyllus vagabund us insularis ROTHSCHILD, Citello- philus tesquorum altaicus (IOFF), Malaraeus aff. dissimilis JORDAN, Neopsylla abagaitui IOFF and N. mana WAGNER. Quite incidentally Dr. KASZAB collected during his six expeditions in Mongolia in all 320 specimens of 24 species or subspecies of Siphonaptera. Although the taxa mentioned below had already been recorded from Mongolia, the new data are of value as they add to our scant knowledge of the flea fauna of that large country. Some general notes concerning those taxa can be found in SMIT I960 and 1967. The species are listed here under the collecting localities ; their serial numbers agree with those published by Dr. KASZAB in his locality lists (KASZAB, Z., Folia Ent. Hung., Ser. Nov., 19, 1966 : 569-620; 21, 1968 : 1-44, 389-444). Subsequently the 16 taxa found in the material are enumerated together with the serial numbers of the collecting localities. Lists are appended of fleas and literature additional to the lists published in SMIT, 1967. last of collecting localities (The letter in brackets following the capital letter or Dr. KASZAB'S collecting number refers to the one with which the locality is marked on the map, Fig. 1). No. A (i) — Cagan davaa, Chanuj gol, 1800-2000 m., Archangai aimak, 19. VI. I960, from Citellus undulatus: Il O Gitellophilus tesquorum sungaris (JORDAN). No. B (p) — Sumber, N. E. of Cojr (200 km S. E. of Ulaan Baator), Dundgobi aimak, 18. VI. 1908, from Microtus brand ti: 1 ^2 O Frontopsglla hetera WAGNER, 18 rf 41 Ç Neopsqlla pleskei orientális IOFF & ARGYROPULO. No. 497 (m) - Bogdo ul, 12 km S. E. of Ulaan Baator, 1950 m., Central aimak, 4. VI. 1900, in a Malaise trap placed in a forest clearing: 1 9 Megahothris rectangidatus (WAHL- GREN) . No. 520a (k) — S. E. of Bajancogt (Bayan Tsogto, 50 km W. of Ulaan Baator), 1600 m., Central aimak, 11. VI. 1966, from Sorex sp., caught in one of 5 ethylenglycol ground-traps in southward-facing mountain steppe: 8 rf Corrodopsglla birulai (IOFF). No. 538 (j) — 8 km W. of Urdtamir somon, 1620 m., Changaj mts, Archangaj aimak, 19. VI. 1966, from Microtus gregalis and M. brandti, caught in some of 16 ethylenglycol ground-traps in dry mountain steppe and in a small ravine: 1 9 Ctenophgllus hirticrus Fig. 1. Map of central and western Mongolia, show ing the localities where Dr. Z. KASZAB collected fleas during his last three expeditions, 1966-1968 (explanation in the text). (JORDAN & ROTSCHILD), 1 9 FrontopsyUaluculenta parüis JORDAN, 1 Q NeopsyUa biden~ tatiformis (WAGNER). No. 542a (i) — Cagan davaa, 2300 m., Changai mts, W. of Zezerleg, Archangai aimak, 19. VI. 1966, from Citellus undulatus: 1 Q Gitellophilus tesquorum sungaris (JORDAN). No. 562a (q) - 10-20 km E. of Esun-bulag, 2200 m., Gobi Altai aimak, 22. VI. 1966, from Citellus pallidicauda caught in a rocky mountain steppe : 1 Ç Citellophilus tesquorum sutigaris (JORDAN). No 571 (r) — Chuural chachran, 1700 m., 20 km E. of Chaliun somon, between Shar- gyn Gobi and Beger Nuur, Gobi