ICTM NATIONAL COMMITTEES AUSTIlAUA - Clair: Dr. StepIIen Wild clo Muaicoloaical SocIety of AUIIrIIia, GPO Box 2A04, Clnberra, ACT 260 I BANGLADESH. PreIIdcnt: MobmIt ~ Kb8n do BanaJIIdeIb Shl..,.. AQdany, Seaun, BuIcbI. It--. Dhaka-IOOO .CANADA -0Wr: Dr.1udidl Cohea clo CanIIIiIn Soc. for Trtd. MIIIic - ~.c.iadicemepour lea tnd. musicales 7S1~id A-. T-*'. Oat. M6G 2V3 BULLETIN DEMMAIlK - ~e: Dr. LiIbet Torp clo DIMk SeI••••• ~ ~CIIO-' ~ervcj 23 DK-2400~NV . IS1'ONIA - PnIidIDt: Dr. fII&rid ROiIfeI clo Folklore Deplnnftt.1DIIiIute ofl!allJlliia~ EE-OOOI TllliIm I PI\II~ - SecRtIry; ltIh8III Heikkill clo ICInaDmuIiikiD ~~SiIblIIIlie 404, FIN-)9170Jumesniemi GIDWfY •0Wr: Pro[ Dr. Ma:iIa!Ie Brilcker OWl SeeIpae Sa.0-'" 8IiiIIMq J1UNG;Ut\' -CIIIir. Dr. Lqja TIri cloMTA, ~ •••• rt 28,H-I2S09udapest ,. ,rt.-...v . QIir. Prof.Tlliti, ~i Diplo 'ell MIIIic:a • SpcIiICoIo;' UnivInIta deiIi Studi di Bologna , . Vii BeIWa 4,.tOI2,) Bolopa J.\M41CA • CIIIir: Dr. oiive LewkI GrIco, ~ A Co., L1d.,P.o.a.x M, 64 HIibour St, KInpIoa .' IAPAN· 0IIjr: Prof.T.,.eGea'icbi clo T6y6 0IIPaI GIkbi,..8eihI HopJaa Kaibn :t••••• -ahO, IdIipyI.~ Tokyo 162 •• 0. KOItU·QIIIr: Pro[ K_Oh Sq ~ ofMIIIic,'" v.n,UDMnIty,17 •.••• ~ Sqnadoaa-lw, S-11 .••••191 No.·XCl . ~ANIA,· aIiir: Dr•.••••• S1iuzin1b1 clO~ otBl!tic:8tudleaA Edmology, lhd'*lityof'KIIipIda. Spardaillb 13'.LT-5813 KJeipcda NITIIIRLANDS. ~I: Dr. WIm VIIIZaptea do Neclerlmdle t-iaiDI v.llInanIicoIoaie 'Amold BIke' IJiIlitIdeofCultlRl.ti Sei:iIi'SIudicII. ~~ 52. POB 9SSS,NL-2300 RB Leid!ln ; '. NORWAY· PialcleatRDdl AlllleMoen .\ clo Hank faIbmuIIcIdq' ~for~oa~ltft'«nIeret, N,70SS~' .,'. • OAMN· (:heir: IC.1IIItU ~ M.A. clo-om.~"'~hUllic,~.Q.B.1OOOcode III Seeb :JIOUND. tin.IiWt: Or.ha DIhIiS •• ~ PAN, uL DIiqpI26-2B.,..!!M, PL-OO8SOWanzawa StovAk UPoJUc.-~PloUlr. 0Ik6r Blschek U.v IIucIoixMi Vody. ~AacIeaa Vied, ~ cella 9,841 OSBraIiIIIVI ~ ~ I'reIi!1IRt: Dr:'1CriIW MaIm ••••••••••••• Box 16326. 5-103-26 SIockItohn SWI1tIiu.AJIq) • Secnllly:DlaielltOeg 'cfo, SwWSocIetY far I!dmonIicOIogy M~ An:biv,UJijveniCltZIlrich,FIadIofpsse 8110, CH·BOOI ZOrIc:h tll'f1TlD kINGDOM ·,.Qalt:0r. 'Rid!anI WiddeIs •. cIoBritiIh F_:ftir~ogy c.jue ofMUIIc .•••.• SOM. Un~ity of London 'I1aorihIuab IIreIt, Rlllldl~. London WCIH OXG UNITID STATES or AMIiUCA. 0Wr: Prof. RicardoTrimillos clo Socidy "" EduIomIiIicoJos. SHAPS, ~ HilI, University of Hawai'. H-'ulu, HI96B22-231 8 CONTENTS FROM THE ICTM SECRETARIAT, NEW YORK . 2 FIRST NOTICE OF THE 35TH ICTM WORLD CONFERENCE . A NOUNCEME TS ew U ESCO Status for the ICTM . 7 Election of Officers and Members of the Board . 7 Prof. Dr Erich Stockmann - Honorary Member of the Council .. 7 New ICTM National Committees and Liaison Officers 7 New ICTM Study Group . 8 ICTM Representatives and Committees. 8 A Note from the New President 8 ICTM On line 9 YTM Guest Editors ... 9 YTM Record Reviews ... 9 UNESCO Record Series 9 Directory 1997 Released. 10 'The Role of Music in Emerging Multicultural Countries' .. 10 20th Symposium - STG on Ethnochoreology 10 New Board for Music and Gender STG . 10 From the Polish National Committee . 10 Inter-Governmental Conference on Cultural Policies for Development 11 The Sound of Music' - Call for Papers .. 11 Extraordinary Conference of UNESCO-NGOs 1I Publications. 12 Credit Card Service Offered . 12 MI UTES OF THE 33RD ORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY 13 I MEMORIAM MARCIA ALlCE HERNDON .. 