39 19. K. Y. Kung. A New Method in Correlation Study of vision of Pavements. Proc., 3rd International Con­ Pavement Deflection and Cracking. Proc., 2nd In­ ference on Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements, ternational Conference on Structural Design of 1972, pp. 1188-1205. Asphalt Pavements, 1967, pp. 1037-1046. 20. P. H. Leger and P. Autret. The Use of Deflection Publication of this paper sponsored by Committee on Pavement Condi­ Measurements for the Structural Design and Super- tion Evaluation. Evaluation of Concrete Pavements With Tied Shoulders or Widened Lanes Bert E. Colley, Claire G. Ball, and Pichet Arriyavat, Portland Cement Association Field and laboratory pavements were instrumented and load tested to reducing pavement performance, Because of this prob­ evaluate the effect of widened lanes, concrete shoulders, and slab thick­ lem, several states have installed costly longitudinal ness on measured strains and deflectfons. Eight slabs were tested in the and transverse drainage systems. Thus, concrete field and two in the laboratory. Pavement slabs were 203, 229, or 254 shoulders and widened lanes have the potential for curing mm (8, 9, or 10 in) thick. Other major design variables included the width of lane widening, the presence or absence of dowels or of a con­ many drainage problems as well as providing additional crete shoulder, joint spacing, and the type of shoulder joint construc­ slab strength. tion. Generally, there was good agreement between measured strains and Many design features contribute to pavement life. values calculated by using Westergaard's theoretical equations. Concrete The effect of some of these features can be evaluated shoulders were effective in reducing the magnitude of measured strains analytically. For example, analytical tools can be used and deflections. A chart is presented to show the allowable reduction in to determine the effect of pavement thickness or subbase thickness of the outer lane of the main-line pavement when there is a tied concrete shoulder. Lane widening of about 406 mm (16 in) was as strength on pavement life, Thus, when analytical pro­ structurally effective as a concrete shoulder in reducing edge strains cedures are available, the engineer can combine a knowl­ and deflections. However, it should be remembered that a concrete edge of pavement life with data on construction and shoulder provides the added advantage of draining runoff fartlier from maintenance cost to provide the most economical design, the pavement edge. Because of the possibility of load encroachments on Analytical tools often are unavailable or require the a widened lane, it is recommended that lanes be widened by a minimum use of unknown or unverified coefficients. For example, of 0.46 m (1.5 ft) plus any additional width required to avoid encroach­ ment. Under the conditions considered, tied-butt, tied and keyed, and tied shoulders reduce load deflections and stresses, but keyed-joint constructions were equally effective in reducing load-induced the amount of the reduction is a function of the unknown pavement strains and deflections. continuity across the joint between the pavement edge and the shoulder, In these cases, the most direct method of evaluating design features is a planned series Existing pavements represent a major investment of of field data measurements extended by laboratory tests highway funds. A road can seldom be abandoned or re­ and analytical procedures. This paper reports on a placed. Every year many kilometers of pavements re­ project that incorporated these features. The principal quire rehabilitation to cope with increased traffic. Over­ objective of the project was to determine the effect of lays are built for the purpose of restoring pavement widened lanes, tied concrete shoulders, and slab thick­ serviceability and improving structural capacity, but ness on measured strains and deflections. Field and this practice is expensive and alternative solutions are laboratory pavements were instrumented, and measure­ needed. ments of load strains and deflections were obtained. The One alternative to resurfacing is the use of a widened measured data were then analyzed to determine the ef­ lane or a paved concrete shoulder. This type of con­ fects of the variables on pavement life. struction could be used not only to strengthen existing pavements but also to strengthen new pavements and thus PAVEMENT TEST SECTIONS defer rehabilitation. Another approach for the design of new pavements that include a tied concrete shoulder Field measurements were obtained on four experimental would be to reduce the thickness of the outer lane of the pavement projects located in the state of Minnesota. All main-line pavement. fieldwork was done under a contract between the Min­ In addition to strengthening a pavement, concrete nesota Department of Transportation and the Portland