WESTFIELD LEADER Tkm Leading And Mot Width Wmkly Htmpapu In Union County YEA»_NO. 42 srsr WESTFIELD',, NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1958 Register Here As PBA Local Reflects Nicholas BettelU Council Votes Down Plan Nicholas BefcteUi has been re- -t ields Open Season elected pre&ident of Patrolman's Benevolent Association, Local 90. Other officer! elected we're: Vice president, Frank Crepeau; record- To Boost Speed Limits ; ing secretary, Wesley Moore; treasurer, William Rohen; ser- Borough Man Is geant-«t-arras, Peter Duelks, and Drops Proposal After Residents trustee for three years, William Robbed in Newark Kenny, MOUNTAINSIDE —John Pet- Protest at Lengthy Hearing Itti, 38, of S37 Briar patch, lalen f Coleman, director of Dow Takes Office manager of the West Side Screw An ordinance which would have raised apeed limit* in nnounced today that Co., Irvingtnn, waa abducted in and Kahway avenues, wat unanimously youd down by 1,644 children regis broad daylight Friday in Newark Council Monday night after a large number ot the 200 r«*ldenU »V | local playfields Tues- As Rotary Prexy and forced to hand over a $>,- voiced vehement objection! to th* plan for never*) hour*. AfUr 4ta|»>. day, Jefferson Play- 400 payroll to two gunmen, ping (he proposal Council recommended that th* folle* DcpMttMnt • itrlctly enforce th* present II •!]• < lull othera with more Petltti waa hustled into Ma own 1 Udren registered. Reg- Succeeds Bunker car after he emerged from hU an hour limit In both itrctti. v: her playgrounds was In Club Post parents' home in Newark. Bowen Resigns The ordinance «u d«i%n«d It [Lincoln, 286; Roose- "Tell ui where it is or you ralae th* limit in Rahway ainnu* TUson, 227; Washing- (Sn pictum am Mf* » PORTRAIT UNVEILED - F«M« M.y.r. WillUm'tU.^ won't net out of here alive," on* to SS mllci an hour for th* tht|n- ' ant, 144 j McKinley, Keimit F. Dow took office as Ml, aad Chart*! Bailey, right, •land •• alllnr stela «f a par- of the gunmen said. Front Council lencth «*"Pt for school ••*••>.. us, 101 and the teen frail af tkt Ul. Jtkm Hopkiat, !•«« »i>Mr, wkich was ••- Lawrence avenu* spwd wtuM ham. president of the Westllcld Rotary After .pulling- the payroll out been boosttd to SO milt* n a*»t |ind, 86, Club Tuesday at a luncheon meet- »il«4 il lln-Tim CVHMII •»•*(!>( MMSST alsjlit. Th. of the glove compartment, Pet- i by Mn. Lewis Everett between Mountain tad Dudlty ar*. an Mid also it was ing of the organization in the YM ttttl's hands were bound behind nuea, 35 miles an hour bttwMii- *nd encouraging' CA. Carleton Bunker, outgoing him with a leather thong and he To Fill Vacancy was left in the car some blocki Dudley avenue and Roanokt r««ii 462 children had REV. R. L. HAROMAN president, welcomed the new presi- and 45 miles an hour httwttn R«- of the insurance dent and passed the gavel of office Local, College Scholarship away. Two boys discovered Mm, The resignation of Fourth Ward an Fered by the play- to him. Councilman William A. Bowen was anok* road and th* Mounttliuld* hls insurance covers St, Paul's Rector Mr, Dow ha» been a member of accepted by Mie Town Council Mon- line, ; one year during any the Board of Directors for the past Winners Listed By WHS Y Gimp Opens day night. Lewis B. Kv*r«tt of In outlining reason* for the or- ommission sponsored four years. He is an.insurance 18 South Wkkom drive was ap- dlntnce, Mayor H. EatatMH Thom- 111 as the. roller skat- To Head YCS underwriter and has his office hero pointed to All the vacancy. as pointed out the main ate* wa*. '. program, and similar Winner* of local and college etiberg Hospital School of Nursing; Mr. Bowen, who I* moving out to eliminate speed limit* "s* In* in Wcstneld. lie announced to tire scholarships were announced at Barbara Anne Bigelow, state schol- At New Site practical that th* Majority I* thia club that his theme for the year of the state, was caiM a Rev. Hardnian the commencement exercises it arship, approximately JOOO, Mont- worker and conscientious in room do not abide by than ar drlr* i pony rides are taking will be "Youth Service—An I* WettfMd High School by Dr. clalr St«te Teachers College; by them."' II* said • proper ni vestment in Tomorrow's World." 