AUDITOR-GENERAL Wednesday, 30 March 1994 ASSEMBLY 679 Wednesday, 30 March 1994 The university commenced operation on 1 January 1994 and I would be grateful if you would arrange as soon as possible for a joint sitting at which members could be recommended for appointment according to this provision. The SPEAKER (Hon. J. E. Oelzoppo) took the chair at 10.05 a.m. and read the prayer. Yours sincerely HAOOON STOREY, QC, MLC AUDITOR-GENERAL Minister for Tertiary Education and Training Special report no. 30 I have received another letter from the Minister for Tertiary Education and Training, which reads as The SPEAKER presented special report no. 30 on follows: grants and subsidies to non-government organisations. Dear Speaker, Laid on table. Section 7(2)(J) of the Victoria University of Technology Act 1990 provides for the council of the university to Ordered to be printed. include: PAPERS three persons appointed by the Governor in Council who are members of the Parliament of Laid on table by Oerk: Victoria recommended for appointment by a joint sitting of the members of the Legislative Council Statutory Rule under the following Acts: and Legislative Assembly conducted in accordance with rules adopted for the purpose by the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 - S.R. No. 31 members present at the sitting. Wildlife Act 1975 - S.R. No. 30 Section 8(1) of the act provides that the term of such Wildlife Act 1975 - Notice of closure to areas to hunting appointment shall be for three years. pursuant to section 86. The Hon. Joan Kimer, MP, was appointed to the JOINT SITI1NG OF PARLIAMENT Council of Victoria University of Technology for a three-year term from 1 July 1993 to 30 June 1996. University of Ballarat Mrs Kimer has submitted her resignation from the council to the chancellor of the university, creating a Victoria University of Technology casual vacancy in this position. The SPEAKER - Order! I have received the I would be grateful if you would arrange as soon as following communication from the Minister for possible for a joint sitting at which a member of the Tertiary Education and Training: Parliament could be recommended for appointment to the Victoria University of Technology Council under Dear Speaker, this provision. The appointment would be until 30 June 1996 to fill the casual vacancy created by the Section 7(2)(9) of the University of Ballarat Act 1993 resignation of Mrs lGrner. provides for the council of the university to include: Yours sincerely three persons appointed by the Governor in HADDON STOREY, QC, MLC Council who are members of the Parliament of Minister for Tertiary Education and Training Victoria recommended for appointment by a joint sitting of the members of the Legislative Council Mr GUDE (Minister for Industry and and Legislative Assembly conducted in accordance Employment) - By leave, I move: with rules adopted for the purpose by the members present at the sitting. That this house meets the Legislative Council for the Section 8(1) of the act provides that the term of such purpose of sitting and voting together to choose three appointment shaU be for three years. members of Parliament to be recommended for appointment to the Council of the University of Ballarat HIGHW A Y SERVICE CENTRES 680 ASSEMBLY Wednesday. 30 March 1994 and one member of Parliament to be recommended for Mr HAERMEYER (Yan Yean) - It is interesting appointment to the Victoria University of Technology that the government views this matter with a degree Council and proposes that the time and place of such of frivolity because it is indeed a serious matter meeting be the Legislative Assembly Chamber on which affects issues of propriety in government and Tuesday, 19 April 1994 at 6 p.m. the rights of business people to get on with their business unhindered by political interference. Motion agreed to. The matter I raise points to the fact that this Ordered that message be sent to Council government is dealing with truck stops or service acquainting them with resolution. centres along the Hume Highway in a duplicitous manner and it is treating certain people in relation to ffiGHWAY SERVICE CENTRES such truck stops or service centres in different ways, depending on whether they happen to have Mr HAERMEYER (Yan Yean) - I wish to move connections in the government. the adjournment of the house for the purpose of discussing a definite matter of urgent public This morning I will demonstrate that the Deputy importance -namely, the failure of the government Premier of this state, with the assistance of the to announce a dear and impartial policy for the Minister for Roads and Ports in another place, has, granting of pennits in relation to highway service firstly, improperly interfered with the planning centres. processes as they apply to the