VOh V. LONDON. Nn.2. privilege of materialization, many of the Religious an~' Scientific HOW~JESUS PREACHED TO fallen spirits, we know not what propor­ tion, continued their active opposition t') God. after the manner of Satan. Hene") GleanIngs ~ THE SPIRITS IN PRISON they are spoken of as his angels, his IS THERE A LACK OF CONFIDENCE messengers, his servants, and he is spoken IN THE MINISTRY? l'Ohri8t a180 7t.Bth once Buffered for sin.g, the Just for the unju8t.. that He might 'bring of as Beelzebub, the Prince of Demons. Rev. Charles E. Newlin addressed the 1!8 to God, being put to tlGath 1n the flesh, but quickcned in the 8pirit, b!f which Satan. who sinned much earlier than the regular monthly meeting of Methodist [tu~o c:rpc"icnC'cs-death and resurrection] He preached 'Unto the 8pirit8 in prison." others. and in a different way, the Scrip­ preachers in Atlanta some time ago, and -1 PETER 3 :18, 19. tures tell us W<iS an angel of a higher in the course of his address Mr. Newlin rank, or a higher nature, and this su­ used the words: ''1 can prove by 99 per THIS text has been made the basis for abide in the condition in which they were periority of hIs has made him the Princ& cent. of the busIness men of Atlanta that some peculiar presentations. From created-spirit beings. higher than hu­ or ruler over the hosts of fallen sp~rits. they lack confldence in the real, true it some have deduced nn intermediate mans. Not only was this wrong in the Fighting Against God. manhood of the preachers of the city." state lasting. between death and the reg!. sense that it W\lS taking a course in The Rev. B. Frank 'White, in leaving urrection. Others have claimed it as opposition to the Divine arrangement, The fight of Satan and his fallen antels the pastorate of the First Presbyterian an authority for the .doctrine of Purga.. but it was wrong also because the thing is 8c-air.::;t God, against all who are in Church. of Connellsville, Pa., is quoted tory. The difficulty iti every case seems was done for the cultivation and ~rati­ har':~ony with Him, against all the regu­ as saying: "A man can't be honest in to be the failure to remember that the :fl.cation of lust, and it led to their own lations of righteousness. and against all the ministry and hold his job." As !Ir. Bible always-and everywhere teaches that moral defilement as well as having a the channels and :ilervants ,,,hom the Lord White eXPBcts to remain in the ministry. the dead are really dead,' that they know baneful influence upon humanity; for we may m1e. St. Paul's words along this line although seeking another :field, the infer­ nothing, and that, therefor'e, it would can readily see that for the angels, of su­ are forceful; he remarks that God's. peo­ ence is that he preie-rs a station where he be impossible to do any preaching to the perior powers and intelligence, to become ple contend not merely "with flesh and can preach the 'Yol'd in atltyle more in del:.td hwnans. Undoubt-edly the theory leaders in lustful practices would mean a blood," but also ""ith wicked spirits in keeping with his conscientious scruples. thq.t people are more. alive after they great influence upon mankind toward sin high posi tions," and the question arises, The writer Is inclined to belie-ve that die than whe~ they were alive, is respon­ and defilement of mind and body. "Who is sufficient for these things?" The both' of the assertions above quoted are sible for nearly all the foolish things We are particularly told that the off­ reply is that none is sufficient; without rather broad. if not more or le::;s exag­ which we have all at some time pro­ spring of this improper union between the aid of the Redeemer His Church gerated. We believe that the great ma­ fessed tc believe. the angels and the daughters of men were would be quite overcome and vanquished jority of ministers are bonest. and are Before dismiss'ing the (hought that giants, both' physically and mentally su­ by evil. doing aU in their power to advance the thcde "spirits in prison" are human spir· perior to the fallen human family-"men Likewise. without the Redeemer's aid cause of religion here on carth; we also its, let us note the fact that to say. of renown." And this statement. that through 'His Kingdom, without the bind­ believe that there are some in the pulpit "human spirits," is an absurdity of itself, they were "men of renown." was at a in8' of Satan. without our Lord's releas­ who