OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN VAULTING ASSOCIATION AIII TING WORI H 11845 SKYLINE BLVD., LOS GATOS, CA 95030 DECEMBER 1996 NEW RULES FOR VAULTING Annual Meeting Schedule Moore on Upper Body Control and more The Voulters of Ice fond pose with their horse, Never Embrace. Photo: courtesy V.I.P. 1997 AVA Friendship Team Priscllla G. Faulkner Application for 1997 Active Status Plans for the 1997 exhibitions are in Please print or type the works and we are looking forward to a Name: Hm Phone: Fax: greatyear promoting vaultingandtiieAV A. Because the status of vaulters changes with Home Address: injuries, college, or fhe decision to play City/State/Zip:. other sports, the application for active sta- Mailing Address: ... tus in Friendship Vaulting team USAmust (If different) City/State/Zip: _ be renewed very winter. Applications will .Weight:. be accepted during the year as vaulters earn Date of B irth: Height their Silver Medals. All vaulters interested Dates of your 1997 Spring Break: Do you have plans?: QYes UNO in participating in the Friendship Team, Date Medal earned: D Silver DGold Club Name: even those on the team tayearinustreLum Coach's Name: . Phone:. the application by Jan. 31, 1997. Number of vaulting practices you attend on your horse. per week How often do you vault on other horses?,.._.. per. If notable to vault regularly, what do you do to keep fit? _ My status will change in: D the summer of 1997 D the fall of 1997 Ul own a Friendship Team uniform LJI own/am buying USA sweats Dl own the red or blue T-shirt Ql own the red polo shirt Ol own the navy sweat shirt / pledge, while working at Friendship Team exhibitions, to vault my best, work cooperatively with the whole group, and be a good ambassador and representative/or the AVA from the time I leave home to the time I return home. '96 Friendship Team member Kim Dunham Signed: performs her individual Kilrfor Mt. Eden of Mail to Priscilla G. Faulkner, 1187 Floyd Street, Covington, GA 30209. Woodside 's Fall Classic. photo: Eric Jc»cu Vaulting into the Club Name New Century LJ Coach D Parent QVaulter D Other Marge Oakes Approve Don't Care Disapprove We need to set a policy for Fest dates D D LJ Fest to held 3rd-4th week in August for future Nationals. Currently the date is on even (World Championship) years the 2nd week in August but this will inter- fere with the World Championships every D n LJ Fest to held lst-2nd week hi August on odd years even year. D u LJ Fest to always be held last week or two in August Please check the box that most reflects or in September your feelings on the following proposals. D D LJ Fest to always be held in July Comment on and note reasons for any strong feelings you have on these issues. D n LJ Separate East Coast and West Coast Fests to be held on even years and single National Fest on odd AlladjiilAVAmembers (parents, vaulters, years, (please note date preferences above) coaches, etc.) are invited to comment. The US Pony Clubs have had a successful "split" I would like to have all of this input for Nationals program like this for many years. the Fest Committee Meeting at the AVA Comments: Annual Meeting on lanuary 16,1997. Pleasesend your responses to Marge Oakes 732 Camino Del Bosque NW Albuquerque, NM 87114 Fax 505/898-9643 e-mail: [email protected] Vaulting World December 1, 1996 THE VIEW FROM Table of Contents THE PRESIDENT'S DESK ARTICLES In the good old days, AVA Friendship Team Application for active membership 2 I could turn on the com- Vaulting into the Next Century National FestDates Survey 2 puter, boot up theprogram NEW RULES FOR VAULTING 4 with a floppy called "start up" and get right into my Nationals '97 A preliminary schedule „ 5 word processor. These Upper Body Posture by J. Ashton Moore 6 days I have to ask my son AVA Annual Meeting 7 to take meby the hand and 1996 AVA Clubs Reports s walk me through the International Update Sundance Wins in Holland _22 myriad of programs and choices to find thc- FEJ Qualification Criteria 22 magic path to the word processor. [Ed note: If FEI Vaulting Committee Report 22 shehad aMac...!] The program is full ofbells and News from Canada , 23 whistles, bull swear my dinosaur PC \vas faster. Anything is belter than typing on a typewriter, so Returning to Our Roots Nancy Stevens-Brown remembers 23 IguessTlI stop complaining and resign myself to Clinics and CampS AVA Education Committee plans for '97 24 alife of confusion here in the '90's. Timberline Camp 25 As 1 begin the descent, so to speak, of my Monte Vista Camp 25 role as President, I sometimes feel wistfully the Equestrian Theater in New York 34 same way about vaulting. Life used to be simpler when I first goLinto vaulting. Bolado Park may FEATURES