Altai aimak, 24-25. VI. 1966, from Ochotona daurica: Î rf 3 O Paramonopsyllus scalonae (VOVCHINSKAYA, 1950). No. 768, 772 (n) — 11 km S. of Zosijn davaa, 1650 m., +90 km S. of Ulaan Baator, Central aimak, 7. VI. 1967, from Alticola roylei, caught in one of 10 ethylenglycol ground- traps, and from twTo subterranean nests of Microtus brandti: 2 ~f 3 O NeopsyUa pleskei orientális IOFF & ARGYROPULO, 1 rf Paramonopsyllus scalonae (VOVCHINSKAYA). No. 779 (o) — 20 km S. of Delgercogt somon (Delger Tsogto, 190 km S. of Ulaan Baator), 1480 m., Central Gobi aimak, 9. VI. 1967, from Phodopus sungorus, caught in one of 10 ethylenglycol ground-traps placed between sandy areas overgrown with Lasiagrostis : 1 0 Frontopsylla hetera WAGNER, 1 0 NeopsyUa pleskei orientális IOFF & ARGYROPULO. No. 924 (n) — 11 km S. of Zosijn davaa, 1650 m., ± 90 km S. of Ulaan Baator, Cen­ tral aimak, 16. VII. 1967, from two subterranean nests of Microtus sp.: 1 O Malar/tens penicilliger ssp., 3 f 14 O NeopsyUa pleskei orientális IOFF & ARGYROPULO. No. 929 (1) — Tosgoni ovoo, 1500 m., 5-10 km N. of Ulaan Baator, Central aimak, 20. VII. 1967, from a subterranean nest of Microtus sp.: 2 f Amphlpsyllu primär',* m it is JORDAN, 1 f 1 0 Frontopsylla luculenta parais JORDAN. No. 935 (1) — Tosgoni ovoo, 1700 m., 5-10 km N. Ulaan Baator, Central aimak, 4. VI. 1968: 1 Q Ceratophyllus vagabundus insularis ROTHSCHILD. No. 945 (k) — 11 km E. S. E. of Bajancogt somon (Bayan Tsogto, 50 km W. of Ulaan Baator), 1600 m., Central aimak, 13. VI. 1968, from Sorex sp. : l 9 Mrdaraeus aff'. dissimi- lis JORDAN. No. 976 (h) — Namnan ul mts, 23 km N. W. of Cliutag somon, 1150 m., Bulgan aimak, 17-21. VI. 1968, from Sorex sp. : 5 6 9 GorrodopsyUa birulai (IOFF). No. 983 (g) - ±50 km W. N. W. of Mörön, 1740-1900 m., Chövsgöl aimak, 19. VI. 1968, from Citellus undulatus: 6 çf 2 9 Gitellophilus tesquorum sungaris (JORDAN). No. 989 (f) — 8 km N. of Burenchaan somon, on Delger mörön (river), 1450 m., Chövsgöl aimak, 20. VI. 1968, from Citellus undulatus: 2 9 C itellophilus tesquorum sunga­ ris (JORDAN), 1 9 NeopsyUa abagaitui low. No. 996 (e) — 26 km W. S. VV. of Scharga somon, on Tunamal nuur, 1950 m., Chövs­ göl aimak, 21. VI-15. VII. 1968, from Microtus gregalis: 1 çf NeopsyUa maria WAGNER. No. 1028 (d) - 32 km N. W. of Ulaangom, on Chöldlön gol, 1200 m., Uvs aimak, 2,. VT-7. VII. 1968, from Crieetulus barabensis: 1 9 Frontopsylla luculenta parilis JORDAN. No. 1036 (b) — Southern shore of Örög nuur (Üreg nuur), 1500 m., Uvs aimak, 28. VI-5. VII. 1968, from Ochotona sp.: 1 9 Frontopsylla luculenta parilis JORDAN, 1 Q Paramonopsyllus scalonae (VOVCHINSKAYA). No. 1062 (a) - 26 km N. E. of Altan gadasin chev gol, 33 km W. S. W. of Zenklegijn davaa, on Achit nuur, 2150 m., Ubsanur aimak, 4. VII. 1968, from Ochotona sp.: 1 rf Ctenophyllus hirticrus (JORDAN & ROTHSCHILD), 1 Ç Frontopsylla hetera WAGNER, 2 9 Pa ra mono psgll u s scalon a e ( VOVCHINSKAYA) . No. 1075 (c) — 4 km E. S. E. of Ulaan davaa, between Örög nuur (Üreg