31 Weslfieldera Ing the town" by Mayor H. Emer- In. and again at Roose- Assumes Post Robert L. Fooic. Michael David Elaine Oardys Dow, 1100 per son Thomas, lie termed th* resig- realistic speed Hint had hot* i p.m. Rides may be on A past president's pin was prc Bristol received a National Merit year, Keystone Junior College; At Wawayamlu nation "very regrettable." shown through surveys atada bp Ry or a quarter horse, The Rev. Richard J. Hardman, aented Mr. Bunker by Albert E. Scholarship, (100 per year, to be Jane Wier Howard, freshman hon- the state to r*due* th* floater of Neumann. Mr. Everett was sworn in by rill be available again rector of St. Paul's Episcopal used at Yale University; Margaret or biology scholarship, $400, Ran- Thirty-Olio Wcntfield boys were Mrs. Jane O'Angelo, town clerk. A accident* and the inctOMK* Of T**h> i at McKinley and Jef- Church in Weatficld, was elected Robert Dawson, chairman of the Marie Wlrth, Woman's Auxiliary dolph Macon Woman's College; among tho 215 campers from the Westflcld resident for the past live less speeding. The Mayor *ataW Tuesday afternoon, president of the Youth Consulta- community service committee, in- nursing scholarship, |4S0, Muhl- Joseph W. Freeman Jr., $060 per YMCAs of North Jersey In attend- years, Mr, Everett Is a chemical slied that the purpose of the plan I' softbali league stalls tion Service at the June meeting troduced the award winners of the pc«r, Amherst College; Thomas A. ancu at tho opening Monday of wan not to create speed roadi but Camp Wawayanda at its new nite engineer with tho Bakellte Co,, ith all grounds sched- of the Board of Directors. Mr, Rotary bannerette contest which Hill, (300 per pear mid a work Bound Brook. H« formerly resid- to effect safer driving. ; i will be played every Hardman will fiU the unexpired was conducted in Westfield High scholarship, to $i!0O per yetr, Hei- at Forest Valley, N. Y., In tho Boro Man Heads lienrt of the Catsklll Mountains, ed in Plalnneld. Those wlio protested pointed out Friday at 10:30 a.m. Urm of the Rev. John S. DuBois, School last year. First place win- delberg College; Judith Ann Wern- A graduate of the Brooklyn that children walking to and from i for the play- former rector pf St. Peter's Church ners arc: Betsy Pond and Aline er, George M. Moffett Whitehall Comprising 2100 icren, and mir- Polytechnic Institute, he Is 43 years school would be endangered by an ' rill begin for boys Mon- in Spotawood. , ( Adrian, tied, $50 savings bond County Legion ' Foundation Scholarship, 1750 per I'Otmded o;i three sides by the Cat- old. Ho serve* on the Board of Increase In speed. Lack of side- cek and for girls Wed- Mr. Hnrdnian, who has been g each, and second place, Gerald Lue year anil a university scholarship skill Slut,- Park, thin situ la the Tiustecu ot the Westillcld United walks in many place* along both ItVets and time schedules back, $25 bond, $600 per year, University of Ro- fourth home of Camp Wawayanda Fund. roadways was particularly cited. member of the YCS board since chester. lie from playground May, 1957, is a member of the Mr. Bunker introduced Mrs. Les- Wife Selected As tin' BuL'oml oldest YMCA boys camp Prior to the opening of tlie Coun- Letter* of protest from mldawta Board of Missions of the Diocese lie M, Schenck, high school art Auxiliary President Robert A. Rcsorla, tho Col. and In the country, Foiimieil In 1001 cil session a portrait of the late and several PTA's were read and cst event next week of New Jersey and was recently teacher, who was In charge of the Mrs. Henry Bayard McCoy mem- on Lake Wawayanda in northern John T. Hopkins, town engineer, three petitions bearing a total of (town box hockey tourn- elected an alternate delegate to project at the school. He also in- orial scholarship designed to foster New Jrmiy, it later moved to An- was unveiled by former Mayors 740 names of person! living In or at McKinley school the provincial synod. troduced Miss Ingei-Johaiuie Rols- The Union County American interest in and respect for the dover and after that property was Charles Bailey and William A, near tho affected streets were pre- lien, winner of the $400 Rotary Legion's new Commander is Hen- soltl in 1040 it has been located at Beard. The painting was done by sented to the Council. »t 2 p.m. During the Before coming to Westfield last ry C. Pfeifer Jr. of Mountainside, truditional ideals of American life scholarship offered seniors gradu- the Stevens lnntltute Camp nilw in Mrs, Wallace Depp of Mountain- At leant, one of th* pttltloni and ' [ the week each play- year, Mr. Hardman was assistant »nd hiu wife. Pearl is new prcsi- and the constitutional republican ating from the high school. Johnnonburg, pending thu location side. several persons In th* audkme* find it* own champion, secretary of the Division of Urban d«Qt of the County American U- form of government, (850 and an •art ,-will -compete for of • permanent >Ha and th* eon.
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