Vol. 430: 113–119, 2011 MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Published May 26 doi: 10.3354/meps09039 Mar Ecol Prog Ser Contribution to the Theme Section ‘Evolution and ecology of marine biodiversity’ OPENPEN ACCESSCCESS Does sperm supply limit the number of broods produced by a polyembryonous bryozoan? Andrew J. Pemberton1, Lars J. Hansson1, 2, John D. D. Bishop1,* 1Marine Biological Association of the UK, Citadel Hill Laboratory, Plymouth PL1 2PB, UK 2Present address: Department of Marine Ecology, University of Göteborg, 40530 Göteborg, Sweden ABSTRACT: Polyembryony, the splitting of a single sexually produced embryo into many clonal copies, seems to involve a disadvantageous combination of sexual and asexual reproduction, but per- sists in a diverse range of organisms. It has been suggested that embryonic cloning in cyclostome bryo zoans (colonial, sessile marine invertebrates that mate by the release, dispersal and uptake of water-borne sperm) may be a response to sperm limitation. The cyclostome Crisia denticulata inhab- its subtidal rock overhangs. Cloned larvae are produced by a colony in a series of independent brood chambers (gonozooids). Offspring from different brood chambers are genetically distinct and are, thus, the outcome of separate fertilisations. We investigated the possibility that sperm limitation reduced female reproductive success at low population density, by assessing the relationship between local colony density, as a proxy for sperm supply, and the number of brood chambers pos- sessed by colonies, as a proxy for fertilisation success. In the patchily distributed population of C. denticulata we studied, the number of brood chambers varied enormously between colonies of the same size, and large colonies entirely lacking brood chambers were frequent, suggesting the occur- rence of low fertilisation success within many colonies. However, in colonies with broods, only 17% of the variation in the number of broods per colony could be explained jointly by colony weight and local population density score, with population density being a non-significant predictor in the model. This suggests that sperm supply, as such, does not strongly influence female reproductive success and may, therefore, not be important for the maintenance of polyembryony, at least in the studied population. The wide variation in allocation to female function still requires explanation. KEY WORDS: Sex allocation · Polyembryony · Sperm limitation · Population density · Bryozoa · Crisia Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher INTRODUCTION ans, platyhelminths, arthropods, bryozoans, echino- derms and chordates; see Craig et al. 1997, Hughes et Polyembryony, the splitting of a single sexually pro- al. 2005). duced embryo into clonal copies, appears to represent The present work focuses on a bryozoan of the order a mixture of sexual and asexual reproduction that Cyclostomata, a group in which all representatives, largely forsakes the respective benefits of the 2 modes. with the possible exception of the Cinctiporidae (Board - Producing polyembryonous offspring forgoes the gen - man et al. 1992), are thought to be polyembryonous etic diversity inherent within a sexual brood, but never- (Ryland 1970). Bryozoans are colonial and hermaphro- theless breaks up the successful parental genotypes ditic, built from replicated zooids budded from a meta- and ‘bets’ instead on a single, unproven genotype morphosed, sexually produced larva. Zooids filter feed (Craig et al. 1997). Despite such an apparent handicap, with a ciliated, tentacular lophophore. In bryozoans, routine polyembryony appears to have evolved numer- sperm are released into the water, but eggs are re - ous times, being reported in some rust fungi, algae, tained, and fertilisation is internal. In the class Gymno- plants and animals (metazoan phyla include cnidari- laemata, sperm are known to be brought into contact *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2011 · www.int-res.com 114 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 430: 113–119, 2011 with acting female zooids through the feeding current colony could capture enough sperm to fertilise all the (Temkin 1994), but sperm collection in the Cyclosto - eggs it could potentially produce. This appeared to tie mata has not yet been described. Oogenesis in cyclo - in well with reports in the contemporary literature of stome bryozoans has been studied most fully within sperm-limited reproductive success in many free- the genus Crisia, in which branching erect colonies spawning taxa because of rapid sperm dilution (e.g. consist of rigid internodes of several zooids in a biserial Levitan & Petersen 1995). Here, we address the sug- arrangement, joined by flexible, non-calcified joints gestion by Ryland (1996) that polyembryony