Protest Against Spring Sports Regulation In Full Swing Drinking (See Page 3) (See Page 2) 3Uj£ Davidson College fiauHtamtianNews and Editorial Voice of The NO. 24 VOL. XLVH DAVIDSON COLLEGE. DAVIDSON. N. C. FRIDAY. APRIL 17. 1959 Students,Distinguished Guests Begin Nine Make Festivities Will Fraternities V I WithStudentReception 1959-60 Officer Selection "Tm overwhelmed that all of this is being done be*, to me to be a Nine of the twelve social fraternities here on the| cause of my taking this office. It seems commitment. It is a time Davidson cammis have elected a full slate of officers for specific incision lor definite to doand how you're next year. of thinking about what you're going going to do it." So stated Dr. Martin when asked how I»i Kappa Phi. Sigma Alpha resenUtive he bit about his approaching inauguration as the thir- Sigma Nu selected a Epsilon. and IHfH Nu have has teenth President of Davidson College. still to select their leaders for nominations committee and this T McDowell Richards the coming school term. committee will present a slate For the last two months nu- Dr. have ban the inauguration ... .. , ,. of nominees in the near future. merous committees will conduct Sigma Alpha Kpsilon elects prep,ring for the April 22 in- ceremony, after which Dr. Mar- basis Pi Kapp Phi plans to elect auguration. Dean Johnston, who officers on a MBMter and tin will deliver his inaugural charge all has not chosen all of their of- their officers within the next is in of makin:: the preparations for the event, re- address. ficers for the fall semester, few weeks. ported, that "plans have gone A reception honoring Dr. and y R#£ ■ Those who have been elected The other fraternities and along very well bscsOM of the Martin will place im- Wyrick. officer selections are list- Mrs take are Pete Rush Chair- their DR. MARTIN fine work of the various com- mediately following the inaug- man, and Don Coffcy, IFC Rep- ed below: Everything is ready a mittees. uration. wecfe ahead of time." CLOSE CONNECTIONS ALPHA TAU OMEGA TV Bowl TeamIs RECEPTION STUDENT Dr. Martin, who was elected President Bill Hellier Activities will begin this president by the Board of spon- 'Ready': Livingston Tuesday evening at 6:15 with a Trustees on May IS, 1998. has Lauren* Waller, Prank My». Chad*. Charfaln. and Bob Livin^ton with faculty Vice-President — Pete Kellogg College student reception given in hon- been closely connected with Da- Mr Paul Marrott*. Bob Livingston The Davidson Quiz Secretary Bowl team, flying via Eastern or of Dr. Martin Three chefs vidson ever since being a stu- Owens being from Phila- here. Treasurer ._ Jlm Air Linos, will leave Charlotte are flown in dent delphia to prepare the special Chairman Joe Braswell at 9:30 tomorrow morning fori Rush Minneapolis, All ex- buffet dinner to be served on Bowl Team Heads For Bob Moore Minnesota. April 17, the day of Pres- IFC Representative penses are being paid by Con' the football field. ident Martin's inauguration, Electric, sponsor TV' eral of the Following the dinner the hat boon declared a holiday. program. Wrangle BETA THETA PI scene of activities will shift in- Howewor, because of the DC-Minnesota holiday, cull fa* Avinger The panel, as team captain to the gym where a program in- double will By ERVIN DUGGAN President Bob Livingston it, is, In effect on April 21 and 23. Bob " put cluding several surprises for DavidMttian Manafln* Editor Freddy Lane "Ready. of the " " finished, Vice-President The members Dr will be presented. brillig, and the slithy toves— Before the question was a light team. Frank Nye. Laurens Wal- Martin Twas Secretary Bob Waugh As a student Dr. Martin was er C e ker, Charles Chastain, and Liv- Throughout the evening music an Looking editor of the DAVIDSONIAN. from Le Carrors "Jabberwocky' in Through the Treasurer Tom Johnson ingston, been in Spartan will be offered by ■ student jazz naSh^ir fh^ wS have He served as a member of the poet's name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgsonand the rest of the poem burg. Carolina, Glass.' The "real Rush Chairman Tom Johnson South at Wal- group. YMCA Cabinet and Board of Di- — home, last goes like this on Ward McKeithen ker's since Wednes- rectors and was on the varsity went in the last practice everybody we're hopeful." Davidson alumnus who is IFC Representative day night making prepara- On Wednesday morning tours So it University faculty final teams. He Davidson's College The four top .scholars left by the there. contest, which of the campus, will DC eollduct- basketball and track session of tions for the will tapped into member- Team Wednesday. The car Wednesday night for a stay the Davidson students will re- against was also Bowl good night's rest be- KAPPA ALPHA pit Davidson the Uni- tri by various