Vol. ,108, No 41 2 Sections 24 Pages Plus 8 Pcige Classified Section 677-9011 Wednesday·, October 11,1967 1~ Per Copy·· Socond <I au poataar· J1old at Muon Mlchlaan Publlah d okJ b Th h.. · . 0 0 ' • wo 7 Y Ina am CiOII'llf Nawo Inc., P o. 1'101 266, Muon, Mlchl1•n 48854 Subacrlpflon ralo11 In Moaon 1111d Holt homo dollvory aroaa, 1St wookl~; by mall In JngJram and adjolntn1 counlloa fS por ·•oor ohowhoro $6 t . ' , , . t • • • Oppo SitI on Grows to H OUSing Complex Proposed fo rMason ------------------------~----------- · Public Hearing Aurelius-Vevay Company On Rose Hill Telephone Stockholders Project·Monday Will Consider Merger A s p e cia I stocl1ho!ders pany of stocl<b~ldge a,1proved course to follow, Opposition to the $6 million proposed meeting of the Aurelius-Vevay the sale of their company to Tlir. Aurellus-Vevay com­ Rose Hill Realty development directly west Telephone company ha3 been Mld-Continen~.. pany, whose stockholders must called for Thursday, October The Stock b r ld ge-ba5ed approve the recommendation of Eugenia drive i.s growing steadily. 26 1 8 p,m, at the Aurelius town­ Michigan company bas 3, 900 of its directors, serves ter­ All sides of the proposal wi.ll be con­ ship hall to consider a pro­ all-dial telephones in 14 com­ ritory adjacent to the Onond­ posal to merge operations with munities served throu:sh ex­ aga ex change o f the Rural sidered at a meeting of the city council the Mid-Continent Telephone changes at Fitchburg, Gre­ Telephone company. Monday when the public will be given Corporation. gory, Munith, Webberville, Mi d-Contlnent system, In Mid-Continent is .the 6th Rives Juncl ion and Onondaga addition to having operating an opportunity to speak out at a public largest telphone company In in addition to Its headquarters tele;Jhone companies, is also · the United States with home office at Stocl<bridge. engaged in providing cable hearing beginning at 8 p.m. offices in Elyria, Ollio and Meeting Tnesday night the antenna television facilities Residents of Northbrook Farms have· exchanges in central and east­ Au re liu1s-Vevay Telephone and has its own subsidiary ern areas including New Yorl1, board of directors indicated communication sup p 1 y com-· banned together and hired an attorney to Pennsylvania, Ohio, India;1a, they felt that the Increasing pany, represent them at the hearing, Michael Michigan and North Carol!na. difficulties of small companies Tile Aurelius-Vevay Tele· Just recently stockholders to funcl ion effectively make phone company was organized Gibbons, Mason attorney, submitted a of the Rural Telephone com- such a merger the proper In 1901 with a 3-llne switch paper· to the city on Tuesday· =============-------:---------------­ board, one to Mason, Lftslie outlil1ing· the residents' obj ec­ and one for local service ·tions to the complex. based on a capital stock of Rose H!llis asking the city .. ' $150. to re-zone some 55 acres of' In 1934 the company had land for multiple housing and'\ · · expanded to serve 40 families. genera 1 business. The pro- ; Some 200 telephones were part posed development' when com-· of the system b)• 1956, which ·. plated is supposed to contain h was the year the company ad­ 6GO apartment un!is,> a · vance:! to the dial service, . : munit)' house, swimming · _Presently there are over 300 WELCOME HOME--An entire section of Cherry Grove and 3-par golf course. subscribers served by the Apartments was decorated for the welcome home party honoring· Chief In the paper submitted, G!b­ company. b on s indicates Northbrook . The Aurelius-Vevay Tele­ Warrant Officer George Miller, who just returned from duty in Viet Farms residents are con­ phone company board of di­ Nom as a helicopter pilot, Waiting for Dad to get down the stoirs cerned over the effect that rectors and John Edgar, pres­ extensive multiple dwelling ident; Strong Bateman, vice­ are daughter Rani, 4, son Kenneth, 8, and Miller•s wife, Sleeping developments w iJ I have on president; Wi 11 i am Fanson, 1 their tax base, school system Cleo DeCamp and Elmer Mur- soundly in Mrs. Miller s arms was baby Lisa. and the consequent strain vay, placed on Mason's ability to provide necessary publ!cser­ vlces. News Extends Residents will be asking Mason Helicopier Pilot the council to consider whether . Invitation or not .the complex is properly I related to the community's All days are Newspaper development o bj e c t i v e s and Days at the Ingham County Gets Big Welcome Home whether or not the community Wreckage of fatality car, News, but tomorrow is going· Is