1 I I THE WASHINGTON HERALD SUNDAY MARCH 10 1977 ing machines which will later furnish the TENNESSEE WOMAN LAWYER- remarkable Of all his sonnets his own brought Epictetus to us though he totals The several rooms allotted to the DR MAURICE preference is for the one on Theocritus w s more to Plato and Montaigne UNCLE SAM IS MIL WEMERS BUSY FEGAN gem of hOw Tennyson owes YIuM work are perfect hives of industry and A Woman Reaches Goal and it is indeed a The music debts to Byron to I Mr Hungorford with hit stenographer- Brilliant it is superb Wordsworth and to Theocritus the and clerks is kept busy from morning After Fiveyear Struggle THEOCRITUS- poet of nature and to Spenser who until night From the Mennhb ConHBCDeiaiAppoal Dapbnts is rente and hidden nymphs esnplata In his turn it is shown borrowed from In all of the railway stations In Chicago After a struggle covering a periud of And mourning mbtsiw with their otntfint sees Ariostl Sta- ¬ His Essays and Poems Ee Shepherds Famous Thefts of Money Army of Men at Work in Just at this time the weighers are busy five years Mien Marion Griffin one of the in emtml BO more aa aft des lees Although Dr Bgnn speaks always They Match their sheep on the wide I- respect Tennyson L Of course there are times when they are most brilliant young women in the city to with of a careful tions and Mail Cars laMon to Life an matter roles start songs an vain essays Vaults Recalled to Mind busier than others and there are some has attained the goal of her ambitions DilUte Pun is dead end tales of snaka wmaj perusal of lila will show that stations where more work is done than la Done by tile gods when owls sod mm ww sfaraoe here is one poet that at times he is not She was on Thursday morning enrolled J Chanted to reeded pipes HO prise taD galL In sympathy with For the Idylls others The busiest scenes are to be found of local in the La Salle street station where there and sworn in as a member the Oh sweeteet sheer of the aMen days he has nothing but admiration hut for LOFTY LITERARY IDEALS dttsty ONE CASE WASHINGTON FIGURING OUT RAILWAY PAY are fortyfive outgoing strains and fifty bar by Jamas Brett deputy county clerk In book your idjis rave ssesa detd In Memoriam he hits scant respect IN three incoming trains every day The upon an order received from Judge J S lhe Bads are gone h t posts ester die Lovers of Tennyson will tell us how Though men atar turn thair man fc > newer tan largest amount of mall is also handled in Galloway presiding officer of t Probate SteilkH Bfcjhtinftales emptnted- that poem has helped them and aided this SWXM your them to cross gulfs of sorrow that I Every Pouch Throughout the Cou- ¬ station One day last week Court before which body the petition for The Client In Hivmlet mul Other Oatfcht all seem sad sliMly thrill the sky trnnsc Way In Whloil Greenbacks pounds of mall was received from one her enrollment was formally presented threatened to overwhelm them To ntry Being Welched Fifteen Weeks ENSIIJM IJuokM runt Ila c an Uplift Another sonnet that all men wile many poem enabled them to Can Take Wings Brposnrc of a incoming train This means that almost Miss Grlffln is connected with the law care that has han- ¬ ¬ rot letters will enjoy is his Thff the Time Limit for the JobHow fortyfive tons of mail mutter was offices M Scruggs to Them nnd Wliltolt Arc an Unde- How at thee a aeaHael Mysterious Case Cornea to Light of Judge T arid has Chrysalis of a Bookworm as tender in pktee- dled by the weighers at that time rstanding o God The Ferfqct Whe move shoaL eras plum to n 500 the Task Is Handled for the Middle been for a number of years ShJ is a Form its sentiment and With something of Aad wUapera to the workte of samea- Wlicit Stolen Sole Was graduate of department In the deep night that sit knelL West Coat I Very Heavy LONGFELLOWS THRONE the law of the of n Sonnet to Tlis oprltus the same sort of pathos as Changed nt Saratoga Tru k University of Michigan and has baen ad- ¬ The Toys f And yet Dr Egan while he compares Mowchus can The Spreading Chestnut Chair mitted to the bar of that State passing THE CHKYSALIS OF A HOOKWORM the elegy with that of write one of examinations I reed oh friend BO panes of old lore I deebt say best tel atlirtkill its The quadrlennlal weighing of malls of Given liy Cnnilirid e the most creditable That the book a man gathers shelir e The recent mysterious raids on Ute n > Children on record about Whieh I loved x well and yet the Myins das eH d ermine eenadadan fnM this and United That softly wind tteoonfa waju aavarbly laiaaatud of grtef iadecnot a peon strong the third contract section of the When the street In Cambridge in 1901 him not those In gaudy bindings and paM as an a anise fo It Uonal boxes In the subtreasmfea In the early part of she applied for And swnt