Environment Monitoring of Fukushima and Chernobyl Areas using a Constellation of Earth Observation Microsatellites Japan-Ukraine Cooperation Technical Demonstration Program for Supporting Aftermath Responses to Accidents at Nuclear Power Stations Seiji Yoshimoto, et al. The Un ivers ity o f To kyo November 20th , 2013 yoshimoto@nsat.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp 2013-1117 1 Fukushima and Chernobyl areas have catastrophic nuclear disasters and need careful long term monitoring of radiation and environment change ALOS - Japan’s main Earth observation satellite (4000kg) stopped its function just after the Fukushima disaster. Alternative satellites? Hodoyoshi microsatellites development started: small (50 to 60kg each), simple, low cost, short lead-time technology satellites. “ Can we prepare a constellation of microsatellites that can quickly respond to national catastrophes? The microsatellite constellation can observe wide geographical areas frequently, regardless of international borders and access restrictions.” → Preparation of a Constellation of Earth Observation Microsatellites (hardware) “ What kind of satellite observations and analysis are really useful for Fukushima? Let’s learn from Ukrainian experience of monitoring and management of Chernobyl.” → Cooperation with Ukraine (application and software) 2 Constellation of Earth Observation Microsatellites of Japanese Universities for Environment Monitoring of Fukushima and Chernobyl Areas Satellite name Hodoyoshi-1 Hodoyoshi-2 Hodoyoshi-3 Hodoyoshi-4 Uniform-1 Chubusat-1 TSUBAME QSAT-EOS OitiOrganization The Univ. of ThkTohoku UiUniv. The Un iv. o f To kyo Wakayama Univ. NUiNagoya Univ. TkTokyo Ins t. Kyusyu Tokyo The Univ. of The Univ. of Daido Univ. Tech. Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Attitude Control 3axis (RW) 3axis (RW) 3axis (RW) 3axis (RW) 3axis (RW) 3axis(RW) 3axis (CMG) 3axis (RW) Optical sensor Multispectral Variable Multispectral Multispectral Thermal infrared Thermal RGB color RGB color 2 band Multispectral infrared camera camera Multispectral GSD 6.8m/pixel 5m/pixel 38m/pixel 6.3m/pixel 200m/pixel 150m/pixel 10m/pixel 10m/pixel 7m/pixel Swath width 27.8km 3km 80km 25.2km 128km 96km 20km 20km 10km Spectral band 4 bands Variable 3 bands 4 bands 1 band 1 band 3 bands 3 bands 2 bands B1: 450-520 B1:420-700nm B1: 520-600 B1: 450-520 Thermal IR Thermal IR RGB color RGB color B1: 450-550 B2: 520-600 B2:650-1000nm B2: 630-690 B2: 520-600 B2: 780-920 B3: 630-690 B3: 730-900 B3: 630-690 B4: 780-890 B4: 730-900 S&F data Yes Yes Yes collection Status Ready for FM integration FM integration FM integration Ready for launch Ready for Ready for launch launch launch Orbit SSO 522km SSO SSO 630km SSO 630km SSO 630km SSO 529km SSO 541km SSO 536km Launch Early 2014 (2014-5) Spring 2014 Spring 2014 Early 2014 Early 2014 Early 2014 Early 2014 Dnepr (H2A) Dnepr Dnepr H2A Dnepr Dnepr Dnepr Each microsatellite has a mass of 50kg to 60kg, a size of 50x50x50cm or little larger. Each has three axis attitude control using reaction wheels or a Control Moment Gyro. Each will carry different types of optical Earth observation sensors from visible to infrared. Hodoyoshi‐2, ‐3, ‐4 carry S&F data collection platforms. Flight Models of four satellites (Hodoyoshi‐1, Chubusat‐1, Tsubame, QSAT‐EOS) are completed, and other four FMs (Hodoyoshi‐2, ‐3, ‐4, Uniform‐1) are being integrated and tested. Most of them will be launched in early next year by Dnepr launch vehicles , and some of them by H2A 3 Preparation of Microsatellites and their Launches HdHodoyos hi‐1 FM and its Vibra tion TtTest and Therma l Vacuum TtTest Tsubame Qsat‐EOS Hodoyoshi‐1 Chubusat Fit check and Combined Environment Tests with Dnepr Launch Vehicle at SDO Yuzhnoye in Ukraine were completed successfully (Structure models of Hodoyoshi‐1, Chubusat‐1, Tsubame, Qsat‐EOS) Flight Models of four satellites are ready for the piggyback launch by Dnepr vehicle in early 2014 from Yasny launch site. 4 Preparation of Microsatellites and their Launches Hodoyoshi‐3 FM Thermal Vacuum Test of Uniform‐1 FM Uniform‐1 Hodoyoshi‐3 Hodoyoshi‐4 Integration of Hodoyoshi‐3, ‐4, and Uniform‐1 FM Dnepr Launch Vehicle and Members of Cluster Launch Hodoyoshi-3 and -4 will be launched by Dnepr launch vehicle in a cluster launch in spring 2014 from Yasny launch site, Uniform-1 by H2A in a similar time period from Tanegashima space center. 5 Preparation of Microsatellites and their Launches In spite of small size and low cost, each microsatellite has reasonable capabilities for the monitoring of Fukushima and Chernobyl. Hodoyoshi-4,,pyj to play major roles in the monitoring, carries most advanced equipment, with reasonable cost and reliability, developed in Hodoyoshi program using Japanese commercial technology. 