20 REPORTS 83rd Meeting of the Executive Board . 22 Report on the Nitra Conference . 22 12th Meeting of the Study Group on Historical Sources . 27 ational Committees Canada .. 29 orway 30 Switzerland 31 Liaison Officers New Zealand. 34 Uzbekistan . 36 Vietnam. 40 ICTM MEETING CALENDAR ... 42 ICTM MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION. 43 ICTM OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS ... .. Inside Front Cover ICTM LIAISON OFFICERS .. .. Inside Back Cover ICTM NATIONAL COMMITTEES . .. Outside Back Cover FROM THE ICTM SECRETARIAT, NEW YORK FIRST NOTICE SUBMISSIONS FOR THE YEARBOOK FOR TRADITIONAL MUSIC (YTM) THIRTY FIFTH WORLD CONFERENCE OF THE ICTM The Editor of the YTM encourages submissions of articles and country reports from members and non-members alike. Specifications for submissions are printed in each YTM under the heading HIROSHIMA, JAPAN, 19-25 AUGUST 1999 "Informationfor Authors." Please send submissions to: YTM Editor Prof. Dieter Cbrlstensen Center for Ethnomusicology, MC1815, Columbia University, 2960 Broadway, New York, NY 10027, USA. The International Council for Traditional Music has pleasure in announcing Tel: +212 - 678-0332; Fax: +212 - 678-2513 or 854-8191; <[email protected]> ; that its 35th World Conference will be held from 19-25 August 1999 in Hiroshima, <ictm@compuserve,com>; or send to the respective Guest Editors. Japan, upon invitation from the Japanese National Committee of the ICTM, The SUBMISSIONS FOR YTM REVIEWS Society for Research in Asiatic Music, Toyo Ongaku Gakkai, in cooperation with On behalf of our Review Editors we remind members that they should submit their new Hiroshima City University, Hiroshima University, and the Elizabeth Music College. publications/recordings/COs for review or have their publishers send review copies to the respective Venue will be the Faculty of International Studies, Hiroshima City University. editors: ICTM Book Review Editor: Prof. Gage Averill ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Department of Music, New York University, 24 Waverly PI., 2nd FI., New York, NY 10003- Chair: Prof. Tsuge Gen'ichi, Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music 0067, USA; e-mail: [email protected] Members:Prof. Harada Hiroshi, Hiroshima University ICTM Record Review Editor: Cynthia P. Wong. Submissions should be sent to: Att.: YTM RR Editor; address same as for YTM submissions; e-mail: [email protected] Prof. Ohtani Kimiko, Kochi University ICTM FilmlVideo Review Editor: Prof John Baily Prof. Tsukada Kenichi, Hiroshima City University Goldsmiths College,University of London, Lewisham Way, London SEI4 6 W,U.K. Prof. Katagiri Isao,Elizabeth University of Music Tel: +44 171 - 919 7658; fax: +44171 - 919 7644; e-mail:[email protected] Prof. Yamada Yoichi, Hiroshima University PLEASE DO NOT SEND NEW PUBLlCATIONSIRECORDS/CDS TO THE ADDRESS Inquiries concerning the local organization should be directed to Professor OF THE ICTM SECRETARIAT IN NEW YORK. We cannot, as a rule, forward materials received at the Secretariat. Tsukada Kenichi, Faculty of International Studies, Hiroshima City University The timely publication of the Yearbook for Traditional Music depends, among otherthings, Hiroshima 731-31, Japan. Tel.: 81 82830-1532; fax: 81 82 871-6523; e-mail: upon the cooperation of those who have agreed to submit reviews for the YTM. Please do keep your <[email protected]> deadlines! PROGRAM COMMITTEE SUBMISSIONS FOR THE BULLETIN