A NOVEL STREAM CIPHER WITH DYNAMIC STRUCTURE BY FARDOUS MOHAMED ALI ELJADI A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology International Islamic University Malaysia MARCH 2017 ABSTRACT Stream ciphers are commonly used to provide confidentiality for a wide range of frame based applications such as mobile devices or embedded systems. For these applications, stream ciphers are preferred for encryption due to the simplicity of their implementation, efficiency and high throughput. However, practical attacks have been discovered on well-known stream ciphers. Many stream ciphers are designed to resist these attacks. The majority of these ciphers has a fixed structure, which is an advantage that their security against the known attacks can be proved. However, the fixed building structure of these ciphers also provides opportunities for potential new attacks. There have been a few approaches that have tried to add dynamicity to the structure of these ciphers to improve their security level. The idea behind this is that when the structures of ciphers are unknown to attackers, they are more resistant to attacks. However, these ciphers are not widely discussed among researchers. Moreover, the existing research concerning stream ciphers with dynamic structures has focused mostly on dynamic polynomial switching in the Linear Feedback Shift Registers. This study proposes a novel dynamic structure stream cipher algorithm based on using a dynamic structure and some parameters to increase the complexity of the cipher, consequently, improving its security level. In the proposed cipher, the dynamic parameters are the number of registers, the length of the registers, the clocking system, the initialization procedure, the confusion and diffusion method, and the output function. These parameters are specified using bits from the secret key. The components of the proposed algorithm were tested using the NIST test suite in order to readjust them to improve the results. The NIST test suite was conducted for several keys. Afterward, fine tuning was conducted to enhance the statistical properties of the generated keystream. Then, performance and security analyses were conducted to evaluate the proposed algorithm. Furthermore, a comparison between the proposed algorithm and the seven winners of the eSTREAM competition in terms of the statistical properties was performed. The results showed that the proposed algorithm outperforms the compared ciphers in the linear complexity test. In addition to this, a performance comparison between the proposed algorithm and Mickey 128 was carried out. The result showed that the proposed algorithm is faster than Mickey 128, despite the fact that it has more dynamic parameters than Mickey 128. Therefore, the proposed algorithm is very promising for practical use. ii خﻻصة البحث ABSTRACT IN ARABIC يستخدم التشفري التدفقي )stream cipher( عادة لتوفري السرية جملموعة واسعة من التطبيقات مثل اﻷجهزة النقالة أو النظم ادلضمنة. يف ىذا النوع من التطبيقات يفضل استخدام التشفري التدفقي نظرا لبساطة تنفيذه وكفاءتو وإنتاجيتو العالية.ولكن بالرغم من امهية ىذا النوع من التشفري فقد مت اكتشاف ىجمات عملية على خوارزميات تشفري معروفة. بعد ذلك متّ تصميم العديد من خوارزميات التشفري دلقاومة ىذه اذلجمات. اغلب ىذه اخلوارزميات لديها بنية ثابتة، وذلك يعترب ميزة من حيث امكانية اثبات مقاومتها للهجمات ادلعروفة. ومع ذلك، فإن استخدام بنية ثابتة خلوارزمية التشفري يتيح اجملال ذلجمات جديدة حمتملة. ىناك بعض احملاوﻻت اليت حاولت إضافة الديناميكية لبنية ىذه اخلوارزميات لغرض حتسني مستوى أمنها. الفكرة من وراء ذلك ىو أنو عندما تكون بنية خوارزميات التشفري غري معروفة للمهامجني، تكون أكثر قدرة على مقاومة اذلجمات. ىذا النوع من اخلوارزميات مل يناقش على نطاق واسع بني الباحثني. وعﻻوة على ذلك، فان معظم اﻷحباث احلالية ادلتعلقة خبوارزميات التشفري التدفقي ركزت على استخدام البىن الديناميكية يف تبديل متعددة احلدود يف Linear Feedback Shift Registers . ىذه الدراسة تقدم خوارزمية جديدة للتشفري التدفقي ذات بنية ديناميكية ومعامﻻت متغرية لزيادة تعقيد اخلوارزمية لغرض حتسني مستوي أمنها. يف اخلوارزمية ادلقرتحة، ادلعامﻻت الديناميكية ىي عدد السجﻻت، وطول السجﻻت، ونظام الــ clocking ، وإجراءات التهيئة، وطريقة الـ confusion و diffusion ، ودالة اﻻخراج. يتم حتديد ىذه ادلعامﻻت باستخدام bits من ادلفتاح السري. متّ اختبار مكونات اخلوارزمية ادلقرتحة باستخدام اختبار الـNIST من أجل إعادة تعديلها لتحسني النتائج. وقد أجري اختبار NIST لعدة مفاتيح. بعد ذلك، متّ إجراء ضبط لتحسني اخلصائص اﻹحصائية للkeystream ادلولد.