Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo English Edition Vol. XXXIX No. 23 December 7, 2008 www.philippinerevolution.net Editorial Unite to fight and defeat cha-cha! he Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) ly rushing Congress to pass various resolutions to ef- strongly condemns Arroyo's stepped-up cha-cha fect cha-cha in whatever form and planning on using T(charter change) offensive and calls on the en- the Supreme Court in 2009 once it is dominated by Ar- tire Filipino people to resist and defeat her attempts royo appointees to give their offensive a semblance of to perpetuate her rule. legality. Arroyo is now attempting all kinds of manipula- With the people's wrath against Arroyo and their tions and schemes to be able to hold on to power. As refusal for her to rule much longer written all over, she the end of her term in 2010 nears, she has now be- is determined to employ her military, police and oth- come all the more desperate to extend her stay in er security forces to crush the mass demonstrations Malacañang to avoid the people's verdict for the innu- and other protests expected to erupt against her cha- merable heinous crimes she has committed against cha. Arroyo is deathly afraid that these protests will the country and people. snowball into a mass uprising against her rule. Should The Arroyo family and its cohorts are now brazen- this not be enough, she has in reserve another impo- ly revving up their cha-cha offensive by distorting sition of "emergency rule" or outright martial law. She even their own laws and processes. They are present- had already attempted this with her declaration of a "state of emergency" in February 2006. Should she pursue such a course, Arroyo will be making her biggest miscalculation. Cha-cha is now laying the ground for a decisive confrontation be- tween the US-Arroyo regime and the Filipino people who see it as Arroyo's last straw in her desperation to prolong her rule. The mass of the Filipino people have declared again and again their loathing for Arroyo's cha-cha. They will never again allow her to extend her stay in power. Nothing can stifle their cries and no shackles can stop them from marching and fighting as one. The broadest national united front against cha- cha is now rapidly forming, with the patriotic and democratic forces at its core. Numerous organizations, including various church groups with large mass fol- lowings have declared their vehement opposition to Arroyo's cha-cha. Millions are expected to join mili- tant demonstrations and other forms of protest versus cha-cha and all efforts to prolong Arroyo's illegal rule. Revolutionary This issue’s NPA seizes 26 firearms Killing and harassment movement in Leyte PAGE 6 of farmers PAGE 8 highlight... PAGE 4 The more Arroyo and her ilk force through with cha-cha, the Cha-cha resolutions flood more intense will be the people's resistance. Her insistence to push Congress through her cha-cha will only lead to her own undoing and eventual downfall. The Filipino loria Arroyo's minions have been filing resolution after resolu- people will make sure that cha- tion to push charter change (cha-cha). They have frenziedly cha will be Arroyo's last dance. Gstepped up the pace of their cha-cha scheme especially after The CPP and the revolutionary the fourth impeachment complaint against Arroyo was dismissed by forces are all out in support of a vote of 183-18. With the threat of impeachment out of the way the people's fight against all at- again, her minions are moving heaven and earth to get cha-cha go- tempts to prolong Arroyo's ille- ing. More than 20 new resolutions have been filed by KAMPI and gal, rotten and oppressive rule. Lakas-CMD (Arroyo’s main political parties) with the Congressional The revolutionary forces stand Committee on Constitutional Amendments. ready to contribute their utmost Arroyo so desperately wants leading allies like Rep. Luis Villa- to lead, unite and rally the peo- to have cha-cha push through fuerte of Camarines Sur have ple in their millions against Arro- that no less than her own con- come up with their own resolu- yo's cha-cha and spawn storms of gressmen-sons Mikey and Dato tions for cha-cha. Like the Arro- protest against Arroyo's sinister have been at the forefront of fil- yo brothers, Villafuerte is gun- attempts to perpetuate her hold ing resolutions and soliciting ning for "con-ass". All in all, on power. signatures in support of a con- there are nine resolutions calling As the anti-Arroyo and anti- stituent assembly ("con-ass"). for "con-ass." cha-cha mass movement gains Their version calls for Congress To disguise the real motive momentum, and as mass demon- and the Senate to discuss pro- behind these resolutions—which strations and other forms of posed amendments and vote on is the prolongation