' ·· I I I J 1 T J Index of Licenced Research II Northwest Territories • j '\I 1985 { J j Science Advisor J P.o. Box 1617 I Government of the Northwest Territories J ~ - I January 1986 Q 179.98 .C66 1985 copy2 I. -] INTRODUCTION l Scientific Research Licenses are mandatory for all research conducted in the N.W.T. There are three categories. Wildlife Research is licensed by the Department of Renewable Resources, J Archaeology is licensed by the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre and all other research is licensed by the Science Advisor under the Scientists Act. A description of the procedures is J appended to the Index. l During the 1985 calendar year 260 li'cences to carry out scientific research were issued to scientists. Ninety-four 1985 licences were 1 issued to scientists directly affiliated with educational institutions. Of these 94 licences, 79 were issued to scientists from Canadian universities, 13 to scientists from U.S. universities, and 2 to scientists from other foreign universities. Of the 79 licences J granted to scientists from Canadian universities: Ontario received ............. 40 0 A1 berta received ..•..•.... , . 13 Quebec recetved . • . • . 9 Bri'tish Columbia received .... l Manitoba received ............ 5 J Newfoundland received ....•..• 3 J Saskatchewan received ..•..... 2 J The. i.ndex of 1 icenced research gi-ves the followi.ng information on each project: licence number, name and address of affi.liation of 1icen~ee. objective of the research and its location. I.t should be noted that i.nves ti,gators are ob'l i gated by the Ordinance to supply a report to the Commissi.oner withtn a stated ti"me. These j• reports are available on appltcation in Yellowkni-fe. 1 Dan Bi 11 i ng, [ Science Advi-sor . j• I l l' SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH LICENCES 1 Biological Research .........•...•...•...•.•.•.•.•.. 1 1 Earth and Physical Sciences •.•.•.•...........•.•... 15 l Social Sciences 39 Health Research .. • . • . • • • . • . • . .. • . • . • • . • . • . • . • • • 48 ] Engineering ........... ~ ........................... 52 Pa 1aeon to1 ogy ....••.•.•.•...............•.•.•.....• 53 l. ARCHAEOLOGY LICENCES ................................... 54 J WILDLIFE LICENCES 59 J ~J J 1 J 1 J J J J J l ] ] l 1 ]. J SCIENT! FIC RESEARCH LICENCES J. J l J J 0 0 J J 1 J J ] 1 BIOLOGlCAL RESEARCH l Licence Number 5032 Licensee: Dr. Sylvia A. Edlund Geological Survey of Canada ] 601 Booth Street Ottawa, Ontario KIA OE8 J Objective: To compare plant communities on various surficial materials on Melville, Eglinton and Prince ~ Patrick Islands. Soil samples and herbarium specimens to be taken. n. Location: Based on Melville Island (lbbett Bay). 5145 licensee: Elizabeth M. Neil l Biologist Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd. #200 ~ 260 West Esplanade o. North Vancouver, B.C. V7~13G7 Objective: To develop and test a conceptual model tracing aquatic contaminants from dose to response. This study would also utilize data gathered u under the auspices of Scientific Research Licence #2815 (dated May 9/84). u Location: Contwoyto lake- Lupine Mine, N.W.T. 5142 Licensee: Dr. John B. Sprague J Department of Zoology College of Btologtcal Science University of Guelph ] Guelph, Ontario NIG 2Wl ] Objective: To collect samples of common amphipod crustaceans, microscopic crustaceans, and algae in order to J measure their cadmium content. .· Location: Resolute and Pond Inlet . J J J ... /2 J r - 2 - ... ' 0 Licence Number 1 0 5141 Licensee: Richard Spencer r Spencer Environmental Management Services Ltd. ~ 0 414 Boardwalk l 10310 - 102nd Avenue Edmonton, Alberta ~ 0 T5J 2X6 Objective: Collect biophysical information for permit applications (water, land use, 0 surface 1ease). Location: Bullmoose Lake Watershed 0 East of Yellowknife. 5138 Licensee: Claire Cirone 0 Southern 100, Blvd. E. • Guttenburg, N.J., 0 07093 Objective: To collect tissue samples from Narwhal and Beluga for DNA extraction and cell cultures taken from a hunter kill to 0 obtain a more detailed and completed picture of the DNA complex in Narwhal 0 and Beluga Whales. Location : Pond Inlet, N.W .T. 0 5135 Licensee: Ronald H. Pine r Professor of Ecology George Wi 11 tams College .' 0 555 Thirty-First Street ' Downers Grove. Illinois 0 60515 Objective; To collect invertebrate and vertebrate specimens of opportunity. 0 Location: Devon Island. 0 0 J J .. ./3 I - 3 • l Licence Number 1 5134 Licensee: Rolph A. Davis~ Ph.D. President, LGL Limited 22 Fisher Street J. P.O. Box 457 King City, Ontario LOG lKO Objective: To employ recently deve loped photo­ grammetric techniques to determine reproductive parameters of the bowhead whale and the status of the Western Arctic bowhead population; and the sampling of zooplankton to determine J. the availability of bowhead food in I the Canadian Beaufort Sea. Locatton: Canadi.an Beaufort Sea and Amundsen Gulf, Mackenzie Delta to the Alaska/ Yukon border. 