• Are you passionate about singing Northeastern District in a really well-prepared quartet? BARBERSHOP HARMONY SOCIETY • Do you get excited about singing Gold Medal arrangements? • Are you looking for three other guys to sing with, but can’t quite fi nd them in your chapter? • Does it seem like you can never fi nd three guys to sing with - who all know the same songs? • Do you have the ability and the drive to learn a lot of new music? If so, it might be time for you to take the New England Harmony Brigade challenge! It will change your life! Fall 2016 “The winner for me District next year will be… NEHB... it’s much Convention & Contests more fun to spend my time singing with well-prepared guys… 2017 International Prelims Seniors Quartet the price is a bargain, considering the value you receive.” 2017 International Prelims Chorus At the New England Harmony Brigade Rally, it’s all about quartetting. You’ll come fully prepared on twelve challenging songs. You’ll mix 2016 District Quartet & Seniors Quartet it up with other singers who are similarly prepared. Participate in a 2016 District Chorus fun, informal, random quartet contest judged by a special “Quartet in Residence”. Get your ‘dance card’ signed by 25 guys from each of the three other parts who are looking to sing with you! And sing in a chorus of — CONTESTS — almost one hundred guys on our Saturday night show with a great bunch of guys who are as prepared as you are! If you’re lucky, you’ll fi nd three other guys and audition Saturday morning. Then, if you’re selected, you’ll October 21-22, 2016 fi nd yourself singing on the show in a quartet Saturday Night! You get music, high quality learning tracks, meals, and a hotel room for the weekend, all for one inclusive price. And you’ll return year after year... Westbrook Performing Arts Center because you’ll love it! Westbrook Middle School 471 Stroudwater St. Westbrook, Maine 04092 HOST Portland, Maine Chapter Don’t wait! Applications are open now! Spaces fi ll up fast! Downeasters Chorus Priority Sign-Up Deadline is Monday, January 30, ‘17 Mark Your Calendars! The NEHB 2017 Rally is September 15-17 in Marlborough, Mass. www.nehb.net for more information – and to apply! wwww.NEDistrict.orgww.NEDistrict.org UpcominggBarbershopBarbershop HarmonyHarmony 8 EventsEv Source: the “Offi cial” NED Calendar C & C = “Convention & Contests” OCTOBER 2016 19 NED Board of Directors Meeting, So. Portland Marriott 29 Chapter Show - Bridgeport - Scottish Rite Theater, Stafford, CT nd Present the 72 Annual 29 SAI Show - Champlain Valley Chorus - Plattsburgh Presbyterian Church Festival of Harmony NOVEMBER 2016 2-6 Harmony, Inc. - International C&C - Providence, RI 12 Chapter Show - Plattsburgh, NY - Stafford MS, Plattsburgh A Night at the Movies 12 Chapter Show - Waterbury/Derby - Rotella Sch., Waterbury, CT 12 SAI Show - West Island Chorus - Pierrefonds HS, Pierrefonds, QC 13 SAI Show - Boston Skyline Chorus - Temple Emunah, Lexington, MA 26 Chapter Show - Halifax - École du Carrefour, Dartmouth, NS DECEMBER 2016 3 NED Board of Directors Retreat - Nashua, NH 3 SAI Show - Profi le Chorus - So. NH Univ. - Manchester, NH 10 Chapter Show - Nashua - Alpine Grove, Hollis, NH Featuring 17 HI Show - New England Voices in Harmony - Nashua Senior Ctr. JANUARY 2017 6 NED House of Delegates Meeting, Worcester State Univ. 7-8 NED Leadership Academy Worcester State University - Worcester, MA - more info online soon 14 Chapter Show - Manchester, CT - Manchester HS (2 perf.) 17-22 BHS Midwinter Convention & Contests - San Antonio 27-29 SAI - Winter Regional Weekend - Newton, MA Marriott FEBRUARY 2017 14 Special Occasion - Sweet Deliveries of... Singing Valentines! MARCH 2017 7KURZEDFN &ODVV5LQJ 23 Inter-Chapter - Patriot Div. - K. of C. Hall, North Providence, RI %+6WK3ODFH 6$,5LVLQJ6WDU APRIL 2017 0HGDOLVW &KDPSLRQV 2 Chapter Show - Norwich - Ledyard H.S., Ledyard, CT 21-22 NED Spring Regional C&C - loc. tba th 27-30 Harmony, Inc. - Area 2 C&C - Devens, MA When? Sunday, November 13 , 2016 28-29 NED Spring Regional C&C - Sunrise Divison Where? CREC Theater for Performing Arts MAY 2017 359 Washington Street, Hartford, CT 4-7 SAI Region 1 - Regional C&C - Springfi eld, MA 5-7 NED Spring Regional & Int’l Quartet Prelims C&C - loc. tba What Time? 1:30 p.m. 20 HI Show - Sounds of the Seacoast - Kennedy PAC - S. Berwick, ME Tickets on Sale Now! JULY 2017 Call: 1-800-838-3006 or visit 2-8 BHS International C&C - Las Vegas, NV - Axis Theater 23-30 BHS Harmony University - Nashville, TN www.hmih.org AUGUST 2017 General Reserved: $20, Premium: $30 3-6 NED Harmony Explosion Camp Northeast ~ Worcester State Univ. 4 NED House of Delegates Meeting ~ Worcester State Univ. 4-6 NED Harmony College Northeast ~ Worcester State Univ. Congratulations to ALL 18-19 Alton Bay Barbershop Jamboree - Alton, NH Competitors! Northeastern District Convention & Contests ~ Fall 2016 Northeastern District Convention & Contests ~ Fall 2016 Page 2 Page 39 DDISTRICTI S T R I C T PPROGRAMR O G R A M SSchedulechedule ooff EventsEvents CHAPTERS: Hartford, CT - Men of Harmony - show ............... 