2 THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 2012 THE CARRBORO CITIZEN MUSIC CAlenDAR Empire Eats and Cat’s Cradle want you to THURSDAY APR 26 ers of Invention. 8pm. $20/25 The Depot: RavenRidge Blue- win tickets to see Feist in concert Cat’s Cradle: Kenny Benefit The Cave: EARLY: Red Threads grass Band Concert: Tall Buildings, New Town LATE: Swang Bros Southern Rail: Doug Largent Trio. and enjoy a free dinner for two! Drunks, Neil Diamond Allstars, City Tap: Tommy Edwards. 8pm 7pm. Mark Holland, Michael Holland. David Spencer Band, Dex And The The Depot: Jazztones. 8:30pm 10pm Send an email to The Kraken: PepperDome. 9pm New Romans. 7:30pm. Donations FRIDAY MAY 4 [email protected] The Cave: LATE: Remy St. Open Eye: Flesh and Stone. 8pm Bynum General Store: Mipso Claire, Alexi Marceaux and the with the subject line “Feist contest” by April SUNDAY APR 29 Trio. 7pm Samurai. $5 Cat’s Cradle: The English Beat, 30, and you’ll be submitted to win a $75 Empire Carolina Inn: Mel Melton and The City Tap: Laura Thurston. Archbishops of Blount Street. 9pm. Eats gift card, useable at Gravy, Sitti, The Raleigh Wicked, Mojo. 5pm 8:30pm $17/20 Times Bar and The Pit Authentic Barbecue, and East 54: Chris Reynolds. 5pm The Cave: EARLY: Old Lady Cat’s Cradle: Beats Antique. two tickets to see Feist. Winners will also receive Linda’s Bar and Grill: Robert Bowers LATE: Johnny Staxx and 9pm. $15/18 a show poster signed by Feist and a copy of her Griffen. 7:30pm the Durty Boyz, Gary B and the The Cave: Killer Filler, Mystery latest highly acclaimed album, “Metals.” Local 506: Kopecky Family Band, Notions, Goat and Faun, Henbrain Men? Aqualads, Weisstronauts, The Lumineers. 9pm. $8/10 $5 Destination: Earth, The Madeira, Four winners will be announced Nightlight: Ed Askew,Baby Cop- Local 506: The Deep Dark Kill, Baby, Kill via email, Facebook, and Twitter perhead, Clarq Blomquist. 9:30pm. Woods, Be The Moon. 9pm. $8/10 Community Church of Chape on Tuesday May 1. $5 Memorial Hall: NC Opera Hill: Emma’s Revolution. 7:30pm. performs Il Trovatore. 3pm with FRIDAY APR 27 $15/18 TIMBER TIMBRE Carolina Inn: Big Fat Gap. 5pm Nightlight: Pas Musique, The Depot: The Harvey Dalton thurs May 3 Philip Petit, Sagan Youth , Promute. raleigh Memorial Auditorium Cat’s Cradle: The Old Cer- Arnold Band 9:30pm. $5 2 East South Street • Progress Energy Center • 6pm doors • 7pm show emony, John Dee Holeman. 9pm. Local 506: Future Kings of Southern Rail: Mahalo Jazz. 7pm $10 /12 Nowhere, The Prayers and Tears, The Cave: EARLY: Dave Nasty Southern Village: Armand Magnolia Collective. 9pm. $8 LATE: Blood Red River, The Bast- Lenchek, Danny Gotham. 6pm. Open Eye: Jake melnyk. 8pm ages, B-side Project Free Southern Rail: Alex Bowers and Friends. 7:30pm Feist PRESENTED BY CAT’S CRADLE City Tap: Joe Bell and The Sting- monDAY APRIL 30 ing Blades. 8pm. Andy Coats. 10pm Cat’s Cradle: Groupslove, Com- SATURDAY MAY 5 The Depot: Be The Moon. pany of Thieves. 8pm. $15/18 Cat’s Cradle: Beach House. 9pm. 8:30pm The Cave: LATE: Andy The $20 APRIL is FAIR HOUSING MONTH Hill Hall: NC Jazz Repertory Doorbum The Cave: Atom Bumz, 9th Orchestra. 