6m GSD multi-spectrum sensor (@600 km altitude); Precision and high-agility 3-axis attitude control using compact SOI-SoC on-board computers, reaction wheels, a star tracker, a fiber optical gyro, and a GPS receiver; Xenon Micro Ion Propulsion System; 100M to 320Mbps 16QAM X-band data transmitter . Star tracker Fiber optical gyro Micro Ion Propulsion System GPS Receiver Hodoyoshi‐4 Multi‐spectrum sensor SOI‐SoC on‐board computers, Reaction wheels 6 Preparation of Ground Segments After launch, each satellite will be operated by each university who developed and owns the satellite. TibtidtTo receive observation data, X-band receiving stations were built in Hokkaido (of the University of Tokyo) and in Kyushu University, as a part of the Hodoyoshi program. X‐band Receiving Station of the University of Tokyo in Hokkaido 7 Centralized Information System for Data Analysis and Distribution The system will include satellite data, analysis algorithms, analyzed results, radiation maps, etc. Major results will be open to users in government and general public (selected information) through internet web-sites. The University of Tokyo supported by CASRE of Ukraine Science Academy The University of Tokyo User • GtiGovernment agencies • Research laboratory Analysis • General Public (selected Algorithms information) Japanese government Public data System for Radiation Map - GIS based data management Satellite data - data analysis • Microsatellites Fukushima prefecture •ALOS-2 Satellite Analysis • ASTER • LANDSAT- 8 data resu lt Forest etc… Geographical Inventory Inventory data data 8 What can be Monitored by the Microsatellite Constellation to Support Aftermath Res ponses? Using Observation Imagers The observation data will be gathered to a team at Iwasaki Laboratory of the University of Tokyo for analysis. (SWIR by Landsat-8 and SAR by ALOS-2 will also be used .) Major Objectives for the observation will include: Damage, recovery, and status of ground objects by visual interpretation. Environment of land cover, vegetation and water bodies (including symptoms of human interaction) by spectral analysis using such as: • NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), • NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index), •REP (Red Edge Position) Temperature around the nuclear stations by thermal infrared images. Others (to learn from Cherno by l experi)ience) 9 What can the Microsatellite Constellation Monitor in order to Support Aftermath Responses? Vegetation Change Before and After Accident (Satellite Observation) Preliminary Analysis using ASTER data around Namie-cho, Fukushima 2010/09/10 Vegetation index increased drastically from 2010 (before accident) to 2012 (after accident) Field-survey revealed that there were many abandoned rice fields with full of weeds. Increase of vegetation area could be caused by decrease of human activity. 2012/08/21 -1 +1 Abandoned Rice Paddy in Fukushima (Mar. 2013) NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) 10 What can be Monitor using Microsatellite Constellation to Support Aftermath Res ponses? Using Store and Forward (S&F) satellite data collection platform Althou gh the radiation intensity on the ground cannot be measured directly from satellite altitu de, S&F data collection platforms and ground installed sensors can gather radiation intensity in restricted areas or remote areas (including mountain areas and ocean). Ra dia tion sensors can be a ttac he d on to the o bjec ts direc tly an d con tinuous ly (un like air-space radiation measurement by using helicopters ) Low-cost sensors can be attached to even moving objects, people, animals, fish, buoys, etc. Data from both Fukushima and Chernobyl can be collected simultaneously . Satellite S&F data collection platform Information from Fukushima Information from Chernobyl Information from both (restricted or remote areas) (titd(restricted or remote areas) Fukushima and Chernobyl UHF UHF Fixed or mobile sensors directly attached to objects. Ground receiving station 11 International Space Cooperation with Ukraine 2000 2005 2010 2015 Ground Work Launch of 10 Japanese Satellites by Russian/Ukrainian Dnepr and Cyclone-4 SSAU launch 2014 Launch 2005 2007 Satellite A OICETS Study for Hodoyoshi1 INDEX MEXT Chubusat1 Tsubame Qsat-EOS launch 2014 Hodoyoshi3 Hodoyoshi4 launch 2015 Nano-JASMINE Jo in t Observa tion P rogram usi ng Mi crosat ellit es Oct. 2010, Kiev: MOU for joint demonstration of Micro Earth Observation Satellites signed June 2012: Joint demonstration program for environment monitoring of Fukushima / Chernobyl areas started. Ju ly 2012 To kyo: FitFirst meeti ng of fjitJ joint Japan-Ukrai ne committ ee fthfor the cooperation to advance aftermath response to accidents at nuclear power stations December 2012 and February 2013: Meetings with NAS, and MEU in Kiev February 2012: MEXT started small financial support to this program. February 2013, Tokyo: Ukrainian Chernobyl specialists invited to the University of Tokyo for the first workshop and Fukushima field survey. July 2013, Kiev :Second meeting of joint Japan-Ukraine committee, Chernobyl field survey, and the second workshop November 2013, Tokyo :Ukrainian Chernobyl specialists invited to the University of Tokyo for the third workshop Space cooperation with Ukraine started 10 years ago with the launch of Japanese satellites by Dnepr launch vehicles made in Ukraine. The constellation will12 launch 6 microsatellites by Dnepr LV. Joint observation program actually started last June. Since then several meetings have been held.
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