Бiологiчний вiсник МДПУ імені Богдана Хмельницького 6 (3), стор. 61¢72, 2016 Biological Bulletin of Bogdan Chmelnitskiy Melitopol State Pedagogical University, 6 (3), pp. 61¢72, 2016 ARTICLE UDC 595.768 THE CRYPTOCEPHALINAE (COLEOPTERA: CHRYSOMELIDAE) OF THE MONGOLIAN ALTAI E.V. Guskova Altai State University, Lenina 61, Barnaul, RU–656049, Russia E-mail: [email protected] Six leaf-beetles species Coptocephala rubicunda (Laicharting, 1781); C. rubicunda rossica L. N. Medvedev, 1977; Cryptocephalus flavicollis Fabricius, 1781; Cr. macrodactylus Gebler, 1830; Cr. regalis Gebler, 1830 and Cr. schaefferi Schrank, 1789 are new records for Mongolia. Two species Cryptocephalus krutovskii Jacobson, 1901 and Cr. pallifrons Gyllenhal, 1813 are new records for Mongolian Altai. Four species Coptocephala unifasciata (Scopoli, 1763), Cr. dilutellus Jacobson, 1901; Сr. altaicus Harold, 1872 and Pachybrachis latipes Lopatin, 1971 new for Gobi-Altai aimak. Two species Labidostomis tjutschewi Jacobson, 1902 and Coptocephala unifasciata australis new for Bayan-Ulegei aimak and one Acolastus gobicus (L. N. Medvedev & Voronova, 1977) new for Hovd aimak. Currently, 57 species of 9 genera for of these subfamilies are known from Mongolian Altai. Key words: beetles, distribution, leaf-beetles, Chrysomelidae, Mongolia, new record, Palearctic. Citation: Guskova, E.V. (2016). The Cryptocephalinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of the Mongolian Altai. Biological Bulletin of Bogdan Chmelnitskiy Melitopol State Pedagogical University, 6 (3), 61–72. Поступило в редакцию / Submitted: 18.09.2016 Принято к публикации / Accepted: 19.10.2016 http://dx.doi.org/10.15421/201672 © Guskova, 2016 Users are permitted to copy, use, distribute, transmit, and display the work publicly and to make and distribute derivative works, in any digital medium for any responsible purpose, subject to proper attribution of authorship. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. License INTRODUCTION The Chrysomelidae are one on the largest Coleoptera families including over 32500 species in the world fauna (Slipinski et. al., 2011). The Chrysomelidae are studied very unevenly in the world. Dozens of new species are described every year first of all from the tropical regions of the Earth. The faunistic data on leaf beetles need significant clarification. Despite a relatively good study of Palearctic Chrysomelidae, the data on their distribution in most regions are not published. It also concerns the fauna of Mongolia. The generalizing works of Lopatin (1975) and Medvedev (1982) demonstrated for the first time the species diversity of leaf beetles in Mongolia, many new species were described, the data on their regional distribution, trophic links and phenology were provided. Due to the remoteness and inaccessibility of the region, the leaf beetles of Western Mongolia were studied more poorly than those of the other regions of Mongolia. The dissected topography, rich flora with a great number of endemics and a great range of altitudes determine the richness and diversity of the entomological fauna in the Mongolian Altai, including Chrysomelidae. We provide new faunistic data and