2 Manchester, CT - Silk City Chorus - show............ 6 W= Westbrook Performing Arts Center Worcester, MA - Men of Song - show ................. 14 LOCATION H= Portland Marriott at Sable Oaks OF EVENTS { B= Marriott - Casco Bay Ballroom QUARTETS: Fast Track Quartet ............................................ 29 Fireside Quartet ............................................... 23 Please note: Asterisks below denote that the posted start Generations Quartet ......................................... 16 time is approximate and depends on the duration Nor’easter Quartet ........................................... 10 and end time of the previous event. Quartets of Vocal Revolution .............................. 20 FRIENDS & AFFILIATES: 1. Friday, October 21 - Quartet Semi-Finals - page 11 Main Street USA Chorus ................................... 36 START DESCRIPTION LOC. New England Voices in Harmony - show .............. 16 4:00 PM Registration Desk Opens (to 8:00 PM) W New England Harmony Brigade 2017 .................. 40 5:30 PM Doors OPEN for audience seating W Sing For The Health of It! .................................. 15 6:00 PM Quartet Semi-Finals W Announcements/Awards W OFFICIAL: 9:40 PM BHS Strategic Planning Listening Sessions .......... 22 10:30 PM Quartet Evaluations (except Finalists) H BHS 2017 International Convention .................... 25 10:00 PM Mini-Afterglow B BHS 2017 Midwinter Convention ........................ 31 Harmony Foundation International ...................... 34 2. Saturday, October 22 - Chorus Contest - page 19 NED Audience Favorites - balloting ..................... 10 START DESCRIPTION LOC. NED Barbershopper of the Year 2016 ................. 24 NED Chapter Eternal 2015-2016 (fall2fall) .......... 28 8:30 AM Registration Desk Opens (to 11:30 AM) W NED Harmony College HCNE-2017 ..................... 33 9:30 AM Doors OPEN for audience seating W NED Harmony Explosion Camp HXNE-2017 .......... 33 10:00 AM District Chorus Finals W NED Leadership Academy 2017 ......................... 18 1:10 PM Announcements/Presentations/Awards W NED Open Positions on Board/teams .................. 8 1:30 PM —Break for Lunch— – NED Youth In Harmony HXNE Thanks!.................. 26 2:20 PM Chorus Evaluations (to 4:30 PM) W NEDAC Quartet Champions ................................ 30 2:30 PM Strategic Planning/Listening Session A W NEDshed Hamony Marketplace SPECIAL OFFER ... 12 3:15 PM Strategic Planning/Listening Session B W NED US & Canada National Anthems................... 37 Sing Canada Harmony ...................................... 12 3. Saturday, October 22 - Quartet Finals - page 27 START DESCRIPTION LOC. 6:00 PM Registration Desk Opens (to 8:30 PM) W THANK YOU! 6:30 PM Doors will OPEN for seating W 7:00 PM District Quartet Finals W 8:40 PM Special Presentation: A Tribute to “Doc” W A BetterBetter World.World. 8:50 PM Quartet Finals - Awards & Announcements W NEDAC Show of Champion Quartets Singing... with you.y NEDAC Chorus of Champions Finale 10:00 PM Chorditorium/Afterglow (to 1:00 AM) B 10:30 PM Quartet Evaluations (Finalists) (to ~12:10 AM) H Please note: the lyrics for the two National Anthems that are sung at the beginning of Quartet Finals contest on Saturday evening can be found on page 37 of this program. TTogetherogether ~ MMakingaking TThehe MMusicusic That’sThat’s MakingMaking A DifferenceDifference Thana k yoy u!u Northeastern District Convention & Contests ~ Fall 2016 Northeastern District Convention & Contests ~ Fall 2016 Page 38 Page 3 NationalAnthems O CANADA! to Portland & Westbrooktbrook PerformingPerforming ArtsArts Center! O Canada! Our home and native land! ello Fellow Barbershoppers and True patriot love in all thy sons command. Hwelcome to our 2016 Fall Convention With glowing hearts we see thee rise, in Portland, Maine! The True North strong and free! t’s that time of year where we meet and From far and wide, Icelebrate our Barbershop Brotherhood, do O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. some singing and honor the best choruses God keep our land glorious and free! and quartets in NED. But please join me O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. in applauding all competitors, who have worked so hard to prepare for this weekend. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! In my book, they are all winners! s you may recall, last year we THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER Aexperimented with one large open- format Fall Convention in Burlington, Oh, say! can you see, by the dawn’s Vermont. While it was well attended and early light, FUN, it was a challenge to coordinate all the What so proudly we hailed at the contestants, scores, and hand out over 130 awards. After the event, we did a survey and twilight’s last gleaming? also found that our membership still wanted Whose broad stripes and bright stars, something in the Spring. So we held Western through the perilous fi ght, and Eastern Regional Contests this past O’er the ramparts we watched, were Spring, and this weekend is the qualifying results.
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