is advan- (nodes). Many oogonia initially form in the developing tageous because it enables cyclostomes to replicate the internode, but most degrade, their host zooids differ- zygotes resulting from the capture of relatively few entiating into autozooids, which produce sperm; on sperm. In circumstances where sperm were limiting, some internodes a developing zooid (rarely >1) differ- the level of brooding would reflect sperm supply. We entiates into a gonozooid, in which the lophophore is test the prediction that the number of brood chambers transitory (Borg 1926, Ryland 2000). Within the ex - (gonozooids) decreases as sperm become limiting at panded brooding space of the cyclostome gonozooid, low population density in Crisia denticulata. If so, this polyembryony occurs when a primary embryo re - would support Ryland’s (1996) premise that sperm peatedly buds off clumps of cells that, with slight vari- limitation is important for the maintenance of poly - ation between taxa, develop into independent larvae embryony. (Harmer 1893, Robertson 1903, Borg 1926). A single gonozooid of C. denticulata can release 10s of larvae upon dissection, and earlier developmental stages are MATERIALS AND METHODS generally also present, indicating ongoing production of young (authors’ unpubl. obs.); Borg (1926) notes the Data collection. Colonies of Crisia denticulata were common production of >100 embryos and larvae from collected by wading and snorkelling at Wembury, near the primary embryo of Crisiella producta. Molecular Plymouth, Devon, England (UK national grid reference techniques have confirmed that embryos within indi- SX518482). C. denticulata were found on the under- vidual gonozooids of Crisia denticulata are genetically side of rock overhangs in the shallow subtidal. Individ- identical, but different gonozooids on the same colony ual overhangs were ca. 1 to 6 m in length and ca. 0.5 to house genetically distinct embryos, resulting from 2 m from top to bottom. Each overhang, which might separate fertilisation events (Hughes et al. 2005). contain one to several thousand colonies, was sepa- Several circumstances have been suggested that rated horizontally from adjacent overhangs by ca. 2 to should favour the evolution and maintenance of poly- 30 m. embryony in animals, but most of these do not seem Colonies collected during 2001 (August to October) applicable to algae, plants, or colonial animals, such were those also studied by Pemberton et al. (2007) and as cyclostome bryozoans, that mate at a distance by were spatially mapped, allowing estimation of local the remote transfer of male gametes (see Pemberton colony density. The location of collected colonies within et al. 2007). More applicable explanations envisage individual overhangs was established from the x, y polyembryony as making ‘the best of a bad job’ in the position of 5 × 5 cm divisions on strung quadrats held face of constraints on mating opportunities (Craig et against the rock wall. The density of Crisia denticulata al. 1997). Data from a study of Crisia denticulata across all sampled overhangs was estimated at the failed to support a suggestion by Ryland (1996) that level of the 5 × 5 cm quadrat divisions (score 0 = no polyembryony might be a response to limited gene colonies present; 1 = <50% cover of C. denticulata, flow in sessile species in which ‘potential mates will generally 1 or 2 colonies; 2 = >50% cover, generally 3 differ little, and sexual reproduction may produce lar- or more colonies). Focal colonies for further analysis vae with genotypes no less fit within the immediate were collected, transported individually back to the vicinity than their parent’. A large proportion of the laboratory and preserved in ethanol as described by total genetic variability encompassed by 2 widely sep- Hughes et al. (2005). Further details of the collection arated populations of C. denticulata was present sites, including maps, are provided by Pemberton et within patches of colonies in small-scale rock over- al. (2007). hangs (Pemberton et al. 2007); thus, potential mates Colonies from 11 overhangs representing a range of would not be genetically similar. local densities were haphazardly selected from the Ryland (1996) also predicted (echoing an earlier sug- ethanol-preserved 2001 collections. Only specimens gestion made for red algae with aflagellate gametes by with well-defined holdfasts were included to ensure Searles 1980) that low sperm output from typically the complete colony was measured. Following the small cyclostome colonies, when combined with a removal of epifauna and any other adherent material, sparse adult distribution, gave a low probability that a colonies were dried at room temperature and weighed Pemberton et al.: Brooding variation
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