describe new species: Labidostomis yakovlevi Guskova, 2006, Chrysolina shapkini Mikhailov & Guskova, 2013, Cystocnemis levmedvedevi Mikhailov & Guskova, 2013 (Guskova, 2006; 2016; Mikhailov & Guskova, 2013a; 2013b). Several articles are in print. This study is aimed to examine the distribution of leaf beetles of the Cryptocephalinae subfamily in the Mongolian Altai within the boundaries of three aimaks [provinces]: Bayan-Ulegei, Hovd and Gobi-Altai. MATERIALS AND METHODS The material for the current paper is based on personal collections of the author who participated in the complex botanical-zoological expeditions organized by the South Siberian Botanical Garden of the Altai State University in 2007, 2009 and 2010. Expeditions were performed in all three aimaks which are covered by Mongolian Altai: Bayan-Ulegei, Hovd and Gobi-Altai, including localities which have never been visited by entomologists. The collection was performed with standard methods: manual collection and mowing with Sweep net and at night using ultraviolet lights (light source-tube Philips TL 8W/05), poison-chloroform), bulbs, Philips- 250 a Subaru-750 generator). E.V. Guskova 62 Moreover, author studied materials collected during expeditions performed in 2002, 2005, 2011 and 2012, 2013, 2015. The research was mainly based on the materials collected by the author in different localities of the Mongolian Altai, on the collection of Elena V. Guskova (EGC), Barnaul, Russia and also partially on the materials from the following collections: State Collection of Zoology (ZSMC) Germany, Munich; collection of Lev N. Medvedev (LMC), Moscow, Russia; Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (ZIN), St Petersburg, Russia. List of collecting localities presented on Fig. 1. Figure 1. Localities of collecting Chrysomelidae in the Mongolian Altai. BAYAN-ULEGEJ AIMAK: 1) Elt-Gol − middle stream of Elt-Gol river (Kara-Irtys basin), Khorabajn- Salaa Valley, 2,100–2,300 m, 48°07' N 89°11' E; 2) Tsengel − Kobdo-gol Valley, 20 km SW Tsengel, (between Bor-Burgas-Gol and Mukharyn-Gol rivers), 1,900–2,200 m, 48°49' N 88°59' E; 3) Bulgan (upper) − Bulgan-gol Valley, 10 km N. Bulgan (upper), 2,000 m, 47°11' N 90°47' E; 4) Altai (BU) − 10 km N Altai vill., 2,000 m, 48°20' N 89°30' E; 5) Tolbo-Nuur − Tolbo-Nuur lake, 48°31'; 90°06', 2100 m; 6) Tolbo − 45 km S Tolbo, 48°04'; 90°15', 2800 m; 7) Buyant – Sagsaj river Valley, 12 km SSW Buyant, 2100 m, 48°35' N 89°33' E; 8) Ulan-Daba pass, 2,700 m, 47°23'N 91°12'E; HOVD AIMAK: 9) Bulgan − Dzhungarian Gobi desert, Bulgan somon, 1,100−1,400 m, 45°59' N 91°31' E; 10) 10 km SSW Bulgan − 10 km SSW Bulgan somon, 1200 m, 45°56′N; 91°18′E; 11) 25 km SE Bulgan − 25 km SE Bulgan somon, Uenchin-Gol river valley (under stream), 1200 m, 45°50’N; 91°36’E; 12) Dut – 25 km NW Dut somon, 2500 m, 47°50’N; 91°12’E; 13) Tsargin – 50 km W Tsargin, 1700−1750 m, 45º00’N; 93º19’E; 14) Altan-Soembo − Barlagijn-Gol Valley (under stream), 25 km NW of Altan-Soembo, 1700 m, 45°53’N; 93°05’E; 15) Bulgan-Gol Valley − middle stream of Bulgan-Gol Valley, 45 km N of Bulgan, 1,500 m, 46°33' N 91°22' E; 16) Dod-Naryin-gol − 40 km N Bulgan vill., Bulgan-gol basin, middle stream of Dod-Naryin-gol