مث أجريت حتليﻻت اﻷداء واﻷمان لتقييم اخلوارزمية ادلقرتحة. عﻻوة على ذلك، مت إجراء مقارنة بني اخلوارزمية ادلقرتحة واخلوارزميات السبعة الفائزة يف مسابقة eSTREAM من حيث اخلصائص اﻹحصائية. وأظهرت النتائج أن اخلوارزمية ادلقرتحة تتفوق على باقي اخلورزميات يف اختبار التعقيد اخلطي ) linear complexity(. باﻹضافة إىل ذلك، متّ إجراء مقارنة اﻷداء بني اخلوارزمية ادلقرتحة و Mickey 128 . وأظهرت النتائج أن اخلوارزمية ادلقرتحة أسرع من Mickey 128 على الرغم من أن اخلورازمية ادلقرتحة حتتوي على معامﻻت ديناميكية أكثر من Mickey 128 . لذلك تعترب اخلوارزمية ادلقرتحة مناسبة جداً لﻻستخدام العملي. iii APPROVAL PAGE The thesis of Fardous Mohamed Ali Eljadi has been approved by the following: _____________________________ Imad Fakhri Taha Alyaseen Supervisor _____________________________ Normaziah Abdul Aziz Internal Examiner _____________________________ Kamaruzzaman Seman External Examiner _____________________________ Ahmed T.Saadeq Alobaidi External Examiner _____________________________ Fouad Mahmoud Rawash Chairman iv DECLARATION I hereby declare that this thesis is the result of my own investigations, except where otherwise stated. I also declare that it has not been previously or concurrently submitted as a whole for any other degrees at IIUM or other institutions. Fardous Mohamed Ali Eljadi Signature ........................................................... Date ......................................... v COPYRIGHT PAGE INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA DECLARATION OF COPYRIGHT AND AFFIRMATION OF FAIR USE OF UNPUBLISHED RESEARCH THE IMPACT OF MOBILE INTERFACE DESIGN ON INFORMATION QUALITY OF M-GOVERNMENT SITES I declare that the copyright holders of this thesis are jointly owned by the student and IIUM. Copyright © 2017 Fardous Mohamed Ali Eljadi and International Islamic University Malaysia. All rights reserved. No part of this unpublished research may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder except as provided below 1. Any material contained in or derived from this unpublished research may be used by others in their writing with due acknowledgement. 2. IIUM or its library will have the right to make and transmit copies (print or electronic) for institutional and academic purposes. 3. The IIUM library will have the right to make, store in a retrieved system and supply copies of this unpublished research if requested by other universities and research libraries. By signing this form, I acknowledged that I have read and understand the IIUM Intellectual Property Right and Commercialization policy. Affirmed by Fardous Mohamed Ali Eljadi ……..…………………….. ……………………….. Signature Date vi DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my beloved parents vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First, Alhamdulillah and thanks to almighty Allah for guiding and giving me strength and patience to finish this thesis. Then, I would like to thank the people who helped me in my study and supported me when I am away from my family and country. A special thanks to my family. Words cannot express how grateful I am to my mother, father, and sisters for all the sacrifices that they have made for me. I was sustained in this study due to their excessive prayers. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my supervisor, Prof. Dr. Imad Fakhri Taha Alshaikli for his support, guidance, advice, understanding, patience and feedback throughout the course of my PhD study. I want to thank him for trusting and encouraging me, and allowing me to grow as a research scientist. I am very grateful and blessed to have this opportunity to work under his supervision. I would also like to thank all of my friends especially Labdah Alghafran, Amjad Alhouseini, Bilal Yousfi , Rabiul Awal, Sufian Salam, and Khalid Jasim who supported me to strive towards my goal. At the end, I think it is impossible to thank all those who deserve to be thanked, but I would like to say many thanks to everyone who has helped through advices, comments, complements or even by a smile. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I would also like to acknowledge and thank my country (Libya) for the financial support despite its difficult situation. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract ......................................................................................................................... ii Abstract in Arabic ........................................................................................................ iii Approval Page .............................................................................................................. iv Declaration ................................................................................................................... v Copyright Page ............................................................................................................. vi Dedication .................................................................................................................
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