/ - ,", I, f :".. : l--, - _ tIM{',,'.' . _ ',__ ,,- t_\ __ i' ,-. • I Dhananjayarao Gadgil Library j "~~!1~~!~~1~~11~~1 ~~~~I IMPRESSIONS AND COMMENTS BY THE SAME AUTHOR. IMPRESSIONS AND COMMENTS: FIRST SERIES. THE NEW SPIRIT. AFFIRMATIONS. THE TA~K- OF SOCIAL HYGIENE. THE PHILOSOPHY OF CONFLICT. J , THE SOUL OF SPAIN. THE WORLD OF DREAMS. STUDIES IN THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SEX. ETC. IMPRESSIONS AND COMMENTS SECOND SERIES 1914-1920 BY HAVELOCK ELLIS LONDON CONST ABLE AND COMPANY LTD. INDEX Abnormality, 148 Che&terford, 100 Air-raid in London, 1240 Chilterns, the, 409, 58 Amber beads, 288 Chinese, philosophy, 26; &I Anglia, East, 85, 87, 166 artists, 401 Anglo-Indian fears, 740 Christianity, 21, 400, 171, 1740, 206 Antwerp, 53, 191 Christmas, 62, 210; and war, 640 Aretino, 188 Citta Vecchia, 223 Art, nations supreme in, 407; the Civilisation, very ancient, 1; war in, 218 its undue nervous reactions, Artichoke, the, 86 8; and the birth-rate, 19; Artist, the, 1405 and Man, 66; of classic Athenaeus, 2 times destroyed by mosquito, Athens, 2240 d seq. 66 / Augustine, St., 408, M Coleridge, 220 - Australia, 98, 111 Conscription, 69, 105 Cornwall, 89, 228 Bacon, Lord, 202 Cremation, the rites of, 101 Bacon, Roger, 80 Crete, ancient, 2, 1409 Bagehot,79 Croce, B., 1405 Baireuth,6 Barres, Maurice, 51 Dampier, 80 Baudelaire, 85 .. Danse Macabre," 60 Beethoven, 182, 1840, 186, 168 Dario, Ruben, 182 Begbie, Harold, 191 Davanzati, Palazzo, 11 Binet-Sangll!, 78 Death,52,88,108,116,118,188, Birth-rate and civilisation, 19 201, 212, 225 . Blake, William, 81 Democracy as a disease, 181 Boer War, 407 Dentistry, primitive, 1 Bologna, 140; its art, 15; its Derby, the Victory, 191 cathedral, 16 Deubel, Ikon, " Buckinghamshire, 409 Dream, 60, 172 Burial service, 58, 101 Dunmow, Little, 1540; Great, 157 Byzantine architecture, 19, I', Dunstan, 80 280 Dutch, architecture, 34; paint­ ing,401 Chalfont St. Giles, 57 Chaliapin, 28, 208 Ecclesiastes, 1401 Channel Tunnel scheme, 179 Ecuador, prehistoric, 1 246 246 IMPRESSIONS AND COMMENTS Egyptiana 81 artiste, '1 ln~tlonaillOlicy, lOT Embankment, beauty of, 128 lron-work at tumtead, 81 Emerald, the virtue of the, 106 Illamic, art, 18, '1; mynicilm. Emerson, 202 188 English, character of, " 12; in Italy, In, 11 II uq. poetry, '1; moral consciolll­ ness of, 46; laziness of, 68; voluntaryism, 105; idealism, Japan_, the, '1 192 JeIUI,4.0.T2. IT' Erechtheion, 286 Joyce. JameI, 197 Eternity, 169 Kant, 121 Koreana, '1 F&lamp, 88 Feminme gait, 8T Fitzwalter monument, 155 LancianJ, 4.T Florence,. n, 16 Lao-Tze, 28 . Folkestone Church, 2M Lazin_ of the Englilh. 88 French, 81 artists, '1; 81 re­ Liberty, Eng1ilh love of, • actionaries, 180 llige, 68 L1eh Tzu, 28 Living. the end of, 18. Gait, feminine, 8T Locke, '5, '79 Galla Placidia, Mausoleum of, UI Lcindon, 88, as Genius~--the nature of, 151 Loria, 8 Germans, in music, 4.1: laborl· Louvaln,68 ous character of, TO Loy91a, 25 Germany, English moralists on, LyoDl, Lord, , 4.6 Lyeka, Elizabeth, 16 Glastonbury, '1'6 Goat, the, 228 Malinee, as Goncourt, 196 Malta, 220, 222 Gothic, Italian, 16 ; in Somenet. T6, TT - Man, overreaches himeelf, "J' ~ monument&, 11; an Gotha ancient and modem, 4.8 eivilisation, a6; 81 a marion­ Gounod,60 ette, 61; and Nature, 66, 82, Gourmont, Remy de, 2, 22 ...., 85. 