t^= I u- THE UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA The Rituals of Sparagmos and Omophagy in Tragedy, Romance, and Horror Genres. by David S. Stymeist A THESÏS SUBMITTED TO THE FÀCULTY OF GRADUATE STUDTES IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH WTNNIPEG, MÀNITOBA L995 N,$onaLibrav Bibliothèque nationale l*l du Canada Acquisitions and Direction des acquisitions et Bibliographic Services Branch des services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395, rue Wellington Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) K1A ON4 K1A ON4 Your l¡le Volre Élérence Ou l¡le Nolrc Élérence The author has granted an L'auteur a accordé une licence irrevocable non-excl us¡ve I icence irrévocable et non exclusive allowing the National Library of permettant à la Bibliothèque Canada to reproduce, loan, nat¡onale du Canada de distribute or sell cop¡es of reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou his/her thesis by any means and vendre des copies de sa thèse in any form or format, making de quelque manière et sous this thesis available to interested quelque forme que ce soit pour persons. mettre des exemplaires de cette thèse à la disposition des personnes intéressées. The author retains ownership of L'auteur conserve la propriété du the copyright in his/her thesis. droit d'auteur qu¡ protège sa Neither the thesis nor substantial thèse. Ni la thèse ni des extraits extracts from it may be printed or substantiels de celle-ci ne otherwise reproduced without doivent être imprimés ou his/her permission. autrement reproduits sans son autorisation. ISBN 0-612-13518-7 C¿nadä Nome Disceirtørion Ahslrc</s lnlemoliono/ is.orrongd by brood, generol subiect cotegoriei. Pleose select the one subiect which most nærly describes the content of your dissertotion. Enter the ãonesponding burãigit code in the spoces provided. l-iterc.\¡,*çg lõ1./Ef¡ UM.I stcjEclmÀt SI'BJECÍ COD€ Sub¡ect Caiegories IIil HUMAilltl:S A]ID 3OCUr] SCIE]ICES (otruKtnd6fiDn¡AnE Psychobry .....0525 PHITOSOPHY, REUGIOII AIID Ancien|...............................0579 Ar,åildu€ ....... ........--.-........--.0729 Rádino ::................................. 0535 IÏtotoGY Medierol ............................ 058 I Reliqiou-s ........0527 Modem ............. ........ -........ 0582 Sciõcos ............. ...................... 07 I 4 Block .................................. 0328 Socondorv ................................ 0533 Africon ............................... 033 1 Sociol Scíences ......................... 0534 Asio, Ausholio ond Oceonio 0332 Saidocv of ............................. 0340 Conodion ........................... 033¿ SocciolL............. ......................0529 Europeon ............................ 0335 Lolin Americon .................... 033ó Middle Eoslern .................... 0333 Unicd Stotes ....................... 0337 sfiIAtsc$tcs History of Science ..................... 0585 low.......................................... 0398 ImRAIUREAITD A,mericon Studies ...................... 0323 uilGUrGE Anthroooloov Politicol Science uilGUtsICs Aréhoeõloov .......................0324 Generol .............................. 0ól 5 Lonouooe Culturol ...1í........ .................0326 lntemotionol Low ond Ëerfool ............. .................M79 Phvsicol ............. -................ 0327 Relotions .......................... 0ó I ó Ancien!............................... 0289 Busineis Administrotion Public Administrorion ........... 0ól 7 linquíslics ........................... 0290 Generol .............................. 03 I 0 Recreotion .......081¿ tvd¿lem ............. ................. 0291 Accountinq ......................... 0272 Sociol Wo* .............................0Á52 lilerqfu¡e Bonkins ..L......... ................. 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Educotión ........................... 0350 ,Acoustics ............................ 098ó 0790 Hosoitol Monoqemen¡..........0769 Askonomv ond Geotechnolocv ......................... 0428 Operotions R-eíseorch ................. 079 6 Humon Develoõment ........... 0758 Ashooh'vsics..................... OóOó Plóstics Technoloov lmmunolo<¡v ........................ 0982 Atmospheiic Science............ 0ó08 ....... -.--........O79 5 Texile Technoloçfr ..................... 099 Á Medicine õhd Suroerv ......... 05ó4 Atomic ............. -................. 07 AB Menùcl Heolth ....:....'............0347 Electronics ond ElectriciV .....0607 PSYCIOIOGY Nursing .............................. 05ó9 Elernentory Po¿icles ond Nuhition ............................. 0570 Hiqh Enêrw...... Generol ...................................0ó21 ...............0798 ......038¿ Obstetrics ond Gvnecoloqy ..0380 Fluidond Ploémo ................. Behoviorol 0759 Clinicol ............. ....................... &cupotionol Hei¡lth ond' Moleculor ........................... 0ó09 0622 Developmentol .......................... Theropy .....-..................... 0354 Nucleor .............................. 0ól 0 0ó20 Ophtholdroloov ................... 0381 Optics .................. Experiirentol ............................ 0ó23 .............. 07 52 lndustriol ........0624 Pcitholocv ....::..................... 0571 R<idiotion ........... ... 07 -............. 56 Personolity ................................ Phormoiäloov ..................... 04l 9 Solid Srore ..........................0ól 0ó25 t Phvsioloqícol ............................ 0989 Phormocv .::.......................0572 Srqlistics ................................... O4ó3 Physicol fheropy ................. Psychobíology .......................... O3¿9 EARIH SCIIICES 0382 Publ¡c Heolth .:.:................... 0573 Aoolied Sciences Psychomekics ........................... 0ó32 Biooeochemistry. 0Á25 Rodiology ........ 4 nþilied t"techonics ................... 034ó Sociol .........................--...........O¿5.l Ge&hemistry .i.., 0996 -.'-........ -.......057 Recreotion .......................... 0575 Compuler Science ..................... 0984 @ TEE RII'IIALS OF SPARAGHOS AND OMOPHÁGY IN TRAGEDY, ROIíANCE, AND EORROR GENRES BY D,AVID S. STYMEIST A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies of the University of Manitoba in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Ì{ASTER OF ARTS @ 1995 Pennission has been granted to tfte LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA to lend or sell copies of this thesis, to the NATIONAL LIBRARY oF CANADA to microfilm this thesis and to lend or sell copies of the film, and LIBRARY MICROFILMS to publish an abstract of this thesis. The author resen¡es other publication rights, and neither the thesis nor
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