j Spring/Summer1996 W ii:ii.i+i+iii:t:t:t:i:iii:i+itilit tjjiui,jltr :i.il::::::::::i:::;:*i:iiii::iijl::::+::i:::::i:::a:::i:i ::j I::::::::#f l::: i: .rxiiiiriii 1i: :i ,'Ciilir:l ii h iiiliir:::::+ ;i r,, iljiiiliiili ri 'i.. l::r:iiiiii:1i.. .ii ir.'iiiiiii#iit. .,ii::' 'tli..,"ij.:iiiiiiiiiiiiitiit:,.iiii 1::::l:li::::::::::::f:ll::l::t:r' ChicagoGets Ready for NACs,Verve Cup CHICAGO-12 racesin nine CaptainPatty Callahan. When the usual daysis the motto of the 1996 combinedwith a Wednesday Fridaytune- TartanTen North American night beercan raceand the up race. Aug. 16-18 Other 5ponsors; Verve Cup's fun features Haiken AmocoehemiCals five races, of the NAC B.O,n,T,ff:S. HedlundMarine chig3goBeveiege National Wtrmen?sSailin$ - the NAC's include free Associagtion six races beerand SyStemS, Sheffield'sRestaurant tinentalAirlines Silver Cloud Restaurant havebeen soft drinks r:OommuniCationsUK Sailmakers well timedto after every ley'sYacht Yard West Marine offer the race,free CustomerService westsystems mostto Fleat Ctrytain Patty Company,Inc, WhitbreadAle out boatlaunching and take-outfor Callahan and ctew kott le SteairisSails Winslow Liferaft Co. of towners out of towners,a tour of the SailingSchool Lammers prcpare ler comingin town, lots of other parties- boat, Wlwrellnlgo,for ChamionshipRegatta, Aug. 10- for the NAC and for the local including the Annual rrcing infront of the 13, former railroadferry ColumbiaYacht Club, fleet. Abbl', the clubship of Chicago,says National Fleet The L2 racesdo not include (Continuedon p. 2, NACI Cohmbia Yacht Chtb, host ofthis year b North Ameican 0,75pointS..ahead.cif,Jim. , , regatta.Ballsanall Ballsanall takes scoreda Championship in Kraftls 007 who scoreda 4 and bullet on Sundayto finish with Chicago,August 10-13 Detioit, a bullet. 22]5 points:Sunday Gotcha DETRO-IT' t.was,up,ahd On Saturday,David finished13th. Backus'Riddle downfor thelead boats in this Disbrow's,Gotcha won both hadtaken a L2 in the first race, year'sDetroit JEEPiSailing races,while Kraft and well off the paceby Friday WorldNational Offshore One- Williamsl inisheddouble-digit night,but hungon with two 3s, deeponCe. overtook Dbsign,.(NOOD)l Regatta,i :held Gotcha a 4 and the last-racebullet to in.,eail11.Juner DaVe, Williefis' both to leadwith 14.5points. win. Macho Duck (Dave But it was Aneidl ;;Iled,Aftei:,Fiidaywith Heidi Backus- Klassen)and Britsar (Ken Riddlein theend who won the a pairof deucesfor 4 points, (Continuedon p. 2, Detroit..), NAC... T-10 Blender Party-and lots of daily give-aways.At press time 20 sponsorshad been lined up for the give-awaysand other goodies,including ,MILWAUKEE-MatI Koblenzerreporti ihat the Milwaukee T- Continental ',10Shave petitioneOthe l0bal PHRF fleet foi iheir own start. Airlines who And they got it!,,Bestof,lall; the T-10s will starrfirst--{lear air has donateda to the first mark and the addedchallenge of readinglifts and pair of tickets knockswithout,,watching boafs,ihat start earlier. that will be giv- "We wantedthe:best start, and we got it," Koblenzersaid. ing away "Now we arereally a,onedesign fleet." beforethe final The MilauwkeeT-10s