f\o^ ^e}9^Cp<^49l{>4>e{9<|>c|>c|>^C)>C(>C|9<{)<{><}S(pC{»^^e{9t{>^C|9«|>C{9e|>C)9C}9C|>C}9<|*C|3C|SC]£ •6 •6 •6 •6 •6 •6 •e •8 •6 •6 •6 •6 •e •6 •6 •g •6 •6 •6 •6 PERTHSHIRE COLLECTION •6 •6 •fi including •e •s •e KINROSS-SHIRE •6 •6 •6 •€ These books form part of a local collection •6 •6 in the Perthshire •6 permanently available •6 •6 Room. They are not available for home •6 •6 reading. In some cases extra copies are •6 •6 available in the lending stock of the •6 •S Perth and Kinross District Libraries. •6 •6 ^ •6 •6 •6 ftcf»t|»thc{>tt»<!"!»<!'tt'«!»«t'^'H«fe«^«!"b^«!»A<t»t!»t!»^^ «t>«!><}'«t»«bc{»ja«!»4t»t!»c!»tt>'' 8 6 8, 2 7 ^ J* JAMBS M'NICOLL, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, 10 ST. JOHN STREET, LADIES' GOODS in silk, satin, kid, and morocco. Gentleinen's Hunting, Shooting, Walk- ing, and Dress, ^Iso 'Ecnnia, jacket, Sc (^nxbm (Shof Of the NEWEST and MOST FASHIONABLE MAKES, ©HEAP AjMD N EAT. Scottish Widows' Fund Z3 fsc^c?x£3aD THE WHOLE PROFITS DIVIDED AMONG THE ASSURED. MAGNITUDE OF THE OPERATIONS. Policies issued, - £39,400,000 Claims Paid, - £13,500,000 Bonus Additions, 8,100,000 Accumulated Fund , 8,230,000 Policies in force, 25,500,000 Annual Eevenue, 1,030,000 PEOFITABLE OHAKAOTER OP THE BUSINESS. OashProfitforSeven YearstosistDec, i88o, - £1,347,756 Bonus Additions for the Seven Years, ... 2,449,072 This was the Largest Distribution of Profit made by any Life Office during the period. It yielded Bonuses from £i 14s to ;i^3 17s 5d per cent, per annum on the Original Sums Assured, according to the duration of the Policies—facts which clearly prove The Intrinsic Value of the Society's Mutual System, and The Highly Profitable Character of its Business. LIBERAL CONDITIONS OF ASSURANCE. Surrender Values allowed after pay- Loans granted within a small margin ment of one year's premium. of the Surrender Value. Paid-up Policies allowed in lieu of Extensive Foreign Residence free Surrender Values. of charge from the first. Most 0/ the Society's Policies become Whole- World and Indisputable after the first Five Years. TJH E /cTTEfJTIOJM Of Persons desiring to effect Life Assurances for the benefit of their Families, or in connection with Business Transactions, is called to the above Financial Results and Conditions of Assurance, which show how peculiarly suitable the Society's Policies are for Family Provi- sions, and for all Trust and Security purposes. Head Office: 9 ST. ANDEEW SQUAEE, EDINBUKGH. AGENTS IN PERTH: Messrs. R. H. MONOKIEFP & 00., Chambers, Blaokfriars Street. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE ESTABLISHED 1809. Incorporated by Royal Charter and Special Acta of Parliament. FOR FIRE, LIFE, AND ANNUITIES. RESOURCES OF THE COMPANY. REVENUE FOR THE YEAR 1888. As at 1st April, 1884. FROM THE LIFE DEPARTMENT. I. capital- Net Life Premiums and Authorised Capital, • £3,000 000 Interest, . - - ^^471, 408 Subscribed Capital, - 2,500,000 Annuity Premiums (in- Paid-up Capital, - • - 62=^,000 cluding IIS. " ;i£S9,520 6d. by single pay- II. FIRE FUND- ment) and Interest, - 79i9oo Reserve, ;£i, 170,000 Premium Reserve, - - 369,248 Balance of Profit and FROM THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Loss Account, - -_^ 52,987 Net Fire Premiums and ^1,592.235 Interest, - - - ;g;, 