shoulders and lane widening provide a benefit not ob­ Cement Association (PCA). tained by resurfacing in that runoff water is drained far­ Project 1 is a roadway 8.23 m (27 ft) wide that con­ ther away from the wheel paths of traffic. A recent study sists of a 4.57-m (15-ft) wide inside lane, a 3.66-m for the Federal Highway Administration (1) determined (12-ft) wide outside lane, and a 3.05-m (10-ft) wide out­ that accumulation of water in the joint betWeen an asphalt side tied and keyed concrete shoulder. Shoulders are tied shoulder and a concrete pavement was a major factor in at 762-mm (30-in) spacing by no. 5 tie bars 762 mm 40 long. Shoulder thickness is 152 mm (6 in), The pave­ concrete 2.74 m (9 ft) in length were cast at each end of ment is composed of plain concrete slabs 229 mm (9 in) the slab. The untied and keyed construction was tested thick that have skewed joints at a repeated random spac­ in a slab 4.57 m (15 ft) long that had one doweled and ing of 3.96, 4.88, 4.27, and 5.79 m (13, 16, 14, and 19 one undoweled transverse joint. ft). Dowel bars were placed only in the 3 .66-m outside traffic lane. Dowels are no. 8 round bars spaced at INSTRUMENTATION 305 mm (12 in) on centers; the first dowel is located 152 mm (6 in) in from the pavement edge. Panels selected All pavement test sections were instrumented to mea­ for testing were located at stations 539+16 and 540+10. sure load-induced strains and deflections. 1n addition, Project 2 is a roadway 8.23 m (27 ft) wide with a field sections were imitrumentf')d to mea!mre air and slab 3.05-m (10-ft) wide outside tied and keyed concrete temperatures and slab curling (a change in the vertical shoulder, Dowel size and location are the same as for profile of the slab that results from changes in slab tem­ project 1. The pavement thickness is 203 mm (8 in). perature). Panels selected for testing were located at stations 519+80 and 521+81. Type and Location Project 3 is a roadway 8.23 m (27 ft) wide with a 4.57-m (15-ft) wide inside lane and a 3 ,66-m (12-ft) wide Figure 1 shows locations of strain and deflection instru­ outside lane, The pavement is composed of reinforced mentation used on field pavement slabs that included both concrete slabs 229 mm (9 in) thick that have skewed a widened lane and a tied concrete shoulder. Curl mea­ joints at a spacing of 8.23 m. Dowel bars were placed surements were obtained at deflectometer locations, and only in the 3,66-m portion of main-line pavement in both temperatures were measured in instrumented test traffic lanes. The dowels are no. 8 round bars spaced blocks. Test blocks were placed in the subbase adjacent 305 mm (12 in) on centers. Panels selected for testing to the pavement at least 12 h before load testing. Air were located at stations 985+53 and 987+11. temperatures were monitored by a thermocouple that Project 4 is a roadway 7 ,62 m (25 ft) wide with a was shaded from the direct sun. Details on types of in­ 3.66-m (12-ft) wide inside lane and a 3,96-m (13-ft) wide strumentation, methods of installation, and monitoring outside lane. The pavement is composed of plain con­ equipment used are given elsewhere (~). crete slabs 203 mm (8 in) thick that have skewed joints at a repeated random spacing of 3.96, 4,88, 4.27, and Monitoring Equipment 5.79 m (13, 16, 14, and 19 ft), Dowel bars were placed only in the inner 3.66 m of the 3.96-m outside traffic Data were monitored by equipment housed in a mobile lane. The dowels are no. 8 round bars spaced 305 mm instrument van. The equipment consisted of 38 channels (12 in) on centers. Panels selected for testing were of heat stylus recorders, a 14-channel magnetic tape located at stations 870+64 and 872+21. recorder, a 50-channel temperature recorder, a porta­ Projects 1, 2, and 3 are located on TH-90 between ble strain indicator, and a portable temperature re­ Albert Lea and Fairmont, Minnesota. Project 4 is lo­ corder. cated on TH-14 near Rochester, Minnesota. None of the projects had been opened to traffic before testing. TEST PROCEDURES Two test sites were selected on each project for in­ strwnentation and data recording. Sites were located Trucks used to apply load to field pavement slabs were within 60.96 m (200 ft) of each other to facilitate load supplied by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. testing and data acquisition. Care was taken to ensure The trucks were an 89-kN (20 000-lb) single-axle, a 151- that the sites selected were representative of the project kN (34 000-lb) tandem-axle, and a 187-kN (42 000-lb) and were similar in joint opening, The field test pave­ tandem-axle, Before testing, axle weights were checked ments were 203 or 229 mm (8 or 9 in) thick and either and loads were adjusted to obtain uniform distribution to had or did not have a tied and keyed concrete shoulder the rear wheels.
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