HOW TO !"#$%&'("#)%$*+,HOW TO HOWHOWEvery TO year TOan estimated 4000 ponytails are needed just to make enough charitable wigs for those suffering from cancer or alopecia. !"#$%&'("#)%$*+,One wig requires 20 ponytails, and can cost thousands of dollars! EVERY YEAR AN!"#$%&'("#)%$*+, ESTIMATED!"#$%&'("#)%$*+, 4,000 PONYTAILS ARE NEEDED JUST TO MAKE ENOUGH CHARITABLE WIGS How FORto THOSE SUFFERING FROM CANCER OR ALOPECIA. ONE WIG REQUIRES 20 PONYTAILS, S AND CANSustainable COST THOUSANDS alons OF collects DOLLARS! all ponytails 20cm or longer, both coloured and uncoloured, and sends them to charitable EVERY YEAR AN ESTIMATED 4,000 PONYTAILS ARE NEEDED JUST TO MAKE ENOUGH CHARITABLE WIGS SUSTAINABLEEVERY SALONS YEAR AN COLLECTS ESTIMATED ALL 4,000 PONYTAILS PONYTAILSorganisations 20CM ARE NEEDEDOR LONGER, JUST and TOBOTH wig-makers MAKE COLOURED ENOUGH where CHARITABLEAND UNCOLOURED, they contributeWIGS to wigs. FOR THOSEEVERY SUFFERING YEAR AN FROM ESTIMATED CANCER 4,000 OR PONYTAILSALOPECIA. AREONE NEEDED WIG REQUIRES JUST TO 20MAKE PONYTAILS, ENOUGH CHARITABLE WIGS donateAND SENDS THEMFOR TO THOSECHARITABLEFOR SUFFERING THOSE ORGANISATIONS SUFFERING FROM CANCER FROM AND CANCER OR ALOPECIA.WIG-MAKERS OR ALOPECIA. ONE WHERE WIG ONE REQUIRES THEY WIG REQUIRES CONTRIBUTE 20 PONYTAILS, 20 PONYTAILS, TO WIGS. AND CAN COST THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS! ANDUncoloured CANAND COST CAN THOUSANDS COST ponytails THOUSANDS OF 36cm+ DOLLARS! OF DOLLARS!are the holy grail for charitable wigs, UNCOLOURED PONYTAILS 36CM+ ARE THE HOLYso GRAIL why FOR not CHARITABLE encourage WIGS, your SOdonors WHY NOTto grow ENCOURAGE further for a truly SUSTAINABLESUSTAINABLE SALONS COLLECTS SALONS COLLECTS ALL PONYTAILS ALL PONYTAILS 20CM OR 20CM LONGER, OR LONGER, BOTH COLOURED BOTH COLOURED AND UNCOLOURED, AND UNCOLOURED, SUSTAINABLEYOUR SALONS DONORS COLLECTS TO GROW ALLspecial PONYTAILS FURTHER impact! 20CM FOR AOR TRULY LONGER, SPECIAL BOTH IMPACT!COLOURED AND UNCOLOURED, ponytailsAND SENDSAND THEM SENDS TOAND CHARITABLE THEM SENDS TO THEM CHARITABLE ORGANISATIONS TO CHARITABLE ORGANISATIONS ORGANISATIONSAND WIG-MAKERS AND WIG-MAKERS AND WHERE WIG-MAKERS WHERETHEY CONTRIBUTE THEYWHERE CONTRIBUTE THEY TO CONTRIBUTE WIGS. TO WIGS. TO WIGS. BE SURE TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOWBe SO sure THAT to EACH follow PONYTAIL the instructions YOU DONATE belowCAN BE soUSED. that each ponytail UNCOLOUREDUNCOLOURED PONYTAILSUNCOLOURED PONYTAILS 36CM+ PONYTAILS ARE 36CM+ THE HOLY ARE36CM+ THE GRAIL ARE HOLYyou THEFOR GRAIL donate HOLYCHARITABLE FOR GRAIL canCHARITABLE FOR WIGS,be CHARITABLE used. SO WIGS, WHY SO WIGS,NOT WHY ENCOURAGE SO NOT WHY ENCOURAGE NOT ENCOURAGE YOUR DONORSYOUR DONORSTOYOUR GROW DONORS TO FURTHER GROW TO FURTHER GROWFOR A FURTHERTRULY FOR A SPECIAL TRULY FOR A SPECIAL TRULYIMPACT! SPECIAL IMPACT! IMPACT! 1 BE SURE TOBE FOLLOW SUREBE TO2 THESURE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS THE BELOW INSTRUCTIONS SO BELOW THAT SOBELOWEACH THAT PONYTAIL SO EACH THAT PONYTAIL EACH YOU PONYTAILDONATE YOU DONATE CAN YOU BE DONATE CAN USED. BE USED.CAN BE USED. 1 1 1 1 2 2 22 Wash and dry WASH AND DRYthe THE HAIR hair FIRST first Don’t apply any stylingDon’t product apply (e.g. any wax, styling product hairspray,WASH AND serumsWASH DRY AND etc.).THE DRY HAIR THE FIRST HAIR FIRST WASH AND DRY THE(e.g. HAIR wax, FIRST hairspray, serums etc.). Don’t NO,applyDon’t THANK any apply