· PASSENGER LIST LIST OF CABIN PASSENGERS American Twin Screw Steamship "President Harding" * COMMANDER THEODORE VAN BEEK, U.S. N. R. F. OFFICERS Chief Officer, G. C. STEDMAN Chief Engineer, J. W. RAKOW Purser, G. J. Ross Surgeon, V. NEESEN Chief Steward, J . NICHOLAS * B :R EM EN ' to NEW YORK vi a S 0 UT HAM P T 0 N and C H E R B 0 U R G WE D N E S D A Y, J U N E 16th 19 2 6 List of Passengers Mr. Abrahamowich · Mr. B. L. Campbell Mrs. Abrahamowich Mrs. Campbell Mrs. Maxwell Anderson Master B. L. Campbell jr. Miss Elizabeth Arnheiter Mr. Otis S. Carroll · Mrs. Carroll Miss Carroll Mr. N. S. Chapman Mr. Hermann W. Barner Mrs. Chapman Mr. E . P. Bartnett Mrs. Julia S. Chapman Mrs. Bartnett Miss Louise Clausen Mrs. 0. F. Bayart Mr. Karel Cmelinsky Mr. Meyer Blankfield Miss Grace .W . Collyer Mr. Edward Blood · Mr. Paul V. Corney Mr. Charles Blum Mrs. Corney Mrs. Adele Born Mr. C. Wilfred Conard Mr. A. G. Borowsky Mrs. Conard Mrs. Borowsky Miss Biuy Conard Mr. Thomas Boyle Miss Julia E. Coonan Mrs. Adele Brandon Miss Grace Cornell Miss Lucy L. Burlingame Mr. Franz Burow Mrs. Paula Davison Mr. H. J. Butler Mrs. Jessie E . Day Mrs. Butler Master E . N. Day Miss Jessie Dell Mrs. R. R. Hammond Mr. Henry Dockweiler Lieut. James H. Healy Mrs. Doris Doll Mr. Fred E. Bich:son Miss Donna M. Drew Mrs. Hicl.:;so!]. Mr. B. S. Duits Mrs. Hilda M. H9ward Mrs. Duits Master Charles Duits Mrs. Betty Jungmann Mrs. L. Durand Miss Hannah Dutand Mr. Paul Koch Miss Edith Dyer Mrs. Koc,h Miss Rose Koch Mr. Wilhelm Kraucz Mr. M. G. :Fearon Miss Elizabeth Kriger Dr. S. ]. Fei.ngold Mr. Joseph Kuhar Mrs. FeiJlgold Mrs. William Fulton Mr. Emanuel Lakerdas Mr. C. T . Lauer Mr. Garet Garrett Mrs. Lajler Mr. Fred M. Gentry Mrs. James S . J::.~~s.PI,'l Mr. W. R. Goehner Mr. Fr~nk -P_q.1,1l Lesser Mrs. E. L. Gor.Gion Mr. George Linzp ~th Miss Ronah Gor«i qn Master Andrey Gronicka Mr. C. ,"A. ~ac Arthur Mr. T. A. Gummer Mrs. Miic~rtqur Mrs. Gumme.r Miss V . .• ~1 ac , Ar ~hur Master T. lA . 1GQmmer jr. Miss Lilly 'Ma.c A r.H!i~lr Miss Frances Gumrner Miss Muriel Macfo.r~hur Mr. ( T. Mac Curdy Mrs. William Schmedtgen Mr. Thomas Mac Donald Miss Dorothea Schmedtgen Miss M. E. Mac Mahan Mr. William Schmedtgen Mr. Edmund Malinowsky Mr. Hans Schmidt Mr. Daniel R. Mane Mrs. Schmidt Lieut. George F. Mentz Miss A. Schmitz Mr. Max Mueller Miss Lise Schneider Miss E . A. Musser Dr. Harry H. Schoening Mrs. Schoening Mr. J. Schwayder Dr. Russell Oakley Mrs. Schwayder Mrs. Oakley Mrs. Molly Shapiro Mrs. Nettie R. Shuler Mr. R. S. Payne Miss Marjorie Shuler Mrs. Payne Mr. Donald Steele Capt. James G. Pedlow Mrs. Steele Master D. F . Steele Miss M. L. Sugden Mr. Arthur Randolph Mr. William Suhr Mrs. Randolph Miss Janet Randolph Lieut. William L. Rees Mr. Risto Temelkovich Miss M. Rei! Dr. Jacob T raum Miss M. E . Richards. Miss Marion Riendal Mr. Samuel Robbins Mr. Thomas Vakalis Mr. William Rodiek · Mr. Albert 0 . Vogeller Mrs . Rodiek Mrs. Vogeller Mr. Ed":ard 0 . Vullianny Mr, Robert D. Weston Mrs. Vullianny Mrs. Weston Miss M. F. Wood Mr. A. G. Walsh Mr. H. H. Young Mrs. Walsh Mrs. Young Miss Julia R. Ward Mrs. B. Wehner Rev. John Zeleznyak To Southampton: Mr. Christian J. F. Bene Mr. Tito Giacchi Memoranda CORRECTIONS TO PASSEN9'ER LlS'T ADDITIONAL Mrs. C. L. Allen Mr. G. F. Joly Mr. W. H. Brennan Mrs. Joly Miss M. Busche Miss E. McLoughlin Mr. W. C. Carey Mr. D. Martins Mr. J. Corrigan Mr. D. R. Maue Mrs. L. Durrant Mr. W. W. Morton Mrs. C. J. Gilbert Mrs. A. Morgan Mrs. S. Gellis Miss E. Newman Miss M. Gellis Miss M. O'Sullivan Mr. A. N. Gregory Mr. W. T. Van Orman Mr. J. Garfield Mr. H. A. Preus Mr. F. R. Holland Mrs. 0. Priester Mr. W. Hirsch Miss M. Reindeau Mr. I. Herz Mrs. G. Valentine Mrs. Herz Mr. J. Viddl Mr. E. E. Hundley Mr. H. B. Wechsler Mrs. Hundley NOT ON BOARD Mr. Thomas Boyle Mr. William Kraucz Mrs. Adele Brandon Mr. Daniel R. Mane Mrs. L. Durand Miss Marian Riendal Mrs. Willirum ~'ulton Mr. Samuel Robbins SEAPOS T CLERKS UNITED STATES GERMAN Mr. !<'. Lorey Mr. L. Hilmer Mr. A. Sander Mr. F. Wiese Mr. R. Hill / ON BOARD Cabin Class Passengers ..• . .. .. .... .... ....... .. ........ 173 Third Class Passengers ... .. ( .... incl. ............. ) . .. .. 143 Total Passengers ... .... .... ............ .... .... .•..... 316 Seapost... ... .. .. ...... .. ....... ....... ... .. .... .. .. 5 Commander, Officers and Crew ... , . .. .... ........ : ...... 230 Total souls on Board ... .... .. .. .... .. ... .. ... ....... 551 Memoranda Name of Passenger ----------·---·· ····-······ ··· -· ·· -· ··· ·-- ·-······----···--·····--··--··----·--· Address----------------- -------- ---- ------ -- -------- -- ------------ -------- -- -- --·- --------- -·----·----------- -- -- ---- Stateroom .............. .............. .. Passenger's Log. Day's Distance Run from First Day out--. ...................................... 