119, 1ST Greece, in, 22' d uq. Marcus Aureliue, 106 Grief,l1' Marionettes and Man, 81 Grieg, 188 Markets, 229 Mase,the, 82,'2 Hampden, John, 110 Maxim, Sir Hiram. lot Hartmann von d~ Aue, 42 Merton Church. " Herodotus, 89 Militariun, 4.8 Hinton, J., 152 Milton, aI, IT Hobbes, '1'9 Mimoea, • !pray of, H Homo Omnivoru. 8 Modest,. 181 Morality and immorality, 20 Moslem teacher. a, 138 Imagination, man'. lack of, ITS Mosquito, the, 66 Immorality and morality, 20 Mouse, the metaphyllicel. 118 Immortality, the belief in, 158, MOUIIOrgsky,28 218 Muralt, 68 Indiana in France. " M)'Bticiem, 28 INDEX 247 Nature, as fiction, 28; and Man, Rousseau, 117 116, 82, 84., 85, 119, 187; and Russia, the genius of, 24., 208 religion, 68; aymboliaed by mosquito, 67 Saffron Walden, 98, 182 Neolithic age in Malta, 221 Saintsbury, 201 Salle, Antoine de Ia, 27 Obscenity, the place of, 184 Salvation Army, 24. Ortvay, 8 Salvini, 209 Santon Downham, 167 PaiD,52 Saville, Professor, 1 Palencia, 15 Scales, musical,·216 Papini,200 Schubert, 165, 170 Parn/al,6 Sea-gulls, 89 Parsons, Father, 80 Shenstone, 70 Parthenon, 285 Somerset, 76; genius ot, 79 Patras, 289 Song 01 Songs, l4.2 Patriotism, 65, 178, 177 Southey, 61 Peace, the, 198 Spinoza,22 Pear, the, 114. Spring, the coming of, 68, 187, Penn, William, 51 182 Pergaud, Louis, 4.5 Stowmarket, 58 Peterborough Cathedral, 77 Stratford-on-Avon,57 Politics, 181 Strike-leaders, deportation of, 5 Poppies, 81 Suicide, 88 Posidonius, 92 Summer time, 97 Post-Impressionism, 71 Sunrise, 93 Poussin, Nicholas, 70 Swift, 199, 208 Prayer, 153 Symons,Artbur,19 Pre-history, I, 14.8, 158 Progress, 2, l4.9 Tchaikovsky, 185 Prose sentences, 200 Teeth, I, 8 Proust, 196 Temple, Sir W., 201 Puerility, 187 Testament, the Old, 14.1 Punishment, the idea of, 4.2 Thoreau, 202, 214. Purity and impurity, 96 Thucydides,91 Trieste, 24.1 Pythias, 91. Truth,l40 Tunstead Church, 80 Quakers, Milton and the, 58 Quercia, Jacopo della, 17 Venice, 24.2 Vinci, Leonardo da, 14.5 Rain,87 Violoncellist, a, 188 Raleigh, Sir W., 200 Voltaire,82 Ravenna, 12, 18, 15 Reading, 9 Wagner, 6 Refreshment House Association, War, coming ot the Great, "", 29 • 4.7; as man's most flagrant R~gnier, H. de, 87 crime, 58, M; how to end, 65 ; -­ Religion, significance of, 62, 175 madness of, 71; purifying Revelation of St. John, 88 virtues of, 104; making it Rbeims, 51, 58, 115 impossible, 110; and litera­ Richardson, Dorothy, 198 ture, 112; what it teaches, Riston, 209 14.7; and the Peace, 198; and Ronsard,57 Christianity, 206 ; in art, 218 24.8 IMPRESSIONS AND COMMENTS Wellington. " Wrell, Sir C., 80 Well., 76; cathedral, '" , Wringtoll, 71 Westminster Cathedral, 6f, 71 .\Vriten' function. the, 101 Whitman'. ancestry, 100 Woods, Dr. F., 89 Yan, Chu, 18,1' World 81 8pectacle, the, 88 Yarmouth, 88 Wontcad,80 . York Cathedral, .,., THE END IMPRESSIONS AND COMMENTS BY HAVELOCK ELLIS Demy 8vo. 158. nel. With a Frontispiece Portrait of the Author. SOME PRESS OPINIONS THE DAILY TELEGRAPH. ...:;;;. .. The book is occupied with the occasional remarks and fugitive opinions of a singularly sensitive and interesting writer. As a brilliant example of impressionism in literature-its values, its defects, its persuasiveness, its absurdities-this book could scarcely be bettered." ATHEN~UM.