May 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E801 opportunity to recognize one of my constitu- Directors of the Greater Washington Board of of her children and grandchildren, in the ents who is a Real American Hero. Without Trade and the Northern Virginia Technology hearts and minds of the Border Patrol agents, the sacrifices of America’s Greatest Genera- Council, and he was a member of the Virginia and through the people of the causes she tion, we would not be enjoying the freedoms Governor’s Blue Ribbon Commission on High- served. and rights they fought to preserve. May God er Education. His tireless efforts advocating on f bless Jessie C. Hosman. I wish him a very behalf of the university in local, state, and fed- happy birthday and many more. eral government have earned him a reputation TRIBUTE TO DEACON LAMOUNE CARLOS GLOVER f as a champion of higher education. After his retirement, Dr. Merten will continue to serve RECOGNIZING GMU PRESIDENT George Mason and our community in other HON. BOBBY L. RUSH ALAN MERTEN ON HIS RETIRE- capacities, as well as spend more time with OF ILLINOIS MENT his wife Sally, daughter Melissa, son Eric and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES four grandchildren. Tuesday, May 15, 2012 HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join Mr. RUSH. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay tribute OF VIRGINIA me in thanking Dr. Alan G. Merten for his tre- to the life and legacy of my friend and brother IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mendous contributions to George Mason Uni- versity and the higher education community. I beloved, Deacon Lamoune Carlos Glover who Tuesday, May 15, 2012 consider Dr. Merten a dear friend and wish made his heavenly transition on Tuesday, May Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I him, his wife and family the best as he moves 8, 2012. Deacon Glover was born April 23, rise today to recognize Dr. Alan G. Merten into retirement. Thanks to his leadership, the 1968, in Chicago, Illinois to the late Robert and Lorraine Glover. A product of the Chicago and to congratulate him on the occasion of his University and Northern Virginia are well posi- Public Schools system, Lamoune attended retirement following a distinguished, 16-year tioned for future growth and success. tenure as president of George Mason Univer- Mollison Elementary School and Jean Baptiste f sity. Pointe DuSable High School, and later went Dr. Merten was Mason’s fifth president, and THE PASSING OF MURIEL WATSON on to attain an Associate Degree in Applied under his leadership the University developed Science. the culture, academics and reputation of a Lamoune’s love for Christ started at an early unique and world-class institution of higher HON. BRIAN P. BILBRAY age. At 6, his ‘‘play mother’’ May Turner took learning. There are many examples of its OF CALIFORNIA him to church. Lamoune was baptized at the age of twelve at the Gospel Temple Church, growth and enhanced prestige, but I would like IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES under the leadership of Pastor Warren L. Tur- to cite a few statistics that speak to the caliber Tuesday, May 15, 2012 ner. There, he served as a member of the of excellence Dr. Merten has helped build at usher board and in the youth ministry. Mason. U.S. News and World Report ranks Mr. BILBRAY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Later in his journey, Lamoune began attend- George Mason 138th among the best univer- honor one of San Diego’s great citizens Muriel ing the Beloved Community Christian Church sities in the nation. Incoming freshman now Watson. Muriel passed on May 1, 2012 after where I am privileged to serve as pastor and average a 3.6 GPA, up from 3.0 in 1996. Ma- a lengthy battle with cancer. teacher. In 2002, Lamoune experiencing the son’s student body has grown to more than I had the pleasure of knowing Muriel when transformative power of Jesus Christ and 32,000. While GMU was founded as a branch I was Mayor of Imperial Beach. I would also being led by the Holy Spirit re-dedicated his of the University of Virginia, it became an talk with her when I would ride my horses life to Christ. At Beloved, he served as a trust- independent institution in 1972 and now is the along the border. She was tenacious, dedi- cated and motivated to all of her causes and ee, church steward and member of the Men’s largest university in the Commonwealth. Dr. ministry. Merten’s success cultivating new funding op- her attitude and intellect allowed her to ac- complish anything she set her mind to. In July 2003, Lamoune met his ‘‘better half’’ portunities and promoting the fields of informa- Joyce Lemon. After a loving three-year court- tion technology and biological sciences have Muriel was born in Newton Massachusetts on October 23, 1930 as the only child of Wil- ship, Lamoune and Joyce married on August sparked an increase in annual research fund- 19, 2006. To this union, one beautiful, daugh- ing from $28 million in 1996 to more than liam and Cynthia Bianchi. She grew up as a teenager in San Diego, attended San Diego ter was born, Ahrmani Glover. $100 million today. In 2011, after nine years of devoted Chris- When he steps down next month, Dr. High School, and later earned her teaching degree at San Diego State College. She was tian service, I installed Bro. Lemoune as Dea- Merten will conclude a career in higher edu- con of the Beloved Community Christian cation that has spanned more than four dec- a patron of the arts and would dance and act at the Old Globe theatre in San Diego from Church. It was one of his proudest moments, ades of service at numerous institutions. Dr. for no matter what life threw Lamoune’s way, time to time. Merten holds an undergraduate degree in he always somehow knew that with God, he After meeting her husband George Watson mathematics from the University of Wisconsin, would be ‘‘okay’’. in 1953, a Border Patrol agent, Muriel began a master’s degree in computer science from Mr. Speaker, in the Exodus story, as Israel her work with the U.S. Border Patrol. She be- Stanford University, and a PhD in computer did battle with the Amalekites, Moses stood on science from the University of Wisconsin. He came involved with the Border Patrol Union as a hill with the staff of God in his hands, when- began his career in 1970 as an associate pro- a Public Information Officer and testified be- ever Moses raised his hands Israel prevailed. fessor of industrial and operations engineering fore Congress regarding issues and concerns When Moses hands grew tired so that he was at the University of Michigan. He later served of the Border Patrol. forced to lower them, Israel suffered in battle, as an associate dean in the Michigan Busi- In addition to her involvement with the Bor- but Aaron and Hur, Moses’ armor bearers, ness School where he was responsible for ex- der Patrol, Muriel created an initiative called held Moses’ hands up and Joshua and Israel ecutive education and computing services. ‘‘Light Up the Border’’ in 1989. The goal of the defeated Amalek. Lemoune was such an After serving for three years as the dean of group was to shine car lights on the border in armor bearer. the College of Business at the University of order to cut down on border violence. The Deacon Lamoune Carlos Glover’s life has Florida, Dr. Merten accepted the deanship of group met monthly starting on November 4, been seen through the lenses of personal sac- the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School 1989. At the first meeting, 23 cars were rifice, love, reconciliation, and perseverance. of Management at Cornell University in 1989. present and over the seven months of the pro- My sincerest thoughts and prayers are ex- In 1996, he accepted the position of President gram the group grew to 2000 cars in June of tended to his loving wife, Joyce, his children at GMU. 1990. Otisha Pitts, Jakwon Webb and Ahrmani, Dr. Merten is a well respected figure in the Over the course of the program, Muriel was grandchild Javion Goss, brothers, Robert Northern Virginia community who has used his able to enlist the help of Congressman Dun- Glover and Marvin Harvey, sister Bernadette considerable and diverse talents to raise the can Hunter to begin construction on what Glover, his Beloved Community Christian profile of the University and our community. today represents three layers of border fence, Church family, and host of other family and Throughout his tenure, Dr. Merten has ex- more agents, and lights on the border. friends. I am privileged to enter these words in panded GMU’s partnership with the regional Muriel will be missed by those of us who the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD of the United business community, serving on the Board of knew her. Her memory will live on in the lives States House of Representatives. 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