OF THE ICTM (Editor:Nerthus Christensen) Chair: Prof. Gerard Behague, U .S.A. Ifspace allows, the Bulletin will consider news for or from international meetings that may be Members: Prof. Dieter Christensen, U.S.A. of interest to the ICTM membership. Priority is given to UNESCO affiliated organizations. Deadlines for submissions to the Bulletin Dr. David Hughes, U.K. April Bulletin: Ist of March Dr. Allan Marett, Australia October Bulletin: Ist of September Prof. Tsuge Gen'ichi, Japan All submissions should be sent, whenever possible, bye-mail or on an IBM compatible disk. Prof. Bell Yung, Hong Kong, China Material will be edited, where necesssary, without notification. Address same as for YTM submissions. Dr. Judy Van Zile, U.S.A. UNESCORECORDS (Editor: Dieter Christen sen) Proposals for compact discs in the UNESCO Records Series are welcome and should be sent THEMES OF THE CONFERENCE to Prof Dieter Christensen, An:UNR, at the same address as listed for YTM submissions above. It is best to, first, send an inquiry with a brief description of the project (1-2 pages) as a basis 1. Learning Music, Learning Dance . for further discussions. The ICfM Committee for UNESCO Records will then provide technical and Contributions to this theme may range from empirical and theoretical cogm- other advice. tive research to issues of creativity, societal modes of transmission and any aspect of the acquisition of performance knowledge and skills, such as learning methods and MAILING SCHEDULES FOR ICTMPUBLICATIONS To keep our mailing lists accurate and avoid unnecessary and costly separate shipping, we ask strategies in culture-specific cases. you to, please, send your address cbanges in time for our mailings, at the latest one month before the shipping date below. Please note that YTM and Directory will only be mailed to paid-up members. 2. The MusicianlDancer in Asian Society April Bulletin: Beginning of April Consideration of the performer/composer/choreographer as an individual (for October Bulletin: October andlor mid-December instance, through life histories) or as a social role in any society of Asia, contemporary YTM Mid-December or in historical or comparative perspective. Asia is to be understood In geographical Directories: In December of uneven years. All mail goes out via surface andlor ISAL (printed matter express upon additional payment of terms as extending from the Bosporus in the Westto the archipelagoes of the Southeast USS4.00). Please allow at least 6-12 weeks for surface mail to reach you, depending on your location. and East. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the mdmdual author(s) and do not reflect the pohctes or opimons of the Bulletin. IU editor and Slog; the ICTM. or Columbia Umversnv 3.Asian Music and Dance Research @Cop.'·rtghl ICrl\1 2 3 Reports on the current state of research (including institutions, goals, projects, would be the responsible coordinator. The parameters are: 90 minutes total time slot; policies, training facilities, native theories and methodologies, etc.) in any country of two or more participants; structure at the discretion ofthe organizer. The proposal must Asia, given by "insiders", are as welcome as presentations by anyone on Asian topics, explain the overall purpose, the role of the individual participants, and signal the including the Asian Diaspora. commitment of all participants to participate.
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