(Continued from a preceding page.) In the Liturgy we pray “for those who serve series produced by OLTV and Eastern Chris- and have served in this holy church.” Christ is among us! Epiphany of Our Lord tian Publications are heard daily as well as For now, we still need men and women to help with liturgy setup and takedown. (Christos posred’i nas!) Byzantine Catholic Church “Light of the East,” featuring Father Thomas Loya. The signup sheet for November & December is available on the information table. He is and shall be! Eastern Catholic Radio is a production of (Jest'i budet!) Eastern Catholic Broadcasting, a media Apos- Thank you! tolate affiliated with the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic. With the permission of Bishop Kurt Burnette, the apostolate was easiest way to listen to Eastern Catholic Radio founded in 2014 at Saint Joseph Byzantine is through the free Live365 app or on your com- ◼ Catholic Church in New Brunswick, N.J., and puter or smartphone at www.easterncatholic — Today’s Divine Liturgy intention is offered for the blessed re- Saints Peter and Paul Byzantine Catholic broadcasting.com or Live365.com. Church in Somerset, N.J., by Father Francis pose of Jim Siemucha by Lou and Marie Shanks. ◼ Food Pantry — Our Mission Community’s Rella. Vičnaja jemu pamjať. ministry to the unfortunate of our area “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, there shall be The ministry began as weekly broadcasts Montgomery County through the local Food Pantry program, ad- no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more of the Sunday Divine Liturgy and the produc- pain, for the former things have passed away.” Mission ministered by St. Martin Roman Catholic – Revelation 21:4 (NKJV / OSB) tion of multiple videos for the Eparchy, includ- Church, Gaithersburg, is always in need of Mother of God Community School ing a full-length documentary titled “A Time ◼ Today’s Commemorations — Today in the Byz- nonperishable foods, baby food and supplies, 20501 Goshen Road for Living.” The media ministry continues with antine Church is the Twenty-Second Sunday after and personal hygiene items. Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879 funding from Our Lady of Perpetual Help Par- Pentecost. On this date, November 10, we commemo- 301-482-0282 ish in Toms River, N.J., and private donations. rate the “Apostles of the Seventy,” specifically www.eolmission.org For the past 10 months, Eastern Catholic Erastus, Olympas, Herodion, Sosipater, Quartus, and Our community... (Continued on a following page.) Radio has beta-tested the station, without any Tertius. was established in October 1996 to meet the formal advertising and publicity. So far, over spiritual needs of Byzantine Catholics living in 250,000 listeners have tuned in to Eastern northern Montgomery County, southern Freder- ick County, and adjoining areas. Catholic Radio from around the world. The Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost SS. Erastus, Olympas, Herodion, Sosipater, We celebrate our faith... Quartus, and Tertius. in a diverse community. We welcome all, regard- November 10, 2019 less of ethnic or religious background who are [Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom] committed to develop a deeper understanding of Troparion of the Resurrection – Tone 5 (p. 146) the Christian faith expressed in the Byzantine Kontakion of the Resurrection – Tone 5 (p. 147) tradition and spirituality, and who wish to pray for and work towards the full communion of the Nov. 12… Feast of St. Josaphat Prokeimenon – Tone 5 (p. 148) Divine Liturgy at Mount St. Catholic and Orthodox Churches as sister EPISTLE: Galatians6:11 –18 Churches of the One Universal Church of Jesus Mary Seminary, Emmitsburg Alleluia – Tone 5 (p. 148) Christ. 4 p.m. GOSPEL: Luke 10:25–37 Nov. 17... 23rd Sunday after Communion Hymn (p. 78) We continually resolve... Pentecost [PAGE NUMBERS REFERENCE GREEN LITURGY BOOK] to gather in His Name, share the truth of our Mother of God School Faith, and proclaim the good news of Jesus CELEBRANT: FR. LEE GROSS 10 a.m. Christ to everyone. (Continued from a previous page. ◼ Liturgy at Mount St. Mary — The Divine Liturgy will again be celebrated in the Immac- The Holy Apostles Erastus, Sosipater ulate Conception Chapel at Mount St. Mary “Is anyone among you sick? ...the “Return, we be- (April 28), Olympas (January 4), Rodion (April Seminary in Emmitsburg, Md., at 4 p.m. on prayer of faith will save the sick, and seech You, O God 8), Quartus and Tertius (October 30) were dis- Tuesday, November 12, the Feast of