186,865 ^1.738,173 III. LIFE FUND- Accumulated Fund The Accu-^ulaied Funds of the Life De- (Life Branch), - - - ;£3)340,9i8 partfuent are free frotn liability in re- Accumulated Fund spect of the Fire Department, and in (Annuity Branch), - - 501,276 like 7iianner the AccuvuUated Funds of 563,841,194 the Fire Department arefreefrom lia- bility in respect of the Life Department. The next DIVISION OF PROFITS will take place as at 81st Dec , 1885. Policies on the Participating Scale effected before 31st December next will be entitled to share in the approaching Division of Profits —the Bonuses becoming a vested addition after payment of Six Annual Premiums. Nine-Tenths of the whole Profits of the Life Assurance Branch are allocated to Participating Policies. The total sum allocated by way of Bonus to Participating Policies during the Quin- quennium which ended 31st December, 1880, amounted to £300,085. The Company grants Annuities to persons of all ages on very favourable terms. Property of nearly all descriptions insured at home or abroad, at the lowest rates of premium corresponding to the risk. Losses Settled with Promptitude and Liberality. ProsPecttises and every information may be had at the Chief Offices, Branches, or Agencies. 64 PRINCES STREET, EDINBURGH. Chief Offices 61 THREADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON. AGENTS IN PERTH:— Messrs J. & J. Miller, Writers. Peter M'Gregor, National Bank of J. C. PiNKERTON, Writer. Scotland. Horace Skeete, Writer. D, K. Steuart, Factor, Aberdalgie. James Moik, Accountant, D. N. Shaw, Contractor. CALEDONIAN INSURANCE COMPANY. Founded in 1805 for Fire Business. Life Department added in 1833. Funds exceed £1,000,000. Income exceeds £200,000. Claims Paid amount to over TWO MILLIONS SterHng. Head Office—19 George Street, Edinburgh B0/rR9 OF DIRECTORS. Chairman—Robert Stewart, Esq. of Ingliston and Kinlochmoidart. T. A. Hog, Esq. of NewUston.^ C. J Henderson, Esq., Edinburgh. Patrick Stirling, Esq of Kippendavie. R. H. Leadbetter, Esq., Merchant, Sir Gkoroe Warrendkr of Lochend, Bt. Glasgow. George Readman, Esq., Banker. Charles Ritchie, Esq., S.S.C. John Turnbull, Esq. of Abbey St. Ba- Alex. Sholto Douglas, Esq., W.S. thans, W.S. John William Young, Esq., W.S. The Hon. E. C. Buller Elphinstone. Manager UHci Actuary—D. Deuchar, F.I. A. and F.F.A, T7IRE INSURANCES are granted on the most favourable terms, the -'- rates of premium being strictly moderate, and the proportionate amount of Reserve Funds being greatly higher than in the case of most other Offices, thus affording exceptionally complete security. T IFE ASSURANCES are granted on a Special NON-FORFEIJABLE -*— ' System, one of the greatest improvements ever introduced into Life Assurance business. Economical Rates of Premium. Bonuses may be applied to make the assurance payable during life. Security unsurpassed. Life Funds separately invested and entirely exempt from liability for the Fire Business. ^ AGENTS IN PBRTH- Messrs. OONDIE & 00., British Linen Bank House (Fire). R. M. KIPPEN, Solicitor, Tay Street. J. B. M'CASH, Solicitor, 28 High Street. R. MARTIN & SON, Solicitors, Tay Street. T. RFID, 270 High Street. D. J. KEA Y, 5 George Street. W. G. STEWART, 193 High Street. J. A. ROBERTSON, Tay Street. G. STEWART, 49 South Methuen Street. R. JOHNSTONE, 45 Glover Street. J. BARLAS, 263 High Street. EAST OF SCOTLAND BRANCH— 37 ALBERT SQ., DUNDEE.