establishment of service centres along the Hume Highway to assist a Required number of members rose indicating company by the name of Gallant Ridge Pty Ltd, in approval of motion being put. which members and supporters of the government parties, shady business associates, a Xavier College Mr HAERMEYER (Yan Yean) - I move: classmate of the Deputy Premier and an in-law of the Minister for Health have a beneficial interest. That the house do now adjourn. Secondly, the ministers have pressured and attempted to intimidate councillors of the Shire of The motion concerns this government's attitude to Euroa into granting a pennit -- the issue of pennits for service centres on highways within Victoria, but specifically service centres along Mr BROWN (Minister for Public Transport) - the Hume Highway. I note that the Minister for On a point of order, Mr Speaker, it is a Roads and Ports -- long-established tradition in this house that members are not allowed to read their speeches. It is Mr BROWN (Minister for Public Transport) - very clear that from the moment the honourable On a point of order, Mr Speaker, this matter is the member for Yan Yean began his contribution he has province of my colleague in the other place the done nothing but read his speech in its entirety. The Minister for Roads and Ports. I am that minister's standing orders of this house provide that members representative in this place, and the opposition cannot read speeches, and the honourable member spokesman for roads and ports is the honourable should be directed accordingly. member for Morwell. I seek clarification as to why a person other than the appropriate spokesman is The DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr J. F. McGrath) - raising this matter. Order! At this stage the Chair does not uphold the point of order. However, I restate the long-held The SPEAKER - Order! There is no point of policy and tradition of this place that speeches are order. Any honourable member may move a not read. Members are pennitted to refer to copious motion; it is his or her right. notes but, apart from honourable members who are making their inaugural speeches, it is a tradition that Mr HONEYWOOD (Warrandyte) - On a further speeches are not read. I remind all honourable point of order, Mr Speaker, as the opposition does members of that long-held tradition. not believe in highways or freeways, I do not see-- Mr HAERMEYER (Yan Yean) -Secondly, I will demonstrate that the Deputy Premier, with the The SPEAKER - Order! There is no point of assistance of the Minister for Roads and Ports, has order. The Chair takes a dim view of such points of pressured and attempted to intimidate the council of order. the Shire of Euroa to grant a permit to Gallant Ridge HIGHWAY SERVICE CENTRES Wednesday, 30 March 1994 ASSEMBLY 681 Pty Ltd to build a service facility near the northern This week the battle was finally lost when his bankers interchange of the Hume Freeway at Euroa knowing indicated they would wind up his drive-in theatre that a plaruting application by the company for such business and sell his home and possessions to payout permit is not supported by the shire or by local the $1.5 million loan he took on the land and the costs business and was rejected by the Administrative of developing the centre. Appeals Tribunal in 1993. The State Ombudsman investigated Mc Hill's Thirdly, I will demonstrate that such interference is complaint in 1991 and supported his case. totally inconsistent with the attitude adopted to date by the government on an application by a But VicRoads refused to re-enter negotiations with Mr Richard Hill to establish a similar service centre Mc Hill, despite many requests from the Ombudsman's on land he owns near the Seymour interchange of office. the Hume Freeway. I will show that the free ride the Deputy Premier and the Minister for Roads and Mc Hill expects to lose his business and home next Ports have offered Gallant Ridge Pty Ltd is not week. reflected in the treatment of Mr Richard Hill of Seymour who, despite having the support of and a Leaving aside for the moment the issue of why permit from the Shire of Seymour, has been VicRoads sold Mr Hill the site and invited him to obstructed at every opportunity in his attempts to develop the service centre proposal in the first place, establish a similar truck-stop service centre near the the main reason for VicRoads frustrating the southern interchange of the Hume Freeway. development proposed by Mr Hill is a policy that purports to disallow freeway service centres within Mr Hill does not have the same connections with the 2 kilometres of freeway entrance and exit ramps. government that the people holding beneficial interests in Gallant Ridge Pty Ltd seem to have.
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