MERRY HAPPY THEJL m. m. K ^ BENNETT1 JL BANNERA. J L X ^ XMAS NEW YEAR STUDENT PUBLICATION OP BENNETT COIJJiXJE VOLUME XVIII GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA DECEMBER 13,_1948 NUMBER 3 North Carolina Methodist Conference Meets At Bennett December seventh marked the An­ nual Bennett Rally and North Caro­ lina Conference of the Methodist Church. Years ago, the Conference contributed produce to assist in the ongoing of the college. For the past few years, their contribution has been financial. In December, ’47, the Con­ ference contributed thirty-three hun­ dred dollars. This year, December, ’48, that contribution has been heigh­ tened to thirty-six hundred dollars. Not only does the Conference con­ vene to make financial reports, it cultivates friendship among its mem­ bers and gives the college a chance to express its appreciation. Many students attend the conference, sev­ eral who are now attending Bennett and others who will attend in the future. Members of the North Carolina Conference chat after dinner. From left Again, Bennett College would like to right: President David D. Jones, Rev. R. F. McCallum, Rev. J. E. Brower, to express its appreciation to the Rev. W. S. McLeod, and Rev. C. E. Hogue. Conference for its sacrifices to make “Who’s Who” students assemble for a chat in Pfeiffer Hall. Seated, left a contribution to foster aid in the to right, they are: Audrose Mackel, Lillie Mosby^ Virmetta Tresville, Nola functioning of the college, and may Blind Artist Appears Freshman Choir Makes Bewley, Patricia Watlington, and Mildred Griffin. the Conference of ’49 be an even greater success! In Concert Initial Appearance A benefit recital for the Methodist Under the direction of Miss Saun­ Dr. Constance Warren Church was given by Mrs. Thelma ders, a new addition to our music Six Students Recognized Bumpass, famous blind radio and Visits Campus Living concert artist of Durham, North Caro­ staff, the Freshman Choir rendered In "Who's Who" Each individual on Bennett’s cam­ lina, on Thursday evening, December music for Sunday Vespers on De­ Not long ago President Jones an­ pus is looking forward to a ‘word of Madonnas 9, 1948, at eight p. m. in Annie Mer- cember 4, 1948. This being their first nounced the names of those deserv­ wisdom’ from Dr. Constance Warren, ner Pfeiffer Chapel. The public join­ presentation, they were highly com­ President Emeritus of Sarah Lawr­ “Living Madonnas,” an annual ing girls who had been chosen to ed in to help the Methodist Church mended by President Jones and tre­ ence College, Bronxville, New York. Christmas production, will be pre­ and to listen to a very talented artist. mendously liked by the student body. reign among “Who’s Who Among Dr. Warren is visiting us throughout sented on December 12, 1948. This Mrs. Bumpass is to appear soon on Their selections were “Now The Day Students in American Universities the week of December 6-10. Pleasant production is sponsored by the Art, Arthur Godfrey’s Talent show, heard Is Over,” arranged by Mr. Kirchber- and Colleges.” These girls possess and enlightening have been her pre­ Music, Drama and Clothing Depart- over CBS every Monday night at ger, and “The Night Has A Thousand well-rounded personalities and am­ vious visits here, and this one high­ ents of the college. 8:30 o’clock. Eyes.” bitious minds. The girls are Misses lights them all. “Living Madonnas” consists of the I ilUe Mosby, Audrose Mackel, Mil­ Not only is Dr. Warren President reproduction of famous photographs dred Griffin, Nola Bewley, Virmetta Emeritus of Sarah Lawrencc College, related to the “lS/\ti.vity.” The photo­ Tresville, and Patritia Watlington. she is now working with the Negro graphs are porfcved by students Miss Mackel, who hails from College Fund, The American Associ­ posed in costumes. Natchez, Mississippi, is a senior, ma­ ation of Women, an educator, author, Enhancing each photograph is re­ joring in Clothing and minoring in and speaker. One’s impression from lated scripture readings and song. Art. She is extremely interested in hearing these facts is, that she is a This year the “Living Madonnas” music. Her ambition is to go into woman who never tires from work will also be presented in Charlotte, costume designing. During her stay and a woman who is reaching great­ North Carolina December 16, 1948. here at Bennett, she has been presi­ er heights in her career. dent of the junior class, a counsellor Dr. Warren spoke to the faculty on to freshmen, the present president of Monday evening, to the students the Shaw University the Student Senate, a member of the previous Monday morning, to student Senior Choir, the Y. W. C. A., the W. leaders Wednesday evening, and held Present ^^The Late A. A., the Senior Theatre Guild, the interest group meetings throughout Y. O. P.’s, Alpha Kappa Mu, and the her stay on the campus. George Apley" Orchestra. Her