reCeived the acceptanceof both race resultshave 'dommittees(Milwaukee and SouthShore Yacht Clubs) to race beentallied. asthe T-10 One Designfleet, taking the old startingposition Airline tickets that'uSedto be for MORC, iscountedby will, still,joinboth the T.10,ClassAssociation and Continental ., ,,:i.Members the local PHRF fleet.They sail at the sametime as the PHRF Airlines are fleet andmost of the PHRF duesmoney goes towards the Race availableto to Committees-andbeer. (By the way, this doesnot meanthat T- anyoneflying 10 ownershave to havea PHRF certificate.To enterraces that .i.i:iii.:.:iiiiji:iii:iiiiiii.:.:ii.;iiiiiiiiiiiiinto Chicagofor the Regatta. :i:::ii:iii:::ii:iii:ili::i::il:i:i:l:l::::::i:l:l:ll::::::; noilliSted,as,,eSoason qualifier fot the T-10 One Design, r:: ,::iii::t:ij::::t; i:: Call Fleet CaptainCallahan .aie 'l :::r::r:i::r:::: ii ji ::i:::::ii:::ii:: ::: to get a CeitificatCfiom, and enrer, ::: :::il:i:::ji:ii ::j ,boats,still,need ::: :ii:::::li::ii::. .i:j (seephone numbers on page2) I ::i:::::i::::i:irl ilMSRF/PHRn Ong-!.g"signme,ans thing to do,) .ii for detailsabout how to take 9ne,less 1i, r:i:::::::1iii,._ 1::. 1::: -..t .. i::::::::: i i I l::::::.:.: i.: i i j. '::::rl:l:::liiiiiiiiiiii:l:i:r advantageof this opportunity. for US SAILING members. To help make out-of-town- Callahanalso remindseveryone Maps and other information to ers feel more welcom, the to get their registrationsin makecoming to town easywill Chicagofleet will assigna :::::::::l:::i:::::::::::::::::::::::::l:.::l:::l:l:l::::.:::::::::::::::::l ::: :: :::: .:::: :::::::: ::::::::::: : |: l'l: l:i: l: l: l: l:::::: ::::::: :::::::: l: before July 26, when the fee be mailedupon receiptof regis- "buddy boat" from Chicagoas ll ,:ltl::l::a:::)tltli ::, ::: t:t::t:tt:t:tj,ttttti L increasesfrom $200 to $250 tration. a personalhost. :t: t:.tl::):tt:.1:.:t:i:)ttl ,tl Gotcha(7, 6; 0.75, 0.75, 1 (14114;13,t5, SChi,am),weie :SeCbnd and, thitd,r 7V,5\,5.; 00V.,(!, A,:15,8, 13, 3, 16,72), L6'.Atr Forc,,e(13, 15, SChidmlSlBriitsat.and.Db-h,,28.75),6.Centsles.s (3, 13,5, 1"6,10, DNF; 73), 't7,'La Rossa Lang's Tar Baby were the only 5, 6,32),7.Overdraft (2,2, ll, (L9lI7; !7'17" 14;83)l 18.Taz boatsto sail without aL:least 12;,,7,;,.3'4\|8; (17, 18, L8, 18,DNF, i 6he,idoublerdigiti ifinishl .. .. I . ,. .I ., I . fa;t,Ealy,rti8f.4; e0). , ,EighteenT,10s racedthe 9.,!,,9;',,,4;,'3 4)i .9,1,., populb'r.ifiv,e.fa0e,iegattA.iinli.i Karl,,, RiCtrataSon,,Cu'p La ke wihds thatweie mitOFiiOay '.iiiIi: V,aflOeihoiSt(5;,, Etie Rep. to be Picked tnd Saturday,,L0-1,5knots, liut \.2; 12;8;,2;; :i\i 7,\i ; w/ T-l0s ,Pui[.{fl]f Iti,ong.,1 5"25.,knbtS ronr,Sunday.;, 10i.Wi|d:bm'on SAl Ohio+-On waenl,:four],uo5ts:,droppe.d|: out,; (10, 5, 2, 17,DNF, 47), 11. August4th, Lake Erie I-LYA re:scoresi Kaos(9,11, 10, 7,70,47),12. will,ChooSoritS :iepreentative to I, Ballsanall(12,3,3, 4, No Rebaie(1.!,9,14,8, DNR the RichardSon,,CUpusing T- A;,l;7.:5;,,|:21;I:5\;,,2,,,,,Mach6,'.ub;li;,.,;:,1:;61), 13. Passinlnri 15,7, t5, 10s,,,T,he,Richafd$on cup finals g,2.5.75);3. '1.4, t75,L,0, 4,3, 12, 63), 14.Pulsation (76', will :be,:held:on: Lake Superior itsai(6,,8,,-6,2, 5,'27), 4, 16,7, 16, lL, 66\, 15. in September. 