51 32 Licensee: Ga.ry Vi gers E.V.S. Consultants Ltd. 195 Pemberton Avenue J North Vancouver. B. C. V7P 2R4 Objective: To determi.ne acute and sub letha 1 J effects of oil (natural seeps) and refi'nery- eff! uent on fish tn the Ma.ckenzl.'e Ri-ver at Norman We11 s. ] Sqblethal effects will include bio~ ~ccumul~tton and tatnttng. In sttu Hs~ cages and 1a bora tory bi'oas·says J will be uttltzed. · L,ocati.on: In sttu studies to be conducted at J No-rma:nwe 11 s . 5131 Licensee: Wi 11 i a.m Cross J LGL Limited 22 Fisher Street P.O . Box 280 King City, Ontario J LOG lKO Objective: Monitoring the long term fate and J effects of spilled oil in an Arctic subtitle environment. J Location: Cape Hatt North Baffin Island 1 ... /4 I • * 4 - 0 Licence Number 5130 Licensee: David Sutherland 0 Environmental Protection Service Box 370 Yellowknife, N.W,T, 0 XlA 2N3 Objective: To establish aquatic environmental quality monitoring sites in the vicinity 0 of "Outer Sun Bai' on Contwoyto Lake. The purpose is to monitor the effectiveness of effluent quality 0 ltmits imposed on Lupin Mine in protecting the receiving aquatic environment. 0 Location: Contwoyto Lake vicinity 0 5127 Licensee: Marc G. Boileau Department of Biology Untversity of ~indsor Wtndsor, Ontarfo 0 N9B 3P4 I. Objecttve: To continue tnvesttgations on t~e 0 ecology and population genettcs of crustace~n zeop1~nkton: to focus on t~. e genettc dtverstty of the four major species of copepods tnhabittng 0 the freshwater ponds tn the Arcttc and tne dtstributton and dispersal 0 of these species stnce glaciation. 0 . ~oca.ttern Esk tmo Po tnt and Rank tn ln 1et. 0 5124 Li .censee: Jo~n w·. McDona1 d Project Ma,nqger ESL En vi ronmenta 1 Sciences Um ited 0 2035 Mills Road, R.R. #2 Stdney, B.C. 0 V8L 3Sl Objective: To conduct bowhea.d wha 1e surveys by Cl) systematic a.ertal surveys. (2) satellite oceanography and ground 0 truthtng, a.nd (_3) photogrammetric and reconnaissance st~dies. J Location; Bea.ufort Sea, From ttte Alaska-Y~kon border (141°W longitu~e tn the west, to 127° 22'W 1ongi'tude i'n the east.) J ... / 5 1 f, - 5 - l Licence Number l 5123 Licensee: Pamela Norton So 1e Propri eter PN Research Projects 1 P.O. Box 2296 Sidney, B.C. V8L 3S8 1 Objective: To monitor the white whale migration to and distribution and abundance in the ~1ackenz i e Estuary. Secondary J. objectives are to observe white whale behaviour, to record whale-vessel interactions (if possible) and to quantify the number of whales missed 1 by observers under normal survey conditions. All marine mammal sightings J will be recorded. Locatton: Southeastern BeaHfort Sea, from shore to approximately 71 N Latitude, and from 0 1280 to 141ow Longitude. 5121 Licensee: Richard A. Ring J Associa.te Professor Department of Biology Un)versi'ty of Vi·ctoria P.O. Box 1700 J Victoria, B.C. vaw 2Y2 J Objective: To conti.nue research on the ecological/ physiological/biochemical aspects of insect freezing tolerance and super­ J cooling abtlity. J L.ocation: Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk 5120 Licensee; James F. Basinger Department of Geological Sci'ences J Untversity of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N OWO I Objecti ye; To collect additional fossil plants and to better qetermine stratigraphy J in the vicini-ty. Location; fort Norman area. J ... /6 - u .. ~ 6 - D Licence Number r- 0 5116 LicensP.e: Hugh J. Macisaac l University of Toronto ' Department of Botany Toronto, Ontario 0 M5S 1A1 Objective: To determine the nature of zooplankton 0 community structure in both acid and alkaline ponds. 0 Location: Smoking Hills 5115 LicP.nsee: D.B. Stewart 0 Freshwater Institute 501 University Crescent Winnipeg, Manitoba 0 R3T 2N6 Objective; To gather, upda.te and compile information on fish resources and human usage of B those resources within the study area. Informatton will be collected through a review of existing literature, personal tntervtews with government 0 employees, researchers and local residents, ~nd by synoptic sampling surveys. 0 Location: B~fftn Isl~nd South of 72°N and East of ' · 80°W and isl~nds in Foxe Basin. 0 5108 Li'c~nsee: Dr. R..R~ Rtewe Department of Zoology j· Univers tty of Manitoba ; 0 Wi nn i peg , Man ttoba. i R3T 2N2 Objective: To cletermine the distribution and r 0 abundance of narwhal whales and to !.. study thetr behavtour. 0 Location: Arctic Bay (base camp). 0 0 J ... /7 0 I. - 7 - 1 Licence Number l 5102 Licensee: Erwin Streisinger 232 Elmwood Avenue Maplewood, N.J. U.S.A . 07040 Objective : . Taxonomic plant identification and distribution data of plants in 1 selected locations within an approximately two-mile band along 1 Bellot Strait. Location: Northern tip of Boothia Peninsula, along Bellot Strait. ~­ 5101 Licensee: Dr.
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