8pm. $10/seniors; $5/ Wave, The Surge, Atomic Mos- students TUESDAY MAY 1 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING Local 506: Khaira Arby and Her quitos, The Intoxicators, Coffin Internationalist Books: Rootzie, Daggers, Blood Red River AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Clover Creek. 7pm Band, Diali Cissokho and Karaiba. 9p m . $ 9 /11 The Depot: The Road Home Jessee’s Coffee and Bar: HWYL. Band, Too Much Fun 8pm WEDneSDAY MAY 2 Local 506: Acid Mothers Temple, ArtsCenter: Triangle Jazz Orches- CREATING EQUAL OPPORTUNITY The Kraken: Spiralfire. 8pm Clang Quartet, Phantom Family tra. 7:45pm. Free Local 506: Allo Darlin, The Wave Halo. 9:30pm. $9/11 Pictures, The Big Picture. 9:30pm. The Cave: LATE: Turchi, Chan- Nightlight: Organos, Flesh IN EVERY COMMUNITY $8/10 ning and Quinn. $5 Wounds. 9:30pm. $5 Nightlight: North Elementary, Local 506: Hanni El Khatib, Open Eye: Saints Apollo. 8pm Boykiller, Wesley Wolfe. 9:30pm. Sundelles, James Mathis, Summer Southern Rail: Phatlynx, The Ill $5/7 Snow. 9pm. $8/10 Family Open Eye: IlyAIMY. 8pm THURSDAY MAY 3 Southern Village: Culbreth Southern Rail: Alex Bowers and East 54: Chris Reynolds Middle School Fundraiser: Shake- Friends. 7:30pm Linda’s Bar and Grill: Robert down Street. 6:30pm. Donations Griffen. 7:30pm SATURDAY APR 28 Local 506: Old Bricks, Filthybird. Cat’s Cradle: The GrandMoth- 9pm. $6 SPOTLIGHT: CHAnnIng AND QUInn The charming Nashville-based duo Chan- ning and Quinn will bring their accordion, ukulele, banjo, drums and more for a lively show, brightening The Cave this Wednes- day, May 2. The band will play pop-folk tunes they composed in the mountains around Boone that project the kind of energy seen in a stage full of musicians. Teaming up with this quirky talent is Southern boogie band Turchi to complete a worthwhile night of music. The show starts at 10 p.m., and tickets are $5. Orange County Human Relations Commission 1.919.245.2487 (voice) | www.co.orange.nc.us/housing/FairHousing.asp MOVIE LISTIngS We suggest you call for exact show times. All listings start Friday. ALSO PRESENTIN LOCAL 506 (CHAPEL HILLG) CARolINA THEATRE Five-Year Engagement; The Hunger WE 5/16 BOOM CHICK OF DURHAM Games; The Lucky One; The W/ILL FAMILY Pirates! Band of Misfits 3D; Think SA 5/26 ROCKY VOTOLATO 309 W. Morgan St., 560-3030 W/CALLmeKAT Like a Man The Kid With a Bike; Footnote; SA 4/28 GRANDMOTHERS OF INVENTION SU 5/27 PARLOTONES Salmon Fishing in the Yemen FOUNDING MEMBERS OF FRANK ZAPPa’S W/RYAN STAR AND THE VARSITY ORIGINAL MOTHEr’S OF INVENTION! A SILENT COMEDY 123 E. Franklin St., 967-8665 FR 6/8 THE CLEAN CHELSEA THEATER W/TIMES NEW VIKING Timberlyne, 1129 Weaver Dairy Project X; Safe House; The Vow WE 6/13 GARY JULES Road, 968-3005 TH 6/28 MOONFACE SA 7/21 TIM BARRY Footnote; Jiro Dreams of Sushi; HAW RIVER BALLROOM (SAXAPAWHAW) The Kid With a Bike SU 4/29 FR 5/11 CONCERT TO DEFEAT THE ENGLISH BEAT THE LUMINA MO 4/30 GROUPLOVE FR 5/18 THRICE AMENDMENT ONE: BOB Southern Village, 932-9000 FILM SCHEDULE APRIL 27-MAY 3 MOULD, DAVID CROSS, STU MCLAMBSOLD (OF LOVE THE KID WITH A BIKE OUT The Five-Year Engagement; The Nightly 7:10 & 9:10 LANGUAGE), TIG NOTARO, Hunger Games; The Lucky One; Sat & Sun Mats 2:10 & 4:10 WE 5/2 SUPERCHUNK (ACOUSTIC) NICK LOWE AND AMBER TAMBLYN ($80 The Pirates! Band of Misfits; The