PART 2. PAGE 7 Sunday. December 27. 1912 DETROIT SUNDAY TIMES /7V7OYr CHERRY ericcin picture f?tj cJlou,ellci j~^cu'sons Hollywood /Mrs. Miniver7 Players To Welcome Dominate Starting 11; 43 in Stride Alternates Also Picked MB dß' By LOUELLA O. PARSON’S By BILL WICkKRSIIAM Hr' Motion Picture Editor International Nrw» Service »pr< lai |4> TUK IIKTROIT TLMKH HOLLYWOOD, !>c. 26 jPWBTV' HOLLYWOOD, Dec. 26. r PIME was when practically morning! 1 every filmtown notable Let * hope you will be on speaking terms with Year * Eve turned out on New motion to make swank whoopee and. at me after I print my annual All-American ihe magical moment of midnight, picture team for 1942. This annual feature, in- to raise the glasses in toasts GOOD 12 years ago, is offend after serious augurated to personal good fortune consideration. If you don’t agree with me, write and let mu throughout the coming year. nothing than a good argument. year, however, rev- know. I love better This their Garson, captains my team eling will not be so swank. Their irai Congratulations to Greer who toasts will be drunk to victory. for 1942. 1 name her for her never-to-be-forgotten perform- And that one burst of spirit will ance in "Mrs. Miniver," and place her on my team as center. l*e about it. Not because of the to her credit which will 12 o’clock cocktail curfew, but Greer also has "Random Harvest" because, ere the echo of their ¦** v win her additional fame. subsided, they’ll team in half a dozen shouting has d MR James Cagney, who hasn't made the ’%! i+ making grim resolution" to JWT i k 'iti-uW' years, gets the oovdtd quarterback spot. Ht wins his place carry on with even greater vigor ,iuac of Ins fine performance as Goorgt M. Cohan in and personal sacrifice in the film "Yankee Doodle Dandy.” Walter Pidgeon at Fullback I SSrtlnn^ As fullback, I place Walter Pidgeon, because he has car- ¦-• : •-,. * consistently, gaining ground in every perform- c ried the ball ' fHSrSfI ance. wins his because of "Mrs. Miniver," although MAUREEN O HARA suc- He EVERETT HORTON’S heart skips a couple of beats every time he should be mentioned for nearly every movie in which he EDWARD cumbs to the charm of a he dictate* to pretty LAWSON in this sequence from the stage appears. ELEANOR buccaneer, TYRONE comedy, "Springtime for Henry,” at the Wilson Theater this week. POWER, during the courae At right end I put croehety Monty Woolley for snagging of the thriller, ‘The Black three passes in a row—"The Man Who Came to Dinner, ’ "The Swan," at the Fox Theater. Pied Piper" and "Life Begins at 8:30." At left end I put Bette Davis for catching the pass that Detroiters Pay $250,000 to See put her over the goal line in "Now Voyager." Holiday Teresa Wright at Left Half 'This fs the Army'; Total 3 Million Blond,” Bob Hope wins right halfback in "My Favorite . *+* JHHMB one of the best comedies of last season. In any popularity By CHARLES GENTRY -—»••• • • veritable beacon 4 a :• *ESSTk Thrillers contest the name Hope stands out like a QUARTER of million B I light. dollars is what Detroit will JB Is the Teresa Wright makes the team at left halfback on two have paid to see "This the sensational all- "Pride of the Yankees." Teresa, Army/’ On Screen counts —"Mrs. Miniver” and soldier show which begins its more than fulfills the prophesy we made for her last year as second and final week here at fl being one of the coming actresses 1942. the Masonic Auditorium Mon- * JIE&' f II> m \RLEK GENTRY for / €M One of filmland's consistent players is Robert Young so I day night. IVh PRESUME you've already a record gross for any «?* *1 This is M jm ' #1 opened your Christmas single attraction ever to have ;no\ir and found B ar packages out I?last'd Detroit and helps to if a hut Santa. the Cinema Saint, bring the present total well over has brought to d own! o u n $3.000.000. ]* '< teen- The show- leave* here and a Swan" at the Kn\ m PAULETTE GODDARD and FRED Ma> ‘The Black goe" on to Chicago and thence -, #9 a 1 s action and romance packed ML'RRAY teamed in to Los Angeles, where it willbe .