be seen in pox infections. The skin lesions are small, yellow or wart-like proliferations around the eyes and beak Respiratory Diseases as well as on the skin of the head and neck. The degree of respiratory in­ volvement depends upon the severity in Parrots ofthe lesions. Pneumonia and conges­ by Elisha W Burr, BA, BSc, DVM, tion ofthe upper respiratory tract often BVSc (hons), MRCVS make cases difficult to treat. Vaccina­ Oxford,Connecticut tion of unaffected birds with pigeon pox or canary pox vaccine helps to control outbreaks in an aviary. Symp­ INTRODUCTION and the environment should be warm tomatic treatment ofclinical symptoms A bird should be examined in its cage and free from outside disturbance. may help to reduce the severity of an for the presence of dried or fresh dis­ Medical and Surgical Treatment: outbreak. charge around the eyes and nostrils, the Medical treatment can be administered Newcastle Disease: Newcastle dis­ respiratory rate, laboured breathing and locally in the form of eye drops, nasal ease virus (NDV) is a highly cOiltagious tail movements. This is followed by drops, sinovial injections, ointments, viral disease which attacks all avian auscultation to determine an increase aerosol spray, powder or systemically species. There are several forms ofthe or decrease in respiratory and abnor­ by oral and parenteral routes. Oral virus. Some forms produce death mal respiratory sounds. Laparoscopy is administration to single patients is best shortly after infection with the virus a useful tool in the examination ofthe done by individual dosing. For group (peracute form) while other forms are abdominal air sacs (Fig. 1). Radiog­ treatment, drugs can be given in soft sub-clinical and birds remain carriers. raphy (x-ray) is also helpful in deter­ food, as treated grain or in the drinking Velogenic Viscerotropic Newcastle mining lung lesions, air sacculitis, and water. The success ofwater treatment is Disease (VVND) is an extremely viru­ space-occupying lesions. When a res­ variable depending upon the species, lent form ofNDV and is commonly the piratory condition exists samples for debilitation of the bird and environ­ type found in imported psittacine further examination should be taken. mental conditions. Intramuscular in­ birds. Several outbreaks of VVND in Swabs for viral, bacterial and fungal jection into the caudal part of the poultry have been traced back to cultures can be taken from conjunctival pectoral muscles is the generally pre­ imported birds. Birds exposed to the sacs, nares, choana, and trachea. Fluid ferred parenteral treatment. Anti-fungal disease should be isolated from all can be aspirated from the infra-orbital treatment can be administered locally, other birds and in some countries man­ sinuses and thorax. Biopsy material can generally, orally, or by I.M. injection. datory slaughter is imposed. Killing of be taken from the mouth, esophagus, Anti-parasitic treatment is usually given all exposed birds is the only method of trachea and abdominal air sacs. Blood orally for anthelmintics (individually eradication ofthe disease. samples are often taken for blood or in the food or water) and insecti­ Herpes Viruses: A number of chemistry, bacterial or fungal culture cides are given by aerosol or dust inha­ different herpes viruses have been and for serological tests. lation, powder, spray, injection or found in many species of psittacine spot-on treatment. Surgical treatment birds with a varying degree of respira­ GENERAL PRINCIPLES consists mainly ofrepair ofinjuries and tory involvement. Pacheco's parrot OF THERAPY the removal of obstructions. Obstruc­ disease is the most frequently encoun­ Supportive Treatment: Supportive tions include fibrinous exudate in the tered. Pacheco's parrot disease causes treatment consists of adequate nutri­ air sacs and sinuses, blocked gastro­ severe respiratory symptoms charac­ tion, and the provision of a suitable intestinal tract, foreign bodies and terized by conjunctivitis, rhinitis, environment. Weakened birds may neoplasms. pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, have to be force fed at regular intervals broncho-pneumonia and air sacculitis. in order to supply their energy needs RESPIRATORY DISEASES CAUSED Symptomatic antibiotic treatment and BY INFECTIOUS AGENTS good management have no effect on Contagious diseases frequently the disease process. Treatment, there­ occur in pet shops and aviaries and are fore, is not warranted. Isolation and rarely encountered in individually kept strict sanitization may help to prevent Softbill Society pet birds. Infectious respiratory dis­ the spread ofthe disease. eases can be divided into infections of Other Virus Isolates: Other viruses Being Formed the respiratory tract and general infec­ have been isolated from psittacines In order