of Arroyo's protest intensify, the Red fighters them as a single body. Through term—many of the "con-ass" of the New People's Army (NPA) this, the pro-Arroyo majority in proponents have also included in and other revolutionary forces the bigger lower chamber can their resolutions calls for solitary will also be intensifying their easily swamp any opposition amendments to the constitution tactical offensives nationwide to from the upper house on propos- that allegedly have nothing to punish the US-Arroyo regime and als being pushed by Malacañang. do with running the government. put an end to its rule. ~ Aside from Arroyo's sons, her In fact, such resolutions are meant to be the opening salvo for ANG other resolutions once "con-ass" Contents commences. The resolutions will mainly revolve around the various Vol XXXIX No. 23 December 7, 2008 means of extending Arroyo's term. Editorial 1 House Speaker Prospero No- Ang Bayan is published in Pilipino, Cha-cha resolutions flood Congress 2 Bisaya, Iloko, Hiligaynon, Waray and National anti-chacha movement 3 grales' House Resolution 737, for English editions. Revolution in Leyte 4 instance, purportedly proposes It is available for downloading at Aerial spraying in Mindanao 5 only to amend one economic pro- the Philippine Revolution Web Central Punitive actions vs plantations 5 vision of the constitution and located at: www.philippinerevolution.net. NPA seizes 26 firearms 6 claims to have no relation at all Ang Bayan welcomes contributions NPA returns personal items 7 to politics or any bigger changes in the form of articles and news. POW release hampered 7 in the system of government. It Readers are likewise enjoined to send Monet, 16 7 nonetheless constitutes treason in their comments and suggestions for Killing and harassment of farmers 8 as it proposes the scrapping of the betterment of our publication. You Child victims 9 one of the few remaining provi- can reach us by email at: News 10 [email protected] sions that protect the national patrimony—the ban on foreign Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee corporations' ownership of private of the Communist Party of the Philippinesinas and public lands. 2 ANG BAYAN December 7, 2008 Six resolutions for "con- ass" call for a federal system Militants advance national of government. Two call for a anti-cha-cha campaign anew unicameral legislature—thus doing away immediately with the Senate. rogressive and democratic organizations and personalities have begun The most brazen of these Padvancing a nationwide campaign against attempts to amend the resolutions were those filed by constitution. Up to 50 organizations and personalities, including Manila Rep. Hermilando Mandanas of archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales have assailed the "consitituent Batangas, which both lead to assembly" scheme being pushed by Arroyo allies. the extension of Gloria Arro- More than 2,000 people rallied dreds of urban poor residents led yo's term and the expansion of on November 30 in various parts of by KADAMAY who converged at the her powers. Mandanas' HR 548 Metro Manila to express their vehe- Commonwealth Market and calls for the merging of the ex- ment opposition to "con-ass". The marched towards Elliptical Road in ecutive and legislative branch- rally coincided with the commemo- Quezon City. es allegedly to effect more ef- ration of Andres Bonifacio's 145th The following organizations ficient governance. It calls to birth anniversary. and personalities have likewise mind the period of dictator- Allied organizations under the openly expressed their opposition ship when Ferdinand Marcos Bagong Alyansang Makabayan to cha-cha: Association of Major arrogated unto himself legisla- (BAYAN) such as the Kilusang Mayo Religious Superiors of the Philip- tive powers by issuing decrees. Uno, Kilusang Magbubukid ng pines (AMRSP), Rev. Eddie Vil- Mandanas' HR 550 is even Pilipinas, Anakpawis, Gabriela, Mi- lanueva of Jesus Is Lord Movement worse because it calls for the grante and Anakbayan also con- and Bangon Pilipinas, former Pres- postponement of the 2010 ducted a giant "teach-in" at Plaza ident Joseph Estrada, United Oppo- elections and a term extension Miranda where they discussed the sition (UNO), Concerned Citizens of up to four years for elective burning issues of the day, mainly Movement, Youth Act Now!, Promo- officials. Mandanas was forced the regime's "con-ass" scheme. tion of Church People's Response to withdraw this barefacedly They marched towards Mendiola (PCPR), EDSA 3 Coalition, Sanlakas pro-Arroyo resolution after be- Bridge afterwards. The protest ac- and Coalition for National Transfor- ing pelted with criticisms. tion signalled the start of a nation- mation. Also expressing their dis- Rep.
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