St. Josa- the Lord will raise him up.” of hosts; Look ciples of Saint Paul. They all lived during the phat. Fr. Lee will be concelebrating with other James 5:14-15 NKJV/OSB down from heaven first century. Byzantine and Latin (Roman) Rite priests. The Apostle to the Gentiles (Paul) speaks OUR MISSION COMMUNITY and see, and visit • Jeff Sesok. this vine and the of them in his Epistle to the Romans... “And ◼ Philip’s Fast — Philip’s Fast, also known • Ron Pytel. Erastus, the city treasurer, greets you, and vineyard which as the Christmas Fast or Pre-Nativity Fast, be- • Lou Shanks. Quartus, a brother (Romans 16:23). Saint So- gins at sundown on November 14, the Feast of • Rosemary Chisarick. Your right hand has planted, and the sipater, a native of Achaia, was Bishop of Iconi- St. Philip, and runs 40 days until Christmas • Doris and Rich Fejka. branch that You made strong for Yourself.” um, where he also died. Saint Paul mentions Eve. This feast was introduced to prepare the OUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS Psalm 80:14-15 NKJV/OSB him in Romans 16:21. Church for a worthy celebration of the great • Delores Moldowan. Saint Olympas was mentioned by the holy • Mary Neimiller. and holy days of Christ’s birth and Christ’s • Yazmine Nickerson. Apostle Paul in Romans 16:15. He was also a baptism in the Jordan. According to tradition, • Christine Dennis. companion of the Apostle Peter. Saint Rodion it was customary to observe as strict fast (no • Peggy Winkelmann. (Herodion), was a kinsman of the Apostle Paul meat or dairy products) on Mondays, Wednes- • Laura Hinkle. Our community places a food collection basket (Romans 16:11), and left the bishop’s throne at • Doran Coady. near the information table as you enter the gym- days, and Fridays and a lesser fast on Tues- • Ann Tracy. nasium. Don’t forget those who are less fortu- Patras to go to Rome with the Apostle Peter. days and Thursdays. Under current eparchial • Travis Waters. nate. Nonperishable food Saints Rodion and Olympas were beheaded on norms, Fridays are to be observed as days of • Bertha Bergan. items, diapers, baby the very day and hour when Saint Peter was • Arlene Kollar. fasting from meat; Wednesdays are recom- food, and personal care • Jamee Kruse. crucified. mended as days of fasting from meat. • Joseph and Nancy Dillmann. items are always in de- Saint Quartus endured much suffering for ◼ Baltimore Festival — On Saturday, No- • Paul and Mary Ellen Sorensen. mand. The Food Pantry his piety and converted many pagans to Christ, • Tony Tworkoski. Program, administered vember 23, Patronage of the Mother of God dying peacefully as a bishop in the city of Bei- • Linda Oros. by St. Martin of Tours Byzantine Catholic Church, Baltimore, will • Mike DiMarino. rut. Saint Tertius is mentioned in the Epistle to Roman Catholic Church hold their annual ethnic food festival from 10 • Robert and Doris Kreger. in Gaithersburg, supports the working poor of the Romans... “I, Tertius, who wrote this epistle, a.m.–3 p.m. Plan to be there early. • Robert Diethrich. our area. salute you in the Lord” (Romans 16:22). Saint • Lucy Fontenot Tertius, to whom Saint Paul dictated the Epistle ◼ • Patricia Minihane. “...for I was hungry and you gave Me food; Eastern Catholic Radio — Eastern Catho- • Brother Joseph Comber, CFX. to the Romans, was the second Bishop of Iconi- lic Radio is celebrating Eastern Christianity I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was um, where also he died. and all things Catholic! SPECIAL INTENTION a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked Eastern Catholic Radio is a 24/7 internet • Elizabeth Basarab. and you clothed Me; I was sick and you ◼ Day of Penance — As each Sunday is a cel- radio station broadcast through Live365.com. • Sally Pekarik. ebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord, each visited me; I was in prison and you came to Programing consists of continuous Eastern • Fr. Conan Timoney. Friday is a commemoration of Holy and Great • Fr. Lee Gross. Me. ...Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as Christian Church music and selections from Friday and is observed with penance. One may • Deacon Peter Turko. you did it to one of the least of these My Western Christianity. We also broadcast daily people he was called to serve and for whom he brethren, you did it to Me.” prayers, church services, sermons, podcasts, gave his life. Matthew 25:35-36, 40 NKJV/OSB inspirational talk radio, and lectures. Lecture (Continued on a following page.) .
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