nuur) and Ulaangom, 1700 m., Ubsanur aimak, 6. VII. 1968, from Citellus undulatus: 2 Q Gitel- ophilus tesquorum altaicus (IOFF). List of fleas Family H gst richopsgllidae GorrodopsyUa birulai (IOFF, 1928) - H çf (No. 520 a); 5 çf 6 9 (No. 976) NeopsyUa abagaitui IOFF, 194(5 — 1 9 (No. 989) NeopsyUa bidentatiformis (WAGNER, 1893) — 1 9 (No. 538) NeopsyUa mana WAGNER, 1927 — 1 rf 1 Ç (No. 996) NeopsyUa pleskei orientális IOFF & ARGYROPULO, 1934 - 18 çf 41 9 (No. B); 2 f Z O (No! 772): 1 9 (No. 779); 3 rf 14 9 (No. 924) Family LrptopxylUdin Amphipsylla primaris mitis JORDAN, 1929 — 2 çf (No. 929) CtenophyUus (Ochotonobius) hirticrus (JORDAN & ROTHSCHILD, 1923) - 1 9 (No. 538); 1 çf (No. 1062) Frontopsylla (Frontopsylla) hetera WAGNER, 1933 - 1 çf 2 $ (No. B); 1 9 (No. 779); 1 O (No. 1062) Frontopsijlla (Frontopsylla) luculenta parilis JORDAN, 1929 - 1 Ç (No. 538); 1 çf 1 9 (No. 929); 1 O (No. 1028); 1 Q (No. 1036) Fainily Ceratophyllidae Geratophyllus vagabundus insularis ROTHSCHILD, 1906 — 1 9 (No. 935) Gdellophilus tesquorum altaicus (Ioff, 1936) - 2 O (No. 1075) Gitellophilus tesquorum sungaris (JORDAN, 1929) — 3 9 (No. A); 1 9 (No. 542a); 1 9 (No. 562a), 6 2 Ç (No. 983); 2 9 (No. 989) Malaraeus aff. dissimilis JORDAN, 1938 — 1 9 (No. 945) Medaraeus penicilliger ssp. — 1 9 (No. 924) Megabothris rectangulatus (WAHLGREN, 1903) - 1 9 (No. 497) Paramonopsgllus scalonae (VOVCHINSKAYA, 1950) — 1 3 9 (No. 571), 1 çf (No. 768); 2 9 (No. 1062); 1 9 (No. 1036) Additions to the list of Siphonaptera recorded from Mongolia (see SMIT, 1967) : Family Hij.stri.cliop.sytti.dae NeopsyUa pleskei pleskei IOFF, 1928 (see LABUNETS, 1968) NeopsyUa teratura montana GONCHAROV, 1966 (see GONCHAROV, 1966) Stenoponia formozovi IOFF & TIFLOV, 1934 (see YEMEL'YANOVA et al., 1970) Family Geratop h y II idae G itellophilus tesquorum mongoliens (JORDAN & ROTHSCHILD, 1911) (see VASIL'YEV, 1966), Malaraeus penicilliger syrt (IOFF, 1946) (see VASIL'YEV, 1966) Paraceras metis flabellum WAGNER, 1916 (see YEMEL'YANOVA et al., 1970) It should be noted that Geratophyllus vagabundus vayabundus (BOHEMAN, 1866) in SMIT, 1967, should be: G. vagahundus insularis ROTHSCHILD, 1906 (see BRTNCK-LINDROTH & SMIT, 1971, Ent. Scand. 2:279). Additions to the list of literature concerning the flea-fauna of Mongolia (see SMIT, 1907): References: GONCHAROV, A. I. ( 1966) : A new subspecies of flea — NeopsyUa teratura montana ssp. n.—from the Mongolian People's Republic, in: Osoho opasn. Infektsii Kav- kaze (Stavropol'): 57-58 (in Russian.) — LABUNETS, N. F. (1968): Zoogeographical characteristics of fleas of western Khangai. Izr. Irkutsk, protivochumn. Inst. Sib. dal'n. Vost., 27: 231-240 (in Russian). - SMIT, F. G. A. M. (1966): 76. Siphonaptera. Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei. Reichenbaehia, 7 (31): 277-283. — SMIT, F. G. A. M. (1967) : Siphonaptera of Mongolia. Results of the Mongolian- German Biological Expeditions since 1962, No.
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