have no rieht to be there. The time when manhood's estate was reached ing of the world from the bondage of sin vision they saw in the clouds. "G. P. C .... because human beings are not spirits. and spirit beings are not humans. "'Vho at a hundred years. and implies that God and de~th, there would be. no hope of meant not to "Go Preach Christ, "U3 they maketh His angels spirits" is the Scrip­ did' not interfere to hinder or stop the the world's recovery from its present imagined, but to "Go Pick Cotton." progress of sin for perhaps several cen­ bondage. But with the Apostle we ex­ -South .Georgia Progress.. .' tural proposition. True. we do sometimes speak of humans as possessing a spirit turies. In the meantime the race had chlim, "If God be for us, who can be •••• of life, but by this we merely mean that become so corrupt that app.arently only against us?"-Romans 8:31. Why Ministers Deserve Sympathy. they' possess the .power or' energy of life. Noah and his family were uncontami~ Throuah Mediums nnd Obsessions. Christian ministers deserve consiuerable and the same 'Would be equally true of natcd-all others had more or less come lIympathy. Th8Y are at the present time S:!tan's orieinal plan of attl},ck was to e:e 10\7cr orders bfcreatron, beasts. fish, under the influence. directly or indirectly, bring our race undcr his influence by in a very trying position. It is the con­ fO>/t, etc. of these fallen angels or their giant· sons. ecientious ones who are in .trouble.. Be­ misrepresentation-by putting darknes$ Again. 'we sometiJ.1).es.speak of the Hence, of Noah it was w"itten (not thut for light and light for darkness-for in­ hind them are the creeds and theories ot Church as spirit beings..-begotten of the he was a perfect man, but), "Now Noah the Dark Ages, to which they are c!1:l:ned: stance, the temptation under which Holy Spirit. Thus the Apostle speaks was perfect in his generation" (uncon­ Mother Eve fell. Sntnn there represented (1) By the vows which they took at oJ the natural man in contrast with the taminated) and his family apparently the their ordination. himself as Eve's friPlld, giving her sound New Creature, a spirit being. To appre­ same. Hence these alone were saved in advke. He represented God as having (2) By the honor of their position in ciate this statement we must remember the ark. while all the remainder. more the sight of their friends and nd:-!lbors. a selfish motive behind His command that that the Church class receives the beget­ Qr less contaminated, were destroyed by our first parents should not eat of the (3) By their financial necessities and the fiood. those of their. families. ting of the Holy Spirit to the end that, tree of the knowledge of good and evil. if faithful. they may attain unto a spirit 'Ministers possessed or an education "In Chains of Darkness." Satan declared that God had told an lnww not only that the creeds of the past resurr('ction and become spirit beings. It was then and there that God im­ untruth when He said that the penalty ::'1'e in cO'nfliet with each other and with like unto t~e angels· and like to the prisoned those spirits, angels, who kept for sin would be death. Satan declared reason. but also that those creedS are in Redeemer. But we are riot spirits yet, not their flrst estate, and are. therefnl'e, that man cannot die. conflict with the Bible. Better transla­ excf:pt by faith-by hope. However, the called fallen angels. devils, demons. Thf'Y And has he not since kept up the same tions and older M88. have sr..Clwn us tne conte-xt shows that the Apostle had no were not imprisoned in ~ome far-off world line of falsifi('a.tion? And has he not fallacy of deductions made by our fore­ rl.'fercnce to the Church. either; we were called hell, nor are thf'Y engaged there dp('eive-d the whole world upon this very fathers. Ev('J'Y f'ducated .ministe-r now not in prison; we received the Message in stoking flres for the torture of poor sut'jrct? Do not all peoples in every land knows that the Hebrew word tr:l:1slatcd of salvation through the Apostles. bumanity. Following the leading of the believe that when a man dies he does "hell" in the Old Testament Scriptures, Spirits Once Olsobedlent. Scripturf'S we flnd that when the flood not die, but gets more alivc--pxaetly means the tomb-the state of (ka th-the The spirits to whom the message was came they were not d('stroyed, because.
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