-"Contains many fine and arresting thoughts finely expressed." PALL MALL GAZETTE.-CI Impressions of one whose considered work is one of the chiefest assets of English critical literature." NEW STATESMAN.-CI Mr. Ellis's book is a - quiet book, and rather a short one; but it is good reading." LONDON : CONSTABLE & COMPANY LTD. I THE SOUL OF SPAIN HAVELOCK ELLIS With a Frontispiece. SOME PRESS OPINIONS THE MORNING POST.-" AD aceUent series 01 essays, which really go to the heart 01 the Spuish pauJe. make up this book.. One of the best paragraphs ncr pamed apoa the Spanish people forms the opening paragraph on page l~ where the author mentions the problem 01 the Ioloor. • • • The book is not only excellent but unique. It is the one book on SpaiD and Spaniards which Englishmea should read to-day•• ATHEN£UM.-"He is well equipped for the task which he has set himse1( has st1ldied the literature and art of the country as well as the people, aDd bas a ciA 01 sympathy which enables him to place bimself at the Spanish point 01 Yiew.8 ~ THE LANCET.-IIWe recommend the book to our readers. suggesting that a 9Olame, wbell ably writteJI aDd with boDest coavictiaa, oftea raiDs ill illterest by its ability to arouse a little opposition.· LONDON: CONSTABLE &: COMPANY LTD. a THE TASK OF SOCIAL HYGIENE BY HAVELOCK ELLIS Dtmy Svo. 8s. 6d. ",t. SOMB PRESS OPINIONS DAILY GRAPHIC.-"A singularly powerful book. the 'whole argument deserYes careful study.•.• It will supply much food for thought." THE WESTMINSTER GAZETTE.-" It is the fruit of deep and serious study, undertaken by a man who earned his right to be considered a pioneer in the psychology of sex, and we cannot imagine any reflective man reading it without finding his thought quickened and his ~pinions clarified." THE "TIMES.-" Full of interest, the work of one who thinks of, and fearlessly looks to the future." THE OlJSERVER.-" Mr. Ellis is a thinker who is interested in the health of the human race, and his book will be of interest to all who are old enough to be anxious to regard the conduct of life as the greatest of all arts. Those who like ,to have their thoughts stimulated will find this book delightful. • . A keen consideration of things that are intimate and important to the life of every honest and intelligent citizen." Mr. EDWARD GARNETT in the DAILY NEWS.-"A most stimulating and suggestive review and analysis of the exceedingly complicated factors of the problems of Social Reform. .. LONDON: CONSTABLE & COMPANY LTD. 3 AFFIRMATIONS Studies of Nietzsche. Casanova. Zol~ Hl.lysman •• St. Francia, and others. ·BY HAVELOCK EL~IS Secontl Edi/io" wil" tI New Pre/au. Demy 8vo. 6 .. ",,. PALL MALL GAZETTE.-"Tbe literary value i. creat, and they will be a world of enlightenment to a new generation." OBSERVER.-" A great book, a contribution to the .tudy of the greatest of arts-the art of life," GUARDIAN.-"There is no denying hi.
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