FOOTNOTE AND HIS TIX INCLUDES SCREEN PRINT Three Stooges Nightly 7:00 BAND SHOW POSTER) Sat & Sun Mats 2:00 FLETCHER FR 5/11 ARCHERS OF LOAF FR 5/11 RegAL TImbeRLYne 6 OPERA THE GOURDS W/PIPE AND FAN MODINE SALMON FISHING IN THE YEMEN 120 Banks Drive, 933-8600 TH 5/10 BEN SOLLEE THEATER PAGE AUDITORIUM Nightly 9:15 KINGS (RALEIGH) (RALEIGH) (DUKE UNIVERSITY) Sat & Sun Mats 4:15 The Cabin in the Woods; The TU 5/15 M WARD W/LEE RANALDO BAND TH 4/26 BENEFIT SHOW TH 6/14 DAWES W/SPECIAL TU 5/8 ACTIVE CHILD/ TICKETS @ PAGE BOX OFFICE TALL BUILDINGS, NEW BALAM ACAB**($10/$12) GUEST SARA WATKINS** THE CASBAH (DURHAM) TOWN DRUNKS, NEIL W/SUPERHUMANOIDS SA 6/16**($17/$20) FR 5/11 MIKE DOUGHTY, DIAMOND ALL-STARS, WE 5/9 BIG FAT GAP / AND THE BOOK OF DRUGS: THE CONNELLS READING, CONCERT, Q&A CARRBORO DAY DAVID SPENCER BAND, GRANT FARM**($8/$10) DRIVin’ N CRYin’ FR 5/11 BRAVE COMBO DEX & THE NEW ROMANS FR 5/11**($15) THE GOURDS WE 6/20 LUCERO**($15/$18) SA 7/7 SHAWN MULLINS A dAy of music, food And fun NO COVER DONATIONS ENCOURAGED W/VERY SPECIAL GUESTS W/CALLAGHAN FR 4/27 THE OLD LUTHER DICKINSON (SOLO) WE 6/27 LOS KINGS (RALEIGH) Sunday May 6th, 1:00-6:00 CEREMONY**($10/$12) AND THE WANDERING CAMPESINOS!**($15) TH 5/3 BLACK JOE LEWIS W/JOHN DEE HOLEMAN & THE HONEYBEARS www.carrboroday.com SA 5/12 SPIRITUALIZED SA 6/30 W/PRESERVATION SA 4/28 GRANDMOTHERS **($18/$21) DIRTY SOUTH TH 5/10 BEN SOLLEE OF INVENTION**($20/$25) FR 5/18 THRICE FEST! WITH CRO MAGS, TU 5/15 JC BROOKS (FOUNDING MEMBERS OF W/ANIMALS AS LEADERS, PIETASTERS, THE QUEERS, & THE UPTOWN SOUND FRANK ZAPPA'S ORIGINAL O'BROTHER**($19/$22) FLATFOOT 56, DUCKY BOYS, W/RONNIE LEVELS MOTHER'S OF INVENTION) WE 5/23 ST. VINCENT & HIS GENIUS BAND HUB CITY STOMPERS, PATRIOT, NIGHTLIGHT (CH) PERFORMING ROXY **($17/$20) W/SHEARWATER ANTAGONIZERS ATL, UNIT 6, BAD ANDELSEWHERE IN ITS ENTIRETY TU 5/15 SECRET MUSIC FR 5/25 YANN TIERSEN (SET ONE) AND A GREAT LIST OF IDEA**($30/$35) 4PM SHOW THE ARTSCENTER (CARR) W/PIANO CHAT**($18/$20) TH 5/17 RHETT MILLER HITS IN SET TWO! FR 7/13 BEST COAST SA 5/26 THE POLYPHONIC (OF OLD 97S) W/THOSE W/CHEYENNE MARIE MIZE SU 4/29 ENGLISH BEAT SPREE**($17/$20) W/ARCHBISHOPS OF DARLINS**($17/$19) MOTORCO (DURHAM) FR 6/8 PAUL THORN**($15) FR 6/8 THE CRIBS BLOUNT STREET**($17/$20) FR 7/27 CD RELEASE PARTY! MO 6/11 TWO DOOR FLETCHER OPERA MO 4/30 CINEMA CLUB W/CLAP DELTA RAE**($12) THEATER (RAL) GROUPLOVE**($15/$18) YOUR HANDS SAY YEAH W/ALEX WONG WE 5/2 NICK LOWE W/COMPANY OF THIEVES AND BAD VEINS**($21.50/$24) SA 8/4 LITTLE FEAT**($30) AND HIS BAND FR 5/4 BACARDI PLUS FEST FEATURING W/TIFT MERRITT TU 6/12 THE REAL TU 8/21**($17/$20) THE TIX VIA TICKETMASTER BEATS ANTIQUE AND VENUE BOX OFFICE MCKENZIES BRIAN JONESTOWN W/LAURA LOW W/THE GODDAMN MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM (DJ LAURA)**($15/$18) GALLOWS**($10/$13) MASSACRE (RALEIGH) FACEBOOK.COM/BACARDIPLUS W/MAGIC CASTLES TH 5/3 FEIST WE 6/13 THE BOUNCING W/TIMBER TIMBRE TIX VIA SA 5/5 BEACH HOUSE SOULS W/MENZINGERS, SA 9/15 THE TICKETMASTER AND W/ZOMES**($20) LUTHER**($17/$20) FEELIES**($18/$20) VENUE BOX OFFICE NC MUSEUM OF ART (RAL) H H H TU 7/10 ANDREW BIRD CATSCRADLE.COM 919.967.9053 300 E.
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