not have been much, bu t we looked forward to i t, Editorial by Carole Dwinell 24 year after year. The limes there were fun. The camaraderie among teams was so unlike any- Board of Directors Meeting JO/20/96.26 thing ihehorseshow circuithad to offer—Iknew Medal Test Results 26 it was the place for me. Fest Results My team's particular goal was to beat Tim- Great Falls/Topaz Fall Fest 28 berline! We would gather, speaking in hushed tones while those A Team Kiirs would unfold Black Point's Harvest Fest 30 with the kind of inimitable Nancy Stevens style Woodside's Fall Classic 31 that inspired and motivated every coach, vaulter Mt. Eden's Halloween Fest 31 and spectator present. It was the best of times. Mt. Tabor's Fall Classic/ Today the competition is much more in- tense. There is more at slake, travel to Europe to Region IX Championships —32 compete has become commonplace. We have AVA Directory 34 Shana Pomerantz of t\ft. Eden performs her Gold Kiir become a force to be reckoned with. Americans Calendar of Events 35 at Woodside's Fall Classic. have carved a nice littlcniche among the ilrumi- Photo: Enc Jewell nati at. the uppermost level of vaul ting. 1990 was Vaulting World is published by the American Vaulting Association. Mail all amajor breakthrough tbrns as world class com- items for publication to: Vaulting World, 11845 Skyline Blvd., Los Gatos, CA petitors when the pioneering Timberline A Team 95030, or 201 Bear Oaks Court, Martinez, CA 94553-9753. 1997 deadlines won the Bronze Medal at the very first. World are: December31 for publication February 1; February 28 for publication April equestrian Games. Kcri Lemon and. Devon 1, April 30 for publication June 1; June 30 for publication August 1; August 31 for publication October 1; October 31 for publication December 1. No part of Maitozo have since broken through, earning this publication may be reproduced either in whole or in part without written Silver andBronze-Medals—Kari's second vic- permission. Bulk rate postage paid at Cupertino, CA. U.S. Subscribing tory. We are so proud of them all Memberships are $25 annually. Foreign Subscribing Memberships are $35 Things arc more complicated now than the annually payable in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank. Copyright by American Bo-lado Park days. Even though 1 wouldn't Vaulting Association 1996. really like to go back, I sure miss the fun, Classified ads are $5 each for3 or4 lines. Display ad rates are $8 per column Sincerely, inch, $100 for 1/3 page, $115 for 1/2 page and $200 for full page. Submit information and your check payable to "AVA" and mail to Vaulting World, 11845 Skyline Blvd., Los Gatos, CA 95030. Write for rate card. Editor: Carole Dwinell 510/372-3374 Managing Editor: M. Rose 408/867-1789 Proofing: Colette Garrison 916/487-4204 Printed by Roberts Press 408//25S-3937 Vaulting World December 1, 1996 New Rules for Vaulting Suzanne RULE CHANGES TO TAKE EFFECT JANUARY 1,1997 Detol, Article 3719.4 — add new: "b) Horse - 1996-97 AVA Rule Book AVA gaits, behavior, way of going, circle size, Article 109.2.b. — change to read: "One Technical longeing and presentation." back pad, with or without a cover..." (re- Committee Article 3720.2 — add new: "d) Horse mainder is the same.) Chair (XI) - Gaits, behavior, way of going, circle Article 111 — add anew 8: "The dress of size, longeing and presentation." the vaullers must be suitable for equestrian The AIISA Vaulting Committee and Article 3722.6 — add new: "c) Horse - sport, a simple gymnastic dress without the AVA Technical Committee would like gaits, behavior, way of going, circle size, show effects. Allowed arc flat cloth appli- to formally announce Extraordinary Rule longeing and presentation." ques and prints on the dress in different Changes for the 1997 competitive season. Article 3723.6 — add new: "c) Horse - colors." gaits, behavior, way of going, circle size, These rule changes are necessary to keep Article 203.1.a)— change to read: "Each American rules consistent with the FBI longeing and presentation." vaulter must perform the first four rules, and will take effect January f, 1997. Article 3726.3—change to read: "Deduc- compulsories together as follows: - Mount Please mark your AILS A and AVA Rule tions from Horse/General Impression..." - Basic Seat..." (remainder the same) Article 3726.3b) — delete: "Exceeding Books accordingly. Article 203.1.b)— change to read: "Time compulsory time limit..." allowed: - In Team Canter events, the 1996-97 AHSA Rule Book Article3726.4—addtocnd: "Useofdress maximum time for the performance of the Article 3708.2b) should read: "One back other than defined." Compulsories is eight (8) minutes.
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