able or willing to extend to be a very special one. ·~ needed services. In observance of National As if a new baby and a lov­ been quite a bit of progress the others was his youngest ing family could be topped as in Vietnam in the year he. was In arguments, Gibbons sug­ Newspaper Week which is be­ daughter, Lisa, whom he had gests the city might consider Ing marked throughout the na­ a welcome home committee, stationed there. He said there never seen, Miller first re­ 2 Crashes in 24 Hours locating such a deve!opme11t tion this weel1, the NE)WS 'will George Miller, 325 South were more roads opened and ceived word of her birth when stt·eet, Mason, was welcomed many areas where there was in a closer proximity to the have an open house between he overheard a radio com­ business district, thus stimu­ the hours of 9 and 11 a •. m. home from Viet Nam duty by little or no fighting any more. munication giving instructions 9 families he had never met. "It's great to be back; to be lating residents of the complex to which the public is ln· to inform him of his new daugh­ to avail themselves to the Kill 2, lniUre 4 Others vited. Miller, until a week ago an in a civilized place again," ter at the first opportunity, services of these local mer­ There will be coffee and Army helicopter pilot, re­ Miller said. He said he "Was He was on a mission at the A · 28 year old Pittsford one of the lucky ones, I never chants. Church roads at G:20 p.m. and Catholic roads, traveling doughnuts for our guests who turned hom e from Vietnam time. man and a 26 year old man ·Tuesday. north on Williamston, another Monday night and was greeted got shot down." "It becomes clear that the may take a tour through the The Millers have 2 other from River Rouge met death Killed in the crash was car coming from the west on by neighbors from through­ One stranger Miller was objective "Of permitting such a building or just sit around and children, Kenneth, 8 and Rani, on highways in Ingham county Ronald Hearold Dunning, 28 Catholic Church road,· failed out his apartment house.· The more pleased to see than any of, 4 . complex can best be achieved chat for as long as they' wish 0. by limiting Rose Hill to loca­ on Monday and Tuesday with­ of 975 Union street Pittsford, to make a stop before enter­ to stay. Miller family was one of the in 24 hours of each other, In Hillsdale county. ing Williamston road and the first families to move into tions ·contiguous to existing ·. The victims: Dunning was driving a com­ 2 vehicles collided. the Cherry Grove apartments. service capacity areas, " Gib· Ronald H. Dunnings, 28, of pact car and with him as a Marcus Cole, 41, an un­ Miller was sent overseas be­ bons said, "SUch scattered Action Group Community Calendar growth, resulting in an over­ Pittsford. passenger was Gordon Wood­ o r d a i ned m in i s t e r who fore most of the other tenants Charles Lee, 26, of River preaches at a church in Plain­ moved in. extension and rambling of pub­ by, 33, of Route 1, Tamarack Rouge, field, was the driver of the That didn't deter the neigh­ WEDNESDAY lic service, should be avoid­ road, Pittsford, They were on Begins Work 8 p.m. - Special meeting of the Mason Board of Education ed/' their way to pick up Wood­ second car, He had with him bors from putting together a 1 Dies,. 4 Hurt members of his .family. Cole surprise welcome home cele­ at Manual Arts building. In concluding, the attorney by's car. points out that the opposition The 2 men had just com­ and all of his passengers were On Inquiries bration in the halls of the Injured. building. Paper streamers and FRIDAY paper was not drafted as a In 2-car Crash pleted a day's work about signs and singing filled the negatIve consideration of One man was k!Jled and 4 20 minutes before the accident Cole told sheriff's officers For the first time in Ma­ 7:30 p.m. - Mason Bulldogs meet Haslett at Haslett, that he was in another ac­ stairways and doorways multi-family units, Opponents other persons · Injured, one occurred. son's history, there is a place cident last June in which he throughout the apartment. SATURDAY to the rezoning request are seriously, in a 2 car accident As they approached the available for prospective bus­ unjured his knee and has been Mrs.· M1ller did not know the 7 p.m. - Powder Puff football game at Mason Athletic (Continued an pa9e A-3) at Williamston and Catholic Intersection of Wi Ill amston inesses and industrIes in­ field between Mason high school junior and senior girls.
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