styling YOU any product styling product(e.g. wax, (e.g. wax, SECTION THESection HAIR INTO SMALL the PONYTAILS hair AROUND into THEsmall HEAD ANDponytails SECURE WITH ELASTICS around Don’t apply any styling producthairspray, (e.g. serums wax, etc.). Synthetic hairNo, extensions thankhairspray, (only you serums100% etc.). Secure each ponytail with an elastic band 1-2cm down from where you intend to cut. Ensure the hairspray,X serums etc.). SECTIONthe THE HAIR head INTO SMALL and PONYTAILS secure AROUND with THE HEAD elastics AND SECURE WITH ELASTICS human hair extensionsNO, THANK accNO,epted), YOU THANK YOU elastic is as tightSECTION as it THE will HAIR go without INTO SMALL breaking PONYTAILS – if the AROUND ponytail THE comes HEAD loose, AND itSECURE won’t beWITH viable ELASTICS for NO, THANKSynthetic YOU hair extensions (only 100%SECTION donation. THESecure HAIR Plait INTO each theSMALL ponytail length PONYTAILS with of anthe elastic ponytail AROUND band and 1-2cmTHE secure HEAD down with AND from another SECURE where elasticyou WITH intend atELASTICS the to cut.bottom, ensuring Ensure the dreadlocks,Synthetic syntheticSynthetic hair hair, extensions hairwet extensionshair, (only 100% (only 100% Secure each ponytail with an elastic band 1-2cm down from where you intend to cut. Ensure the human hair extensions accepted), elastic Secureis as tight each as it will ponytail go without with breaking an elastic – if the band ponytail 1-2cm comes downloose, it from won’t where be viable you for intend Syntheticloose hair hairhuman and/orextensions hair humanponytails extensions (only hair 100%that extensions a cc epted), acc epted), Secure each ponytailelastic with is as antight elastic as it willband go 1-2cm withoutit downis breaking as tight from as– where if possible. the ponytail you intend comes to cut.loose, it won’t be viableEnsure for the dreadlocks, synthetic hair, wet hair, loose donation. Plait the length of the ponytail and secure with another elastic at the bottom, ensuring humanmeasure hair extensions lessdreadlocks, thandreadlocks, 20cm. a syntheticccepted), synthetic hair, wet hair, hair, wet hair, elastic is as tightto asdonation. cut.it will Ensure go withoutPlait thethe breaking elastic length of –is theif as the ponytail tight ponytail as and itcomes securewill go loose, with without anotherit won’t breaking elasticbe viable at the –for ifbottom, the ponytail ensuring it is as tight as possible. dreadlocks, syntheticloosehair hairloose hair,and/or and/or wethair ponytailsponytails and/orhair, ponytails that that measure that lessdonation. Plaitcomes the length loose, of theit won’t ponytail be andviable secure for withdonation.it anotheris as tight Plait elastic as possible. the at the length bottom, of ensuringthe ponytail and loose hair and/ormeasure thanponytailsmeasure less 20cm. than that less 20cm. than 20cm. secure with another elasticit is as at tight the as bottom, possible. ensuring it is as tight as possible. 