river, Shara-Nuruu Mts., 1,400−1,700 m, 46°29' N 91°29' E; 17) Darkhijn-Shurag-Gol − under stream of Darkhijn- Shurag-Gol riv., near Erdene-Buren-Somon, 1,400 m, 48°18' N 91°18' E; 18) Barangijn-Shara-Nuruu − Dzhungarian Gobi desert, Barangijn-Shara-Nuruu Mts., 15 km S of Bulgan somon, 1,300 m, 45°53' N 91°19' E; 19) Arshantyn-Nuruu − Bulgan-gol basin, Arshantyn-Nuruu Mts., Bayan-gol basin, middle stream of Ulyastain- Sala river, 1,700–2,300 m, 46°19' N 91°07' E; 20) Arshantyn-Nuruu (N) − Arshantyn-Nuruu Mts. (northern slopes) (46˚22’08 N; 91˚13’52 E), 1700 m; 21) Uench − Uenchin-Gol river, 25 km SW of Uench vill., 1100 m, 46°07' N 92°03' E; 22) Uenchin-Gol − Uenchin-Gol Valley, 50 km N of Uench vill., 1,500 m, 46°23' N 92°10' E; 23) Hundijn-Gol − Bodonchijn-Gol basin, Hundijn-Gol river Valley, 1,600 m, 46°06' N 92°30' E; 24) Elkhony- Бiологiчний вiсник МДПУ імені Богдана Хмельницького 6 (3), 2016 63 THE CRYPTOCEPHALINAE OF MONGOLIAN ALTAI Ekhen-Tal − 30 km S Altai somon, Bodonchijn-Gol river valley (under stream), Elkhony-Ekhen-Tal place, 1,200 m, 45°43' N 92°05' E; 25) Altan-Obo − Baitag-Bogdo Range, Altan-Obo, 1,900−2,200 m, 45°13' N 90°56' E; 26) Baruun-Khargaityn-Gol − Bajtag-Bogd-Uul Mts., Baruun-Khargaityn-Gol river Valley, 1,900−2,000 m, 45°16’N; 90°57’E; 27) Gushoot-Shineetijn-Gol − Bajtag-Bogd-Uul Mts., Gushoot-Shineetijn-Gol river Valley, 2000 m, 45°15’N; 91°03’E; 28) Dzhinten-Shovgor-Ula − Bajtag-Bogd-Uul Mts., Dzhinten-Shovgor-Ula Mt., 1850−1950 m, 45º13’N; 91º21’E; 29) Nerijn-Bulak – Ikh-Khavtag-Nuruu Mts., Nerijn-Bulak spring, Dzeren-Bulak, 1950−2000 m, 45º06’N; 91º56’E; 30) Narijn-Nuru − Ikh-Khavtag-Nuruu Mts., Narijn-Nuruu spring, 45 km W Dzeren-Bulak, 1900−2000 m, 45º05’N; 92º05’E; 31) Baga-Khavtgijn-Nuruu – Baga-Khavtgijn-Nuruu Mts., 45 km W Tsargin, 1700 m, 44º58’N; 93º25’; 32) Buyant-Gol – 30 km S Hovd [Kobdo], Buyant-Gol river valley, 1700- 1750 m, 47º44’N; 91º35’E; 33) Tashun-Us – 75 km SW Uench, Tashun-Us spring, 45º40’N; 91º21’E; 34) Mankhan – 45 km S Mankhan, 2200 m, 47°02’N; 92°14’E; 35) Dzhun-Zhargalant-Hajirkhan – 35 km NE Mankhan, Western slope of Dzhun-Zhargalant-Hajirkhan Mts., 1900 m, 47°40’N; 92°30’E; 36) Bodgony-Hutel − between Bodgony-Hutel and Khara-Belchir-Daba pass, 2400 m, 46°45' N 92°31' E; 37) Uvkhod-Ula − Dzhungarian Gobi, 45 km S Bulgan somon, Uvkhod-Ula Mt. 1,200 m, 45°48' N 91°06' E; GOBI-ALTAI AIMAK: 38) Hara-Adzragyn-Nuru − Hara-Adzragyn-Nuru Mts., Najtvaryn-Sajr river Valley (under stream), 1,700–2,000 m, 45°52' N 95°30' E; 39) Bidzh − 20 km NWW of Bidzh village, Hundlengijn- Shil place, 1650 m, 45°36’N; 93°32’E; 40) Mogoijn-Gol − Mongolian Altai Mts. (S. slope), Mogoijn-Gol Valley, 1800 m, 45°39’N; 93°47’E; 41) Altai − 40 km ENE Altai, 46°32' N 96°47' E; 42) Tsargin − Takhijn-Shara-Nuru Mt. Range, 5 km S of Tsargin, 44°55' N 93°50' E; 43) Atas-Ula Mts., 1950−2150 m, 44°54' N 95°11' E; 44) Tajshir − near Tajshir, Dzabhan river Valley, Ikh-Nomgon-Ula Mt., 1400 m, 46°48’N; 96°31’E; 45) Dutijn-Dava pass, 37 km ENE Tsogt, 2800−2850 m, 45°30' N 96°19' E; 46) Dariv − near Dariv, 1,450 m, 46°27’N 94°07’E; 47) Dzalen-Sudzhijn-Bulak − Adzh-Bogdo Mts.
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