—K J. NIVEN, Secretary. THE EDINBURGH LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. FOUNDED 1823. Funds, - - £2,000,000. Income, £270,000. President— Sir graham GRiVHAM-MONTGOMERY of Stanhope, Bart. Vice-Presiden t— The Most Honourable THE MARQUIS OF LOTHIAN, K.T. Out of the Surplus Funds Sums have been added to the Policies by way of BONUS ADDITIONS Exceeding ONE MILLION Sterling. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE EIGHTH DIVISION OF PROFITS Will be made as at 31st MARCH, 1885. Policies issued before then will participate, in terms of the Company's Regulations. New Provision Against Forfeiture of Policies. A Policy in this Company, after three years' duration, is not declared void for mere omission to pay a Premium. The Surrender-value being more than equal to the Premium, the Company holds the Policy in force until the next Renewal date. For full expla,nation, see the new Prospectus, which may be had on application. HEAD OFFICE : 22 GEORGE STREET, EDINBURGH. Mauager-QY.O^OY. M. LOW, F.R.S.E. ^Vcre/ary- ARCHIBALD HEWAT, F.F.A., F.I.A. district INSPECTOR'S OFFICE : 54 OOMMEEOIAL STREET, DUNDEE. T. H. ERASER, htsf'ector of Agenis. AGENTS— Messrs. MACKENZIE & DICKSON, Solicitors, Perth. BONUS YEAR, 1885-RBVISBD RATES. ENGLISH & SeOTTISH Xaw Xife aeeurance Heeociation, " 1 20 PRINCES STREET, EDINBURGH. Established 1839.—Capital, One Million. TRUSTEES. The Right Honourable the Eakl of Glasgow, Lord Clerk Register of Scotland. The Right Hon. Lord Moncreiff, Lord Justice Clerk of Scotland. The Honourable Lord Adam. | William Smythe, Esq. of Methven. Sir Hardinge Stanley Giffard, Q.C, M.P. DIRECTORS IN EDI>fBURGH. Andrew Beatson Bell, Esq., Advocate Fletcher Norton Menzies, Esq. of John Cook, Esq., W.S. Menzies. Alex. Forbes Irvine, Esq. of Drum Ralph C.A. Erskine Scott, Esq , Sheriff of Argyll. Archibald Steuart, Esq., W.S. Mneas J. G. Mackay. Esq., LL.D., Robert Strathern, Esq., W.S. Advocate. A/awage/-—WILLIAM SMITH, Esq., LL.D., F.I. A. Secfetary —WAhTKR A. Smith, F. F.A. fHE ASSOCIATION transacts everv clescripiion of LIFE ASSURANCE A and ANNUITY Business, and also secures ENDOWMENTS, payable at any period of life, as PROVISION FOR OLD AGE. It affords Perfect Security to the Assured, and liberal and immediate PARTICIPATION in PEOFITS. The Funds are securely invested and of ample amount. GENERAL REVISION OF RATES. The RATES of PREMIUM have been carefully revised and re-calculated upon the Tables of the Institute of Actuaries— the most recent and exact data available ; and it will be found that in point of Economy the New Rates compare favourably with those of any other office. Special attention is directed to the LOW RATES of PREMIUM for FIXED BENEFITS, by which the largest amount of Immerliate Assurance may be effected at the lowest present outlay. Combined with the Security afforded by the NON-FORFEITURE SYSTEM, these Assurances present a highly advantageous mode of investment for FAMILY PROVISION. EIGHTH DIVISION OF PROFITS, 1885. NINE-TENTHS (90 per cent.) of the PROFITS are divided among the Assured every FIVE YEARS.
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