visit is one looked forward to Miss Mildred Griffin from Hack­ each year by each member of the On December 10, 1948, the Lyceum ensack, New Jersey, is also a senior, Bennett family. At the end of this Committee will present the Shaw majoring in Elementary Education. visit, we wish to anticipate another University Players in “The Late Miss Griffin’s primary interest is in visit from her in 1949. George Apley” at 8:00 p. m. in the people. Her ultimate goal is to ob­ tain a doctor’s degree in Psychiatry. Little Theatre. All seats will be re­ Before coming to Bennett . from Former President Passes served. Bennett students attempt to get autographs following Budapest Concert* Funeral services for Dr. S. A. Peel­ Left to right, they are: Betty Johnson, Vira Kennedy, Edgar Ortcnberg, sec­ Shaw University, she was a member This will be an Intercollegiate Dra- ond violinist in the Quartet, and Ruth Henderson. of the Shaw University Choir, Little er, former president of Bennett Col­ atic Association Exchange produc­ Theatre, Spanish and Science Clubs. lege, were held Monday afternoon, tion. The Shaw University Players December 6, at St. Matthews Method­ During her stay here at Bennett she appeared here during the 1947-48 Bennett College Choir Concert Dec. 79 ist Church. Dr. Peeler, who was 84 has been on the Library staff, the term superbly presenting the fabu­ years old, w e is president of the college Lyceum Committee, president of the lous Shakespearean tragedy, “Othel­ International Relations Club, (the during the years of 1905-’13. He was The Bennett ' College Choir will lo.” The exchange production last Budapest String Quartet present corresponding secretary of formerly pastor of St. Matthews present its annual Christmas Concer year, “.A Sound of Hunting,” was IRC), assistant dormitory directress church and resigned regional secre­ presented by the Lincoln University in Annie Merner Pheiffer Chapel on In Concert of Pfeiffer Hall, member of Alpha tary of the Methodist Conference. Players. Sunday, December 19, 1948, at 8:00 Kappa Mu, and a member of the His son, S. A. Peeler, Jr., is present Miracles are constantly happening We wish to welcome the Shaw Uni­ p. m. 1948-49 Home - Making Institute principal of J. C. Price Elementary and the best part of this particular versity Players and look forward to Continuing a traditional event of Committee. school, and former instructor in miracle is that the Bennett family their coming with great anticipation. the college, the 65-voice choir will Miss Nola B. Bewley, from Johnson Audio-Visual Aids at Bennett Col­ was on the receiving end. Through lege. render selections by old masters such (Cnntinnpd On Pasre Fourl as Sweelinck, Praetorius and a num­ the influence of Mr. Kirchberger, the ber from the Christmas oratorio by nationally and internationally known ALPHA KAPPA MU OFFERS TUTORIAL SERVICES J. S. Bach. The choir will also sing Budapest String Quartet appeared in PURPOSE: To help raise the standards of scholarship on the campus, the News Highlights traditional carols from various coun­ concert on Sunday afternoon, De­ members of the Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society are making available tutorial Plans Made for Increase of Mail tries in memory of the birth of Christ. services for students needing help in certain areas. Rates Those countries which will be rep­ cember 5, 1948 in the Annie Merner Below will be found the names of the young ladies giving their services, the Pfeiffer chapel. Marshall’s Condition of Health May resented are Russia, France, England, hours they are available, the places they may be found, and the courses in Members of the Budapest String End Servici; as Secretary of State Poland, Czechoslovakia, and America. which they offer help. Also appearing on the program wil' Quartet were Joseph Roisman, first Eleanor Barnwell, Tuesday and Thursdays at 11:40 in the Library, U. S. Ready to Resume Austrian be the Bennett College Quartet which violin; Edgar Ortenberg, second vio­ Sociology, Psychology, and Freshman Studies. Talks lin; Boris Kroyt, viola, and Mischa Mildred Griffin, Tuesday and Thursdays at 3:25, Pfeiffer No. 200, will present several numbers. There Education, History and English. Germans are Fleeing from Russian will be two numbers by Peter Cor­ Schneider, cello. The quartet played Rosalind Lynn, Mondays 3:15, and Fridays 11:40, Library, Freshman Occupation Zone to British and nelius and an old traditional lullaby Quartet in G Major, Op. 77, No. 1 English, Freshman Social Science, Art and Clothing. American Zones '‘Balulalou.” by Haydn, ^nd Quartet in A Minor, Audrose Mackel, Mondays and Wednesdays at 11:40, Merner No. 3, Judging from the successful con­ Op. 51, No. 2, by Brahms. Clothing and Art. Nanking Admits China’s Relieving Celess McLester, 7:00 p.
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