students for the ship in ODK and Scabbard and questions came, and the answ- at team member Laurens Wal- tire for a versity of Minnesota at 5:00 Sunday's activities. The benefit of the many visitors. Blade. ers came fast. Right answers, ker's home in Spartanburg. fore Marshall Dunaway Sunday afternoon. group a telegraphed President At 12:15 there will be an in too. They will drive to Charlotte declined While in Minneapolis, the After being away for a year, message from Minnesota's team Vice-President Don Rhame spe- preparation, early tomorrow morning, where team, along with team coach aagntoJ luncheon for the he returned to serve as Alumni After weeks of offering Saturday night dates Pleasants ready. Numerous they will meet Professor Paul Secretary Julian Paul Marrotte. will stay at (me cial guests and the representa- Secretary and Publicity Direc- the team was ("Sounds like sabotage," saidi practice were behind Marrotte and team alternate Joe Wearn Hotel Pick Nicollet, and will re tives from different colleges tor from 1933 to 1936. He left sessions try one team member), asking the 1 Treasurer study alma- Monty Bracey ana to Min- turn to Charlotte at 7:30 Mon enter the business world, but them. Hours of in Minnesota team captain to ar- Jim Richardson 250 GUESTS to textbooks, newspapers neapolis. Rush Chairman day evening. to serve as nacs, range for Sunday evening returned in 1951 lay was Eastern Airlines officials an- dates Representative Bud Hunter The academic procession. Treasurer and Business Man- past. Now what ahead instead. IFC two-day period of rest and nounced this week that they Th» final phase of student which will be made up of more ager until his election as Pres- a On Sunday at 5 p.m. (EST) Spartanburg, S. C, will sponsor a send-off cere- body war* complct- ident last year. study in Davidson oloctiom .than 250 representatives from Saturday's plane trip to mony at Charlotte airport to- the contest between KAPPA SIGMA "d this week with tho "lec- then (student body:900) the Uni- college! and universities Minneapolis the big game morrow morning before the and Tommy Price rep- and versity (student President tion of Student Council j throughout the country, will millions of viewer* on team leaves on the 9:30 a.m. of Minnesota resentatives from the three before body: 26,000) flight to Minnesota. will be beamed Vice-President Newt Quantz upper form at 1:45 p.m. in front of Sunday afternoon. the net- classes. IFC Sets PlansFor scared," said team The team will arrive in Min- across the nation via Ed Kizer the college church. To the "We're CBS. "It's like Secretary Elected from tho rising captain Bobby Livingston, "but neapolis late tomorrow. After work facilities of music Davidson ROTC meeting between David Treasurer Ed Houser senior class were Bob of the Informal Weekend team has gotten together greeting theirhosts on the Min- another Benson, the visiting Goliath," said a faculty Avinger, Charles band, the academic procession real welland workedhard. Tell nesota campus and a and Rush Chairman Verner Stanley Interfraternity Coun- member. "I vast hope the out- Fred Lane, and Tom Price. will weave its way up the M<ir- The Representative Jerry Cole presi- I cil this week announced come is as satisfactory." IFC They will join class walks into Chambers Building dent Dave Warden on tho \ plans for the informal Over thirteen thousand alum- ! and on into the auditorium. next week- ni, "friends of the Student Council. Avinger, Spring Frolics For parents and PHI DELTA THETA end These plans center Kuykendall Calls having the highest number inauguration itself college" this week received ad- The will of votes, will hold tho office I around the Friday and Sat- vance postal notices of the President Dan McAlister ;begin promptly at 2:30 p.m. urday night and a Sunday appearance. In of class vice-president, and dances team's Tom Smith with Dr. Howard F. Lowry. Saturday afternoon con- Control addition, students were urged Vice-President Prico, having the second Of " ! president the College of music provid- New Court secre- of with the to notify friends of the pro- Secretary Craig Ray highest, will serve as cert. 1 Wooster, ed by Duke Ellington. A presentation of a revised constitution and recom- gram, called by President D. tary-treasurer. presenting the ad- Treasurer Bob Denham class for changes in the Court of Control were G. Martin "the best opportunity Th* rising junior Professional decorators are mendations Chairman Harry Broome elected Tom Hudgins and newly elected Student Coun- for national publicity in the Rush to provide Ispring atmosphere passedinto the hands of the Wyrick, who will serve year, history of this college." Representative Scott Lacy Pete for weekend dances.
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