3 measure less than 20cm. 4 5 3 3 4 4 5 5 3 3 4 4 5 5 MEASURE THE LENGTH OF THE PONYTAIL PLANNEDMEASUREMEASURE THE FOR LENGTH DONATION THE LENGTH OF THE PONYTAILOF THE PONYTAIL CUT THE HAIR 1-2CM ABOVE THE ELASTIC PLANNEDMeasure FOR DONATION the length CUT THEBANDCUT HAIR OF THE 1-2CM EACH HAIR ABOVEPONYTAIL 1-2CM THE ABOVE ELASTIC THE ELASTIC BAG THE PONYTAILS & DONATION FORM It must be MINIMUM 20CMPLANNED LONG FOR from DONATION where Cut the hair MEASURE THE LENGTH OF THE PONYTAIL BAND OFBAND EACH OF PONYTAIL EACH PONYTAIL BAG THEBAG PONYTAILS THE PONYTAILS & DONATION & DONATION FORM FORM It must beIt mustMINIMUM be MINIMUM 20CM LONG 20CM LONG from where from where Do not wash the ponytail after it has Fill in the Ponytail Donation Form , then place you have tied the elasticof (NOT the from ponytailwhere you CUT THE HAIR Do1-2CM1-2cm not washABOVE THEthe above ponytail ELASTIC after the it has Fill in the Ponytail Donation Form , then place PLANNEDyou haveyou FOR tied have DONATIONthe tiedelastic the (NOT elastic from (NOT where from you where you been cut o Do. Keep not wash the ponytail the ponytail as afterflat it has it and theFill ponytailsin the Ponytail together Donation in an Form envelope , then place will cut the hair) to the tips. Donations shorter BANDbeen OF cut EACH o PONYTAIL. Keep the ponytail as flat BAG THEit and PONYTAILS the ponytails & DONATION together in FORM an envelope It must be MINIMUMwill cut thewill 20CM hair) cutplanned the to LONG the hair) tips. to theDonations from fortips. where Donations shorterdonation shorter elasticbeen cut o band. Keep the of ponytail as flat or plasticit and snaplock the ponytails bag and together seal tightly. in an envelope than 20cm cannot be used for wig-making as and smoothand smooth as possible. as possible. Fill in theBag Ponytailor plastic the Donation snaplock ponytails Formbag and seal ,tightly. then place you have tied thethan elastic 20cmthan (NOTcannot 20cm from be cannot used where befor you usedwig-making for wig-making as as Do not wash the ponytailand aftersmooth it has as possible. or plastic snaplock bag and seal tightly. these are too short. it and the ponytails together in an envelope will cut the hair) to the tips.It mustDonationsthese arebethese tooMINIMUM shorter short. are too short. 20CM LONG been cut o each. Keep the ponytail ponytail as flat and donation form from where you have tied the elastic and smooth as possible. or plastic snaplock bag and seal tightly. than 20cm cannot be used for wig-making as Do not wash the ponytail after Fill in the Ponytail Donation Form, these are (NOTtoo short. from where you will cut the hair) 6 6 6 to the tips. Donations shorter than it has been cut off.7 Keep7 the7 then place it and the ponytails 20cm cannot be used for wig-making ponytail as flat and smooth together in an envelope or plastic 6 as these are too short. as possible. 7 snaplockPRESENT bag andPRESENT YOUR YOUR seal CLIENT CLIENT YOUR tightly. WITH CLIENT WITH A AWITH A PONYTAILPONYTAILPONYTAIL DONATIONDONATION DONATION CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE SUSTAINABLE SALONS MEMBERS ONLY PRESENTSUSTAINABLE YOURSUSTAINABLE CLIENTSALONS SALONSWITH MEMBERS A MEMBERS ONLY ONLY ! "#$%&'%()* ! %)+' # , +' -$%&). +' %$&+' # You should have these available in ! "#$%&'%()* ! %)+' # ! "#$%&'%()* ! %)+' # /0 ! %)&#("1- ! $1**$56/7 , +' -$%&). +' %$&+' # You should have these available in , +' -$%&). +' %$&+' # You should have these available in 2+$%'- 3 ! 4 PONYTAIL DONATION CERTIFICATE /0 ! %)&#("1- ! $1**$56/7 /0 ! %)&#("1- ! $1**$56/7 2+$%'- 3 ! 4 2+$%'- 3 ! 4 your salon. If you need more, simply SUSTAINABLEyour SALONSsalon.your If salon. youMEMBERS need If you more, ONLYneed more,simply simply order them online via the Rewards order themorder online them viaonline the via Rewards the Rewards SEND TO SUSTAINABLE! "#$%&'%()* ! %)+' # SALONS SEND, +' -$%&).
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