to enhance communication tions accompanied by respiratory including adeno, corona, papova, and among aviculturists with an interest in symptoms. It is not always possible to orbi viruses. Respiratory symptoms housing/propagating softbilled birds, a distinguish the two. vary with the virus and the severity of Softbill Society is being formed. Avicul­ Viral Injections: Pox - in psitta­ infection. Viruses are difficult to treat turists with an interest in such birds are cines, pox virus has been isolated from and seldom respond to symptomatic encouraged to contact one ofthe indivi­ many species including Amazon par­ treatment. duals listed below for further infor­ rots, cockatiels, grass parakeets (esp. Bacterial Injections: Psittacosis ­ mation.Jack Clinton-Eitniear, 612 North budgerigars), lovebirds and other Psittacosis (Parrot Disease, Chlamyd­ Main, Suite 239, McAllen, Texas 78501 species. Avian pox is spread by contact, iosis, Ornithosis) causes systemic or Steve Amos c/o National Aquarium in aerosol droplets, and insect or mechan­ illness and as the disease progresses Baltimore, Pier 3,501 East Pratt Street, ical transmission. Severe diphtheritic respiratory signs develop. Lethargy, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. oral, oesophageal and crop lesions may diarrhea, sneeZing, copious nasal dis- 50 February/March 1986 charge and conjunctivitis are seen. Iso­ are Streptococci spp., Staphylococci lation of the organisms from blood, spp., Pneumococci spp., Pasteurella DI8TRIBUTOR8 _III1DIID feces, or other tissues may take weeks multocida, P haemolytica and Hae­ Limited Offerl to complete. For a quick diagnosis, a mophilus spp. Many bacterial infec­ Large International Company Needs Bird Orl· conjunctival impression smear can be tions cause atypical respiratory ented People to Handle Birds (I1vestock) and Full stained with Stamp's Brucella stain, symptoms because they are associated Line Pet Supply Business. P.OT.O~.D~."I~.Y'" AOOOV.~8 Giemsa's, Gimenez's, or Macchiavellos' with a generalized condition. Diag­ We need small business people that want to grow with us. We back you 100%. The following terri· stain (Fig. 2). Chlamydia, the organism nosis should be made by swab, culture, tories are available: causing psittacosis, becomes visable as biopsy and other techniques and treat­ Cal1fornla Minnesota So. Louisiana very small intracytoplasmic inclusions ment determined by antibiotic sensi­ Oregon Iowa Oklahoma Arizona Mississippi Texae under microscopic examination. A tivity tests. Neva.da Wisconsin Florida negative result does not necessarily Fungal Infections: Candidiasis ­ Idaho Illinois Missouri Wyoming Ohio Michigan mean a negative diagnosis. Several Candida spp. often infect birds as Montana Georgia Kansas examinations may be necessary to Colorado The Carolinas secondary pathogens to severe viral New Mextco The Dakotas determine the infection. The disease is infections. Pseudomembranes may Virginia New England Area transmissable to humans and care must form in the mouth, pharynx, esoph­ hr more detail. call I.C.C. be taken when handling birds sus­ agus and crop. Treatment with copper (516) 694·6478 ask for John or write: pected ofhaving psittacosis. All newly sulfate in the water or Amphotericin B I.C.C. P.O. Box 4.100 introduced birds should be put on a may prove effective. The eyelids and Parminlldale, _Y 11738 treatment regime oftetracyclines for 45 nares may be blocked with exudate, days. Treatment of infected birds forcing birds to breathe through an should be done with caution. Eutha­ open beak (Fig. 3). nasia is recommended for inexpensive Aspergillosis: This disease is com­ The T-Shirt For The Bird Lover $9.95 birds diagnosed as having psittacosis. monly found in quarantined birds, 50% cot.. 50% poly white. It blue. heather Tuberculosis: Mycobacteriosis associated with stress, and often con­ blue. beige adult sizes - S. M. L. XL (tuberculosis) occurs in all species of currently with bacterial and viral children sizes - S. M, L birds. Few clinical symptoms are char­ infections. The trachea, lungs and air acteristic of T.B. infection in parrots. sacs may be affected. The symptoms LONG-SLEEVE T-SHIRT $12.95 Some birds may harbor the infection vary with the location of the lesions, Colombian blue for years without showing clinical but usually includes short and heavy adult sizes - S. M. L symptoms until stress is placed upon breathing through an open beak, LONG-SLEEVE SWEATSHIRT them. Symptoms of T.B. infection inflammation of the infra-orbital $16.00 include wasting of the breast muscles sinuses and severe emaciation. Cultures grey - adult sizes-S,M.L despite a good appetite, respiratory of tracheal swabs from larger birds, All items brightly silk-screened with distress, lethargy,
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