192 Position at Noon, Lat ...... .. ...... Long . .. ............ .. Weather .................... .......... Wind ......... .. ................. Second Day .... .. ...................................... 192 Position at Noon, Lat. .............Long .... ............. Weather'·· --·· ··-------------- -- ---- Wind ................. .... .... .. Third Day out _______________ .............. .. ...... 192 Position at Noon, Lat. ............. Long ................. Weather ............. .. ..... .. ..... .. .. Wind .......................... -------- ------------ --- --- -- -------------------- ----- --- ---- --··· ·-- -- -----------------·-• Fourth Day out ................................... 192 Position at Noon, Lat. ............ Long ... Weather .............................. Wind ............. .. ..... ....... Fifth Day out... .................................... .192 Position at Noon, Lat... ............ Long ............... .. Weather ..... .. .._ _____________________ Wind... __________________ ________ _ Sixth Day out .. ..... ... ................... ... ... 192 Day's Distance Run from Position at Noon, Lat... ............ Long ................. I Weather ... .. .. ........ ................ Wind ..... ,. .. ......... ........ Seventh Day ouL. ...................... ........ 192 Position at Noon, Lat... ............ Long .... .. ... .... .. Weather ·----·-··----- -- ··--········ Wind ......... .. ... ............. Eighth Day out ······ ···········-·· ············-·· 192 Position at Noon, Lat. ... ...... .... Long, ____ ____ __ ____ _ . Weather ········ ····-· ······ ·········· ·· Wind .......................... Ninth Day out .... ............. .................. ... 192 Position at Noon, · Lat. .... ... ....... Long.·········-······ Weather ............... .. .. ............. Wind .... ........................ Tenth Day out-.. ...... .. ........ ....... .. .. ......... 192 Position at Noon, Lat. .............. Long.. ............... Weather .................. .. .......... Wind .. ......... ..... .......... Arrived at ........... ............... ........... .. .. .... 192 Total Miles of Sea Voyage INFORMATION FOR PASSENGERS Hours for Meals are posted at the Office of Chief Steward on the Steamer Divine Service in the Social Hall: on Sunday at 10.30 a.m. INFORMATION BUREAU This office has been provided for the convenience of Passengers. All inquiries for information should be made at the office. Passengers are requested to ask for a receipt on the Lines' Form for any additional Passage Money or Freight paid on board. LETTERS, CABLES AND TEL~GRAMS Letters, Cables and Telegrams are received at the Information Bureau for despatch, also all Mails will be distributed there. Cablegrams and Telegrams should be handed in an hour before the arrival at· any port of call. Passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before disembarking, as mail for passengers is brought on board by a special courier. Passengers' Addresses may be left at the Information Bureau in order that any letters sent to the care of the Lines may be forwaded. None of the ship's staff, other than those on duty in the Information Bureau, is authorized to accept letters, cables or telegrams for despatch. WIRELESS SERVICE The long range wireless equipment permits of the vessel communicating with the shore from any point during the trip to or from New York. Passengers desiring to send messages will consult the operator for rates. Ocean Letters are accepted on board for transmission by 'Wireless to a vessel bound in an opposite direction. They will be forwarded to destination by registered mail from first port of call after reception. A charge of $1.20, including postage, is made for twenty words and four cents for each additional word. The maximum Ocean Letter is 100 words. SEATS AT TABLE Passengers who have not previously secured seats at table should arrange with the Chief Steward. SMOKING Passengers are requested not to smoke in the Dining Saloon and Social Hall. COLLECTIONS Contributions that passengers desire to make at Concerts or on other occasions, should be delivered to the Purser, who will make public announcement of the total amount collected, giving a receipt for the information of all passengers. The total amount collected will be distributed by the Management of the United States Lines to the following charitable institutions: Seamen's Charities in New York; Seamen's Charities at terminal ports in Europe at which our steamers call; The Actors' Fund of the United States. No requests for contributions for musicians or other employees on the steamers will be made. DECK CHAIRS and STEAMER RUGS These may be hired at $1.50 each for the voyage on application
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