fly of yore ef nor fc peas of doubt fnifli and States is BOW in progress in all the trains which the spreading tree left a vcr san as siCk it a bat at Chicago aad St Louis from which chestnut license lo practice law in this State and kept mainly for show purposes hut Though hi strum I look no nssta- davtet tnad CM othera faatotapB Inataid- of Chicago clUes dear llatos was H72M and <3 respectively were looted L running out and other stood was about to l e widened by the was granted a petition by Chancellor F the books he uses the books he knows Neither with Mowhas sim Skies laya at tic divine certttoae of Deeds we ba a dovbt tt I and towns and in the six big railway city Longfellow protested to the ut- ¬ H Hetokeli of the Chancery Court and Nor with bold IHinte wander hi eases his haHbMef TeaayaM k the TfOage starch are paralleled In their baffling aspects by and loves are an indication as to UN hoUy fs stations of this city and in other towns most being down Judge L P Cooper who was at the time his Nor see our Wilt the Uoiden Air restore wreathed haptnmal Lost the peaeefa several Treasury robberies of the past against its cut His temperament I reid a book to which old books are new vimme breams they reiseseet enmity and GIller S50 engaged presiding officer of the Criminal Court character and has usually Some men or more are busily protest however did not keep it from And new old A IMng boot a adne- II lib reroJattoB If he had IHed before Lb according to a detective in the Treasury In April of year Miss Griffin ap- ¬ been regarded as a truism and yet one took in the gigantic task and will be for about being felled last In see three ysars in it I read nellie naming of Christ hi the rake of Sicily he woahi- Department- begun peared before the Supremo Court sitting would be hard put to Itand would In it to myriad traths I and the dew ftmfcabty have hated to see the sports of the LouIs It will fourteen weeks The task was occurred to some of his friends ¬ taI In the St cue be xacclled It at Jackson Tenn and asked to bo en- need more 6 that inductive sense A tender HttJe child but I dMMT- paeans diatmtet by the dtatetes of a leas pk Wednesday February 38 at 1201 oclock says than a man was tried for the robbery but ac¬ St Nicholas that It would be a rolled as an attorney Sherlock Holmes borrowed from Ga howfiBta hIP as DaMes hi her elear bins esw tames and less naaml reMalon and it will net be concluded until the quitted and in the Chicago caee the of-¬ pleasant thing if the children would The court pondered over the petition for boriau to draw a conclusion from the To hit friend Richard Watson Gilder Admirers of Dr Egan and they are expiration of fifteen weeks or 106 days some wood some time Finally u decision was ren- ¬ to whom ISajar will- ¬ many ficiate arfr still an much in the air as have a cair made of of the books of Dr Maurice Francs Egan perhaps Dr would will like him better in the mood Every four years this weighing process dered which decided that under the ex-¬ ingly admit the debt of literary influ-¬ which allows to sing ever Had the money been equipped with of the old chestnut tree and make a He is perhaps one ef the best him lakes place in order to fix the compensa- ¬ isting laws a woman could not practice- ence ho addressed one of hie arly son Light UK tfc pest wings and flown off the present where- ¬ present of it to Mr Longfellow on his known men of Washington in KaetaMd all Maid ia tion the Government shall pay the rail- ¬ birthday at the bars of Tennessee courts literary hojs In which as in so atany of Dr And an araVe beauty bads the use OM abouts of the bundles of and JM approaching seventysecond Miss Griffin by many men leigh lice taken from our seal doom 8M roads carrying says the was not daunted the that knows literary He is Egans poems one may mark the race the of bills be enwrapped more for the malls The children of Cambridge fell in very opinion of the learned supreme justices Sweet peace Ins mam aad we are free at haitI could not hi Chicago Chronicle This compensation Is nearly > 8 mystery t heartily with the Idea and lK She patiently waited for the opportune Indeed though much of the varied based on the amount of malt carried and of them save ten cents each to pay for moment which finally presented itself output of Dr Egan there runs strong It is the belief of some officials that in omer army presen a to get at tills amount an having the chair made and it ia a very when the UegislRture convened at note of faith and reverence One can- ¬ the thieves who got away with the Ills of men is employed to weigh every letter handsome chair indeed the wood being Nashville Through the influence of Miss not read him or talk to him without in Chicago will never be apprehended If
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