2 TenS pe ed--Sprin g I S umme r 199 6 T-10'sA Story "Hollywood," he said."Pure Hollywod snr and Hollywood." The racewas Tartan Ten Frcetnoter "So, this'is the competition. on lmtion for "won" by Thriller getting a Bay"lvatch I'm quakingin my boots," T-1-0 huge lift when well asternof sailorAndy Levant said with a FreebootenAdvantaged by an sneerto PamelaAnderson Lee, Acadamy Award winning lift, the starof TV Baywatch. Thriller reachedon spinnaker - "We're going to kick your over Freeboote\ who sat stalled butts." she respondedcoolly. below on jib. "And I'm going to love every Andy wrote the script and minuteof it." pitchedthe story idea,and got a That was the openingteaser speakingpart-including the to the Sail Away episodeof the smolderingexchange with the popularTV series,and it was blonde star.His crew made the bestmoment, too. Andy's cameoappearances on Andy's boat Freebooter got booted in a boat.Way to go! matchrace by another Next watch for Freebooter CaliforniaT-10, Thriller, in the to appearon Friends helping primetime debutfor the T-10. CourtneyCox entertaina blind Thriller's crew was made up of date.The poor guy getsseasick Baywatchstars, so Andy had to and spendsthe eveningleaning lose.We askedAndy how he over the leewardrail while got his boatto go so slow. Andy snickers. Bringingthe latestin sailmakingto the TartanTen Class NorthSails and the Tartan Ten Class share a greathistory together, but here at Northwe are alwayslooking for waysto makeyour boat faster still. ln 1996,our T-10 inventory includes: r' RadialHead and Clew Nordac Mainsail. r' New polyester3DL Class Jib. r' A Choiceof A/P Runneror a Reacher. North's Tartan Ten sails combine experience and specific knowledgeof the boat with the world's greatest sailmaking technology.Whether the sailsare Dacron,Mylar or Nylon,our exclusivefabrics and advanceddesign technology guarantee youthe fastest shapes. Cleveland Midwest Detroit Vermilion 19'106Detroit Rd. 1665No(h ElstonAve. 20010E. Nine Mile Rd. 653112 Main St. RockyRiver, OH. Chicago,lL St.Clair Shores. Ml Vermillion,OH. 44116 60622 48080 44089 216-333-0766 312-489-1 308 810-776-1 330 216-967-9576 fax-216-333-9087 fax312-489-9820 tax-810-776-2762 fax-21 6-967-9576 lst Port Huron Mackinac Testingof the new 1996model Main 9 out of top 10 ChicagoMackinac Race and Jib proved that the new designis even faster than the '95 model.Mainsail is 9 of top 10 ChicagoBoat of the year flatter low giving the sail more flexibility 2nd Nationals with outhaul adjustment.Slightly tighter leech Boat on boattesting and fuller head givesthe sail more ofnew 1996model power in light air. sails. The newjib hasa rounderentry making it easierto steer.The slightly fuller jib hasa flatter exitogiving the sail more power i: F while not heeling i:, the boat more. \ ,i trIOYLE SAIJ\'IAKEBS DoyleStearns Sailmakers OoyleBoston DoyleSailmakers, striving to win the most e243 N. ElstonAve. 38807 HarperAve. Chicago|L.60614 ClintonTownship Ml, 48036 importantregatta of 1996,Yours.
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