‘¦•‘fr /T' A' Br Bn arc romantically the n every reel of this Rafael jagjj r 3&g .; .s&|Bgp& film, Rangers,’* made into a movie after a short V-JIB M Bf|E^B§|f§§ outdoor technicolor “Tlu* Foreat Sabatini thriller at>out pirates, run on the coast. now showing at the Palms-State Theattr. rii gndc* and dark deeds on the deep blue aea. Will Reach 7 Million Besides Tyrone Power, who ;* •.: '^i'^^’4,^H^™v tndustiy $ Valiant all-out contri- !lie* under th*A skull and cross- By the time it gets ell butions to victory. are ilso such through and the boys are did on bones. there Even ns stir OrnsnTVTs famous pirates at Henry Morgan shipp'd abroad. Army Emer- Fvr and acain on Uhristma" Capt. Billy all run- gency Relief will have garnered and Leech ' •• - >-.:-» right, Bette Davis will in \\./-,{.v .L -: ; vv , ning mound cutting one an- a sum the neighborhood of i y*J;v./-,- y ,;y vtft-y t v New Year’s Eve at ihr Holly- other's throats in Technicolor. seven million, which isn’t a bad wo.xt Canteen giving gra- neighborhood to be in. < i»m]» nil to the onteilair.mcn* of Maureen 'The Girl' Irving Berlin has every right thousands of reveling soldur -. 1 to be proud of such a terrific fcailurs and mannas vMaureen O’Hara is the young (Uivia liep< gal in the case, although she's production which he conceived. do Havilland personally Manning, Buhop,. Brenda n ally Loo nicely bred to be run- '•vmt£ ..and supervised. PVT. JAMES MacCOLL as Alfred Lunt, Julie While "This Is Army” lo- Mar"h.»n and other filmtown ning around with this gang of the PVT. RICHARD HANSON a« Jane Cowl and gins its second week, three oth'»r trts"i«-v with husbands or tx»> brutes. For a lady she can cer- PVT. HAYDON RORKE as Noel Coward in a tainly get herself into the legitimate attractions are going friend* in the service have mad« blast. scene from the Irving Berlin soldier show, "This tentative plans to sja nd the eve- darndest scrape*. full Story” prov- Is the Army," which begins a final week at ning tncMher at ulivia s new Palm Beach i> Zasu Wins Laugh biimc in Coldwater Canyon It ing so hilarious at the Michigan the Masonic Temple, starting Monday night. a w.ll b*' a tongue-wagging, knit- that it's being held over for Za»u, Titts in "Her First ting by t tie fin spiv wherc-ean- second week Claudette Colbert ¦ ¦' >hv. m:\RV i:i. ~i Murder." is winning plenty of >ou*bu>-.i-ffttKl-sicak sort of an and Joel McCrea are at their CECILIA LOFT l’S arc the principal figures-in laughs at the Cass Theater as and funniest in this latest Preston she vaguely goes aifn.i typically feminine the cast the stage thriller, "Arsenic and Old about trying piOilly wartime. Spurges affair, hut it is the of to L. Lafayette. find out "Whodunit ’ series of characters they meet Lace,” continuing its run «l the William Chalice, Joseph Cai- B Go to Show that really steal the picture. Army key and Betty Grayson head ! p“ Afiei dining a jiarty »>f Eng* Rudy Valle® Film place him at right guard because nobody runs ovir his ajKjt. the supporting cast, although Movie-Mound 1 ft lends, Luptno plan- ’<> is is principally • -h Ida Hi* work in "Joe Smith, American’ of academy award the show a one- HOLLYWOOD. Dec 26 Beverly calling—- take to a special Rudy a very proper affair. Hills went them New Vallee as woman course, performance the wacky of calibre. The action all place ANDOM thoughts of the walking, of with their Years Eve of playhov, a widow gal it comes to takes in V arms Fort MacArthur show, Key divorce, a little man who Isn't Rita Hayworth, another staunch when a theatrical boarding nouse, I> week: Christmas gifts pilerj In ” war dim the Rookie all there and the various mem- consistently holding her own, wins a place as left guard in which Miss Pitts searches from Even the couldn't and we saw the Robert Youngs spirit of Christmas and the won- and their two youngsters cir- Jackie Cooper who wjll nor. bers o. the Ale and Quail Club "My Gal Sal." cellar to ceiling as the funniest dv> hunting derful meaning of Christmas to cling up to the home of Grade start training with the United who their in Pullman The two go right and loft to Cary Grant amateur sleuth of the season. State* Naval Reserve at Loyola cars, arc part of the mad tackle spots Our good friend, Americans. In Hollywood the Allen and George Bums. Just Russell "My Edward Ev- home and hearth meant more University, plan* to .cavalier galaxy. for "Once Upon a Honeymoon" and Rosalind for Carol Ann Beery was a per- (Continued on Next Page) than ever. The neighbors in sonal caller on her street, leav- June Horne to several Holly- This beautiful bunny be- "Street of Chance" witfiClaire Sister Eileen.” wood houses, the Trevor Hurgess Meredith ing little branches of mistletoe ojK-n and laler Thumper and I can’t ignore Brian Donlcvv in "Wake Island." So let’s merrymaking duo greet the come* the bridged as the companion greetings from herself and will continues make him timekeeper.
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